bell hooks describes how many white women activists in the women's liberation movement came to the cause after participating in civil rights movements. What outcome did this have for race politics in the women's liberation movement


Answer 1
Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d) Individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives.

Related Questions

Ngày kỷ niệm thành lập Đảng là ngày nào?





role of ilama iqbal as an advocate of muslim universalism as opposed to western natioalism


Ilama Iqbal through his works as a poet and philosopher performed the role of advancing Islamic philosophies

As an Islamic advocate he was against western civilization. He called them the narcotics of imperialism. He founded the two nations theory

According to him, muslims were distinct states that needed to be independent from every other region.

His biggest and most influential role was that he tried to divert Islamic followers in India out of the Westernization of a British India. He did this so that they could have a separate Islamic nation.


writte theories of race ? ​
if u can answer all .. Guys



A common theory of race is that it is a social construct.


Another theory that explores race as a theory is critical race theory, an academic framework that explores structural racism and significant, historical events of racial discrimination.

देवकुमारी थापालाई कहाँ नागरिक अभिनन्दन गरिएको थियो ?




                         devkumari thapa lai nepal ma नागरिक अभिनन्दन गरिएको थियो

सपनों का भारत पर अनुच्छेद लिखो।​



मेरे सपनों का भारत वो भारत है जो सभी के लिए बराबर रोजगार के अवसर प्रदान करता है जिससे कि हम सभी हमारे देश के विकास और सुधार के लिए काम करें। जातिवाद एक और बड़ा मुद्दा है जिस पर काम करने की आवश्यकता है। मेरे सपनों का भारत एक ऐसा स्थान होगा जहां लोगों से जाति, पंथ या धर्म के आधार पर भेदभाव नहीं किया जाता हो।

Which of the following statements is generally true about "resilient" people? a) They get confused easily. b) are open to trying new things. c) They prefer to work with people who are similar to themselves. d) They prefer to focus on many tasks simultaneously.



They prefer to work who are similar to themselves

What is social problem? Define it.​



The bad practice which is done in the name of religion or caste in the society is known as social problem.

a social problem is a issue that affects an entire society at once, human rights are considered a social problem because everyone is affected by these decisions.

Which structure helps fish remove oxygen from the surrounding water? fins gills scales swim bladder



The gills.




Explanation:In order to remove oxygen from the  surrounding water, fishes rely on their special organs called "gills." Gills are feathery organs full of blood vessels

Dollar bills are legal tender in the U.S.



The answer is True.

Good luck!




vẻ đẹp nội dung tư tưởng trong chuyện hoa chuyện quả của Phạm Hổ.



which language is this. write in english

2. write the names of any
two important
heritage Sites lying in province no 5




Ajanta Caves

Ellora Caves

Agra Fort

Taj Mahal

Konark Sun Temple

Sydney finished all his work on time, but many of his teammates still struggled to complete their assignments. What should he do? a) Not to be distracted. They may lag further. q) listen to them complain about their workload c) help them complete their work d) share their thoughts on how to get their work done faster


i would say help them and/or share thoughts on how to get the work done faster. hope this helps!


Sydney finished all his work on time, but many of his teammates still struggled to complete their assignments. What should he do?

c) help them complete their work and  share their thoughts on how to get their work done faster

Katie, a 30-year-old woman, is working as a freelance writer. Recently, she decided to move in with her parents. However, both Katie and her parents are facing adjustment issues. According to research, which of the following is most likely a common complaint voiced by both Katie and her parents?
A) a lack of social interaction
B) a lack of career development
C) an increased strain on finances
D) a loss of privacy



(D) A loss of privacy


Katie, a 30-year-old woman, is working as a freelance writer. Recently, she decided to move in with her parents. However, both Katie and her parents are facing adjustment issues. According to research, a loss of privacy of the following is most likely a common complaint voiced by both Katie and her parents. The correct option is D.

Why is moving so hard for people?

One major issue is emotional stress. You might experience anxiety and insecurity if you move to an unfamiliar area. Additionally, you might feel like life is slipping away from you and that everything is moving too quickly. You might have trouble unwinding, get overwhelmed easily, and get angry easily.

The fear of the unknown may be the source of stress. It can be frightening to consider moving to a new location because you have grown accustomed to your current surroundings. Additionally, you start to worry about organizing your relocation and settling into your new home.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about moving so hard here:


Which of the following people would likely be satisfied with utilitarianism? a.) Therese is looking for an ethical framework that comes with spiritual meaning. b.) Trish is looking for an ethical framework that considers cultural norms. c.) Thomas is looking for an ethical framework that puts his own needs first. d.) Trevor is looking for an ethical framework that considers the needs of others.


Trevor is looking for an ethical framework that considers the needs of others.

Utilitarianism is referred to as the theory of morality whereby the happiness and pleasure of everyone in the society matters.

Utilitarianism is a philosophy that aims to have a better society whereby everyone is happy and the whole society is better off.

Utilitarianism opposes the things that causes sadness or harm.

• Therefore, based on the option given, "Trevor is looking for an ethical framework that considers the needs of others.

Read related link on:

• The correct option is D.

which tradition of our society need to be reformed list them and write the ways to Reform them ​



They are;

1) Animal sacrificing

2) Superstition

2) Dowry Custom

4) Untouchability

5) Gender discrimination etc

d. What do you think are the qualities of men that helped them to form better and better societies to reach to this modern society and animals remain wild?​



Here are some advantages of modern education: if we using this technology,

the student will become serious about

education. with the help of modern education

, students improve their skills as well as they

learn fast. as a student, we have much work to do.

