please solve no k and m. ​


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

soln no. k

LHS: cosø√1+cot^2ø

= cosø×cosecø

= cosø× 1/sinø

= cosø/sinø

= cotø

=√cosec^2-1. [: cot^2ø=cosec^2ø-1

according to equation

sending the (^2) will be

root over in another Sid]

= RHS proved

for number m take the help of the pic

Related Questions

The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular




Step-by-step explanation:

for all of the questions
with method



(i) 7/10

(ii) 3/10

(iii) 1/5

(iv) Rs 40,000

Step-by-step explanation:

The fraction of the salary spent on food = 1/2

The fraction of the salary spent on rented house fee = 1/5

(i) The fraction spent for both food and rental fee = (1/2) + (1/5) = (5 + 2)/10 = 7/10

(ii) The remainder (rest) of the salary = 1 - 7/10 = 3/10

The fraction of the remainder spent for children's education = 1/3

The fraction of the total salary spent for the children's education = (1/3) × (3/10) = 1/10

(iii) The remaining portion deposited in the bank = 1 - (1/10 + 7/10)) = 2/10 = 1/5

(iv) The amount equal to portion of 1/5 of his salary deposited in the bank is Rs 8000

Let x represent his whole salary, we have;

(1/5) × x = Rs 8,000

x = 5 × Rs 8,000 = Rs 40,000

His whole salary is Rs 40,000.

The sum of two numbers is 52. One number is 3 times as large as the other. What are the numbers?



13 and 39

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of two numbers = 52

One number is 3 times as large as the other


x + 3x = 52

4x = 52

52 / 4 = x

x = 13

13 * 3 = 39

The numbers are 13 and 39

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K

Find the distance between the two points.
Enter the number that
goes beneath the
radical symbol.




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sqrt{(0 - ( - 5) ){}^{2} + (0 - 1) {}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] = \sqrt{ {(5)}^{2} + {( - 1)}^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] = \sqrt{25 + 1} [/tex]

[tex] = \sqrt{26} [/tex]

Answered by GAUTHMATH



Step-by-step explanation:

(-5, 1) (0, 0)

sqrt(5^2 + (-1^2))

sqrt(25 + 1)


So, 26 goes under the radical.

Find the lateral area of this square
based pyramid.
10 in
[ ? Jin?


Side of base=5in


[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto 4(5)=20in[/tex]


[tex]\boxed{\sf LSA=Height\times Perimeter}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto LSA=10\times 20[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto LSA=200in^2[/tex]

i have 17 coins. N of them are nickels and the rest are dimes. write an expression in two different ways for the amount of money that i have



Step-by-step explanation:

(N)0.05 + (17-N)0.1 = M; M = amount of money I have.

Or 1.7-0.05N = M.

An expression two different ways to  the amount of money is equals to

1. 5N + 10 (17 -N)  = Y cents

2. N + 2(17 - N) = Y nickels

What is amount?

" Amount is defined as the total of any given quantity."

According to the question,

Total number of coins = 17

Number of nickels coins = N

Number of dimes coin = 17 - N

'Y' express the amount of money

Represent amount of money in cents

1 dime = 10 cents

1 nickel = 5 cents

Expression to represents amount of money in cents,

5N + 10 (17 -N)  = Y cents

Expression to represents amount of money in nickels,

1 dime = 2 nickel

N + 2(17 - N) = Y nickels

Hence, an expression two different ways to  the amount of money is equals to

1. 5N + 10 (17 -N)  = Y cents

2. N + 2(17 - N) = Y nickels

Learn more about amount here


what is a recursive formula for the sequence 99.4, 0, –99.4, –198.8, where f(1) = 99.4?



this looks complicated

Step-by-step explanation:

a trader is given 15% discount on goods bought from a factory. If the original price of an item in the factory is 45000. Calculate the amount the trader paid for them​




Step-by-step explanation:

Its a 15% discount so youre only paying 85% of the original 45,000. You then multiply 45,000 by .85 to find what youre paying because the decimal version of 85% is .85. You can find the decimal version of a percentage by dividing the percentage by 100; 85/100=.85. Once you multiply 45,000 by .85 you get 38,250.

Find the length of the side labeled x. Round intermediate values to the nearest tenth. Use the rounded values to calculate the next value. Round your final answer to the nearest tenth.

