c) Explain GIGO briefly.​


Answer 1


Is is also a computer science acronym that implies bad input will result in bad output. Requiring valid input also helps programs avoid errors that can cause crashes and other erratic behavior.




Related Questions

What is the difference between Packaged and tailored Software?​



Packaged software are easy or simple to use because these software have an easy interface. Whereas custom software is hard to use because these software are custom-built or customized.


Hope your confusion is now over mate

What is the purpose of requirements gathering and analysis?



The purpose of Requirements Analysis is to discover unknown requirements, i.e., to turn unknown requirements into known requirements. Users' needs that were not expressed during requirements gathering and elicitation can be uncovered through Requirements Analysis.


write the name of the technologies used in all five generation​



First Generation (1940-1956)

First Generation (1940-1956)Second Generation (1956-1963)

First Generation (1940-1956)Second Generation (1956-1963)Third Generation (1964-1971)

First Generation (1940-1956)Second Generation (1956-1963)Third Generation (1964-1971)Fourth Generation (1971-2010)

First Generation (1940-1956)Second Generation (1956-1963)Third Generation (1964-1971)Fourth Generation (1971-2010)Fifth Generation (Present Day)


Five generation :Artificial intelligence _ Each one of the five generation computer is characterized by a major technological development .


Based on the code you created in this Unit, propose a way to re-use most of the code (with different information in the variables like "city" and "rates") for a part of a similar app that isn't related to parking at all. The app can be small-scale or large scale, but should be clearly connected to the code you've written (you can defend your proposal if the connection is not immediately obvious).



Is this a question or an answer

Encryption is a process
i. To hide the massage
ii. To decipher the massage
iii. To delete the massage
iv. None of them​



answer is i




Encryption is a process by which we can conceal the original message (effectively hiding it)


We typically apply some kind of algorithm to encrypt a message. By doing this we are effectively hiding the original contents of the message so only the people with the appropriate secret key or knowledge of the algorithm can decipher it.

Section A: A(n) is a collection of information, generally stored as computer files. The information it contains can be stored, updated, organized, output, distributed, searched, and analyzed. A filing cabinet full of folders and papers would be classified as a(n) file. A(n) file use



A database is a collection of information, generally stored as computer files. The information it contains can be stored, updated,  organized, output, distributed, searched, and analyzed. A filing cabinet full of folders and papers would be classified as an unstructured file. A structured file uses a uniform format to store data for each person or thin in the file


A database is a systematically structured collection of data or information that is usually digitally and electronically stored within an computer

Unstructured files are large number of files that are not stored based on structural properties, or kept in an organized format

Structured file are files that are keeps data in a uniform organized structural format

Ron is an electrician. He loves to work with wires and switches. What type of input does Ron carry when called for fixing an electric problem?
(Correct answer only)

A. tools
B. information
C. capital
D. people
E. power


I think the answer would be tools cause that what Ron would use. The answer is tools

Two Types of spread sheet



1-simple table

2-excel table

3-pivot table

please help me to solve this Question ​



SHOPKEEPER$ = "Chocolate"


write a program in python to add two matrices...... ​



# Program to add two matrices using nested loop

X = [[12,7,3],

   [4 ,5,6],

   [7 ,8,9]]

Y = [[5,8,1],



result = [[0,0,0],



# iterate through rows

for i in range(len(X)):

  # iterate through columns

  for j in range(len(X[0])):

      result[i][j] = X[i][j] + Y[i][j]

for r in result:


which scheduling algorithm allocate the CPU firt to the process that request the CPU first, (a) first come first serve,(b) shortest job scheduling , (c) priority scheduling , (d) round robin scheduling​



is correct answer

(a)first come first serve


what are the features of dot net ???​



1) interperability

2) portability

3) security

4) simplified deployment

5) base class library

6) language indepence

Which of the following statements about software licensing are true? Select 3 options.

A. Both proprietary and open-source software can be modified and redistributed.

B.Free software does not come with a license.

C.Open-source software allows developers to create new software more quickly and inexpensively.

D. Proprietary software licenses are more restrictive than open-source software licenses.

E. An end-user license agreement protects both the owner of the software and the purchaser.


Using software licensing concepts, it is found that the correct options are given by:

A. Both proprietary and open-source software can be modified and redistributed.

C.Open-source software allows developers to create new software more quickly and inexpensively.

D. Proprietary software licenses are more restrictive than open-source software licenses.


A proprietary software is owned by an enterprise(can be both an individual and company) that produced it, while a free software means that anyone can make changes in it.Changes can also be made in a proprietary software, just an authorization from it's owner is needed, and thus, option A is correct.Both types have licenses, and thus, option B is incorrect.Since anyone can change it, in an open-source software the developers can create new software quickly, while proprietary licenses are more restrictive, thus, options C and D are correct.An end-user license agreement protects the owner of the software from it being changed without permission, that is, just the owner, thus option E is incorrect.

