......... defines the path of the movement for an object.
b. Shape Tween
c. Motion Guide
is represented by a red vertical line in the Timeline windo
b. Playhead
c. Keyframe
option displays only the outline of the object in


Answer 1


c. Motion Guide

B. Playhead


In Cascading Style Sheets 5 (CSS5), the playhead represents specific frame numbers and are displayed by a vertical line on the timeline window.

Motion Guide defines the path of the movement for an object so that there is no overlay issues.

Related Questions

Countdown until matching digits Write a program that takes in an integer in the range 11-100 as input. The output is a countdown starting from the integer, and stopping when both output digits are identical. Ex: If the input is the output is 93 92 91 90 89 88 Ex: If the input is 11 the output is 11 Ex: If the input is 9 or any number not between 11 and 100 (inclusive), the output is: Input must be 11-100 For coding simplicity, follow each output number by a space, even the last one. Use a while loop. Compare the digits do not write a large if-else for all possible same-digit numbers (11,22,33...99), as that approach would be cumbersome for larger ranges. 29999.1122120 LAB ACTIVITY 4.13.1: LAB: Countdown until matching digits 7/10 main.c Load default template... 1 include 2 3 int main() 4 int n, i: 5 scanf("%d", &n); if (n < 20 Il n98) { 7 printf("%d",n); } else { i-n: 1e while (1) printf("%d", 1); if (icie - i/10) 13 14 15 16 17 } 18 printf("\n"); 19 return : 20 ) 12 break; Latest submission - 11:16 PM on 02/05/21 Total score: 7/10 Only show failing tests Download this submission 1: Compare output A 3/3 Input Your output 93 92 91 90 89 88 2: Compare Output A Input 11 Your output 11 3: Compare output a 3/3 Input 20 Your output 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 4: Compare output A 0/2 Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Input 101 Your output 101 Expected output Input must be 11-100 5. Compare output A 0/1 Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Input Your output Expected output Input must be 11-100



The program in C is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int n;

   scanf("%d", &n);

   if(n<11 || n>100){

       printf("Input must be between 11 - 100");    }


       while(n%11 != 0){

           printf("%d ", n);

           n--;        }

       printf("%d ", n);    }

   return 0;



The existing template can not be used. So, I design the program from scratch.

This declares the number n, as integer

   int n;

This gets input for n

   scanf("%d", &n);

This checks if input is within range (11 - 100, inclusive)

   if(n<11 || n>100){

The following prompt is printed if the number is out of range

       printf("Input must be between 11 - 100");    }


If input is within range, the countdown is printed

       while(n%11 != 0){ ----This checks if the digits are identical using modulus 11

Print the digit

           printf("%d ", n);

Decrement by 1

           n--;        }

This prints the last expected output

       printf("%d ", n);    }

Which of the following statement is False? 1 point Context free language is the subset of context sensitive language Regular language is the subset of context sensitive language Recursively enumerable language is the super set of regular language Context sensitive language is a subset of context free language



Context-sensitive language is a subset of context-free language


Considering the available options, the statement that is considered wrong is "Context-sensitive language is a subset of context-free language."

This is because generally every regular language can be produced through the means of context-free grammar, while context-free language can be produced through the means of context-sensitive grammar, and at the same time, context-sensitive grammars are produced through the means of Recursively innumerable.

Hence, the correct answer in this correct answer to the question is the last option *Context-sensitive language is a subset of context-free langage

A company can either invest in employee training seminars or update its computer network. Since updating the computer network would result in more measurable benefits, the company would be best off updating its computer network. The argument above assumes that: Group of answer choices



The more measurable a benefit, the greater value that benefit has to a company


Here, there are two choices ; organizing employee training seminars and computer network update. With an update in the company's computer network, accompanying benefits include ; Improved network performance, Extended feature accessibility, Enhanced firewall and security features, Enhanced efficiency leading to increased overall output. Employee training and seminar also comes with its own benefit which include enhanced employee knowledge. However , the measurable benefits of updating a computer network seems more numerous than employee training which could be a reason why the company chose to invest in its computer network as they feel that investments with more measurable benefits will impact more on the company.

Consider the code below. When you run this program, what is the output if the temperature is 77.3 degrees Fahrenheit?
temperature = gloat(input('what is the temperature'))
if temperature >70:
print('Wear short sleeves')
print('bring a jacket')
print ('Go for a walk outside')



The output would be "Wear short sleeves"


The temperature is 77.3 degrees and 77.3 > 70

4.15 LAB: Smallest number
Write a program whose inputs are three integers, and whose output is the smallest of the three values.

