Values for the molar mass of hydrogen, oxygen, and water molecules are
given in the table below. What mass of water is formed when 2 moles of
hydrogen react with 1 mole of oxygen to form water?
Molar mass (g/mol)

A.9.00 g
B. 36.02 g
C. 2.00 g
D. 18.01 g


Answer 1


36.02g bbbbbbbbbbb hbbnjkkkj

Answer 2




Hope this helps!

Related Questions

Cuál es tejidos conforman el sistema de tejido fundamental



Los tejidos que conforman el tejido fundamental son los siguientes:




El tejido fundamental constituye la parte principal del cuerpo de la planta porque intervienen en funciones tan importantes para el desarrollo  y sostenimiento de la planta como el proceso de  la fotosíntesis, el almacenamiento de agua y  de  nutrientes .

What volume of 0.200 M Na2CO3 (Mm = 106 g/mol) solution contains 53.0 g of Na2CO3?

Question 1 options:

0.200 L of solution

0.400 L of solution

0.500 L of solution

1.60 L of solution

2.50 L of solution



volume in Liter = 2.50 L



Na2CO3 = 0.2 M

Molar mass of Na2CO3 = 106 g/mol

Mass of Na2CO3 solution = 53 gram


Volume of Na2CO3


Number of mol of Na2CO3  = (53 g) / (1.06 x 10² g/mol)

Number of mol of Na2CO3  = 0.5 mol

M = Number of mol / volume in Liter

0.2 = 0.5/ volume in Liter

volume in Liter = 0.5 / 0.2

volume in Liter = 2.50 L

Nồng độ mol của 200ml dung dịch Nacl chứa 0,5 mol chất tan là :









. Why a chlorine atom with an atomic number of 17 will be negatively charged when its valance shell gains an electron.



When chlorine bonds and becomes stable, (had a full outer electron shell), because we know that chlorine has 7 electrons in it’s outer shell, it requires 1 to gain noble gas structure. So, when if bonds with an element and then becomes stable, the gaining of an electron means it becomes a negatively charged ion. (an ion being a charged particle.)

1.37 gram of cupric oxide on reduction with hydrogen gas gives 1.098gram of copper and in next experiment 1.17 gram of copper produce 1.476gram of copper oxide illustrate this satisfy law of definite proportion


Answer: This satisfies the law of definite proportion or constant proportion and it can be proven below.


The law of constant or definite proportion states that all pure samples of the same compound no matter how they are made; are made up of the same elements combined in the same proportion by mass. The can be verified by finding the ratio of copper to oxygen in the both experiment listed above.

In the first experiment:

1.37 g of cupric oxide contains 1.098 g copper therefore oxygen = 1.37 − 1.098

=0.272 g

The ratio of copper to oxygen is=

1.098 ÷ 0.272

= 4:1

In the SECOND or next experiment:

1.476 g of cupric oxide contains 1.17 g copper Therefore oxygen = 1.476−1.17


The ratio of copper to oxygen is =

=1.176 ÷ 0.306


Which is approximately≃4:1.

In conclusion, despite the different methods of the experiments, composition of copper of copper in the two different samples are the same and the cupric oxide obtained from different sources contain the same elements ( copper and oxygen) combined in the SAME ratio.

1. Necesitas un "cubo concentrado" (de esos que se usan para sazonar las comidas Maggie, ricostilla) dos vasos de vidrio o plástico y agua (caliente y fría). 2.Agrega al vaso con agua fria la mitad de un cubo concentrado y déjala reposar unos minutos. Prepara el segundo vaso con agua caliente y agrégale la otra mitad del cubo. 3. Argumenta tus observaciones en relación con lo observado y con la teoria vista. ¿Como influye la temperatura en este experimento?​


El cubo Maggie es un sazonador que contiene caldo de pollo y grasas, por lo que se disuelve fácilmente al entrar en contacto con el agua caliente gracias a que la temperatura que derrite las grasas y se vuelven líquidas, mientras que con el agua fría no puede disolverse así de rápido ya que las grasas siguen en estado sólido.

In the following acid-base reaction,
Cl- is the
HCI(g) + H2O(l) →H30+(aq) + Cl(aq)



conjugate base


The following equation is given in this question:

HCI(g) + H2O(l) → H30+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

In accordance to Brønsted–Lowry acid–base theory, an acid is a substance that loses an hydrogen ion (H+) or proton in an aqueous solution. This theory further indicated that the substance formed after an acid loses its hydrogen ion is called a CONJUGATE BASE.

