A stock lost 8 3/8 points on Monday and then another 1 5/8 points on Tuesday. On Wednesday, it gained 13 points. What was the
net gain or loss of the stock for these three days?


Answer 1


The stock in last three days has a net gain of 3.

Step-by-step explanation:

The net change of the stock is the sum of daily changes in last three days. Please notice that positive sign means means for gain, whereas negative one is for loss. Based on information given on statement, we determine the net change in the stock:

[tex]x = -\left(8 + \frac{3}{8} \right)-\left(1+\frac{5}{8} \right) + 13[/tex]

[tex]x = 3[/tex]

The stock in last three days has a net gain of 3.

Related Questions

Solve the equation.

Distribute: 4-2(x+7) = 3(x+5)
Combine Terms: 4-2x-14 = 3×+15
-10-2×= 3×+15
+10 +10
-2× = 3× + 25
-3x -3x
-5× = +25
÷ -5 ÷ -5
ANSWER : x = -5

Part 2 : What is the value of x for the given equation ?
ANSWER : × = -5 ​



- 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for x


We open the bracket :

4 - 2x - 14 = 3x + 15

Collect like terms

-2x - 3x = 15 + 14 - 4

-5x = 25

Divide both sides by - 5

-5x/-5 = 25 / - 5

x = - 5

35\40 = 7\?

a. 5
b. 8
c. 1
d. 4



b. 8

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify the left side by dividing the top and bottom by 5

35/5 = 7

40 /5 = 8


Hey there!

35/40 = 7/x

Cross Multiply the fraction

35(x) = (7)(40)

→ 35x = 280


35x/35 = 280/35

CANCEL out: 35/35 because that gives you 1

KEEP: 280/35 because that helps solve for the x-value

→ x = 280/35

x = 8

Therefore, your answer is most likely: 8 (Option B)

Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!


How do I solve this


The awnser is (-1, 3)


x = -1 y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

x = 2y-7

2x + 3y = 7

Substitute x =2y-7 in 2y + 3y = 7

2(2y-7) + 3y = 7

4y-14+3y = 7

7y - 14 = 7

7y = 7 + 14

7y = 21

7y/7 = 21/7

y = 3

Substitute 3 for y in x = 2y-7

x = 2(3) - 7

x = 6 -7

x = -1

Answered by Gauthmath

On a piece of paper, graph y+ 2[tex]\leq[/tex] 1/4 x-1. Then determine which answer choice matches the graph you drew.



Graph A

Step-by-step explanation:

x^4 - x^2 - 2x -1 . solve



X⁴–X²–2X –1=0


[tex]x = - \frac{1 - i\sqrt{3} }{2} \\ x = - \frac{ 1 + i \sqrt{3} }{2} [/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5} }{2} \\ x = \frac{1 - \sqrt{5} }{2} [/tex]

I hope I helped you^_^

Which of the r-values satisfy the following inequality?
r/3 + 5 <_ 9
Choose all answers that apply:




Step-by-step explanation:

r/3  +5 ≤ 8

Subtract 5 from each side

r/3  +5 -5≤ 8-5

r/3   ≤ 3

Multiply each side by 3

r/3  *3 ≤ 3*3

r   ≤ 9

The only value that is less than or equal to 9 is 9

From a point on the ground 100m from its base, the angle of elevation of the top of the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai is 83.1°. Draw a sketch and use it to calculate the height of the tower. ​



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]tan \ 83.1 = \frac{opposite \ side}{adjacent \ side} = \frac{BC}{100}\\\\8.2635 = \frac{BC}{100}\\\\8.2635*100=BC\\\\826.35 = BC[/tex]

Height of tower = 826.35 m

(8-16) + (8 + 6)
If the parentheses are removed from the above
expression, how will the value of the expression
A. no change
B. increase of 3
C. increase of 7
D. increase of 12
E. increase of 16


Step-by-step explanation:

Right now, we would solve everything within the parenthesis first.

(8 - 16) + (8 + 6)

(-8) + (14)

14 - 8


But if we remove the parenthesis, it doesn't matter what order we do things in.

8 - 16 + 8 + 6

8 + 8 - 16 + 6

16 - 16 + 6


The reason why both of these are the same, is because the only calculations we're doing are addition and subtraction, which don't care about parenthesis.