Ex: If the input is:

the output is:




The program in Python is as follows:

nums = []

for i in range(3):

   num = int(input())






This initiailizes a list

nums = []

This iteration is repeated for 3 inputs

for i in range(3):

This get input for each iteration

   num = int(input())

The input is then appended to the list



Sort the list in ascending order


Print the smallest


Following are the program to find the smallest number in the input value.

Program Explanation:

Defining header file.Defining main method.Inside the main method three integer variable "x,y, and z" is declared that is used for input value.After inputs the value a Else if Statement is declared that checks the smallest value from input value, and use print method that print its value.


#include <iostream>//header file

using namespace std;

int main()//main method


   int x,y,z;//defining integer variable

   cout<<"Enter values: "<<endl;//print message

   cin>>x>>y>>z;//input value

   if(x<y&& x<z)//use if that check value of x less than y and x less than z


       cout<<x;//print value


   else if(y<x &&y<z)//use if that check value of y less than x and y less than z


       cout<<y;//print value


   else//else block


       cout<<z;//print value


   return 0;



Please find the attached file.

Learn more:


Which of the following statements regarding the SAP Hana product implemented by Under Armour is NOT true?
A. All of the statements are true.
B. The program allows legacy silos to remain intact.
C. The program can run across platforms and devices.
D. The program provides real-time results.



Explanation:i need points

Aaron opens a bicycle store. Which of the
following gives the best example of how Aaron
uses the scarce resource of labor?


Answer: Aaron hired an employee to do bicycle repairs


Labor refers to the physical and mental effort put into production by human beings.

Since Aaron opens a bicycle store, he can hire an employee to do bicycle repairs. Therefore, in this case, labor will be put into productive use for the company.

help me with this please​


Different types of connections are..

-A network is two or more devices connected through links.

-There are two possible types of connections: point-to-point and multipoint.

-A point-to-point connection provides a dedicated link between two devices.

Explain the different types of topologies

-Star network…
In star topology each device in the network is connected to a central device called hub. Unlike Mesh topology, star topology doesn't allow direct communication.

-Ring network…
A number of repeaters are used for Ring topology with large number of nodes, because if someone wants to send some data to the last node in the ring topology

-Bus network…
In bus topology there is a main cable and all the devices are connected to this main cable through drop lines. There is a device called tap that connects the drop 

-tree topology…
Tree topologies have a root node, and all other nodes are connected which form a hierarchy. So it is also known as hierarchical topology. This topology integrates 

-Computer network…
Ring Topology; Star Topology; Mesh Topology; Tree Topology; Hybrid Topology; How to select a Network Topology? Types of Networking Topologies.

-Mesh networking…
Ring Topology; Star Topology; Mesh Topology; Tree Topology; Hybrid Topology; How to select a Network Topology? Types of Networking Topologies.

Different type of networks

-Computer network…
Virtual Private Network (VPN). By extending a private network across the Internet, a VPN lets its users send and receive data.

Using routers, LANs can connect to wide area networks (WANs, explained below) to rapidly and safely transfer data. 3. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN).

-Wide area network…
Wide area network, or WAN. In terms of purpose, many networks can be considered general purpose, which means they are used for everything from sending files etc.

-Metropolitan area network…
MAN or Metropolitan area Network covers a larger area than that of a LAN and smaller area as compared to WAN. It connects two or more computers that are apart.

-Wireless LAN…
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) helps you to link single or multiple devices using wireless communication within a limited area like home, school, or office 

-Wireless network…
A Wireless Local Area Network or WLAN is a network that is used to connect different devices without using wires etc.

-Storage area network…
Storage Area Network is a type of network which allows consolidated, block-level data storage. It is mainly used to make storage last longer etc.

-Personal area network…
PAN can be used for establishing communication among these personal devices for connecting to a digital network and the internet.

-Campus area network…
A Metropolitan Area Network or MAN is consisting of a computer network across an entire city, college campus, or a small region. This type of network is large.

Explain your own understand about protocol and standards

A protocol defines a set of rules used by two or more parties to interact between themselves. A standard is a formalized protocol accepted by most of the parties that implement it.

explain layers in OSI model

Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application.

Explain layers in tcp/ip model

Four layers of TCP/IP model are 1) Application Layer 2) Transport Layer 3) Internet Layer 4) Network Interface. ... It is also known as a network layer. Transport layer builds on the network layer in order to provide data transport from a process on a source system machine to a process on a destination system.

what are the peer to peer processing

In peer-to-peer (P2P) networking, a group of computers are linked together with equal permissions and responsibilities for processing data. Unlike traditional client-server networking, no devices in a P2P network are designated solely to serve or to receive data

Frames control what displays on the Stage, while keyframes help to set up


Answer: A keyframe is a location on a timeline which marks the beginning or end of a transition. So for example, you have a movie and it transitions to another scene, keyframes tell it when and where to start the transition then when and where to stop the transition.

