Which social reform occurred in Great Britain during the Victorian era?
A. All children received free health care.
B. The government regulated the minimum age of workers.
C. Religious influences were removed from schools.
D. Women were paid equally with men.


Answer 1


b the answer is b im telling you

Related Questions

Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states' ability to
protect protestors.
restrict the freedom of assembly.
convict criminals.
restrict the freedom of the press.


In the case of Edwards v. South Carolina, the ruling was significant because it limited states from restricting the freedom of assembly.

What happened in Edwards v. South Carolina?

South Carolina had arrested and convicted 187 Black students for convening to protest against the state government's policies.

The Supreme Court ruled that this was a violation of the right of the students to protest under the First Amendment thereby making it difficult for states to limit protests.

In conclusion, option B is correct.

Find out more on Edwards v. South Carolina at https://brainly.com/question/24654975.




The development of intensive agriculture triggered the first appearance of cities and the emergence of civilization. This occurred because the vast increase in food production enabled by intensive agriculture provided support for


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not attach the options for this question.

Without the options, we can only answer with a term that can make sense, although it could not be part of the original options.

However, trying to help, we can comment on the following.

The development of intensive agriculture triggered the first appearance of cities and the emergence of civilization. This occurred because the vast increase in food production enabled by intensive agriculture provided support for human early civilizations to be established.

That was the case of the oldest civilization on planet earth: the Sumerians. It was also the case of other ancient civilizations such as ancient Egypt, the Indus Valley Civilization, and ancient China.

The Neolithic Revolution, also known as the Agriculture Revolution, was the time in human history when humans stopped being Nomads and started to settle in one place to establish the firsts civilizations, as was the case of the Sumerians, the oldest civilization on Earth. The Sumerians settled in the middle of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, in the Middle East.

They developed agriculture techniques, learned to benefit from the flood of the rivers to have fertile soil and grow crops, planted seeds, domesticated animals, produce a surplus of food, and established powerful city-states such as Nippur, Eridu, Lagash, Kish, Uruk, and Ur.

Which of the following influenced the outcome of the Presidential election of 1932?
Select one:
The U.S. declared war on Germany in 1930, and each candidate had a particular plan for winning the war.
Most voters admired the way that Hoover handled the economic recovery and helped the Bonus Army.
Many people blamed the Republican party for the depression.
voters were ready to continue to support Hoover and his relief efforts.





why is training important before going abroad for foreign employment?



To understand the culture, traditions, ways of sustaining, rules, and regulations of the foreign country.


The training is important before going abroad for foreign employment because one should be able "to understand the culture, traditions, ways of sustaining, rules, and regulations of the foreign country."

It is believed that someone who is going to a foreign country for employment should learn about many things for him to blend easily and quickly find settle down in his new employment. To do this, he should be able to learn the culture of the place he's going to, including their dressing, food, and relationships with people.

He should also understand the language of communication there, their rules and regulations, among others.

1. List and discuss the different factors that can influence your adoption of mobile telephone for academic and social activities/endeavors. In your response, you may add more factors to the ones in the articles based on your personal experience(s) in the use of mobile telecommunication services.​


Answer: See explanation


The factors that can influence your adoption of mobile telephone for academic and social activities are:

1. Cost

2. Affordability

3. Features and functionality

4. Connectivity

5. Mobility

6. Accessibility

1. Cost: The cost of a phone is a vital factor as an individual needs money to get a mobile phone as well as buying airtime for the phone.

2. Affordability: Another crucial factor is affordability.

3. Features and functionality: Different phones has different features such as camera specifications, and other types of functions. These influences the kind of mobile phone that people use.

4. Connectivity: People always want to stay connected to their families, friends and loved ones and this can influence the adoption of mobile telephone.

5. Mobility: The mobile phone gives a person freedom of movement, therefore a person can use the phone in different places for either educational or social activities.

6. Accessibility: The mobile telephone gives room for easy access to different social resources as week as educational resources like journals, books etc.

how does the u.s. constitution impact society today



The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. ... Under America's first governing document, the Articles of Confederation, the national government was weak and states operated like independent countries

Which of the following would not be a good thesis for a personal essay?
O A. It was then that I realized why I enjoyed shoveling dirt and carting
it in wheelbarrows: the mind-numbing drudgery.
B. Because I knew that buying the antique Triumph motorcycle would
deplete my retirement savings, I found myself at a crossroads.
C. I'll use expert opinion and data to prove that greenhouse gases do
contribute to global warming.
D. All of these would work.





