Biochemical Corp. requires $690,000 in financing over the next three years. The firm can borrow the funds for three years at 9.25 percent interest per year. The CEO decides to do a forecast and predicts that if she utilizes short-term financing instead, she will pay 7.50 percent interest in the first year, 12.15 percent interest in the second year, and 8.25 percent interest in the third year. Assume interest is paid in full at the end of each year.
a. Determine the total interest cost under each plan.
Interest Cost
Long-term fixed-rate $
Short-term variable-rate $
b. Which plan is less costly?
Short-term variable-rate plan
Long-term fixed-rate plan


Answer 1


a. We have:

Interest cost of long-term fixed-rate = $191,475

Interest cost of short-term variable-rate = $192,51

b. Long-term fixed rate plan is less costly


a. Determine the total interest cost under each plan.

Interest cost of long-term fixed-rate = Amount required to be borrowed * Fixed interest rate per year * Number of years = $690,000 * 9.25% * 3 = $191,475

Interest cost of short-term variable-rate = (Amount required to be borrowed * First year interest rate) + (Amount required to be borrowed * Second year interest rate) + (Amount required to be borrowed * Third year interest rate) = ($690,000 * 7.50%) + ($690,000 * 12.15%) + (($690,000 * 8.25%) = $192,510

b. Which plan is less costly?

Since the $191,475 interest cost of long-term fixed-rate is less than $192,510 interest cost of short-term variable-rate, this implies that long-term fixed rate plan is less costly.

Related Questions

A producer of fixed proportion goods X and Y (Q = Qx = Qy) has marginal costs and revenues of MC = 10 Q, MRX = 150 - 6 QX, MRy = 30 - 4 Qy. The producer should produce how many units?
a. Qx =9, Qy=9
b. Qx = 9, Qy = 7.5
c. Qx = 10, Qy = 10
d. Qx = 9, Qy=0



a. Qx =9, Qy=9


As per the given data

Q = QX = QY

MRX = 150 - 6QX = 150 - 6Q

MRY = 30 - 4QY = 30 - 4Q

MC = 10Q

Now calculate the Marginal revenue as follow


MR = 150 - 6Q + 30 - 4Q

MR = 150 + 30 - 6Q - 4Q

MR = 180 - 10Q

The Equilibrium of the producer will be


180 - 10Q = 10Q

180 = 10Q + 10Q

180 = 20Q

Q = 180 / 20

Q = 9

As we know

Q = Qx = QY

Hence, the value of Qx  and QY is 9

mention two demand side Approaches which are used by RSA government to promote economic growth and development​


The two demand-side approaches will be "Fiscal policy" and "Monetary policy".

Fiscal policy - Through the utilization of public expenditure and fiscal policies that impact economic circumstances, particularly economic variables, comprising overall payment mode as well as productivity expansion, is considered as a Fiscal policy.Monetary policy - It requires the implementation done by that of the banking system of a community to manage supplies of currency and accomplish economic objectives promoting economic development.

So the above is the right answer.

Learn more about the fiscal policy here:

A manufacturing firm has a marketable permit that currently allows for 150 tons of emissions. However, the marketable permit is shrinkable and the firm will only be allowed 100 tons of emissions next year. The manufacturing firm projects that its optimal emissions next year will be 160 tons. It is the best interest of the manufacturing firm to purchase permits allowing for _______ tons of emissions.


Answer: 60


Since we are given the information that the firm will only be allowed 100 tons of emissions next year while the manufacturing firm projects that its optimal emissions next year will be 160 tons, then it will be in the best interest of the manufacturing firm to purchase permits allowing for (160 - 100) = 60 tons of emissions.

The correct answer is 60 tons of emissions.

Rough-cut capacity planning: Multiple Choice Looks at specific products to be run in specific factories. Determines if the MRP is feasible or not. Analyzes both labor and equipment capacity throughout the organization. Examines total capacity by measuring average factory output.