In the above equation, HCl is the acid because it loses H+ while the substance formed after the loss of H+, which is Cl- is a conjugate base.

can anyone help me in my chemistry homework?​



what is in your chemistry home work I can try for...


1: A substance made by mixing other substances together.

2: Solutions, Suspensions, Colloids and Emulsion.

3: A particular kind of matter with uniform properties.

4: A homogenous mixture is that mixture in which the components mix with each other and its composition is uniform throughout the solution. A heterogenous mixture is that mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout and different components are observed.

5: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more components in which the particle size is smaller than 1 nm. Common examples of solutions are the sugar in water and salt in water solutions, soda water, etc. In a solution, all the components appear as a single phase.

6: A solution forms when one substance dissolves in another. The substance that dissolves is called the solute. The substance that dissolves it is called the solvent. For example, polar solvents dissolve polar solutes, and nonpolar solvents dissolve nonpolar solutes.

7: Common examples of suspension include the mixture of chalk and water, muddy water, the mixture of flour and water, a mixture of dust particles and air, fog, milk of magnesia, etc. Q2. Give the definition of suspension. Ans: A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances.

8: The Tyndall effect is light scattering by particles in a colloid or in a very fine suspension.


what mass of aluminium is produced from 100g of aluminium oxide?



This answer is 108g mass of aluminum is produced from 100g of aluminum oxide

Cavendish’s name for hydrogen gas was "inflammable air." The word inflammable means "to burn." (Note that in is not a prefix in this word.) Why did Cavendish use this name?



The gas formed in the experiment could catch fire easily. So, he named the gas inflammable air.

This was the answer straight from Plato. I hope that this helped you, please mark me the brainiest, like and rate my answer if it did! :)


This was the answer straight from Plato. I hope that this helped you, please mark me the brainiest, like and rate my answer if it did! :)


The gas formed in the experiment could catch fire easily. So, he named the gas inflammable air.

Explanation: your welcome

The concentration of hydronium ions is greater than 1 × 10–7 for acidic solutions. True False


The concentration of hydronium ions (H₃O⁺) is generally greater than 1 × 10⁻⁷ for all acidic solutions: True.

What is an acidic solution?

An acidic solution can be defined as a type of aqeous solution that has a high concentration of hydrogen ions (H⁺), which is typically greater than that of pure water.

As a result of the fact that an acidic solution has a power of hydrogen ions (pH) below 7, the concentration of hydronium ions (H₃O⁺) derived from the protonation of water would be greater than 1 × 10⁻⁷ for all acidic solutions.

In conclusion, we can deduce that a property of all acidic solution is a concentration of hydronium ions (H₃O⁺) that is greater than 1 × 10⁻⁷.

Read more on acidic solution here:

Plz Help I have One more time To retake and I can't fail it..​





I think the answer would be A

plz answer (d) explain


Cu2+ is reduced to Cu.

Change in oxidation state is from +2 to 0

Jack was camping. He put a can of baked beans on his campfire, without opening the lid. The can exploded. What happened?



Too much steam expands within the can, causing it to explode


Beans contain water, and when water is heated, steam is created. As the steam increases, there's less and less room for it to go. The built up pressure causes the can to explode.

is c10H8 a conductor





Napthalene cannot conduct electricity

El tipo de enlace en los compuestos: NaF , SO2 e I2 ,son respectivamente de acuerdo a sus electronegatividades que son las siguientes: Na = 0.9 F= 4.0 S= 2.6 I =2.7 F=4.0



NaF: Enlace iónico

SO₂: Enlace covalente polar

I₂: Enlace covalente apolar


El tipo de enlace entre 2 elementos depende de la diferencia de electronegatividad.

Si ΔEN = 0, el enlace es covalente apolar.Si 0 < ΔEN ≤ 1.7 , el enlace es covalente polar.Si ΔEN > 1.7 , el enlace es covalente iónico.


ΔEN = |EN(Na)-EN(F)| = |0.9-4.0| = 3.1

El enlace es iónico.


ΔEN = |EN(S)-EN(O)| = |2.6-3.5| = 0.9

El enlace es covalente polar.


