2. In what ways did the federal government's policies on Western expansion affect
Native Americans?


Answer 1

Native Americans life changed dramatically as a result of westward expansion.

How did Westward Expansion impact Native Americans?

1) Forced to move to reservations and government breaks treaties: Settlers felt justified in taking Native Americans land because they felt they were making the land more productive. Treaties forced millions of Native Americans onto reservations. The reservation means small piece of government land set aside for Native Americans. After tribes made treaties that relocated them to reservations, the US government and settlers frequently broke these treaties and took even more land from the Native Americans.

2) Killing of the buffaloes: Deliberate reduction of buffalo herds to force them to move off their hunting grounds to reservations.

3) Forced assimilation: Here, assimilation refers to to blend into another culture, to accept that culture as one’s own.

• Efforts to get Native Americans to become settled farmers – settlers wanted the land to be used more “productively”.

Dawes Act – Reservation land was divided into 160 acre plots and given to individual families to farm for a profit.

Missionaries attempted to convert Native Americans to Christianity.

• Indian Boarding Schools – Children were sent to schools to focus on skills such as carpentry and housekeeping.

• Native Americans were not considered citizens until 1924.

To know more about Westward Expansion:



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Is it possible for someone to be not racist but also benefit from racism? if so how?


I would say yes in ways. Think about in the 19th century when slavery ran the American southern economy. The Northerners were claimed abolitionists yet they still benefitted off the large and cheap influx of cotton from slaves

What was a result of the Monroe Doctrine?

Select one:

The United States gained respect.

The United States went to war with France.

The United States allied with European nations.

The United States lost its image as a democratic leader.


Answer: warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere


Should Thomas Jefferson have a school named after him?


I think Thomas Jefferson should have a school named after him. Involvement of Jefferson with and support of education is best known through his founding of the University of Virginia, that he established in 1819 as a secular institution.

Why should Jefferson have a school named after him?

I think Thomas Jefferson should have a school named after him. Thomas Jefferson believed that only the educated citizens will be able to make the American experiment in self-government succeed. Jefferson believed that libraries and books were integral to individual and institutional education, therefore he designed the university around its library.

Critics argue that Thomas Jefferson should not have a school named after him. It is known that A New Jersey elementary school that was named after him decided to change its name because Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner.

However, I refute that claim because Thomas Jefferson proposed a system of broad, free, public education for men and women alike that was radical in his day. His founding of the University of Virginia partially achieved his even larger goals.

To know more about counter argument, refer



What power does market leader in oligopoly have?



Monopoly Power.


A limited number of companies in an oligopoly with a significant market share enables these firms to control the price and output. Therefore, this market structure has some monopoly power

Answer:Monopoly power


In the brzantine empire one important feature of life was the development of


In the Byzantine empire, one important feature of life was the development of Orthodox Christianity.

What is the Byzantine Empire?

During Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, the Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire as well as Byzantium, continued the Roman Empire in its eastern regions, with Constantinople serving as its capital.

The phrase "Byzantine Empire" (Greek: v - Basileia in Romain) has been widely utilized since the 19th century to refer to the Middle Ages Greek-speaking Roman Empire, which was centered on its capital city Constantinople.

Learn more about the Byzantine Empire here:



what events happend during the great depression and the new deal that created the need for new child labor laws?


Child labour is the term used to describe the exploitation of kids via any type of job that robs them of their youth.

What are the causes and repercussions of child labour?

The results are devastating. Child labour can cause severe physical and emotional suffering, and even death. Slavery and other forms of economic or sexual exploitation may result. And almost often, it denies children access to education and medical treatment, violating their right to fundamental freedoms and endangering their futures.

Why does child labour occur?

Even if there are laws and norms in place to prevent it, child labour still occurs. The same factors that contributed to child labour in the United States a century ago still exist today, including poverty, a lack of access to education, repression of workers' rights, and a lack of comprehensive child labour laws.

To know more about child labour, checkout this link:



Explain why the role of reformers is important in a dictatorship.


All aspects of the state are tightly controlled by the government in a dictatorship, which frequently prohibits or tightly controls groups and meetings.

Individual citizens' rights are completely disregarded by a dictatorship. Laws, the police, spies, and force will be used by the state and government to try to control all citizens.

What is the significance of a tyranny?

