(c) m X is an ion in which group of the periodic table is the element from which X is formed?​


Answer 1


Iron has 2 atoms and 3atoms.


Related Questions

why beta carbon hydrogen is easily replaced​



γ−Hydrogen is easily replacable during bromination reaction in presence of light , because Allylic substitution is being preferred.


that's all

γ−Hydrogen is easily replacable during bromination reaction in presence of light , because Allylic substitution is being preferred.

What is the concentration (M) of Ch3OH a solution prepared by dissolving of CH3OH sufficient water to give exactly 230 of solution?



1.59 M


What is the concentration (M) of CH₃OH a solution prepared by dissolving 11.7 g of CH₃OH sufficient water to give exactly 230 mL of solution?

Step 1: Given data

Mass of CH₃OH: 11.7 gVolume of solution: 230 mL (0.230 L)

Step 2: Calculate the moles corresponding to 11.7 g of CH₃OH

The molar mass of CH₃OH is 32.04 g/mol.

11.7 g × 1 mol/32.04 g = 0.365 mol

Step 3: Calculate the molarity of the solution

M = moles of solute / liters of solution

M = 0.365 mol / 0.230 L = 1.59 M

If 225 cal of heat is added to 15.0 g of 2-propanol at room temperature, 25ºC, the alcohol will reach a final temperature of ________ ºC. The specific heat of 2-propanol is 0.612 cal/(g•ºC).



I have no idea about this

Balance the following chemical equation by
providing the correct coefficients.
C3H8 + O2 + CO2 + H2O




C3H8 + 502+3CO2 + 4H20


In order to get this answer you would have to would balance out the carbons on the products side by multiplying CO2 by 3. The new equation will be 

C3H8 + 02 ----> 3CO2 + H20

Now, that the carbons are balanced, we will look at the hydrogens. We can multiply the number of waters on the product side by 4, to make 4 H20 molecules. This gives both sides of the equation 8 hydrogens. Next we can check our oxygens. There will be 10 oxygens on the products side and 2 on the reactants so to balance these out, we multiply the 02 on the reactants side by 5. 

1. When 6.0 grams of zinc are dropped into excess hydrochloric acid, how many grams of zinc chloride will be produced?

2. When 45.0 grams of copper (II) carbonate are decomposed with heat, how many grams of carbon dioxide will be produced? (Teachers note: Other product is copper (II) oxide.)

Please explain as well if possible! Thanks.



here are the answers for your questions

I basically converted the given grams to moles, and then multiplied that by the product-to-reactant ratio in the equation, and then convert that to grams




The reaction can be represented by the equation: Zn + 2 HCl -> ZnCl2 + H2

From the equation, molar ratio of Zn and ZnCl2 is 1:1.

Molar mass of Zn = 65.38

Molar mass of ZnCl2 = 65.38 + 35.45*2 = 136.28

So 6.0 grams of Zn will produce 6 / 65.38 * 136.28 = 12.5 grams


As the only other product is copper (II) oxide, the reaction can be represented by the equation: CuCO3 -> CuO + CO2

From the equation, molar ratio of CuCO3 and CuO is 1:1.

Molar mass of CuCO3 = 123.55

Molar mass of CuO = 79.55

So 45.0 grams of CuCO3 will produce 45 / 123.55 * 79.55 = 28.96 grams

Enzyme catalyzing breakdown of atp to adp



ATP hydrolase


Enzymes are biological catalysts which perform diverse functions in the body. Enzymes are specific in their mode of action because an enzyme fits into its substrate as a key fits into a lock.

The particular enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of ATP to ADP is ATP hydrolase. The phosphate released by the action of this enzyme is used in the phosphorylation of other compounds thereby making them more reactive.

1. Why is it necessary to equalize the pressure(i.e, have the water level the same in each tube) before taking a volume reading?

2. Why is it important to use water that has been pre-saturated with CO2 in the gas burettes?

3.If your antacid sample had been contaminated by moisture, what effect(if any )would you expect this to have on your result

4.Explain why an'antacid is called as such,what is the role of the NAHCO3 or CACO3 in reactions?



If you contact water with a gas at a certain temperature and (partial) pressure, the concentration of the gas in the water will reach an equilibrium ('saturation') according to Henry's law.