Because Its a personal essay?

All of these options make a good thesis statement

In larger cities Black women are likely to be evicted as Black men are to be imprisoned. True or false





cuz statististixs. D: :(

What was the bush doctrine ?


multiple interrelated foreign policy principles

what do the authors of the decameron and the manifesto of the revolting cardinals belive about the nature of man



Man must accept life as it is.


I read that in my history textbook.

The United States and part of the system that allowed American business owners too fond fond build and profit from factories in the nation this system is called the system





a lot more people in my room lol I yuyuyyyy

The idea that change comes slowly can be evidenced by what event during Reconstruction?
O a. African-Americans did not get elected to political offices.
O b. Women were excluded from the suffrage amendment.
O c. After the Civil War, most slaves had to wait a long time to escape their masters.
O d. African-Americans were denied membership in churches,
O e. African-Americans had no interest in having their own businesses.



B: women were excluded from the suffrage amendment


i looked it up :')

1. What caused urban decay and what was President Reagan's response to urban poverty?
2. What effect did NAFTA have on the USA?


A) Useful sites:

The Reagan Administration's Urban Policy (JSTOR)The Fall of the Industrial City: The Reagan Legacy for Urban Policy (Western Michigan University).

B) NAFTA was signed in 1994 with the goal of increasing trade, removing barriers, and lowering tariffs on imports and exports between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The Trump administration claims that NAFTA has resulted in trade deficits, factory closures, and job losses in the United States.


NAFTA's Winners and Losers (Investopedia)

1. What motivated the United States to build the Panama Canal?
(5 sentences +)
2. How did World War I impact minorities in the war and on the homefront?
(5 sentences +)



A) The U.S.  built the Panama Canal as to make the trip from the East Coast to the West Coast, take half the time as before, where boats had to traval raount the south and north american continent.

B) American Minorites helped the fight both on the homelines and battle feilds, albiet lower stations for each, withe mixed feeling a and reservations, but genrallly supportive of the U.S."s goal. Segration was still being used at the time, and push back to the unfair sytem started to gain, partly becuase of the above feelings coming with relization.


i started these with a single point and only one sentence to help start the answers and (hopefully) lead in the right direction, i also put some links to sources i used which you might want to check out since i found them informative. As always make sure to back through your lessons and readings so you dont miss anything and can get closer to the ansew your teacher miht want/expect. Also please do not copy-cut- and paste the above answers, reword.

history. delaware.gov/world-war-i/african-americans(dashww1/

www. brandeis.edu/now/2014/july/worldwar(dot)html (best one, but try to skim through them all)

www. reference.com/history/did-united-states-want-build-panama-canal272a7766e3f669d5#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20wanted%20to,less%20than%20half%20the%20time.

Explica brevemente porqué cae la Monarquía Romana.



terminó con la expulsión del último rey en el año 509 que dio paso al establecimiento de la República Romana.


it finished with the expulsion of the last king in the year 509 that gave way to the establishment of the Roman Republic.

hope it helped! ^_^

The only major European democracies left by 1939 were and ___; some states fell to ___ regimes, which wanted total control of their citizens.



France and Great Britain I believe

What resulted because Georgia did not allow slavery?
A. Plantations had to be divided into smaller farms.
B. There wasn't enough lather to grow food crops.
C. Native Americans refused to sell land to the farmers.
D. Slaves from other colonies ran away to Georgia.


D - Slaves from other colonies ran away to georgia

Slaves from other colonies ran away to Georgia.

What is slavery in Africa?

Being a slave, who is unable to leave the duty they are performing for an enslaver and who is treated as the enslaver's property, is both the state and the condition of being an enslaved person.

Slavery was practiced in many different ways throughout historical Africa, including debt slavery, the enslavement of prisoners of war, military slavery, slavery for prostitution, and the enslavement of criminals. Slavery was frequently used in Africa for household and legal purposes.

To know more about slavery refer to :



One of the social "cons" of the Industrial Revolution was the large monetary gap that was suddenly created within the classes of people. Why was this gap a problem for society?