Answer: Examines total capacity by measuring average factory output


Rough Cut Capacity Planning refers to the long-term plan capacity planning tool which is used for negotiation of changes to the available capacity or master schedule or for the balancing the available capacity.

Rough-cut capacity planning examines the total capacity by measuring average factory output. Therefore, the correct option is D.

Data concerning Lemelin Corporation's single product appear below:
Per Unit Percent of Sales
Selling price $ 230 100 %
Variable expenses 115 50 %
Contribution margin $ 115 50 %
The company is currently selling 7,000 units per month. Fixed expenses are $581,000 per month.
The marketing manager would like to cut the selling price by $18 and increase the advertising budget by $37,000 per month. The marketing manager predicts that these two changes would increase monthly sales by 1,600 units. What should be the overall effect on the company's monthly net operating income of this change?
a. increase of $302,200
b. decrease of $118,200
c. decrease of $7,800
d. increase of $118,200





Now don't get us wrong – not all of these answers raise this excellent question

The following information is available for Birch Company at December 31:

Money market fund balance $2,790
Certificate of deposit maturing June 30 of next year $10,000
Postdated checks from customers $1,475
Cash in bank account $21,430
NSF checks from customers returned by bank $650
Cash in petty cash fund $200
Inventory of postage stamps $24

U.S. Treasury bill purchased on December 15 and maturing on February 28 of following year $5,000. Based on this information, Birch Company should report Cash and Cash Equivalents on December 31 of: ___________



the cash and cash equivalent is $29,420


The computation of cash and cash equivalent is given below:

Money market fund balance $2790

Cash in Bank Account $21,430

Cash in Petty cash funds $200

U.S Treasury bill purchased on Dec.15 $5,000

cash and cash equivalent $29420

Hence, the cash and cash equivalent is $29,420

The same is to be considered and relevant too

True or false: Some contemporary models of communications have reconceptualized the classic Think-Feel-Do model to the Do-Think-Feel model to reflect more accurately actual communications effects given a particular type of product or purchase occasion. True Fals





got it from quizlet.

A call option on Barry Enterprises stock has a market price of $12. The stock sells for $23 a share, and the option has an exercise price of $17.50. What is the exercise value of the option



the exercise value of the option is $5.50


The computation of the exercise value of the option is given below:

= Sale value of the stock - exercise price of the option

= $23 - $17.50

= $5.50

Hence, the exercise value of the option is $5.50

Simply we deduct the exercise price of the option from the sale value of the option

And, the same should be considered

Tobias has a brokerage account and buys on the margin, which resulted in an interest expense of $52,000 during the year. Income generated through the brokerage account was as follows: Municipal interest $104,000 Taxable dividends and interest 520,000 If required, round any division to two decimal places and use in subsequent computations. Round your final answer to the nearest dollar. How much investment interest can Tobias deduct


Answer: $43,160


The amount of investment interest that can be deducted is:

= Interest expense * Proportion of total income that is taxable

Municipal interest is not taxable so the proportion of total income that is taxable is:

= Taxable dividends and interest / Total income

= 520,000 / (520,000 + 104,000)

= 0.83

Amount of investment interest that is deductible:

= 52,000 * 0.83

= $43,160

der owns a hamburger restaurant. Slider's minimum average variable cost is $10$ 10 at a quantity of 100 hamburgers, and his minimum average total cost is $15$ 15 at a quantity of 200 hamburgers. His total fixed cost is $300$ 300 . Use this information to answer the questions. What is Slider's AVC when he sells 200 hamburgers?





Average Total Cost = Average Variable Cost + Average Fixed Cost

Average Fixed Cost = total fixed cost / quantity

300 / 200 = 1.5

15 = 1.5 + Average Variable Cost

Average Variable Cost =15 - 1.5 = 13.50

Components of the master budget are the operating budget, the capital expenditures budget, and the financial budget. Group of answer choices True False


Answer: True


A master budget refers to the lower-level budgets that is within an organization, and the financial plan, the cash flow forecasts, and the budgeted financial statements.