The answer is A. The only calculations were doing here are addition and subtraction and it doesn’t matter what order u do them in. If there was any multiplying or division here it would be different. The answer is A. Also can I get brainliest please?

pls help me asap!!!!!!


(4p+8) degrees equals 180. 172/4 =43. P=43




d) 2y + x = 106

Step-by-step explanation:

Mean of the data = sum of the data / number of frequencies:

(40 + 38 + y + y + x + 32)/6 = 362y + x + 110 = 36*62y + x = 216 - 1102y + x = 106

Correct choice is d

Help Please I will
Mark brainliest




Step-by-step explanation:

The output of the chart and graph drops by 2 for every input.



Answer:  3

Step-by-step explanation:                                                                                                          

[tex]\displaystyle\ \Large \boldsymbol{} We \ have \ a \ square\ function \\\\ f(x)=ax^2+bx+c \\\\And \ we \ know \\\\ \left[\left \[ {{f(0)=a\cdot 0+b\cdot0+c=0} \atop {f(-4)=a(-4)^2+-4b+c=-24}} \right.=>[/tex]                                                [tex]\displaystyle\ \Large \boldsymbol{} \left[ \ {{c=0} \atop {16a-4b=-24}} \right. =>\boxed{4a-b=-6} \\\\\\ and \ x_0 =-\frac{b}{2a}=1 =>\boxed{ b=-2a} \\\\\\ \left \{ {{4a-b=-6} \atop {b=-2a}} \right. =>4a+2a=-6=> a=-1 \ ; \ b=2 \\\\\\then \ b-a=2-(-1)=\boxed{3}[/tex]                                                                                    

Seena’s mother is 7 times as old as Seena. After 4 years
her mother will be 4 times as old as she will be then .Find
their present ages.


Given :

Seena’s mother is 4 times as old as Seena. After 5 years her mother will be 3 times as old as she will be then .Find their present ages.

Solution :

Let us assume :

Seena's age be x

Her mother's age be 4x

After 5 years :

Seena's age = x + 5

Her mother's age = 4x + 5

Ratio of age after 5 years :

Seena's mother = 3

Seena's ratio = 1

Hence, the equation is :

[tex] \looparrowright\frak{ \frac{4x + 5}{x + 5} = \frac{3}{1} }[/tex]

By cross multiplying we get

[tex] \looparrowright \frak{3(x + 5) = 4x + 5}[/tex]

[tex] \looparrowright \frak{3x + 15 = 4x + 5}[/tex]

[tex] \looparrowright \frak{x = 10}[/tex]

Hence, the ages are

Seena's age = x = 10 yrs

Her mother's age = 4x = 4 × 10 = 40 years

Seena's age is 10 and her mother's is 40 respectively

Consider the equation 5(10)^(z/4)=32 Solve the equation for z, express the solution as a logarithm in base-10



[tex]\displaystyle z = 4\, \log_{10} \left(\frac{32}{5}\right)[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply both sides by [tex](1/5)[/tex] and simplify:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{5} \times 5\, (10)^{z/4} = \frac{1}{5} \times 32[/tex].

[tex]\displaystyle (10)^{z/4} = \frac{32}{5}[/tex].

Take the base-[tex]10[/tex] logarithm of both sides:

[tex]\displaystyle \log_{10}\left(10^{z/4}\right) = \log_{10} \left(\frac{32}{5}\right)[/tex].

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{z}{4} = \log_{10}\left(\frac{32}{5}\right)[/tex].

[tex]\displaystyle z = \log_{10}\left(\frac{32}{5}\right)[/tex].

What are the zeros of f(x) = x2 - 8x+16?
O A. x= 4 only
B. x = -4 and x = 4
C. X=-2 and x = 8
D. x=-4 only




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = x^2 - 8x+16

Set equal to zero

0 = x^2 -8x +16


what 2 numbers multiply to 16 and add to -8

-4*-4 = 16

-4+-4 = -8

0= (x-4)(x-4)

Using the zero product property

x-4 = 0  x-4 =0

x=4  x=4

A function() is graphed
What is the slope of the function?
What is the intercept of the function?
Which equation represents the graph of the function?


Y=mx+b use that formula

there are nickels, dimes, and quarters in a piggy bank. altogether, the coins are worth $3.65. the number of dimes is three times greater than the number of nickels, and the number of quarters is one greater than double the number of nickels. how many quarters, nickels, and dimes are there?


This question is solved using a system of equations, and doing this, we get that: There are 9 quarters, 4 nickels and 12 dimes.