This means: if you increase the pressure (e.g. by keeping the vial closed), the CO2 concentration will increase. So it simply depends what concentration you need for your assay: 'CO2-saturated' water at low pressure or 'CO2-saturated' water at high pressure.

Predict the Normality of H2SO4 if 75 ml of 96.6 % pure H2SO4 added to 425 ml water. The density of H2SO4 is 1.83 g/cm3?



Normality is one of the concentration terms.

It is expressed as:

[tex]N=\frac{mass of the substance}{equivalent mass}* \frac{1}{volume of solution in L.}[/tex]

The volume of the solution is 425 mL.

Mass of sulfuric acid given is:

[tex]mass=volume * purity* density\\ = 75 mL * 0.966 * 1.83 g/mL\\\\=132.5 grams\\[/tex]

The equivalent mass of sulfuric acid is 49.0g/equivalents

Hence, the normality of the given solution is:

[tex]N=\frac{132.5g}{49.0g/equi.} *\frac{1000}{425mL} \\Normality=6.36N[/tex]

Answer is: 6.36N.

Write the separation scheme for the isolation of triphenylmethanol from the reaction mixture once the reaction is complete. The separation begins after the addition of HCl and water to the reaction and includes the column chromatography procedure to further purify crude triphenylmethanol isolated in the day 1 procedure.



What is the oxidation state of nitrogen in N ?





The diagram above shows the hydrides of groups 14, 15, 16, and 17 elements. Why does H20, HF, and NH3 have much higher boiling points than the rest of the molecules in their groups?



Hydrogen Bonding


Hydrogen Bonding occurs when a hydrogen atom is bonded to N, O, and F atoms.

The molecules H₂O, HF, and NH₃ all experience hydrogen bonding, which is a relatively strong IMF, causing the molecules to have stronger attraction to each other. Having a stronger attraction between molecules results in more energy required to separate them, thus these molecules will have a higher boiling point than the rest of the molecules in their group.

An intravenous solution was prepared by add-in 13.252 g of dextrose (C6H12O6) and 0.686 g of sodium chloride to a 250.0 mL volumetric flask and diluting to the calibration mark with water. What is the molarity of each component of the solution



Molarity(M) of a solution is defined as the number of moles of solute(n) present in one liter of solution(V).


The number of moles(n) can be calculated as shown below:

[tex]n=\frac{mass of solute}{molar mass of solute}[/tex]

Molar mass of dextrose is 198.17 g/mol

Molar mass of NaCl is 58.5 g/mol.

Volume of the solution =250.0mL=0.250 L

The number of moels of dextrose([tex]n_{d}[/tex]) is:

[tex]n_{d} =\frac{13.252g}{198.17g/mol} \\=0.0669mol[/tex]

The number of moles of NaCl is:

[tex]n_{NaCl} =\frac{0.686 g}{58.5g/mol} \\\\=0.01177 mol[/tex]

Thus, the molarity of dextrose is:

[tex]M_d=\frac{n_d}{0.250 L} \\=0.0669mol/0.250L\\=0.268 M[/tex]

The molarity of NaCl is:

[tex]M_Na_Cl=\frac{n_d}{0.250 L} \\\\=0.0118mol/0.250L\\\\=0.0472 M[/tex]


The molarity of dextrose is 0.268 M.

The molarity of NaCl is 0.0472 M.

Name the following molecule



It is a Biological Molecule

3. A mixture of gases- oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen - exerts a total pressure of 107.6 kPa. If the oxygen
exerts 45.8 kPa and the carbon dioxide exerts 37.1 KPA, then what is the partial pressure of the nitrogen?


Answer:  23.7kPa

Explanation:  Given:

                     P total= Sum of partial P of all gases in the mix                  P total = PO2 +PN2 +PCO2                  107.6 = 45.8 + PN2 +37.1                    PN2= 107.6- (45.8+ 37.1)                            = 107.6- 83.1                            = 23.7kPA       Therefore  Partial pressure of Nitrogen is 23.7 kPA

  A solution is made by dissolving 20 ml of acetic acid in 180ml of water. Calculate its volume concentration​



water is 9/10

chemical would be 1/10


180/200 would be water concentration in solution

and 20/200 would be chemical solution concentration in solution (if the chemical were to be polar and mix)

how does iron I differ from iron II



Metals tend to form positive oxidation states. Here, Iron (I) has an oxidation state of +1 while Iron (II) has an oxidation state of +2. Similarly, Lead (I) has an oxidation state of +1 while Lead(II) has an oxidation state of +2. A change in oxidation state can rather cause significant changes in the compound.