Social stability can be achieved through dictatorship. Under dictatorships, the longest-lasting and most significant economic miracles have occurred. In terms of economic development and growth, dictatorship outperforms democracy. A dictatorship is necessary for both liberal democracy and development because it breeds order.

To learn more about dictatorship here:



We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

According to the preamble, the phrase “a more perfect Union” refers to


According to the preamble, the phrase “a more perfect Union” refers to improving upon the previous attempt at creating a new union.

What is a Constitution preamble?

Basically, a preamble mean an introductory statement in a document that explains the document's purpose and underlying philosophy. When its applies to opening paragraphs of a statute, it can recite historical facts pertinent to the subject of the statute.

The phrase “to form a more perfect Union” was stated to refer to the shift to the Constitution from the Articles of Confederation. The Union had a federal government established by the Constitution that had enough power to act upon citizens directly.

The preamble of the U.S. Constitution states "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America".

In conclusion, the specific phrase that states “to form a more perfect Union” was use to refer to the shift to the Constitution from the Articles of Confederation. The Union previously had a federal government established by the Constitution that had enough power to act upon citizens directly.

Read more about preamble



Factory workers in Russia's 1917 industrial economy embraced the ______ concepts in order to improve their lives. command economy.


Factory workers in Russia's 1917 industrial economy embraced the socialism concepts in order to improve their lives.

Communism, a type of socialism where the government controls the economy, altered concepts of community as well. The Bolsheviks, who served under Lenin, aimed to bring the people together through links between classes based on their respective labour roles. Lenin wished to downplay the significance of other forms of communal ties, including religion, and saw class as the great unifier.

Everyone would form a single labouring group that would serve the national interest in general. Lenin offered power to those who had never held it as well as peace, stability, and provisions.

To learn more about Russia's 1917 industrial economy refer here



Please help I will give brainliest


It is difficult to say which of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment is the most important, as all of these rights are crucial to a functioning democracy and the protection of individual freedoms. However, I personally believe that the freedom of speech is the most important right guaranteed by the First Amendment.

The freedom of speech allows individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions without fear of retribution from the government. This freedom is essential to the functioning of a democratic society, as it enables individuals to participate in public discourse and hold the government accountable for its actions. Without the freedom of speech, individuals would be unable to express their dissenting views or criticize the government, which would undermine the principles of democracy and lead to the suppression of individual rights.

In addition to its importance for democracy, the freedom of speech is also crucial for the protection of other individual rights. It allows individuals to seek out and share information, which is essential for making informed decisions and exercising other rights such as the freedom of religion and the freedom of the press. It also enables individuals to speak out against injustice and defend their own rights and the rights of others.

Overall, the freedom of speech is a cornerstone of democracy and the protection of individual rights, and it is essential for ensuring that individuals can participate fully in society and have their voices heard.

Pls award brainliest!!


freedom of speech


because if the freedom of speech didn't exist we would be put in jail for speaking bad about the government and u wouldn't beable to cuss or even say how u feel

Romans, unlike the greeks, usually drank their wine unmixed, which resulted in a stronger alcoholic content.

a. True
b. False


B it is false have fun

in july of 1861, president lincoln was particularly concerned about how his policies on slavery would affect which areas?


In july of 1861, president lincoln was particularly concerned about how his policies on slavery would affec, the states in white because they were slave states that remained in the Unionareas.

Policy is a planned set of principles designed to influence decisions and produce rational outcomes. A policy is a declaration of intent that is carried out as a method or protocol. Policies are typically adopted by an organization's governance body. Policies may assist in both objective and subjective decision making. Policies in use in subjective decision-making frequently aid senior management with judgments that must be made on the relative merits of a variety of elements, and as a result, are sometimes impossible to test objectively. Policies are implemented by governments and other institutions through laws, rules, procedures, administrative actions, incentives, and voluntary activities. Frequently, resource allocations parallel policy decisions. A policy is a guideline for repetitive/routine organizational actions.

Learn more about guideline here



to what extent was the era of jacksonian democracy truly democratic? focus on the years of 1824-1840


Jacksonian majority rule government was a nineteenth-century political way of thinking in the US that extended testimonials to most white men beyond 21 years old and rebuilt various bureaucratic establishments.