The master budget consists of three main components which are the operating budget, financial budget and the capital expenditures budget.

Therefore, the statement is true.

Gilchrist Corporation bases its predetermined overhead rate on the estimated machine-hours for the upcoming year. At the beginning of the most recently completed year, the Corporation estimated the machine-hours for the upcoming year at 44,800 machine-hours. The estimated variable manufacturing overhead was $4.65 per machine-hour and the estimated total fixed manufacturing overhead was $1,239,616. The predetermined overhead rate for the recently completed year was closest to:


Answer: $32.32


From the information given, the predetermined overhead rate for the recently completed year will be calculated thus:

= Total manufacturing overhead / Estimated machine hours

= $1,447,936 / 44,800

= $32.32 per machine hour

Total manufacturing overhead was calculated as:

Estimated fixed overhead = $1,239,616

Estimated variable overhead = 44,800 × $4.65 = $208320

Total manufacturing overhead = $1,447,936

A horizontal merger between two firms occurs when: __________

a. the products of the merging firms were not related in any manner before the merger.
b. one firm is a producer of products, and the other firm is a producer of services.
c. one firm is a domestic firm, and the other is a foreign company
d. the firms stood in a buyer-seller relationship before the merger.
e. the merger partners were competitors.





A merger can be described as the absorption of one firm by another firm.

When a merger occurs, one of the firms would not exist as a separate entity while the other firm would continue to exist.

Types of merger

1. Horizontal merger : this is a type of merger that occurs between firms in the same industry. The firms are usually competitors.

Reasons for an horizontal merger

It is done to increase the market power of a firmThis type of merger is done to achieve economies of scale.

An example of an horizontal merger is the merger between Mobil and Exxon in 1999.

2. Vertical merger : this is when a firm purchases another firm in the same production line. e.g. a baker purchases a pastry distributing company

Reasons for a vertical merger

Cost savingsIt provides the firm acquiring a greater control of the production process.

Types of vertical merger

a. Backward integration : it is when the acquiring firm purchases a firm ahead of it in the production process. e.g. a baker purchases a pastry distributing company

b. Forward integration : it is when the acquiring firm purchases a firm that is behind it in the production process. e.g. a baker purchases a firm that supplies grains

3. Conglomerate merger : This occurs when the products of the merging firms were not related in any manner before the merger.

1. ¿Una pequeña panadería que elabora 1,000 panes diarios, podría implementar una gestión de compras para la adquisición de sus insumos? ¿En qué le puede beneficiar?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

. Definitivamente, una pequeña panadería que elabora 1,000 panes diarios, puede implementar una gestión de compras para la adquisición de sus insumos.

> La manera en la que esta pequeña panadería se puede beneficiar es que estaría implementando un sistema administrativo y operativo ya estructurado que le beneficiaría para eficientar mejor los recursos y organizar mejor sus operaciones.

> Una gestión de compras es una forma efectiva de implementar un procedimiento más productivo en el manejo de los recursos.

> Por medio de esta gestión de compras, el dueño o jefe de la panadería va a poder establecer con claridad un calendario para saber qué cantidad de masas comprar, cuántos kilos, cada cuándo, y con qué proveedores, quienes ofrezcan un mejor precio para los insumos.

Sin duda, aunque sea una pequeña panadería, los beneficios de implementar un sistema de gestión de compras convertiría a este pequeño negocio en una empresa más formal y la ayudaría a prepararse para cuando tuviera que aumentar sus operaciones o pensar en la apertura de una segunda sucursal.

Aprende más sobre este tema aquí:

Northberg Company is preparing a cash budget for August. The company has $16,000 cash at the beginning of August and anticipates $126,000 in cash receipts and $134,500 in cash payments during August. Northberg Company wants to maintain a minimum cash balance of $15,000. To maintain the $15,000 required balance, during August the company must: Group of answer choices Borrow $15,000. Repay $7,500. Repay $8,500. Borrow $7,500. Borrow $8,500.



