[tex]good behaviour \: is \: a \: behaviour \: which \: leads \: good \: habit[/tex]
Please help me. ​


Answer 1

[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Answer}} [/tex]


Good behavior gets respect in every corner of the world. It is considered as an ornament of a man’s character.

In this world, a person is often examined on the basis of his or her behavior which speaks of his culture.


Good behavior can be anything which is done with a warm heart. All those things that possess a good intention, a good salutation, greetings, polite speech, and good manners are considered as good behavior. A man following good behavior always receives esteem and love of the entire world. Conversely, a man who has cruel nature is often ignored by the world. Signs of bad behavior include abusive language, wrong face expression, angry, reactive nature, and much more negative qualities.


It is necessary to maintain a good behavior while living in a social world. We must offer respect towards all living beings. We should learn to respect human beings as well as animals. There are several practices that bring goodness in behavior. We must adopt those good qualities to become a man with good behavior.


We can maintain our behavior in numerous ways. Some of these ways are explained below. Good behavior includes gentleness and esteem towards our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, women, elders and animals. It costs nothing to show respect but in return we receive much more precious things such as love, respect, admiration etc. In short, it is a way to catch many hearts. One can buy or borrow the good qualities but one has to develop them. A person learns these qualities gradually. Thus, we must show respect to receive the same in return. For this, we can connect our day to day speech with some simple words such as thank you, sorry, please, dear, sir or madam. These words show good manners of a person. Does it cost anything to speak these words? Nothing, these words cost nothing but their usage and presence can definitely please someone. Good behavior of a child speaks more about his family. It shows that the child has been brought up in a well mannered family. Traditions play an important role in growing good manners. Courtesy costs nothing.


Person having good behavior often gets respected. He can do many difficult tasks through his good behavior. Communication plays an important role in showing our good manners. In this way, we can win many hearts. We can live a peaceful life when we are polite. A man with good behavior is always fair to the truth and to others. Good behavior and pleasant manners leave an indelible impression on others and become an example for others.


Hence, from this we can conclude that good behaviour leads to good habits.

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Answer 2

The only real difference between good and bad habits is that good habits involve good behaviors or actions you want to repeat, while bad habits involve bad behaviors or actions you want to avoid doing.....

people having good behaviours are always repected and praised .they are always loved by everybody.However they are always worried about what others think about them and have a sence of self steem.So they are always civilized..

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A)deciding who can vote in national elections.

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The answer you are looking for is C


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brown vs board of ed

1. went against much of the sentiment in usa. much of the voting public wanted segregation in schools but since supreme court is appointed they were able to decide segregation is wrong

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One Supreme Court case is brown vs board of education. This case went against much of the sentiment in the USA.

What is the brown vs board of ed case and why is it important?

The brown vs board of education went against much of the sentiment in the USA. Much of the voting public wanted segregation in schools but since the supreme court was appointed they were able to decide segregation is wrong. The brown vs board went against its ruling years earlier that segregation Is ok under "separate but equal" under Fergusons.

This case is considered a milestone in American civil rights history and among the most important rulings in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court. The case, and the efforts to undermine the Court's decision, brought greater awareness to the racial inequalities that African Americans faced.

The case also galvanized civil rights activists and increased efforts to end institutionalized racism throughout American society.

Learn more about case, here:



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b. false


Answer: a. True


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sjsbs ahjaevs sjakw. se

The assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the PROCESSING STAGE of
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Answer and Explanation:

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Because voters are obligated to be informed. If they were not, then the best way to determine a government would be to set up a system using random numbers as its basis.

Take out the dice (8 of them). The person who roles the closest to 15 wins. Want to make it harder? The first person to roll an 8 wins. No cheating, now.

Does that sound ridiculous? It is. Better to have an informed electorate. If you are in the United States, would it surprise you to know that Canada has 5 elected parties, one of which is devoted to taking Quebec out of Canada. Try running a party like that in the US where (say) Texas California and New York wanted to suscede from the US.

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The Anwser would be (A)

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I would call ambulance even though it's not an emergency situation. I'd rather they thought I'd tried to help than think I just stood there.


Because I don't know what else to do honestly.

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I think this is an actually personal question, one that's asking YOU about yourself and how YOU are. Think deep and read the question over, write points for each question then combine it into your answer as a whole.