Such one-sided revisionism might give a valuable remedial to more established energetic evaluations, however, it neglects to catch a bigger verifiable misfortune: Jacksonian Majority rules system was a legitimate popularity-based development, committed to strong, on occasion extremist, libertarian beliefs — yet mostly for white men.

A development for more majority rules system in the American government during the 1830s. Driven by President Andrew Jackson, this development supported more noteworthy freedoms for the average person and was against any indications of nobility in the country.

Learn more about Jacksonian:



According to how the other half lives, how did the living conditions in buildings in the slums effect babies


According to how the other half lives, the living conditions in buildings in the slums effect babies they made babies sick or they helped babies to grow strong.

What are the living conditions of slums babies?

Malnutrition, diarrheal and respiratory illnesses, and low immunization rates all affect children more than adults. Slum mothers have lower levels of education and are less likely to obtain antenatal care and competent labor help.

To depict dismal, wretched informal settlements within cities that have inadequate accommodation. They frequently have too many people living in a little amount of space.

People living in these slums face a variety of problems, such as inadequate access to clean water and sanitary facilities, poor health, a lack of education, unemployment, and the possibility of crime.

Therefore, according to how the other half lives, the living conditions in buildings in the slums effect babies they made babies sick or they helped babies to grow strong.

To know more about the living conditions of slums babies, visit:



The United States is the world's best hope, but.... if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good, and endanger her very existence..
-Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
Senator Lodge made this statement in opposition to -


Senator Lodge made this statement in opposition to US membership in league of nations, 1919.

Who was Henry Cabot Lodge?

Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts launched an attack on President Woodrow Wilson's plan to create the League of Nations on February 28, 1919, which ultimately resulted in the Senate rejecting the Treaty of Versailles. Politicians and academics have debated whether the United States could have avoided the start of the Second World War had it joined and supported the League of Nations long after Congress passed a joint resolution in July 1921 pronouncing the First World War to be over.

The complete statement by Henry Cabot Lodge was "The United States is the world's best hope, but if you fetter her in the interests and quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence."

He made this statement in opposition to US membership in "league of nations", 1919.

Learn more about League of nations here:



whoever gets it right gets brainlist<3 and 50pts!



first 2 open to any one and the last 2 open to those with speacil requirments  

Voting for a senator: Special requirements include being a citizen of the United States, being at least 18 years old, and being registered to vote.

Writing a letter to a representative: No special requirements.

Encouraging other people to vote for a congressional candidate: No special requirements.

Attending a rally in support of a bill: No special requirements.

Which of these improvements was brought about during the Gilded Age?
O Decreased criminal activity
O Equal educational opportunities
Religious freedom
Settlement houses


Answer: B.) equal educational opportunities

Explanation: The gilded age was an era extending roughly from 1870-1900. It was a time of rapid economic growth….. “Local governments across the North and West built public schools chiefly at the elementary level; public high schools started to emerge” - Wikipedia

B.) Equal educational opportunities.

pls help due asap!!!!!!!!!!!



Judicial Review


create a timeline of events during the age of imperialism. the timeline should have china, africa, japan and the americas. label events between 1800 and 1925. choose significant in the development or impact of imperialism in a particular reigon



Jan 1, 1839. Opium Wars. ... Jan 1, 1850. Taiping Rebellion. ... Jan 1, 1854. Treaty of kanagawa. ... Jan 1, 1857. Sepoy Mutiny/The Indian Rebellion. ... Jan 1, 1861. Self-strengthening movement. ... Jan 1, 1868. Meiji Restoration. ... Jan 1, 1884. Berlin Confrence. ... Jan 1, 1898. Fashoda Incident.


what was the primary purpose of southern implementation of black codes​


Following the Civil War, Southern governments passed black codes to keep African Americans from obtaining political and economic independence.

What was the response to Brown v. Board of Education in the South?

Board of Education during the early afternoon of May 17, 1954, white political figures from the South denounced the choice and swore to challenge it. James Eastland, a strong Mississippi senator, stated that "the South would not abide by nor respect any legislative decision by the a political body.

What was the Southern response to desegregation?

Following their example, many Southern towns violently and in protest opposed integration. White inhabitants of Mansfield, Texas, a rural community of 1500 people, protested the admission of 12 Black students to Mansfield High School, which was exclusively for white students.

To know more about Southern visit:



Why does this evidence support fixing the econom ???