I am going to say that:

x is the number of nickels.

y is the number of dimes.

z is the number of quarters.

In all, they are worth $3.65.

A nickel is worth $0.05, a dime is worth $0.1 and a quarter is worth $0.25, so:

[tex]0.05x + 0.1y + 0.25z = 3.65[/tex]

Dimes: 3 times greater than nickels:

This means that:

[tex]y = 3x[/tex]

Quarters: One greater than double the number of nickels:

This means that:

[tex]z = 2x + 1[/tex]

Value of x:

We have y and z as function of x, so we can replace into the equation and find the value of x, so:

[tex]0.05x + 0.1y + 0.25z = 3.65[/tex]

[tex]0.05x + 0.1(3x) + 0.25(2x+1) = 3.65[/tex]

[tex]0.05x + 0.3x + 0.5x + 0.25 = 3.65[/tex]

[tex]0.85x = 3.4[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{3.4}{0.85}[/tex]

[tex]x = 4[/tex]

y and z:

[tex]y = 3x = 3(4) = 12[/tex]

[tex]z = 2x + 1 = 2(4) + 1 = 9[/tex]

There are 9 quarters, 4 nickels and 12 dimes.

A similar question is found at https://brainly.com/question/17096268

Evaluate x^4 • x^-1 when x = 4




Step-by-step explanation:






Given three consecutive odd integers whose sum is 369, find the smallest of the three integers.



Step-by-step explanation:

369 = x + (x+2) + (x+4)

369 = 3x + 6

363 = 3x

121 = x

now that we know that x = 121, we can solve the equation by plugging in the variable

369 = x + (x+2) + (x+4)

369 = 121 + 123 + 125

369 = 369

The smallest three integers are 121,123 and 125.

Let, the smallest odd integers be n

Then according to the given condition,


So, the numbers are,


Learn More:https://brainly.com/question/2254193

Solve 2x + 3y = C, for y



y= [tex]\frac{c-2x}{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


isolate y


y= [tex]\frac{c-2x}{3}[/tex]

Solve the equation for all values of x.
- 2x(x − 8)(10x + 1) = 0
From deltamath.com



x=0       x=8          x = -1/10

Step-by-step explanation:

- 2x(x − 8)(10x + 1) = 0

Using the zero product property

-2x =0   x-8 = 0    10x+1= 0

x= 0    x= 8             10x = -1

x=0       x=8          x = -1/10

Help anyone can help me do this question,I will mark brainlest.​



but what to do in do I have to find the area of the particular Region or a length of that

What we have to do in this question
You have to post this question again with full explanation!

Find the equation of a line perpendicular to y = (75)x - 1 and has a y-
intercept of 1.



6y = -5x + 6

y = -5/6 x + 1

Step-by-step explanation:

y = -5/6 x + b

1 = b

Which of the following statements is true of the function ? Question 2 options: A) g(x) can be graphed by translating the basic rational function ƒ(x) 1∕x right by 3 units and downward by 5 units. B) g(x) can be graphed by translating the basic rational function ƒ(x) 1∕x left by 3 units and downward by 5 units. C) g(x) can be graphed by translating the basic rational function ƒ(x) 1∕x right by 3 units and downward by 5 units. D) g(x) can be graphed by translating the basic rational function ƒ(x) 1∕x left by 5 units and downward by 3 units.


Transformations are operators that can act on functions, modifying them in different ways. In this particular problem, we see the translations.

The correct option is B:

g(x) can be graphed by translating the basic rational function ƒ(x)=  1∕x left by 3 units and downward by 5 units.

Let's describe the transformations:

Horizontal translation:

For a general function f(x), a horizontal translation of N units is written as:

g(x) = f(x + N)

If N is positive, the shift is to the left.

If N is negative, the shift is to the right

Vertical translation:

For a general function f(x), a vertical translation of N units is written as:

g(x) = f(x) + N

If N is positive, the shift is upwards.

If N is negative, the shift is downwards.

Now that we know this, let's see the problem.

We have:

[tex]g(x) = \frac{1}{x + 3} - 5[/tex]

So, the original function is:

[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{x}[/tex]

Now from f(x) we can apply translations to create g(x).