A similar problem is given at https://brainly.com/question/14721871

Answer: these are the correct answers


Why are digital computer known as general purpose computer


More intelligent and better than others

1. .……............. can be considered as raw data.

(a) Sithum’s G.C.E. (O/L) examination results

(b) Z-Score of G.C.E. (O/L) examination results

(c) The average marks of students of G.C.E. (O/L) examination

(d) The top ten total marks of students of G.C.E. (O/L) examination



(a) Sithum's G.C.E. (O/L) examination results


Raw data which is also known as primary data, are the data collected when performing a research, investigation or study, which are obtained through a survey, experiment, or observation and from which correlations and distributions can be calculated, only when the data is complete

Therefore, raw data is unprocessed data, and the option which can be considered as raw data is the option which is not processed, which is Sithum's G.C.E. (O/L) examination results.

this help me please. ​



1) 1011010

2) 1100100

3) 1010101

4) 23

5) 22

6) 24

tres areas donde se aplica la ciencia y tecnologia


Possible Answers:

- Medicemanto - Medicine, especially applied.

- Ingeniería - Engineering. Modern scientific engineering is making use of technology to help solve problems and understand cause and effects.

- Comunicación - Communication. Public broadcasting to raise awareness of environmental or other scientific concerns.

state three differences between text data and number data​



Strings contain alphanumeric characters. Even if the string contains numbers, they are treated as text. Think of the example of ZIP codes. Two of the most widely used numeric data types are integers, which consist of whole numbers, and decimals, which are also called floats or doubles.



text data can be a mixture of alpha numeric data (has both letters and numbers). This can be in the form of print or speech

number data is just numbers.

You are the IT Administrator for the CorpNet.local domain. You are in the process of implementing a group strategy for your network. You have decided to create global groups as shadow groups for specific departments in your organization. Each global group will contain all users in the corresponding department. In this lab, your task is to: Create the following global security groups on the CorpDC server in their corresponding OUs: OU Creation Location New Group Name Accounting Accounting Research-Dev Research-Dev Sales Sales



1. Select Tools then Active Directory Users from the Server Manager

2. Navigate to the relevant Organizational Unit, OU, in the Active Directory

3. Select New then Group in the OU in which a global securities group is to be created

4. The group name (Accounting, Research-Dev, or Sales) is entered into the Group name field

5. Select the scope of the group

6. The group type is then selected (Domain Local, Global, or Universal)

7. The user accounts are then added to the group as follows;

i) Selecting the Add to a group option after right clicking a user account

ii) Enter the name of the appropriate group in the field to Enter the object names to select

iii) A group scope and group type is then selected

iv) Click on Check names

v) Other users can be added to the group by repeating steps i), ii), iii), and iv)

8) To add additional users to the group, the step 6, 7, and 8 is to be repeated


how are the computer classified into different types​



Computers differ based on their data processing abilities. They are classified according to purpose, data handling and functionality. ... According to data handling, computers are analog, digital or hybrid. Analog computers work on the principle of measuring, in which the measurements obtained are translated into data.

What is the difference between Packaged and tailored soft ware?​



Package software is developed by computer technicians. modified or changed if there is need because these software are custom-built. Tailored Software- Tailored software is the software that is developed as per the specifications and requirements of the users.



list any six area where computer used



I. Banking and finance.

II. Hospitals.

III. Schools.

IV. Defense and military.

V. Office.

VI. e-commerce.


A computer can be defined as an electronic device that is capable of receiving of data in its raw form as input and processes these data into information that could be used by an end user.

The central processing unit (CPU) is typically considered to be the brain of a computer system. It is the system unit where all of the processing and logical control of a computer system takes place.

Additionally, the component of the central processing unit (CPU) that controls the overall operation of a computer is the control unit. It comprises circuitry that makes use of electrical signals to direct the operations of all parts of the computer system. Also, it instructs the input and output device (I/O devices) and the arithmetic logic unit on how to respond to informations sent to the processor.

The six (6) areas in which a computer can be used are;

I. Banking and finance.

II. Hospitals.

III. Schools.

IV. Defense and military.

V. Office.

VI. e-commerce.

You manage several Windows systems. Desktop users access an in-house application that is hosted on your intranet web server. When a user clicks a specific option in the application, they receive an error message that the pop-up was blocked. You need to configure the security settings so that users can see the pop-up without compromising overall security. What should you do



Add the URL of the web site to the local intranet zone.


An intranet can be defined as a private computer network established within an organization and is typically used for securely sharing organizational informations, computing resources, operational system, and collaboration tools between employees through an internet protocol (IP). Thus, it's mainly a private network that is only accessible to authorized users or employees within an organization.

An intranet web server is a type of server that manages the request for files that are stored on it and are generally not exposed to the general public.

