A country's decision to abolish, or outlaw, slavery had economic as well as moral consequences. Why did some Americans and Europeans argue against outlawing slavery while admitting the practice was morally wrong?

A)They did not want to have to live among former slaves, who might move to their communities if freed.

B)They believed that their own prosperity depended on the use of slaves, especially on plantations that produced cotton.

C)They were worried that they might be attacked by their neighbors if they spoke out against slavery.

D)They knew that the law would not be on their side if they spoke out against these laws.


Answer 1


B)They believed that their own prosperity depended on the use of slaves, especially on plantations that produced cotton.

Answer 2

Some Americans and Europeans argue against outlawing slavery while admitting the practice was morally wrong as they believed that their prosperity depended on the use of slaves, especially on plantations that produced cotton. The correct option is b.  

Slavery was so profitable that the Mississippi River valley produced more millionaires per capita than any other region in the country. With cash crops of tobacco, cotton, and sugar cane, America's southern states became the nation's economic engine.

If the Confederacy have been a distinct country, it would have been the world's fourth richest at the commencement of the Civil War. The slave economy was extremely beneficial to American wealth. By the commencement of the war, the south had grown 75 percent of the world's cotton and producing more billionaires per capita than any other region in the country. Enslaved labourers were the Southern planters' most important investment—and the source of the majority of their riches.

Learn more about slavery,  here:



Related Questions

What was major problem during the Harding administration



The Teapot Dome Scandal was a major problem during the Harding administration.



Government Corruption.



How did the completion of the transcontinental railroad affect companies that made products


The transcontinental railroad made it easier to transport products across the country, especially the central United States. Using the railroad, companies could transport their products across country faster than any time before.

, how do you think Justice Ginsburg demonstrates civic virtue?



Justice Ginsburg demonstrates civic virtue through her role as a Supreme Court justice. She also demonstrates civic virtue by respecting the court and preparing carefully for the cases she hears.

Explanation: it’s the sample answer :)

Justice Ginsburg serves as an example of civic morality at the Supreme Court. She also exhibits civic virtue by treating the court with respect and doing her research before hearing cases.

What is meant by civic virtue?

Civic virtue refers to the personal traits involved with the successful operation of the civil and political order, or the preservation of its ideals and principles. It represents the character of a good participant in a system of governance.

Civic virtue varies from society to society, but frequent examples include engaging fully in one's community, voting in elections, and putting one's community's needs ahead of one's own. Civic virtue is the term used to describe the character qualities essential to the maintenance of the civil and political system.

Thus, Justice Ginsburg serves as an example of civic morality at the Supreme Court.

For more details about  civic virtue, click here:



How were the colonies governed at the local level ?



They organized a legislative bodies to govern themselves locally. ... Great Britain suddenly began imposing its authority over the colonies.



They organized a legislative bodies to govern themselves locally.


Hope this helps

Why did the Aryans settle by the Indus River Valley? Why close to the river?



The Indus Valley Civilization began to decline around 1800 BCE. Archaeological evidence indicates that trade with Mesopotamia, located largely in modern Iraq, seemed to have ended. The advanced drainage systems and baths of the great cities were built over or blocked. Writing began to disappear, and the standardized weights and measures used for trade and taxation fell out of use.

characterize the "Republican Motherhood" construct.



"Republican Motherhood" is an 18th-century term for an attitude toward women's roles present in the emerging United States before, during, and after the American Revolution. It centered on the belief that the patriots' daughters should be raised to uphold the ideals of republicanism, in order to pass on republican values to the next generation. In this way, the "Republican Mother" was considered a custodian of civic virtue responsible for upholding the morality of her husband and children. Although it is an anachronism, the period of Republican Motherhood is hard to categorize in the history of Feminism. On the one hand, it reinforced the idea of a domestic women's sphere separate from the public world of men. On the other hand, it encouraged the education of women and invested their "traditional" sphere with a dignity and importance that had been missing from previous conceptions of Women's work.


What were some of the political changes people fought for in the Civil Rights Era and how successful were they?



one political change that they asked for during the civil Rights was voting Rights two African Americans and end segregation

Consider the four key ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence - equality, unalienable rights, consent of the governed, and the right to alter or abolish government . Then write an essay which explains why three of these ideals are important to society, and why the fourth ideal is most important of all.


As the American Revolution rose among the 18th century, it was ignited by Britain’s colonization of the 13 colonies. The colonies because frustrated and felt trapped under the British rule. They were additionally being taxed without representation. Thus, they felt the need to rebel among the British.