9. Question
As sysadmin, you will have to prioritize issues. Which of these issues would be a top priority
A central printer is down
A server stopped provide service to 100 users
Auser has forgotten the AWON
A users computer Keupayashi


A server stopped provide service to 100 users

sita didnt go to school. (affirmative)


What is this supposed to be a question??

Select the correct answer. Which is the bottom-most layer in the OSI model?
A application layer
B. physical layer
c. transport layer
D. presentation layer​



B.Physical layer


I am sure.Hope it helps

) Python command line menu-driven application that allows a user to display, sort and update, as needed a List of U.S states containing the state capital, overall state population, and state flower. The Internet provides multiple references with these lists. For example:




The following is a Python program that creates a menu as requestes. The menu allows the user to choose to display list, sort list, update list, and/or exit. A starting list of three states has been added. The menu is on a while loop that keeps asking the user for an option until exit is chosen. A sample output is shown in the attached picture below.

states = {'NJ': ['Trenton', 8.882, 'Common blue violet'], 'Florida':['Tallahassee', 21.48, 'Orange blossom'], 'California': ['Sacramento', 39.51, 'California Poppy']}

while True:

   answer = input('Menu: \n1: display list\n2: Sort list\n3: update list\n4: Exit')


   if answer == '1':

       for x in states:

           print(x, states[x])

   elif answer == '2':

       sortList = sorted(states)

       sorted_states = {}

       for state in sortList:

           sorted_states[state] = states[state]


       states = sorted_states

       sorted_states = {}

   elif answer == '3':

       state = input('Enter State: ')

       capital = input('Enter Capital: ')

       population = input('Enter population: ')

       flower = input('Enter State Flower: ')

       states[state] = [capital, population, flower]



In this module you learned about advanced modularization techniques. You learned about the advantages of modularization and how proper modularization techniques can increase code organization and reuse.
Create the PYTHON program allowing the user to enter a value for one edge of a cube(A box-shaped solid object that has six identical square faces).
Prompt the user for the value. The value should be passed to the 1st and 3rd functions as arguments only.
There should be a function created for each calculation
One function should calculate the surface area of one side of the cube. The value calculated is returned to the calling statement and printed.
One function should calculate the surface area of the whole cube(You will pass the value returned from the previous function to this function) and the calculated value results printed.
One function should calculate the volume of the cube and print the results.
Make a working version of this program in PYTHON.



Following are the code to the given question:

def getSAOneSide(edge):#defining a method that getSAOneSide that takes edge patameter

   return edge * edge#use return to calculate the edge value

def getSA(SA_one_side):#defining a method that getSA that takes SA_one_side patameter

   return 6 * SA_one_side#use return to calculate the SA_one_side value

def volume(edge):#defining a method that volume that takes edge patameter

   return edge * edge * edge#use return to calculate edge value

edge = int(input("Enter the length of edge of the cube:\n"))#defining edge variable that input value

SA_one_side = getSAOneSide(edge)#defining SA_one_side that holds getSAOneSide method value

print("Surface area of one side of the cube:", SA_one_side)

surfaceArea = getSA(SA_one_side)#defining a surfaceArea that holds getSA method value

print("Surface area of the cube:", surfaceArea)#print surfaceArea value

vol = volume(edge)#defining vol variable that holds Volume method value

print("Volume of the cube:", vol)#print vol Value


Please find the attached file.


In the code three method "getSAOneSide, getSA, and volume" method is declared that takes a variable in its parameters and use a return keyword that calculates and return its value.

In the next step,edge variable is declared that holds value from the user and defines three variable that holds method value and print its value with the message.

What is the value of x after the following code is executed?

x = 0
while x < 20 :
x = x + 1
else :
x = 10


I think it is X equals X +1 and while ex alt 20

What layer of the OSI model describes how data between applications is synced and recovered if messages don't arrive intact at the receiving application?
A) Application Layer.
B) Presentation Layer.
C) Session Layer.
D) Transport Layer.



C) Session Layer.


OSI model stands for Open Systems Interconnection. The seven layers of OSI model architecture starts from the Hardware Layers (Layers in Hardware Systems) to Software Layers (Layers in Software Systems) and includes the following;

1. Physical Layer

2. Data link Layer

3. Network Layer

4. Transport Layer

5. Session Layer

6. Presentation Layer

7. Application Layer

Basically, each layer has its unique functionality which is responsible for the proper functioning of the communication services.