If first, we apply a translation of 3 units to the left, we get:

[tex]g(x) = f(x + 3) = \frac{1}{x + 3}[/tex]

If now we apply a translation of 5 units downwards, we get:

[tex]g(x) = f(x + 3) - 5 = \frac{1}{x + 3} - 5[/tex]

So we can conclude that the correct option is B:

g(x) can be graphed by translating the basic rational function ƒ(x) 1∕x left by 3 units and downward by 5 units.

If you want to learn more about translations, you can read:


The population of a city is currently 45,000 and is declining at a rate of 2% each year. Give a formula for determining the total population after a period of t years.
Question 4 options:


A = (45,000)e–0.02t


A = 45,000 + e–0.02t


A = (45,000)e0.02t


A = 45,000 + e0.02t



Step-by-step explanation:

The general form of this equation is

[tex]A=Pe^{rt}[/tex] where P is the initial population, e is Euler's number (a constant), r is the rate of decay, and t is the time in years.

Therefore, filling in:


What are the values of x and y? Please explain the steps.​



x = 1 and y =5

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]8x -2y= -2\\Divide by -2\\-4x+y = 1\\add 4x\\y= 1+4x\\[/tex]

Substitute this value of y in the next equation.

[tex]9x+5(1+4x) = 34\\9x+5+20x=34\\29x+5=34\\29x=29\\x=1[/tex]

Solve for y using x.


Two similar polygons have areas of 4 square inches and 64 square inches.

The ratio of a pair of corresponding sides is .
The ratio of a pair of corresponding sides is .
The ratio of a pair of corresponding sides is .
The ratio of a pair of corresponding sides is .




Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the area of similar figures is the ratio between corresponding sides squared. This means that 64/4 or 16 is the square of the ratio of corresponding sides. By taking the square root of 16, we get that ratio is 4.


1.) you are looking at your power bill for the month, you pay 12 cent per kilowatt hour. Running a 60 watt lightbulb for one hour is .0 6 KWH, if you leave a light on all the time that has 3 lightbulbs in it how much would that cost a 30 day month

2.) you were looking at your power bill for the month you pay .11 per kilowatt. Your power bill came out to $80.48 how many KWH of energy were using your house this month

3.) you plan to cut the board into three pieces to repair part of a railing. You are going to cut the two ends of the board into two equal pieces that are 2.6 feet long if the remaining piece needs to be 0.86 times longer than each of the first two cats what length boards did you buy round to the nearest tenth


1. Electrical energy consumption is measured at kilowatt-hour (KWh). Thus the cost of energy consumed for the month is $31.104.

2. The amount of energy used in the house for the month is 731.634 KWh.

3. The length of the board equals the sum of each length of the pieces. The length of the board to buy is 8.70 feet.

1. The rate of consumption of energy is measured in kilowatt-hour.

In the given question,

12 cent is paid per kilowatt-hour.

60 watts of light for 1 hour = 0.06 KWh

3 light bulbs of 60 Watts each for 1 hour = 3 x  0.06

                                           = 0.18 KWh


30 days = 30 x 24 hours

                        = 1440 hours

The total energy consumed for the month = 1440 x 0.18

                                      =  259.20 KWh

The total cost for the month = 0.12 x 259.20

                                               = $31.104

Thus, the total cost for the month is $31.104.

2. Charge per kilowatt-hour = $0.11

Total power bill = $80.48

So that,

Total cost on bill = amount charge per kilowatt x total energy consumed in KWh

Which implies;

$80.48 = $0.11 x total energy consumed in KWh

total energy consumed = [tex]\frac{80.48}{0.11}[/tex]

                               = 731.634 KWh

Therefore, the amount of energy used in the house for the month is 731.634 KWh.

3. Each length of the two end pieces = 2.6 feet each

Given that the remaining piece needs to be 0.86 times longer than each of the first two. Then;

the length of the remaining piece = 2.6 + 0.86

                                                         = 3.46

The length of the remaining piece = 3.46 feet

The length of the board to buy = 2.6 + 2.6 + 3.46

                                                   = 8.66

Thus, the length of the board to buy is 8.70 feet.

Related link: 1, 2. https://brainly.com/question/13988193

                     3. https://brainly.com/question/16046083

Sand and gravel are mixed in the ratio 5:3
form ballast
a) How much gravel is mixed with 750kg of
b) How much sand is mixed with 750kg of



a) 450 gravel   b)1250 sand

Step-by-step explanation:



m + 3n =7 help me solve m



m = 7 - 3n

Step-by-step explanation:

subtract 3n from both sides of the equation

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