Borrow $7,500


The calculation of the amount that should be required to maintain the required balance is given below:

Preliminary cash balance

= Opening balance + Cash receipts - Cash disbursements

= $16,000 + $126,000 - $134,500

= $7,500

Since we have to maintain $15,000 so we have to borrow the following amount

= $15,000 - $7,500

= $7,500

Determine the missing amounts. Unit Selling Price Unit Variable Costs Unit Contribution Margin Contribution Margin Ratio 1. $650 $390 $enter a dollar amount (a) enter percentages % (b) 2. $200 $enter a dollar amount (c) $92 enter percentages % (d) 3. $enter a dollar amount (e) $enter a dollar amount (f) $805



(a) $620

(b)  40%

(c) $208

(d) 31%

(e) $2,683

(f) $1,878


Use the following formula to calculate the unit contribution margin

Unit Contribution Margin = Unit Selling Price - Uni variable cost

Use the following formula to calculate the contribution margin ratio

Contribution Margin ratio = ( Unit Contribution margin / Unit Selling Price ) x 100

The working for the question is attached with this answer please find it.

A new firm, POINT BLANK, Co expects to generate Sales of $131,300. POINT BLANK has variable costs of $79,900, and fixed costs of $20,400. The per-year depreciation is $4,700 and the tax rate is 34 percent. Given this info: What is the annual operating cash flow?



Variable costs are 55% of sales, depreciation on the equipment to produce the new board will be $2,150,000 per year, and fixed costs are $3,200,000 per year.


Variable costs are 55% of sales, depreciation on the equipment to produce the new board will be $2,150,000 per year, and fixed costs are $3,200,000 per year.

K. Johnson, Inc.'s managers want to evaluate the firm's prior-year performance in terms of its contribution to shareholder value. This past year, the firm earned an operating income return on investment of 12 percent, compared to an industry norm of 11 percent. It has been estimated that the firm's investors have an opportunity cost on their funds of 15 percent, which is the same as the firm's overall cost of capital. The firm's total assets for the year were exist100 million.

a. Compute the amount of economic value created or destroyed by the firm.
b. How does your finding support or fail to support what you would conclude using ratio analysis to evaluate the firm's performance?



-3 million dollars


we have EVA = economic value added

to ge the EVA, we use this formula :

(operating return on the assets - cost of the total capital) multiplied by the total assets

total assets = 100 million

operating return = 12 percent

cost of capital = 15 percent

the EVA = 12% - 15% * 100000000

= -0.03 * 100000000

= -3,000,000 dollars

b. The loss of the value of the shareholder is happening even though the firm is earning ROI that is more than the average firm in the industry.

When the operating activities section of the statement of cash flows is reported using the direct method: Multiple Choice Footnotes to the financial statements disclose the difference between net income and the cash provided or used by financing activities. Noncash investing and financing activities is included in the statement of cash flows. Operating cash receipts minus operating cash payments equals net cash provided (used by)operating activities. Net income is adjusted for changes in noncurrent assets and noncurrent liabilities. The income statement is prepared under the cash basis of accounting.



Operating cash receipts minus operating cash payments equals net cash provided (used by) operating activities.


A statement of cash flows is also known as cash flow statement and it is a financial statement which is used to illustrate how changes in income and various account of the balance sheet affect cash and cash equivalents.

The statement of cash flows is also used by financial experts or accountants to breakdown the cash-flow analysis into;

1. Cash-flow from financing activities: it represents the cash flow from debt or equity. Typically, it's the costs used in a financing a business.

2. Cash-flow from investing activities: it represents the cash flow from investment such as proceeds from the sale of plant, equipments, etc.

3. Cash-flow from operating activities: it represents cash-flow and transactions from operational business activities such as employee salary, sales of goods, etc.

In Financial accounting, the direct method of reporting operating cash flows uses actual cash inflows and outflows from the operating activities of a company by generating data from the income statement (cash receipts and cash disbursements/payments).