As the colonies established a nation as they broke away from Britain, it is important to note what caused these ideas in the Declaration to emerge. The Declaration is most influenced by the Enlightenment and John Lockes as he developed the Natural Rights ideal. He stated each human had the rights to life, property, and liberty. Additionally, he believed in the social contract in which the government and it citizen are in a contract/agreement. The citizens give the government the responsibility to protect their rights, while the government does so. This is important because it inspires the key concepts within the Declaration.

The fourth ideal is most significant because the citizens within the colonies were oppressed by the British, thus wanted to prevent the social contract from being broken. If the government does not give the people their rights nor do they not protect their rights, they are allowed to rebel against the government just as seen within the American Revolution.

How did white Southerners erode the political right and earning power of African American in the late 1800s?



They passed laws restricting african Americans registration to vote.


The answer is very simple.

The southerners Democrats used their power in the state legislature to disenfranchise minorities, i.e the blacks, and ensure that Democratic Party and white power would not be threatened again by the blacks.

They passed laws restricting voter registration, and this stopped the reconstruction and prevented the blacks African Americans to earn power.

In a factor market, households provide all of the following EXCEPT: A. land B. labor C. goods D. capital



C. Goods


"They sell their land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship to businesses (firms) in the Factor Market (Resources Market) in exchange for income payments."


The answer is C


I took the test.

How do exhaust fumes from cars affect the environment?
O A. They cause a rapid decrease in temperatures leading to rain.
O B. They release harmful. greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
They decontaminate natural waterbodies, such as lakes and rivers.
They circulate harmful disease-carrying organisms in the air.​


The correct answer is B. They release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.


Exhaust fumes from cars are composed of different gases such as nitrogen, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide that go to the atmosphere after being released and contribute to the greenhouse effect. Indeed, gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrous oxide are considered greenhouse gases, this means these gases trap part of the radiation from Sun and stop this from being released, which increases the temperature on Earth; this causes higher than normal temperatures and has multiple effects on natural environments. Thus, exhaust fumes from cars affect the environment because "They release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere".

What is an example of a Texan’s right to assembly? a. sending a letter to the editor of a local newspaper b. gathering at a peaceful protest in front of a government building c. quartering a soldier at home d. owning a new house as a piece of private property



b. gathering at a peaceful protest in front of a government building



The citizens shall have the right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for their common good; and apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievances or other purposes, by petition, address or remonstrance.

The First Amendment prohibits government from abridging "the right of the people peaceably to assemble." People are entitled to assemble and to speak and be heard, as long as they remain nonviolent.

Example of this rights includes

Hosting a party, having a board game night with the neighbors, or even going to church are all freedom of assembly examples. The difference, however, is that freedom of assembly protects those whom the government believes may “cause trouble” when they get together.

Click this link to learn about a career as a School Counselor. What level of education do School and Career
Counselors usually need?
O bachelor's degree
O doctoral degree
o master's degree
O associate degree


The answer is master’s degree i took the test my duded

The level of education required by School and Career Counselors is a master's degree. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Who are School Counselors?

School counselors assist students in developing both academic and social skills. They are employed in both public and private schools.

Career counselors and advisors assist people in determining the best path to employment. Career counselors and advisors are mostly found in colleges and universities, but they can also be found in career centers and private practice.

Both types of counselors are typically employed full-time. The majority of school counselors must have a master's degree in school counseling or a related field, as well as a state-issued credential. Some states require career counselors and advisors to be licensed.

Therefore, a master's degree is essential to become a School and Career Counselor.

To learn more about School Counselor, click here:



Neil Armstrong, a U.S. astronaut and the first man on the moon, was a U.S. Navy veteran. What is another career that someone who was in the navy or air force might pursue, and how would that career be helped by navy or air force training? In the video, the host notes that several towns claim the birthplace of the U.S. Navy and talks about why they make those claims. Which town did you find had the most convincing argument? And why did that town claim it should be considered the birthplace of the navy?



What is another career that someone who was in the navy or air force might pursue, and how would that career be helped by navy or air force training?

Someone who is in navy or airforce could pursue other career like to become a medical doctor for assisstance in treating wounded soldiers or a psychologist who would help other American soldiers is resolving some of their emotional related problems like PSTD.

These careers would be helped by the navy or air force through their extra-ordinary support in terms of finances and access to resources inorder to actualise their dreams just like Neil Armstrong was supported into becoming anastronaut.


Which emperor built a wall around northern England to mark to boundary of the Roman Empire?
What was one foods the Romans never ate?



1. hadrian


3. d


The 6th Amendment guarantees the right to a trial with a partial jury and does not ensure that the accused will know the charges against them and who
pressed charges


Answer: false

Explanation: the sixth amendment guarantees citizens a speedy trial , they will get the opportunity to confront whoever pressed charges or accused them of any crime .