What is it called when an economic player avoids a choice because the opportunity cost is too high?(1 point)

positive incentive


rational decision

negative incentive

Question 2
A) What occurs when individuals make decisions in which benefits exceed costs?(1 point)

They are removing the opportunity costs of decisions.

They are using a rational decision-making model.

They are making irrational economic decisions.

They are eliminating all trade-offs of the decision.

Question 3
A) What occurs when people make economic decisions in which the costs exceed the benefits?(1 point)

They are losing the benefits of negative externalities.

They are taking advantage of opportunity costs.

They are using their time and resources efficiently.

They are making irrational economic decisions.

Question 4
A) Which of the following is not one of the steps of the rational decision-making model?(1 point)

performing an analysis

defining the problem

identifying alternatives

determining productivity

Question 5
A) Kareem wants to make the most logical choice about what do after high school. Which advice would help him do that?(1 point)

Make a choice based on costs exceeding benefits.

Make a choice with no opportunity cost.

Make a choice based on a rational decision-making model.

Make a choice with no trade-offs.


1. An economic player that avoids a choice because the opportunity cost is too high is known as rational decision. Rational decision means that an economic entity has to choose the best course of action.

2]. When individuals make decisions in which benefits exceed costs, they are using a rational decision-making model.

3. When people make economic decisions in which the costs exceed the benefits, they are making irrational economic decisions.

4. The option that is not one of the steps of the rational decision-making model is determining productivity.

5. Since  Kareem wants to make the most logical choice about what do after high school, I will inform him to make a choice based on a rational decision-making model.

Read related link on:

Công việc kiểm toán hoạt động sẽ kết thúc khi báo cáo kiểm toán được phát hành là đúng hay sai và hãy giải thích



yes the apple store is free to use in indonesia as well







Ocean currents can be caused by wind, density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations, gravity, and events such as earthquakes or storms.

the core characteristics of appropriate technology




Thế nào là hoạt động tích cực, giao tiếp thành công? Làm thế nào để có được hoạt động tích cực, giao tiếp thành công, dùng các câu chuyện tình huống để minh họa



dididoodoccooxoeovo o. odoco


xidooco o oo odcooo. o o o oosododppdpxpxpsoosdjvjcjfjdjdjwkoppscoccokcckj k kfkdkck kckdoco k idoc i oofsiisj j jd

Which of the following best explains why a company might want to be based
in a free trade zone?
O A. Products are freely available because of government intervention.
B. There is the possibility of very low or no taxes.
C. High taxes pay for essential infrastructure for local companies.
O D. Tariffs on imports promote local businesses.





The answer is B because a free trade zone is a zone where there are little to no custom regulations, which allows for products to be easily accessible to the public. And that could boost sales for the company.

what happens to the uniqueness of the personalities of individuals as with age?, is it going to increase or decrease? ,why?​



As one's peesonality ages so do their experiences also do so. Imagine if you were a child and were extremely happy. Then imagine years later when you are no longer happy. What caused that... it was an experience.

What is your role as a student in the society



For the prosperity and betterment of a society, the foremost role of student is to gather knowledge and wisdom and must not waste his/her precious time carelessly. He must submit himself to the rules of discipline to build a civilized society. ... A student can understand and help common people to understand their rights.

Which of the following statements is generally true about flixable people? a) They get confused easily. b) are open to trying new things. c) They prefer to work with people who are similar to themselves. d) They prefer to focus on many tasks simultaneously.



Which of the following statements is generally true about flixable people? b) are open to trying new things.

_________reflexes are stimulated by stretching or chemical stimulation of the myenteric plexus, which can result in peristaltic contractions. ________ reflexes utilize the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the nerve. Hormonal secretions like _______ and _______ secretin are released into the blood and stimulate relatively distant parts of the digestive tract. Paracrine secretions like and prostaglandins diffuse through the tissue fluids and stimulate nearby target cells.




1. Short reflexes are stimulated by stretching or chemical stimulation of the myenteric plexus, which can result in peristaltic contractions.

2. Long reflexes utilize the parasympathetic nervous system, specifically the Vagus nerve.

3. Hormonal secretions like gastrin and secretin are released into the blood and stimulate relatively distant parts of the digestive tract.

4. Paracrine secretions like histamine and prostaglandins diffuse through the tissue fluids and stimulate nearby target cells.

42. What is the name of the pyramid found on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico?



Chichen Itza


it is Chichen Itza found on the yucatan peninsula in mexice

The claim that foreign policy and domestic policy are two faces of the same coin



The phrase means that domestic policy and foreign policy are influenced and implemented by the federal government and both types of policy have a macroeconomic impact on the economy.


Domestic policy is a series of legislative, judicial, and executive actions that impact the standard of living in one's country. Foreign policy is a series of decisions that impact a country's international relations with other countries and internationalist or supranational organizations.

financial statements for non trading organization​



The following three types of Statements are prepared by them:- 1. Receipts & Payments Account 2. Income & Expenditure Account 3.


statement of cash flows and statement of functional expenses. Three of these are similar to common for-profit company statements, with the functional expenses statement being unique.

what is curriculum integration


An integrated curriculum is described as one that connects different areas of study by cutting across subject-matter lines and emphasizing unifying concepts.

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