Hence, when the operating activities section of the statement of cash flows is reported using the direct method; operating cash receipts minus operating cash payments (disbursements) equals net cash provided, that is typically used by operating activities.

AJ Manufacturing Company incurred $54,500 of fixed product cost and $43,600 of variable product cost during its first year of operation. Also during its first year, AJ incurred $17,350 of fixed and $13,900 of variable selling and administrative costs. The company sold all of the units it produced for $178,000. Required Prepare an income statement using the format required by generally accepted accounting Principles (GAAP). Prepare an income statement using the contribution margin approach.


Answer and Explanation:

The preparation of the income statement under following approaches are

Under  generally accepted accounting Principles (GAAP)

Sales $178,000

Less: cost of goods sold ($54,500 + $43,600) -$98,100

Gross margin $79,900

Less: selling & general admin ($17,350 + $13,900) -$31,250

Net income $48,650

Under contribution margin approach

Sales $178,000

Less: variable cost ($43,600 + $13,900) -$57.5

Contribution margin $120,500

Less: fixed cost ($54,500 + $17,350) -$71,850

Net income $48,650

Sheridan Industries reported actual sales of $2,125,000 and fixed costs of $562,275. The contribution margin ratio is 30%. Compute the margin of safety in dollars and the margin of safety ratio. (Round margin of safety ratio to 1 decimal place, e.g. 52.7.)



Margin of safety $250,750

Margin of safety ratio 11.8%


Computation for the margin of safety in dollars and the margin of safety ratio

First step is calculate the Break even point in dollars

Break even point in dollars = Fixed costs / Contribution margin ratio

Break even point in dollars=$562,275/0.30

Break even point in dollars = $1,874,250

Now let determine the the margin of safety in dollars and the margin of safety ratio

Margin of safety = Actual Sales - Break even sales

Margin of safety= $2,125,000 -$1,874,250

Margin of safety=$250,750

Margin of safety ratio= Margin of safety/Actual Sales

Margin of safety ratio = $250,750/$2,125,000

Margin of safety ratio = 0.118*100

Margin of safety ratio = 11.8%

Thereforethe margin of safety in dollars and the margin of safety ratio will be:

Margin of safety $250,750

Margin of safety ratio 11.8%

A lender uses these tools to help prequalify you for a mortgage



Following are the summary of tools/documents that are used by lenders to pre-qualify their customers for a mortgage :

1. Tax returns, W-2s, and 1099s are examples of income as well as employment records.

2. Bank, pension, and brokerage accounts property declarations

3. Settlements on your obligations on a regular basis as well as any real estate debt statements.

4. Rent deposits, divorce, insolvency, and repossession records are all kept on file.

A portfolio's return is the weighted average of each individual investment's return. However, a portfolio's risk is not the weighted average of each investment's standard deviation.

a. True
b. False


Because it didn’t have a standard weight and it was average

How much does international trade affect you personally?



maybe a lot for me ok

maybe you

gdp bình quân là gì ?



what type of language is this ??

Suppose you entered a contract to buy your friend's iPad. Without your knowledge, it was malfunctioning at the time you bought it, and it died soon after you started using it. Your friend had recently removed a large number of applications from the iPad that were not working. Although he honestly thought the problem was with the applications and not the iPad itself, he failed to tell you about the problem. You reasonably concluded, based on your inspection of all of the current applications on the iPad, that it was functioning properly. Can you rescind the contract to buy the iPad?

a. Yes, due to fraud.
b. Yes, due to innocent misrepresentation.
c. Yes, due to mutual mistake.
d. Yes, due to undue influence.
e. No, the latent malfunction was not material, because the iPad was functioning when you bought it.



Can you rescind the contract to buy the iPad?

b. Yes, due to innocent misrepresentation.


You can rescind the contract without damages or you claim damages based on the loss that you have already incurred for the contract.  An innocent misrepresentation occurs when the misrepresentation is not fraudulent nor negligent.  Therefore, you can rescind the contract or affirm it. But if the misrepresentation is fraudulent or negligent, you can rescind the contract as well as claim damages.

