Both the sympathetic and the parasymphathetic nerves are strongly influenced by emotion. True or false


Answer 1
Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are strongly influenced by emotion. It’s true

Related Questions

Which of the following best describes the cell membrane?
Question 10 options:


Selective semipermeable membrane


Double-layered structure with pores


Sticky, semifluid material


Network of tubular structures



The cell membrane has 2 layers and is not a solid structure, it has millions of smaller molecules that create a porous container.


1) Selective semipermeable membrane


Cell membrane is selectively permeable. This means that, it only allows molecules that are able to pass through the pores while those that are large are are not allowed to pass through.

Which of the following is associated with irreversible cell damage?
A. Glycogen depletion
B. Flocculent densities in mitochondria
C. Cellular swelling
D. Detachment of ribosomes from tER
E. Loss of microvilli



interruption of membrane integrity;



Gerardo is a 43 year-old businessman who leads a sedentary lifestyle and has decided that he wants to get back into shape. Currently, he is researching local gyms and has cut down on added sugar in his diet. Which stage of change is Gerardo in


He is on the stage of preparation because he intends to take action in the immediate future by currently researching local gyms. And he has also already taken some significant action by cutting down on added sugar in his diet.

. Phát biểu sau đây là đúng hay sai? Giải thích? Hai nước có thể đạt được lợi ích thương mại ngay cả khi một trong hai nước có lợi thế tuyệt đối.


Sai , phải cả hai đạt được lợi ích gọi là lợi ích song phương mới đi đến được thỏa thuận chung chứ không thể một trong hai nước có lợi thế tuyệt đối

A patient who is prescribed a dose inhaler will find that it must be filled with a) medicine in powder form only. Works with lower (not upper) respiratory diseases only. Full of medicine used to give a fixed amount of medicine per oral inhalation. d) Medication in the form of a spray only.


d, medication in the form of spray only

Identify what nutrition treatment is trying to prevent after an ostomy. Select ALL that apply [mark all correct answers] a. obstructions b. gas and odor c. weight gain d. diarrhea e. fluid overload


Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d) Individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives.

The valves in the heart open and close to move blood in between heart chambers. O a) three directions O b) two directions O c) four directions d) one direction





The two chambers, the ventricles

Answer:B The two chambers, the ventricles

the husband speaking for his wife to what appears to be the exclusion of her input is actually



Him being over assertive. There is no way for the husband to know what ailment the wife is dealing with.


1. Discuss the process of the production of T lymphocytes.​


T lymphocytes originate from haematopoietic stem cells within the bone marrow. T lymphocytes that survive thymic selection will mature and leave the thymus. After that, They circulate through peripheral lymphoid organs, ready to encounter their cognate antigens and become activated.

All of the following medications may have undesirable effects on sexual functioning EXCEPT:
a. antidepressants.
b. antihistamines.
c Wellbutrin.
d. tranquilizers



A. antidepressants


medication may have undesirable effect


All of the following medications may have undesirable effects on sexual functioning EXCEPT:

c Wellbutrin.

Basophils are O granules a) involved in the process of making hemoglobin. b) involved in the allergic process. Q) that resist infection by microorganisms. D) It fights infection with parasites.



Basophils are granulocytes:

b) involved in the process of allergic reactions.

Which type of research method attempts to answer the question, "Why are they doing that?" (Site 1)



It is Experimental Research


100% on Edge




x = -6


[tex]6x(8x - 3) - 2x(24x - 6) = 36[/tex]

➡️ [tex]48 {x}^{2} - 18x - 48 {x}^{2} + 12x = 36[/tex]

➡️ [tex] - 6x = 36[/tex]

➡️ [tex]x = - 6[/tex] ✅

Explain why you agree or disagree that emotional health can improve physical health.





because if we say fit and strong then our body can be healed very fast and enzyme can be more effective

Christi Brown is meeting with you regarding the bill she received in the mail. When she called to make the appointment, she voiced her confusion about the bill, stating she thought her insurance covered everything. You check her record and see that she met her deductible and now needs to pay 20% of the billed amount of $850. How can you explain how much she owes, as well as the difference between deductible and coinsurance?