I feel like this is the teacher asking this question..but you could say Somethings that I have learned about myself is__ ..that's all I can really tell you

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The vegetation types range from sub-tropical forests at the lower altitudes to temperate grasslands intermixed with oak and coniferous forests on the Khaptad Plateau. Common species are chir pine, spruce, fir, maple, birch, alder, rhododendron and bamboo.

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Secondary socialization refers to the social learning that children undergo when they enter other social institutions, like school.


Primary socialization occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is the appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.


because school is theplace where we learn everything, school leads to sucess, noone can stole the education that we have read in our school, school teaches us everything like education as well as respecting others and loving juniors

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The Russian Revolution was a very important period in the history of Russia, that lasted from 1917 to 1923.


In 1917, Russia was in the middle of an economic and military crisis, because it had many setbacks in World War I. This angered the people, and in february the government of the Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown.

The parliament stayed in power until October of the same year, when the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, took power, executed the Tsar, and dissolved the parliament.

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Women and youth group leaders in the three study communities were also ... Some security analysts have stated that the increase in insecurity.

5.The Macionis textbook describes how boys and girls are socialized differently starting the day they are born. Describe how boys and girls are socialized differently and discuss what impact this early socializing may have on them later on in life.



Gender socialization comprises a distinct socialization for boys and girls, that is, it is an established stereotyping about the expected behaviors and personality according to the individual's gender.

This early socialization can have important impacts on a person's entire life, girls for example can be socialized according to some type of gender bias, or inequality, and the socialization environment is also relevant, which can culminate in situations of sexism and gender expectations that reduce the autonomy and freedom with which a girl, for example, understands her existence.

Current research studying the underlying effectiveness of antidepressant drugs suggests that the most important aspect of this drug treatment is its role in ______.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question. However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

Current research studying the underlying effectiveness of antidepressant drugs suggests that the most important aspect of this drug treatment is its role in enhanced neurotransmitter activity.

Neurotransmitter activity means that it is the way the brain transmits messages to the entire human body. The nervous system is the conduit of neurons to transmit messages with muscles and other neurons in our body.

In the case of antidepressants, some worries of scientists are the collateral effects these drugs create in patients.

The current research in the effectiveness of antidepressants suggests that the most important aspect is its role in Enhanced neurotransmitter activity.

Antidepressants are those medications that help help to cause a rise in the activity of certain chemicals that are referred to as neurotransmitters in the human brain.

These medications work by helping to reduce the effects that the depressions and anxiety may have on the human brain.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/18072832?referrer=searchResults

When the creature discovers that taking part of the DeLacy’s food store causes them suffering, he:______
a. takes more, his selfishness and cruelty an innate part of his nature.
b. begins to hunt rabbits, squirrels, and other small creatures, and leaves his left overs on their doorstep.
c. no longer takes from them, instead living off of berries, roots, and nuts he finds nearby.
d. abstains as much as possible, going many days without food and succumbing to hunger and taking more only when he feels he cannot go on another hour.



The correct answer is - C. no longer takes from them, instead of living off of berries, roots, and nuts he finds nearby.


Creatures or any organism learn from their behavior and actions and result or outcomes of their actions. Outcomes influence the frequency or keep doing these actions. Positive outcomes increase the frequency of the actions whereas negative outcomes lead to decrease or inhibit such actions.

In this question taking food from food storage is the negative outcome as it causes suffering to the creature which will prevent them doing it and found other sources.

Select all that apply.
12 of 25
The order converts the leader's plan into action. The five paragraph format helps to promote



The order converts the leaders plan into action the five paragraph format helps to promote (blank) and (blank). Select all that apply

Brevity; clarity

The order converts the leader's plan into action. The five paragraph format helps to promote brevity and clarity.

What do yo mean by Leader?

Leader is the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.

The five-paragraph order's goal is to provide a directive by providing a full orientation to the operational area. A five-paragraph order provides subordinates with the crucial details they need to complete the task.

Therefore, brevity and clarity are correct answers. The order converts the leader's plan into action. The five paragraph format helps to promote brevity and clarity.

Learn more about Leader, here;



2 What are the major challenges to tackle your district? ​


The major challenges to tackle my district by those :-

Transportation facilitiescommunicationwater supplySuperstitious Beliefs Gender inequalityUntouchabilityUnemployment

Hope it is helpful to you ❣️☪️❇️✌️☺️

Which phrase best completes the table?

Characteristics of Civilizations
Advanced technology
Social organizations
Hieroglyphic writing
Hunting and gathering
Temporary villages
Job specialization



the answer is Job specialization


hope it helps :)

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