Session layer is the layer of an Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model which describes how data between applications is synced and recovered if messages don't arrive intact at the receiving application.

What does the abbreviation BBC stands for?



British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer System


The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer System, or BBC Micro, is a series of microcomputers and associated peripherals designed and built by the Acorn Computer company in the 1980s for the BBC Computer Literacy Project.


British Broadcasting Corporation


This is a UK company which provides television and radio news in over 40 languages. This is the computer related meaning, there are other meanings to the abbreviation but they seem irrelevant in this case.

Hope this information was of any help to you. (:

The clone() method expects no arguments when called, and returns an exact copy of the type of bag on which it is called.





This statement is true. This is a method found in the Java programming language and is basically used to create an exact copy of the object that it is being called on. For example, in the code provided below the first line is creating a new object from the Cars class and naming it car1. The second line is creating an exact copy of car1 and saving it as a new object called car2. Notice how the clone() method is being called on the object that we want to copy which in this case is car1.

       Cars car1 = new Cars();

       Cars car2 = (Cars) car1.clone();

Exercise#1: The following formula gives the distance between two points (x1, yı) and (x2, y2) in the Cartesian plane:
[tex] \sqrt{(x2 - x1) ^{2} + (y2 - y1) ^{2} } [/tex]
Given the center and a point on circle, you can use this formula to find the radius of the circle. Write a C++ program that prompts the the user to enter the center and point on the circle. The program should then output the circle's radius, diameters, circumference, and area. Your program must have at least the following methods: findDistance: This mehod takes as its parameters 4 numbers that represent two points in the plane and returns the distance between them. findRadius: This mehod takes as its parameters 4 numbers that represent the center and a point on the circle, calls the method findDistance to find the radius of the circle, and returns the circle's radius. circumference: This mehod takes as its parameter a number that represents the radius of the circle and returns the circle's circumference. area: This mehod takes as as its parameter a number that represents the radius of the circle and returns the circle's area. .​



what is function of java​



Java is an object-orinted programming language used for software develpment.

each interior angle of a regular polygon is 150°.how many sides has the polygon​



12 sides




150n=(n-2) x 180

150n= 180n-360

150n-180n=- 360

-30n= -360

n= 12

Sides of polygon is 12

The _____ of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) modelspecifies the electrical connections between computers and the transmission medium and is primarily concerned with transmitting binary data, or bits, over a communication network.



"Physical layer" is the correct answer.


It dealt mostly with bit-level transfer across various equipment as well as it provides industrial automation connections to meet quality standards to something like digital downloads.The purpose of this layer would be to consolidate essential networking system compatibility so that information is being sent successfully.

Thus, the above is the correct answer.

The imperative programming paradigm is popular and is a part of object-oriented computing paradigm, because it: __________.
A. is based on computer organization and thus is efficient to execute on hardware.
B. matches the culture of doing things by following the step-wise instructions.
C. enforces the modularity and supports the development of large programs.
D. supports class inheritance and code reuse.



B. Matches the culture of doing things by following the step-wise instructions.


Imperative programming paradigm follows a sequence of instructions and steps. The order of execution of the statement is necessary because their is sequence of statements. Operation is system oriented.

In imperative programming, the source code is a series of commands, this commands tell the computer what to do, when to do it and the order it will be done so as to achieve the best result. The code of imperative programming paradigm is quite easy to understand.

_ is a term used for license like those issues by creative commons license as an alternative to copyright


, . , .



Conduct research to determine the best network design to ensure security of internal access while retaining public website availability.



There are many benefits to be gained from network segmentation, of which security is one of the most important. Having a totally flat and open network is a major risk. Network segmentation improves security by limiting access to resources to specific groups of individuals within the organization and makes unauthorized access more difficult. In the event of a system compromise, an attacker or unauthorized individual would only have access to resources on the same subnet. If access to certain databases in the data center must be given to a third party, by segmenting the network you can easily limit the resources that can be accessed, it also provides greater security against internal threats.


The best method in network security to prevent intrusion are:

Understand and use OSI Model.  Know the types of Network Devices.  Know Network Defenses.  Separate your Network.

How can I improve security through network design?

In the above case, the things to do is that one needs to focus on these areas for a a good network design. They are:

Physical security.Use of good firewalls. Use the DMZ, etc.

Therefore, The best method in network security to prevent intrusion are:

Understand and use OSI Model.  Know the types of Network Devices.  Know Network Defenses.  Separate your Network.