The correct answer is - she owes $170.


Health care beneficiaries bills can be divided into two different criteria, they include Co-pay or Co-insurance and deductibles. Co-insurance is an amount that should be born by the patient and the rest will be paid by the insurance companies. On other hand, Deductible is a criterion in which deductible fixed amount a patient must pay each year before their health insurance benefits begin to cover the costs.

So in this question, the 20% of hospital/health care bills is the co-insured amount that should be paid by Christi Brown and the rest will be born by the insurance company.

so she owes:

20*850/100 = 170.

absolute contraindications to estrogen therapy
a. a. hx of any type of cancer
b. clotting disorders
c. hx of tension headaches
d. orthostatic hypotension



A. HX of any type of cancer

Please Answer Fast Before Friday July 23, 2021. Sara, a 14-year-old, has come to the office for her school physical. She is very remote, moody, and unwilling to answer any questions you ask her as part of her physical exam. She seems to have changed a great deal in the past year, and is thinner, more unkempt, and lethargic. You notice also that her mother is constantly badgering her and rolling her eyes in exasperation at her lack of cooperation. What could you do to facilitate the examination and improve communication with Sara? What possible problems could Sara be experiencing? What should you do about the concerns that you have for Sara?



Sara is likely suffering from depression


To facilitate the exam, ask the parent to wait in the waiting area so you and Sara can talk alone. This way Sara will feel more comfortable in discussion with you without her mother hovering.

Sara may be suffering from depression. Her mother's criticism and judgements may be making her feel down or never "good enough".

To address your concerns for Sara:

1. administer a depression screening such as the PHQ-9 depression test questionnaire. If you find Sara is indeed depressed or has thoughts of hurting herself or others, she will need prompt treatment from a qualified health professional.

2. If Sara does NOT have intentions of hurting herself and her behavior is related to parent conflict, friend conflict, etc. then get her permission to have a discussion with her mother about it.

3. provide Sara with local/national hotline for depression and any other mental health resources that are available in your area (therapists, psychiatrists, community centers, etc.)

4. Follow-up with Sara with another visit in a timely manner to access her mental health.

Something is going on with her maybe try taking to her without her mom in the room where it’s one on one

Being 65 or older, being under 65 years of age with certain disabilities for more than 24 months, and being any age with ESRD or ALS are each eligibility requirements for which program?


No se amigos pa tu casa Que!?...................................................


Original Medicare


essential oils have a sweet taste


Have a sweet smell not taste

Other than consulting the internet, where can a pharmacy technician access information on updates being made to the medical field?





Without accessing the internet, one really good option are magazines. There are specific magazines such as the Stanford Medecine Magazine and the Hopkins Medicine Magazine that provide great and up to date information. These magazines containe updates on everything going on in the medical field including new discoveries, exciting projects, new treatments, inquiries, experiences, insights, etc. It was made to revolve specifically around medecine and is a great source of information.

56 yr old with fatigue polyuria polydipsia A1c of 9.2 hypertension high LDL. treat with?





bicas3 ns,ddddlmeisnc6heeshsjwl wehsjsjsk


What diagnosis involves an abnormal collection of blood? a) Cancer b) Aneurism c) Angina O d) Carcinoma





An aneurysm is the collection of a blood vessel due to a weak spot in the artery wall.  Aneurysms can occur in any artery in the body. These places can be in the brain, heart, kidney, or abdomen. When an aneurysm increases, it can rupture and generate uncontrolled internal bleeding, which can become lethal in many cases.