A web server is a type of computer that run websites and distribute web pages as they requested over the internet by end users (clients). When an end user request for a website by adding or typing the uniform resource locator (URL) on the address bar of a web browser, a request is sent to the internet to view the corresponding web pages (website) associated with that particular address. Also, the uniform resource locator (URL) is converted to an internet protocol (IP) address, which then points it to a web server.

In this scenario, when a desktop user clicks a specific option in the in-house application that is hosted on an intranet web server, they receive an error message that the pop-up was blocked.

Hence, it's necessary that the security settings of the web server is configured so that users are able to see the popup without compromising overall security. Thus, you should manually add the uniform resource locator (URL) of that particular website to the local intranet zone.

The local intranet zone is a security feature that is typically used for setting web content permissions on a local area network (LAN). Thus, this policy setting or security feature is used for adding websites that aren't residing on a computer or an intranet web server.

ways you will use to reach all pupils who are living at a

disadvantaged area




im confused


A computer that supports LoJack technology must have two main components installed. It needs an Application Agent (residing in the OS), which sends tracking signals that enable location and recovery of a stolen device. The other component is a Persistence Module, which restores the Application Agent and allows it to survive reinstallation of an operating system or reformatting of the hard drive. The highest level of security offered by LoJack can be achieved when Persistence Module resides in the:


Answer: Computer's BIOS


Following the information given in the question, the highest level of security that is offered by LoJack can be achieved when Persistence Module resides in the computer's BIOS.

The BIOS (basic input/output system) refers to the program which the microprocessor of a computer uses in starting the computer system when the computer is powered on. It should also be noted that the BIOS is used in managing the data flow that exist between the operating system of the computer and the attached devices like the keyboard, hard disk, mouse, etc.

write an algorithm and draw a flowchart for switching off a machine after it has made 500 glass bottles. use an appropriate conditional statement for this

please hurry i need urgent




1. Begin

2. num_bottles = 0

3. While num_bottles != 500

   3.1 Create bottle

   3.2 num_bottles = num_bottles + 1

4. Switch off machine

5. End

The flowchart has been added as an attachment


Begin algorithm

1. Begin

Initialize bottles to 0

2. num_bottles = 0

Repeat loop until 500 bottles is created

3. While num_bottles != 500

Create a new bottle

  3.1 Create bottle

Increment the number of bottles by 1

  3.2 num_bottles = num_bottles + 1

End Loop

Switch off the machine after loop ends

4. Switch off machine

End algorithm

5. End

If anyone knows how to use Access, how would I create a table like this one? (Add the fields in Table 2-29 Into the table and set field properties.)




To create tables in Access using “Design View,” click the “Create” tab in the Ribbon. Then click the “Table Design” button in the “Tables” group. A new table then appears in the tabbed documents area. Type the name of a field into the “Field Name” column.

Which of the following statements is true about scalability? Choose 3 options.

Horizontal scaling has fewer limits than vertical scaling.

Scalability refers to the ability of hardware components to increase their capacity.

Scalability should be considered very early in the project.

The cloud offers services to automatically scale your system and balance the workload between components.

An example of vertical scaling is adding a new server to the network.



Horizontal scaling has fewer limits than vertical scaling.

The cloud offers services to automatically scale your system and balance the workload between components.

Scalability should be considered very early in the project.


Hope this helps :) If not, please let me know what answers are wrong

The statements that is true about scalability are:

The clouds provide resources to scale the system and balance the workload between components

Scalability should be considered at the beginning of the project.

Horizontal scaling has fewer limits than vertical scaling.

Horizontal scaling is a type of scaling by adding more machines to your po of resources.

It is also called adding more power.

The difference between scaling up and scaling out is that horizontal scaling simply adds more machine resources to your existing machine infrastructure.

Vertical scaling is simply known to adds power to your existing machine infrastructure by increasing power from CPU or RAM to existing machines.

Conclusively, Scalability part of a system that handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system.

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The CPU is responsible for?


The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the part of a computer system that is commonly referred to as the "brains" of a computer. The CPU is also known as the processor or microprocessor. The CPU is responsible for executing a sequence of stored instructions called a program .

the second generation computer used. as a memory device



The period from 1959-1965 was the second generation. Transistors that are cheaper, consumed less power, were used in this generation, were more compact, were more reliable, and were faster than first-generation vacuum tubing machines.


The primary memories and the magnet tapes and magnetic discs were used as secondary storage equipment in this generation.

The montage language and high programming languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL, have been used in this generation. The computers used batch processing and operating system multi-programming.

A memory is like the brain of human beings. It is used for storing information and instructions. Computer memory is the storage space on the computer that processes data and saves instructions for processing.

The memory is split into many small parts known as cells. There is a unique address for each location or cell, which varies from 0 to memory minus one.

There are three basic types of memory:

Memory Cache

Main Memory/Primary Memory

The Memory of a Second Kind

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