Freelife, New Hampshire has a labor force of 78,567 persons and employment of 74,382. The unemployment rate for the city is: Group of answer choices 5.3%. 5.6%. 6.0%. 7.1%





There are 4,185 unemployment person(78,567-74,382)

So the rate of unemployment persons = ( the number of unemployment / the total number of persons) × 100

= (4,185/78,567) ×100

In Freelife, New Hampshire, there are 74,382 people employed and 78,567 people in the labor force. The city's unemployment rate is 5.3%.

What is the cause of unemployment?

When someone is actively seeking employment even if they are employable, they are said to be unemployed. Individuals who are employed but do not have the right jobs are included in this group. One of the indices of a nation's economic health is unemployment,

which is typically calculated as the unemployment rate, which is calculated by dividing the number of jobless persons by

the total number of workers. It is common to misunderstand the definition of unemployment, which includes persons who are waiting to start working again after being discharged but excludes those who have given up seeking for a job. Those that aren't looking for work right now.

Learn more about Unemployment, from :


what is a computer and its impact to society



computers have changed the way people relate to one another and their living environment as well as how humans organise their work and their time

An employee earned $1,000 in the first pay period of the current year. How much is the total employer and employee social security taxes on these earnings? (Use the simplified rate shown in illustrations.)


Answer: $120


The total employer and employee social security taxes is 6% fir the employee and 6% for the employee which then makes up 12%.

Since the employee earned $1,000 in the first pay period of the current year, then the total employer and employee social security taxes on these earnings will be:

= 12% × $1000

= 0.12 × $1000

= $120

Use the following information to prepare a multistep income statement and a balance sheet for Sherman Equipment Co. for 2016. (Hint: Some of the items will not appear on either statement, and ending retained earnings must be calculated.) (Balance Sheet only: Items to be deducted must be indicated with a minus sign.)
Salaries Expense $ 69,000 Operating Expenses $ 62,000
Common Stock 100,000 Cash Flow from Investing Activities 78,400
Notes Receivable 24,000 Prepaid Rent 12,500
(short term)
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 7,800 Land 40,000
Uncollectible Accounts Expense 8,100 Cash 48,100
Supplies 1,200 Inventory 98,300
Interest Revenue 5,400 Accounts Payable 46,000
Sales Revenue 320,000 Salaries Payable 12,000
Dividends 3,500 Cost of Goods Sold 148,000
Interest Receivable (short term) 1,500 Accounts Receivable 56,000
Beginning Retained Earnings 81,000



Sherman Equipment Co.

a) Sherman Equipment Co.

Multistep Income Statement

For the year ended December 31, 2016

Sales Revenue                          $320,000

Cost of Goods Sold                     148,000

Gross profit                               $172,000

Operating expenses:

Salaries Expense                     $ 69,000

Operating Expenses                  62,000

Uncollectible Accounts Expense 8,100

Total operating expenses      $139,100

Operating income                   $32,900

Interest Revenue                        5,400

Net income                             $38,300

Balance Sheet

As of December 31, 2016


Current Assets:

Cash                                                             $48,100

Interest Receivable (short term)                     1,500

Accounts Receivable                    56,000

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (7,800)  48,200

Notes Receivable (short term)                    24,000

Supplies                                                          1,200

Inventory                                                     98,300

Prepaid Rent                                               12,500

Total current assets                              $233,800

Long-term assets:

Land                                                           40,000

Total assets                                          $273,800

Liabilities and Equity:

Current liabilities:

Accounts Payable                                 $46,000

Salaries Payable                                      12,000

Total current liabilities                         $58,000


Common Stock                                 $100,000

Ending Retained Earnings                   115,800

Total equity                                       $215,800

Total liabilities and equity               $273,800


a) Data and Calculations:

Cash 48,100

Interest Receivable (short term) 1,500

Accounts Receivable 56,000

Notes Receivable (short term) 24,000

Supplies 1,200

Inventory 98,300

Prepaid Rent 12,500

Land 40,000

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 7,800

Accounts Payable 46,000

Salaries Payable 12,000

Common Stock 100,000

Beginning Retained Earnings 81,000

Dividends 3,500

Interest Revenue 5,400

Sales Revenue 320,000

Cost of Goods Sold 148,000

Salaries Expense $ 69,000

Operating Expenses $ 62,000

Uncollectible Accounts Expense 8,100

Cash Flow from Investing Activities 78,400

Beginning Retained Earnings 81,000

Net income                              38,300

Dividends                                 (3,500)

Ending Retained Earnings    115,800

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You install Windows 10 on a new computer. You update the video card driver and restart the computer. When you start the computer, the screen flickers and then goes blank. You restart the computer and receive the same result. You need to configure the video card driver. What should you do first which of the following are remote interior angles of 5 ? - Which of the following people is NOT at increased risk of catching an STI?O Yolanda, who drinks 1 or 2 beers each weekO Tyrell, who is a veteran police officerO Nikki, who is a sex worker in Las VegasDoug, who works as an emergency medical technician (EMT) HURRY PLEASEEEEE!!!!!!Juan scored 24 points in the first half of the basketball game, and he scored p points in the second half of the game. Write this in variable/constant form. It is the way to convey a message,an idea,a picture,or speech that is received and understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is sent. I waited for my friend. I waited till his arrival.join by suitable word Solve for x. Enter your answer using digits. 4x14+6=12 x= afternoon/shopping/usually/the/in/he/go/doesn't (frequency adverbs) recorrect the Jumble word [tex]\sqrt{x^{2} +5x+3} +2x^{2} +10x-15=0[/tex] Cellestial Manufacturing Company produces Products A1, B2, C3, and D4 through a joint process. The joint costs amount to $200,000. If Processed Further Sales Value Additional Product Units Produced at Split-Off Costs Sales ValueA1 3,000 $10,000 $2,500 $15,000B2 5,000 30,000 3,000 35,000C3 4,000 20,000 4,000 25,000D4 6,000 40,000 6,000 45,000Which product(s) should be sold at split-off to maximize profits in the short run?a. Product A1b. Product D4c. Product B2d. Products A1 and D4 What happens when The vapour obtained by dropping conc. H2SO4 in a mixture of KI and MnO2 is treated with hypo solution The metal sample suspected of being aluminum is warmed and then submerged into water, which is near room temperature. The final temperature of the water and the metal is given below. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J/g.oC. Calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal based on the data below. Remember heat lost = heat gained.Type of metal used: Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3Mass of metal, g 2.746 g 2.750 g 2.900 gMass of water, g 15.200 g 15.206 g 15.201 gInitial Temp. of Water, oC 24.7 oC 24.6 oC 24.5 oCInitial Temp. of Metal, oC 72.1 oC 72.2 oC 71.9 oCFinal Temp of Water & Metal,oC 26.3 oC 26.2 oC 24.7 oCT for water, oC ______ ______ ______T for metal, oC ______ ______ ______Specific heat capacity of metal, J/g.oC ______ ______ ______Average specific heat capacity, J/g .oC ______ (use two significant figures due to T of water) An attacker gained remote access to a user's computer by exploiting a vulnerability in a piece of software on the device. The attacker sent data that was able to manipulate the return address that is reserved to store expected data. Which vulnerability exploit resulted from the attacker's actions Write a letter to your sister why would like to be a day student Use substitution to solve the following system of equations. What is the value of y? 2. Write the chemical equation for the reaction NaOH Sodium Hydroxide AgNO3 Silver Nitrate Mark all the statements that are true please help and what time parity hydroelectric power usage reach its peak Solve the equation. 0.50x +0.45(50) = 48.5 x=? simplify. multiply and remove all perfect squares from inside the square root. assume A is positive. 3 square root 5a times 8 square root 35a2