A. 11.7
B. 11.9
C. 11.4
D. 14.4



Option A, 11.7

Step-by-step explanation:

To find height,

tan 68 = 26/h

h = 26/tan(68)

to find x

tan(42) = h/x

x = h/tan(42)

x = 11.7 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

11) MZHGF = 16x + 4, m EGF = 110°,
and MZHGE = 3x + 11. Find x.


Answer:  x = 9



The smaller angles HGE and EGF combine to form the largest angle HGF.

This is an example of the angle addition postulate.

(angle HGE) + (angle EGF) = angle HGF

(3x+11) + (110) = 16x+4

3x+121 = 16x+4

121-4 = 16x-3x

117 = 13x

13x = 117

x = 117/13

x = 9 which is the final answer

We can stop here.


Extra info (optional section)

Use this x value to find each angle shown below

angle HGE = 3x+11 = 3*9+11 = 27+11 = 38 degreesangle HGF = 16x+4 = 16*9+4 = 144+4 = 148 degrees

Then notice how,

(angle HGE)+(angle EGF) = 38+110 = 148

which is exactly the measure of angle HGF

This confirms that the equation

(angle HGE) + (angle EGF) = angle HGF

is true for that x value of x = 9. Therefore, the answer is confirmed.

9514 1404 393


  11) x = 9°

  13) x = -12°

Step-by-step explanation:

11) ∠HGE +∠EGF = ∠HGF

  (3x +11) +(110°) = (16x +4)

  117° = 13x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . subtract 3x+4, collect terms

  9° = x . . . . . . . . . . . . divide by 13


13) ∠BCF +∠FCD = ∠BCD

  (x +78) +(x +41) = 95°

  2x = -24°

  x = -12°




The answer is 2x+16=12(1/6x +1/192 )

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

Volume = Area of cross section x height

Area of cross section = 1/2 bh

1/2 (8x6) = 24

24 x 11 = 264 yd^3


What is the approximate sum of this series?



The answer of this question is 134.83

I need help ASAP please



it's the third one.

Step-by-step explanation:

It should be a bold/filled circle on the line instead of an empty one.

Math nation section 2


Send the question?

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

can anyone help me please ?


3 Answers: Choice B, C, and D

Basically, everything except choice A.



All exponential functions can be written into the form y = a*b^x

The b term determines if we have growth or decay.

If 0 < b < 1, then we have decay. If b > 1, then we have growth.


For choice A, we have b = 1.7 which satisfies b > 1. This represents growth. So we cross choice A off the list.

Choice B looks almost identical since it appears b = 1.7 here as well, but note the negative exponent. It might help to rewrite choice B into y = 3( 1.7^(-2) )^x and note how b = (1.7)^(-2) = 0.346 approximately. This represents decay.

Choice C has b = 1/3 = 0.33 approximately which is also decay.

Finally, choice D has b = 2^(-1) = 1/(2^1) = 1/2 = 0.5 which is also decay.

Choices B through D have b values such that 0 < b < 1.


Check out the graph below. It visually confirms the answers mentioned earlier. A growth function goes uphill as we move to the right, while a decay function moves downhill while moving to the right.

I used GeoGebra to make the graph.

Question Two please help



The similarity statement is RTS and ACB. Other options are correct

need help with this!!!



I say the fourth one just because

Geometry, please answer question ASAP


9514 1404 393


  D.  5.4

Step-by-step explanation:

The point U divides segment SP into the ratio 1 : 2. So, segment SU is 1/2 the length of segment UP.

  SU = UP/2 = 3.6/2 = 1.8

The length of PS is ...

  PS = PU +US = 3.6 +1.8

  PS = 5.4


Additional comment

If you were asked to find the value of x, you would discover x=1. That is not what you're asked here.

2 cm = 7.5 m in the drawing the mall is 8.6 cm tall how tall is the actual mall


Step-by-step explanation:

here's the answer to your question

Pls help in this maths problem



SORRY I don't know second number . I did only first .

how much cost Rs 1136 when it is 10% discount and 13% vat is added then find out the discount and Vat amount



Rs 1155.3

Step-by-step explanation:

1136 * .1 = 113.6

1136 - 113.6 = 1022.4

1022.4 * 1.13 = 1155.3

Brainliest if you help me ….


-15 is the answer your welcome

If A=(prime number less than 10)list the element of set A and find n(A)​


A=(2 3 5 7)
N(A) =4

( sorry I need the points)

I need help I don't understand it.


These angles are corresponding angles, and we know that corresponding angles are equal when a transversal intersects two parallel lines.