ΔEN = |EN(I)-EN(I)| = |2.7-2.7| = 0

El enlace es covalente apolar.

Match the vocabulary words with their definitions.

1. an instrument to measure magnetism
2. a system for the production of controlled nuclear energy
3. a million watts; thousand kilowatts
4. invisible radiation with waves longer than red
5. an engine in which a wheel turns by the force of wind, water, or steam



1. magnetometer, 2. reactor, 3. megawatt, 4. infrared, 5. turbine.


A magnetometer is an electronic instrument used to measure magnetic fields.

(1. an instrument to measure magnetism - magnetometer)

A reactor is a device used for the production of controlled nuclear energy, there are two principles in which nuclear reactors can be based: (i) Fission, (ii) Fusion.

(2. a system for the production of controlled nuclear energy - reactor)

A million watts equals a megawatt, a power SI unit.

(3. a million watts; thousand kilowatts - megawatt)

Infrared radiation corresponds to electromagnetic waves whose wavelength is between 0.7 to 1000 micrometers.

(4. invisible radiation with waves longer than red - infrared)

A turbine is mechanical device which generates mechanical work at the expense of fluid energy.

(5. An engine in which a wheel turns by the force of wind, water or steam - turbine)

Describe how you would prepare a supersaturated solution



A supersaturated solution contains more dissolved solute than required for preparing a saturated solution and can be prepared by heating a saturated solution, adding more solute, and then cooling it gently. Excess dissolved solute crystallizes by seeding supersaturated solution with a few crystals of the solute.


Cual es la longitud de onda de un foton emitido durante la transicion desde el stado n=5 al estado n=3 en atomo Hidrogeno? Dar como respuesta de la longitud de onda en nm (nanometros)



1302 nm


Del formulario de Rydberg para longitud de onda

1 / λ = R (1 / nf ^ 2 - 1 / ni ^ 2)

1 / λ = 1.097 × 10 ^ 7 (1/3 ^ 2 - 1/5 ^ 2)

1 / λ = 1.097 × 10 ^ 7 (0.11 - 0.04)

1 / λ = 1.097 × 10 ^ 7 (0.07)

= 1,302 × 10 ^ -6 m

o 1302 nm

calculate the volume in L od 2.11mol/L CuSo4(aq) solution that contains 0.41 mol copper(2) sulfate





Molarity of a solution is its molar concentration, and can be calculated using the formula:

Molarity = no. of moles (n) ÷ volume (V)

According to this question, the molar concentration/molarity of a solution of copper sulfate (CuSO4) is 2.11mol/L and contains 0.41 mol CuSO4. The volume can be calculated as follows;

Volume = no. of moles ÷ molarity

Volume = 0.41mol ÷ 2.11mol/L

V = 0.194 liter

Calculate the mass percent of carbon,oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in acetamide, C2H5NO.
Molar Mass:
O=16, N=14,C=12, H =1.



40.68 % C

23.73 % N

8.47% H

27.12% O


The mass percent of an element X in a compound is calculated as the molar mass (MM) of X multiplied by the number of atoms of X in the compound, divided into the molecular weight (MW) of the compound, as follows:

mass percent of X = (MM(X) x number of atoms of X)/MW compound x 100

Thus, we first calculate the MW of acetamide (C₂H₅NO) by using the molar mass of the chemical elements C, H, N and O:

MW(C₂H₅NO) = (12 g/mol C x 2) + (1 g/mol H x 5) + 14 g/mol N + 16 g/mol O = 59 g/mol

Now, we can calculate the mass percent of each element (C, H, N, O) in C₂H₅NO:

Mass percent of C (2 atoms of C in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

          % mass C = (12 g/mol x 2)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 40.68 %

Mass percent of N (1 atom of N in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

       % mass N = (14 g/mol x 1)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 23.73 %

Mass percent of H (5 atoms of H in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

       % mass H = (1 g/mol x 5)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 8.47 %

Mass percent of O (1 atom of O in 1 molecule of C₂H₅NO):

       % mass O = (16 g/mol x 1)/(59 g/mol) x 100 = 27.12 %

The sum of the mass percents has to be equal to 100%:

40.68 % C + 23.73 % N + 8.47% H + 27.12% O = 100%

what is the temperature in kelvins of 23 Celsius? hurry pls



23°C + 273.15 = 296.15K



Name the following compound NiBr2?



the Name of NiBr2 is

Nickel(II) bromide

Nickel(II) bromide | NiBr2 - PubChem.
Synonyms: Nickel(II) bromideNickel dibromideDibromonickelNickelous bromideNickel ...
Molecular Formula: NiBr2 or Br2Ni
PubChem CID: 278492

Why boiling point is less at hilly station?