Industrial Revolution


The Industrial Revolution destroyed the old division of society: clergy, nobility and commoners. There was a development of a bourgeoisie, a middle class who engaged in trade and other capitalist ventures. The wealthy bourgeois were factory owners, bankers, mine owners and merchants. Industrialization sharpened the distinctions between the middle class and the labouring class. Factory workers were the newest and most rapidly growing social group.

Need a well written paragraph on Human trafficking in Thailand case study. Origin- How did the human rights issue come about? Who does it affect and how? How does it affect human rights?



Origin of human trafficking in Thailand

Human trafficking has thrived in Thailand since the Vietnam War and has become increasingly more popular as time goes by.

Human traffickers collect young boys and girls, as young as 11 and use them as sex slaves for profit, forcing them to live in subpar conditions and exposing them to brutal conditions.

Even though the Thai government has passed an anti-trafficking law, the enforcers of the law are also accused of being complicit in the illegal trade, thereby making this hydra-headed monster more difficult to eradicate.

These state do not have stand your ground laws a) Connecticut b) Oregon c) New York d) Arkansas d) California


Answer: Oregon


Many plant pathologists believe that plant resistance is based upon the interplay of different signaling molecules? Justified





Yes, I agree with Many plant pathologists who believe that plant resistance is based upon the interplay of different signaling molecules because these signaling molecules produces hormones that helps in the survival of plants against adverse environmental conditions. Plants produce and use many different chemicals to send signals inside the body i.e. Auxins, cytokinin, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, and ethylene are the hormones that has specific function in our body.

what is negritude and. where and how did it develop



Negritude is the literary and intellectual movement that developed in Paris among the black writers in France. This movement was a sort of open declaration and acceptance of their black or African origin and their public expression of being accepted as Black writers.


The term "Negritude" refers to the literary movement during the early 19th century that originated in France. This literary movement was a result of the collected group of black writers and intellectuals banding together to raise concerns and cultivate their African identity and origin.

The concept of negritude developed first in Paris among the black or African writers and intellectuals who speak French and desired to express and openly declare their African origin. It was a result of their desire to be accepted and identified as black writers, their acceptance of their culture and identity. The movement was a sort of reaction against the European colonization of Africa and the need to assert the cultural racism that the Europeans had directed against the colonies.

What was one benefit of living in cities? Choose 1 answer:
(Choice A)
Low population densities meant little competition for resources

(Choice B)
High population densities made for cleaner living conditions

(Choice C)
High population densities allowed for specialization and division of labor



choice c


high population densities allows Specialiazation and decision of labv

a group of dedicated to promoting civil rights would most likely focus on addressing which problem?


A group dedicated to promoting civil rights would likely focus on addressing lack of knowledge on right to constitutional remedies.

why do you think much of the music from the
1960s and 1970s remains so popular today?



Old people


One reason why music from the 1960s and 1970s is still popular is because there are still a lot of people still alive from that time. Since they are still alive they most likely shared their taste in the music with the younger generation (like their children or grandchildren). Because of that the popularity of 60s and 70s music still goes on to this day.

Hope this helps

I need help with these please


1 is A And 2 is D I believe

Select the correct answer.
Think of the different political philosophies in Europe during the early nineteenth century. Which statement best describes a way that liberalism and nationalism differed?

Liberalism expected equal rights for all people within a state, while nationalism favored a specific identity based on culture.
Liberalism required government power to be delegated to local organizations, while nationalism opposed local governments.
Liberalism required individual ownership of all property, while nationalism required collective national ownership of all property.
Liberalism supported the absolute rule of monarchs, while nationalism required monarchs to work under constitutional limits




Liberalism expected equal rights for all people within a state, while nationalism favored a specific identity based on culture

Answer: A


What does Cassius foreshadow to be the outcome of the war?
A victory for his army
B. the falling of two eagles
C. defeat for his army
D. the return of Caesar's ghost





Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war. Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war.




This star originated the stand your ground laws A) Florida b) Maryland c) California d) Georgia


I believe it’s A) Florida
I guess the answer is Florida mate

The U.S. Constitution provides for a structure of government that….



C. grants state and national governments delineated authority


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