8x - 12 = 6x + 8

=> 8x - 6x = 8 + 12

=> 2x = 20

=> x = 20/2

=> x = 10

So, the value of x is 10.


please mark this answer as brainlist

how to change mixed fraction into improper fraction and improper to proper fraction easy way


To convert a mixed fraction to an improper fraction, follow these steps:

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply the whole number part by the fraction's denominator.Add that to the numerator.Then write the result on top of the denominator

Hope this helps you ❤️

MaRk mE aS braiNliest ❤️

Answer with Step-by-step explanation:

To change the mixed fraction into improper fraction you multiply the denominator with the whole and add to numerator.

For example:  4 1/5 = (5*4)+1/5=21/5

To change improper into proper mixed fraction,

Divide the numerator by denominator and write the remainder on numerator

For example: 7/2= 3 1/2

Find slopes of the given points .

[tex]\Large\star\tt {(5,6)\atop (3,-2)}[/tex]
[tex]\Large\star\tt {(-3,4)\atop (4,-7)}[/tex]

Spam free answers required .

Well explained answer will be marked as brainliest .​



Use the slope formula:

m = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

The first one:

m = (-2 - 6)/(3 - 5) = -8/-2 = 4

The second one:

m = (-7 - 4)/(4 - (-3)) = -11/7


Step-by-step explanation:

1)  (x₁,y₁) = (5 , 6)   &  (x₂,y₂) = (3 , -2)

[tex]Slope = \dfrac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}}\\\\=\dfrac{-2-6}{3-5}\\\\=\dfrac{-8}{-2}\\\\=4[/tex]

2) (x₁,y₁) = (-3, 4)   &  (x₂,y₂) = (4 , -7)

[tex]Slope= \dfrac{-7-4}{4-[-3]}\\[/tex]

           [tex]= \dfrac{-11}{4+3}\\\\=\dfrac{-11}{7}[/tex]




9) If the season is summer, then it also does not snow.

10) If you live in Salem, then you also live in Oregon.

(I’m not sure if I formatted these correctly in sentences, but hopefully you can see the pattern!)

The product of two numbers is 10000.If one number is 16 times the other numbers ,find the two numbers.​




The product of two numbers is 10000. If one number is 16 times the other numbers ,find the two numbers.


Both numbers are 25 and 400.

Step By Step Explanation:

Given that:

The product of two numbers is 10000.

One number is 16 times the other number.

To Find:

Both numbers?


Let us consider that one number be n, in question it is stated that other number is 16 times the first number. Therefore, other number is 16n.

According to the Question :

[tex]\sf↦ Product ~of ~numbers = 10000\\\\↦ n × 16n = 10000\\\\↦ 16n² = 10000\\\\↦ n² = \sf \dfrac{10000}{16}\\\\↦ \sf n = \sqrt{\dfrac{10000}{16}}\\\\↦ \sf n = \sqrt{\dfrac{100\:\times\:100}{4\:\times\:4}}\\\\↦ \sf n = {\cancel{\dfrac{100}{4}}}\\\\➦\pmb{\underline{\boxed{\sf{\pink{n = 25}}}}}[/tex]


1st number = n = 25

2nd number = 16n = 16 × 25 = 400

∴ Hence, both numbers are 25 and 400.



(25, 400) or (-25, - 400)

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the numbers be x and y.

We have:

y = 16xxy = 10000

Substitute y and solve for x:

x(16x) = 1000016x² = 10000x² = 10000/16x² = 625x = √625x = ± 25

Then y is:

y = ± 25*16 = ± 400

The numbers are:

25 and 400 or -25 and - 400

A shopkeeper fixed the marked price of his radio to make a profit of 30 %. Allowing 15 % discount on the marked price, the radio was sold. What percent profit did he make? ​



10.5 %

Step-by-step explanation:

Here .

let the Cost Price be 'x'


by the question..

the marked price was fixed to make 30% profit


the marked price will be

x+ 30% of x

= x + 30/100 × x

=x+ 0.3x


soo .. the marked price is 1.3x

now.. after allowing 15% discount..

the selling price will be

1.3x - 15% of 1.3x

= 1.3x - 0.195x

= 1.105x

thank you...

plzz mark me brainliest now


profit made = 1.105x-x

= 0.105x

soo .

in percentage..

profit percent = profit/cp × 100%

= 0.105x/x × 100%

= 10.5 %

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