The atmospheric pressure at high altitudes like hill station is less than at the sea level. Thus, vapour pressure will equal atmospheric pressure at a comparatively low temperature. Thus, the boiling point of water is reduced less than at sea level.

Hope it helps. Pls mark me as brainliest :D

if shoto todoroki has a half hot half cold quirk and he eats a ice cube does one half melt and one half freeze ​



in a way yes and no


shoto can control the temperature of both of his quirks so one can over power the other

he can melt the ice with the fire

and freeze the fire over the ice

hope it helps

Identifica las formas de energía mecánica
(cinética y potencial) que tienen lugar en diferentes puntos del movimiento en
un sistema mecánico (caída libre, montaña rusa, péndulo).


2 Tipos de Energía Mecánica

2.1 1. Energía hidráulica

2.2 2. Energía eólica

2.3 3. Energía Mareomotriz

3 Ejemplos de Energía Mecánica

3.1 1. Planta hidroeléctrica

3.2 2. Máquinas de Vapor

3.3  3. Motor de Combustión interna

3.4 4. Molinos de Viento

3.5  5. Un Juego de Billar

3.6  6. Motor eléctrico

3.7  7. Locomotora

3.8  8. Bala

3.9 9. Una pistola de Dardos

3.10 10. Pelota sobre una mesa

Which of these provides the most creative explanation for how rocks are made at present?
Law of Superposition
O Law of Unconformities
Principle of Uniformitarianism
O Principle of Original Horizontality



Principle of Original Horizontality

How does the arrangement of particles determine the physical properties of different states of matter?​



See explanation


Matter may exist in three phases; solid, liquid and gas. The state in which matter exists depends on the extent of intermolecular forces operating in the substance.

In solid particles, the molecules that compose the solid are close together because the molecules of a solid do not move from place to place but they continue to vibrate about their fixed position.

For liquids, the molecules that compose a liquid are in random motion but are less energetic than molecules of a gas.

In gases, the molecules are not held together at all. The molecules of a gas have the highest degree of freedom. They move from one point another at a high velocity.

Hence, the order of increasing degree of movement of the particles in different states of matter = solids<liquids< gases.

Solids have well arranged particles, the molecules of a liquid are a little more disorderly than liquid particles while gas particles are the most disorderly of all the states of matter.

Which of the following are properties of metalloids?
A. Semi-conductors
B. All of these
C. React like metals sometimes
D. React like non-metals sometimes



all of these are properties of metalloids


The answer is B. All of these


Can you mark me the brainliest?

An unknown compound has the following chemical formula: NxO
where x stands for a whole number.
Measurements also show that a certain sample of the unknown compound contains 5.2 mol of nitrogen and 2.65 mol of oxygen
Write the complete chemical formula for the unknown compound.


Taking into account the definition of empirical formula, the complete chemical formula for the unknown compound is N₂O.

The empirical formula of a chemical compound shows the ratio between the atoms of the compound. That is, it indicates which elements are present and the minimum ratio in whole numbers between their atoms. The empirical formula is the simplest chemical formula for a chemical compound, which is why it is also called the minimum formula.

The empirical formula must be expressed using integer relationships, then to obtain this formula, divide the numbers of moles by the smallest result of them. In this case:

Nitrogen: [tex]\frac{5.2 moles}{2.65 moles}[/tex]= 1.96 moles ≅ 2 moles

Oxygen [tex]\frac{2.65 moles}{2.65 moles}[/tex]= 1 mole

Being the chemical formula of hte compound NxO, where x stands for a whole number, this indicates that the elements N and O are in the compound in a whole number ratio of x: 1.  Then, as in the empirical formula, the numbers of moles must be expressed in whole numbers, as previously calculated, the value of x must be 2.

In summary, the complete chemical formula for the unknown compound is N₂O.

Learn more about empirical formula and its difference with molecular formula:

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