The diagnosis that involves an abnormal collection of blood is:

Aneurysm : ( is the abnormal dilation of an artery.)

xây dựng công thức mỹ phẩm chế phẩm dùng ngoài da chống lão hóa



lo siento no se que siginfiCA Y NECESITO PUNTOS :(


In choosing a benzodiazepam to treat anxiety the prescriber needs to be aware of the possibility of dependence. The benzodiazepam with the greatest likelihood of causing rapidly developing dependence is:____.
a. Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
b. Clonazepam (Klonopin).
c. Alprazolam (Xanax)
d. Oxazepam (Serax).



Alprazolam (Xanax)


First responding nurses would NOT use _____ as an indicator to identify victims of human trafficking.

(1)- unwanted pregnancy
(2)-childhood vaccination records
(3)-trauma similar to domestic violence


I believe it is 4 as well! Good luck!


Childhood vaccination records.


Childhood vaccination records are not typically used as an indicator to identify victims of human trafficking because they do not directly provide information about a person's trafficking status. While vaccination records can be important for assessing a person's overall health and medical history, they do not specifically point to human trafficking. Other indicators, such as signs of trauma similar to domestic violence, the presence of sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, and indicators of unwanted pregnancy, may be more relevant in identifying potential victims of human trafficking. These indicators are often considered in conjunction with other factors and a comprehensive assessment of the individual's situation.

Gary takes a diuretic to control his blood pressure, aspirin to prevent his blood clots, and an antibiotic for a recent sinus infection. Which of these may affect his vitamin K needs


The diuretic will affect vitamin K (potassium)

ANTIBIOTICS may affect his vitamin K needs.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that may be obtained from the diet and synthesized by the body.

Antibiotics are drugs used to fight against bacterial infections both in people and animals.

It is well known that prolonged use of antibiotics (especially antibiotics called cephalosporins) can drastically reduce the absorption of vitamin K.

In conclusion, ANTIBIOTICS may affect his vitamin K needs.

Learn more in:

If he is going into anaphylactic shock, what medication needs to be given immediately?


Epinephrine [Adrenaline]

Anaphylaxis is a severe hypersensitivity reaction that may cause death of a person.

This is a disease which starts with mild symptoms like rashes and low pulse rate but the severity of this disease can cause shocks.

If a patients is going through this disease he should be introduced with Adrenaline which will stimulate bronchial beta adrenergic receptors.

This will alleviate prurtius and angioedema associated with anaphylaxis.

Learn more at :

Phillip || dreamed of conquering Perisa but did not do so because​


[tex]\huge\bold\pink{ANSWER} [/tex]


tsurezure children


Management has to ensure compliance with local and federal laws. Which function includes ensuring compliance with labor laws? includes ensuring compliance with labor laws.


Answer: institutions operate in a dynamic environment influenced by industry  

consolidation, convergence of financial services, emerging technology, and market  

globalization. To remain profitable in such an environment, financial institutions  

continuously assess and modify their product and service offerings and operations in the  

context of a business strategy. At the same time, new legislation may be enacted to  

address developments in the marketplace.  

All these forces combine to create inherent risk. To address this risk, a financial  

institution must develop and maintain a sound compliance management system that is  

integrated into the overall risk management strategy of the institution. Ultimately,  

compliance should be part of the daily routine of management and employees of a  

financial institution.  

This chapter discusses the elements of an effective compliance management system --  

board of directors and management oversight, the compliance program, and the  

compliance audit.  


A compliance management system is how an institution:  

¾ learns about its compliance responsibilities;  

¾ ensures that employees understand these responsibilities;  

¾ ensures that requirements are incorporated into business processes;  

¾ reviews operations to ensure responsibilities are carried out and requirements are met;  


¾ takes corrective action and updates materials as necessary.  

An effective compliance management system is commonly comprised of thre


Mr. Ziegler is turning 65 next month and has asked you what he can do, and when he must do it, with respect to enrolling in Part D. What could you tell him?



The answer is below


Considering his age and situations, I will let Mr. Ziegler know that, he is at the moment in the Part D Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) already. And at this point in time, he has the option of picking between different Part D enrollment choices available at his disposal, including enrollment in a stand-alone Part D plan or a Medicare Advantage -Prescription Drug plan.

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