I do believe that this answer is False

What role did glasnost play in the collapse of the U.S.S.R



Gorbachev brought perestroika to the Soviet Union's foreign economic sector with measures that Soviet economists considered bold at that time. His program virtually eliminated the monopoly that the Ministry of Foreign Trade had once held on most trade operations.


Answer:Gorbachev brought perestroika to the Soviet Union's foreign economic sector with measures that Soviet economists considered bold at that time. His programme virtually eliminated the monopoly that the Ministry of Foreign Trade had once held on most trade operations.

Explanation: hope this helps

"I will not try to describe the impression that the temple, and in particular its portico, made on us," Champollion wrote. "The separate dimensions of the structure can be measured, but it is quite impossible to give an idea of the whole. We stayed there two hours, filled with ecstasy. Led by our native guide, we wandered through the halls and tried to read the inscriptions on the outside in the glittering moonlight."

Based on the context clues in the excerpt, a portico is most likely

a porch or walkway attached to a building.
an ancient unit of measurement.
a group of people traveling together.
a seaside village or town.



a porch or walkway attached to a building.


The separate dimensions of the structure shows that it must be a structure of some sort.









i know because i go to college with you and i sit right by you so and we did this quostion together and it was -5

9. 25% of the land in the U.S. is arable land.
A. True
B. False


False 16.25 is arable

Question 1 of 10

2 Points

In his Fireside Chat after the attack on Pearl Harbor, how does FDR increase

Americans' confidence in the ability of the United States to win the war

against the Axis powers?

A. He discusses how the German and Japanese military fight with

treachery and deceit.

B. He explains how the U.S. military has become stronger since

World War II first began.

C. He encourages radio stations to focus on patriotism and

optimistic news broadcasts.

D. He enumerates the heroic efforts of American citizens in past




Option B


in his Fireside Chat after the attack on pearl harbor, FDR increase American's confidence in the ability of the United States to win the war against the axis powers by explaining how the United State military has become stronger since  World War II first began, to show the confidence in U.S  Army forces.

Two days after Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his Fireside Chat to the Americans to get the nation ready for the battle that was to come and with the main message of the speech was to gather the necessary support of the citizens and wanted his audience to extract hope from his speech, despite the difficulties of the presence situation.

He explains how the U.S. military has become stronger since, World War II first began is the correct answer. This can be explained as follows

Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a motivating speech to the American people on December 9, 1941, on the need for them to assist to the upcoming war struggle.In his address, FDR states that the battle would be extended and that citizens will be required to pay. He highlights the necessity for expanded factory production as well as a conversion to war materials manufacture. He speaks to the event's sentiment and emphasizes the need of public respect for the military when they fight the world's worst adversary.

Therefore, it can be concluded that option B is the correct answer from the given options for the question.

Learn more about FDR increase  Americans' confidence in the ability of the United States to win the war  against the Axis powers here:


Why might the united states have created a military blockade to stop the delivery of Soviet weapons to cuba



Kennedy imposed a U.S. naval blockade of Cuba after U.S. spy planes found Soviet missile sites on the Communist-ruled island. In a televised speech, the president said the medium-range nuclear weapons arrayed at nearly completed bases were capable of striking major American cities, including Washington.

Explanation: hope it help

Identify two other names the region known as Israel-Palestine has been called.


Judea and SamariaIsrael and Judah

Who asked Congress to declare war on Spain



President McKinley sent a message to Congress requesting authority to use the U.S. armed forces to end a brutal civil war in the Spanish colony of Cuba



President McKinley


the Gulf War was connected to another event?



No I don't think it was


ASAP!! how did the president's address problems that were facing the US?


they Used Air Force and navie army for adreess provl


Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements.

Answers below!

>Anti-Semitism is a term for open hostility against the Jewish people.

A Jewish nationalist movement called >Zionism worked to establish a Jewish homeland in the Middle Eastern region called >Palestine

After World War I, Britain was given a >mandate to manage Palestine.


Answer: please send the rest


What was unfortunate according to Hoover



the great depression


can i have the brainliest answer?

Which factor best explains why the graph changes from 1990 to 2010?



it gose down toup



new technology has improved medical imaging and surgery


took the test

How can I explain domestic and foreign policy significant events of the 1980s



During the 1980s, conservative politics and Reaganomics held sway as the ... the 1960s were worn down by inflation, foreign policy turmoil and rising crime. ... On the domestic front, Reagan's economic policies initially proved less ... particularly when it came to a key tenet of the plan: balancing the budget.


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