Learn more about network security from



write the output of given program:​










A*B=>A x B = 20 x 4 = 80

A MOD B=> Remainder of A/B = 0

1. Imagine you are in a computer shop. Choose five things that would improve your digital lif​



definitley a mac


im not much of an apple company person but i would love to try a mac im more of that disney person who likes the animated stuff like raya and the last dragon which came out in march and luca which came out last friday

Select the correct answer. Which input device uses optical technology?
A. barcode reader
B. digital pen
C. digital camera
D. joystick​



barcode reader is the correct answer

seven and two eighths minus five and one eighth equals?


Answer: 2.125


Write an expression that executes the loop while the user enters a number greater than or equal to 0. Note: These activities may test code with different test values. This activity will perform three tests, with user input of 9, 5, 2, -1, then with user input of 0, -17, then with user input of 0 1 0 -1. See "How to Use zyBooks". Also note: If the submitted code has an infinite loop, the system will stop running the code after a few seconds, and report "Test aborted."



while ( num >= 0) { ... }



Express to execute a while loop with the given condition.

The condition in the question is that: the user input must be greater than or equal to 0.

The statement for this is:

[tex]while[/tex] ( [tex]num[/tex] [tex]>=[/tex] [tex]0[/tex]) { [tex]...[/tex] }

Where num is the input variable

Other Questions
All of the following are true statements about Arab and Persian literature except a. the Koran was looked upon as dogma that was separate from literary statement. b. one of its greatest works was The Tales of the 1001 Nights/The Arabian Nights. c. pre-Islamic traditions influenced later writers in the region. d. Persian achievements were greatest in the area of poetry. e. many writers were bilingual in Arabic and Persian. Nicholas et ses amis __________ (acheter) quelques choses en ligne. Pour cela, ils cherchent sur linternet. Ils __________ (prfrer) acheter des produits en solde parce quils sont moins chers. Ils __________ (rgler) le paiement en ligne. Ils __________ (payer) avec leur carte bancaire et le magasin leur __________ (envoyer) les produits. Le dlai de livraison est de deux trois jours. I need help finding the solution Question 1 of 20:Select the best answer for the question.1. Which of the following statements about using humor in your writing is true?A. Be sensitive to cultural differences when choosing what kind of humor to use.O B. Using humor will let your reader know that you're taking your topic seriously.O C. Humor is best use hin fact-based writing like reports and research papers.O D. Trust that your reader will always make the connection between the humor you use and your thesis statementMark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)Type here to searchF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10HomeF11Esc+End Write down the chemical formula and the ratio in which the four elements combine with each other in the compound Sodium- bicarbonate The best place to find an oligodendrocyte? The problem on the left has been solved INCORRECTLY.1. identify the error 2. explain how to fix the error 3. give the correct solution PLEASE HELP ME I NEED HELP Carla Willis will invest $34,700 today. She needs $173,500 in 14 years. Click here to view factor tables What annual interest rate must she earn Please help with this In which soil region is the Sunflower River located The current population of a small town is 2262 2262 people. It is believed that town's population is tripling every 12 12 years. Approximate the population of the town 8 8 years from now. Calculate the rms speed of helium atoms near the surface of the Sun at a temperature of about 5100 K. Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units. i need help hurry show work Use the observations about each chemical reaction in the table below to decide the sign (positive or negative) of the reaction enthalpy AH and reaction entropyAS.Note: if you have not been given enough information to decide a sign, select the "unknown" option. Warm up56Correct the use of pronouns in these sentences.1. My friend and me went to the mall on Sunday,2. This is my pencil box. That is your8. My parents are in Uttarakhand, Me visit they often4. Them arrived on time and brought gifts for!5. Are this your shoes ?6. Those clothes are her7. Me met hers on Sunday,8. His and myself went to the fair Figure LMNO is a parallelogram.A parallelogram has points on each corner. The points are M, N, O, L going from the top left, clockwise.Angles L and M are supplementary. What is the sum of their measures? A bag contains 4 red marbles, 3 blue marbles and 2 green marbles. If two marbles are drawn out of the bag, what is the probability, to the nearest 10th of a percent, that both marbles drawn will be red? Your engineering team improved one of your core products, in the context of this course you should immediately:a. File for patent protection.b. Consider the marketc. Perform some due dilgence to make sure you remain in compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations.d. Begin looking at the Institutional views of the Host location.e. Start analyzing the Resurces and capabilities needed in the Host. Parkview apartments has two buildings. each building has three floors each floor has 16 windows. what is the total number of windows in the Parkview apartment building. A cement block accidentally falls from rest from the ledge of a 81.5-m-high building. When the block is 14.0 m above the ground, a man, 2.00 m tall, looks up and notices that the block is directly above him. How much time, at most, does the man have to get out of the way