Because the evidence is so good, it doesn't even have to be given or known by anyone. It's just that good.

9. Do you think it was a good idea to devolve the control of welfare programs to the states?


Yes, so you can move to a state that fits you.

What was the result of the Japanese attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in December 1941?


The bombing of Hiroshima

How many members are there in the House of Representatives? How is this number determined




There are 435 members of the House of Representatives.

Federal law, passed on Aug. 8, 1911, determines how many members are in the House of Representatives. That measure raised the number of representatives to 435 from 391 because of population growth in the United States.

Which statement about King Philip's War is true?

A Many Native Americans and colonists died during the war.

B The war was started by the Narragansett tribe after the death of their leader.

C The Wampanoag nations were the only Native American nations affected by the war.

D The colonists suffered more losses than the Native Americans.


The statement about King Philip's War is true is option a: A Many Native Americans and colonists died during the war.

Which is accurate regarding King Philip's war?

On June 8, 1675, three Wampanoag men were hung after being found guilty of killing Sassamon by a jury made up of colonists and Indians. The Wampanoag and the colonists fought over their execution, which infuriated Philip, whom the English had accused of organizing Sassamon's murder.

Therefore, the Narragansett, Wampanoag, and many other lesser tribes were completely destroyed during the conflict, opening the way for further English colonies. Numerous people perished, were injured, or were seized and sold as slaves or into indentured servitude.

Learn more about King Philip's War from



what were some clergy members claiming about these indulgences?


Indulgence is "a way of reducing the punishment received for sin" was the claim about these indulgences.

What did the church claim the indulgences did?

Indulgence, which was a hallmark of penitential systems in both the Western medieval and Roman Catholic churches, allowed full or partial remission of punishment for sin.

What is addiction and why did it matter?

Indulgence is remission of all or part of the temporary punishment for a sin after the sinner has confessed and received absolution. According to Catholic teaching, all sins must be cleansed on earth or after death in a condition called purgatory.

Indulgences were intended to provide temporary immunity from punishment for sins received by performing regular penance for a specified period of time.

Learn about Indulgences:



Select the correct answer.
Which statement best describes President Carter's overall approach to foreign policy?
O A.
O C.
O D.
He believed that the United States had a moral obligation to promote human rights.
He followed an imperialist strategy, determined to increase American presence overseas.
He thought that Americans could benefit from political ideas found in socialist countries.
He focused on military spending as a means of self-defense against the Soviet Union.



Jimmy Carter changed the direction of American foreign policy by placing a fresh premium on liberal ideals, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and world poverty. Alongside he was the last Republican to publicly announce their candidacy's. He highlighted pledges of kindness, tolerance, freedom, plus his Christian principles throughout his speech announcing his candidacy. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Hope This Helps!

Learn More About Jimmy Carter Here ---> https://Brittanica.org

Brainliest Appreciated



He followed an imperialist strategy, determined to increase American presence overseas


summarize all of the acts of the American revolution and why each are important?​




The series of acts passed by Parliament during the 1760s and 1770s is what initially sparked the unrest that led to the American Revolution. The acts regulated trade and commerce in the colonies and were passed to help pay off the debt that the British government had incurred during the French and Indian War.

Which was an argument for japanese imperial expansion? responses
a. the need to open new markets
b. the benefits of isolation
c. the need to maintain japan’s feudal system
d. problems with european-style education


Answer: A


Japan wanted to compete with European powers like Britain and France. They even had a Sphere of Influence in China after the Opium War. As you can see they wanted new markets.

How did arabs living in palestine in 1948 feel about the creation of the new state of israel?
a. They welcomed the change and the Jews.
b. The did not have an opinion.
c. They fled to other countries.
d. They rejected is as unfair to them.


They rejected is as unfair to them. Arabs living in Palestine in 1948 felt rejected is as unfair to them about the creation of the new state of Israel.

The Palestinian Arabs refused to accept this arrangement because they saw it as unjust to the Arabs who would continue to live in Jewish territory and in favour of the Jews. The United States attempted a middle path by supporting the UN resolution and encouraging negotiations between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East.

The conflict became more intense after Israel proclaimed its independence on May 14, 1948, as additional Arab armies joined the Palestinian Arabs in attacking the former Palestinian administration.

The correct option is d.

To learn more about Palestine in 1948 refer here


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