The absorption spectrum of neon has a line at 633 nm. What is the energy of this line? (The speed of light in a vacuum is 3.00 x 108 m/s, and Planck's constant is 6.626 x 10-34 J·s.)





E = hc/[tex]\lambda[/tex]. Remember, it is in meters not nanometers so you have to convert. You end up with B.

A researcher is attempting to produce ethanol using an enzyme catalyzed batch reactor. The ethanol is produced from corn starch by first-order kinetics with a rate constant of 0.05 hr-1. Assuming the concentration of ethanol initially is 1 mg/L, what will be the concentration of ethanol (in mg/L) after 24 hours



The correct solution is "3.32 gm/L".



Rate constant,

[tex]K = 0.05 \ hr^{-1}[/tex]


[tex]t = 24 \ hours[/tex]

Concentration of ethanol,

[tex]C_o= 1 \ mg/L[/tex]


The concentration of ethanol after 24 hours will be:

⇒ [tex]C_o=C\times e^{-K\times t}[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

    [tex]1=C\times e^{-0.05\times 24}[/tex]

    [tex]1=C\times 0.30119[/tex]

    [tex]C= 3.32 \ gm/L[/tex]

A rigid, sealed container that can hold 26 L of gas is filled to a pressure of
5.97 atm at 374 °C. The pressure suddenly decreases to 3.64 atm. What is
the new temperature inside the container, in units of °C?



121 °C


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Initial pressure (P₁) = 5.97 atm

Initial temperature (T₁) = 374 °C

Final pressure (P₂) = 3.64 atm

Final temperature (T₂) =?

NOTE: Volume = constant

Next, we shall convert 374 °C to Kelvin temperature. This can be obtained as follow:

T(K) = T(°C) + 273

Initial temperature (T₁) = 374 °C

Initial temperature (T₁) = 374 °C + 273

Initial temperature (T₁) = 647 K

Next, we shall determine the final temperature. This can be obtained as follow:

Initial pressure (P₁) = 5.97 atm

Initial temperature (T₁) = 647 K

Final pressure (P₂) = 3.64 atm

Final temperature (T₂) =?

P₁ / T₁ = P₂ / T₂

5.97 / 647 = 3.64 / T₂

Cross multiply

5.97 × T₂ = 647 × 3.64

5.97 × T₂ = 2355.08

Divide both side by 5.97

T₂ = 2355.08 / 5.97

T₂ = 394 K

Finally, we shall convert 394 K to celsius temperature. This can be obtained as follow:

T(°C) = T(K) – 273

Final temperature (T₂) = 394 K

Final temperature (T₂) = 394 – 273

Final temperature (T₂) = 121 °C

Thus, the new temperature is 121 °C

Suppose we have two rock samples, A and B. Rock A was subject to both physical and chemical weathering while rock B was subject to chemical weathering only. Which rock would experience more chemical weathering? Why? (2pts) (Hint: consider the effect of surface area on the rate of chemical weathering)



Rock A will have far more chemical weathering than Rock B due to the rise in area effect


Rock A undergoes both Physical and Chemical weathering. So, thanks to physical weathering there'll appear cracks within the rock, which can, in turn, increase the area of rock on which weathering is occurring. So, Chemical weathering will happen much faster now as there's a rise in the area. within the case of Rock B, there's only chemical weathering therefore the increase in the area won't be that very much like compared to Rock A.

Based on the "Reactivity in Substitution Reactions" experiment, which molecule would be expected to react the fastest using AgNO3 in water-ethanol ?



C) EtOH 1% AgNO3

How many molecules (or formula units) are in 138.56 g C4H10 Express your answer using four significant figures.



dont buy cheap and off we went

How much BaSO4 can be formed from 196.0 g of H2SO4?



a) You can form 466 g of BaSO₄.


a) Mass of BaSO4

196 g H₂SO4 × 1 mol H₂SO4

98.08 g H₂SO4

1 mol BaSO 1 mol H₂SO4 X X

466 g BaSO4

233.39 g BaSO4

1 mol BaSO4

how does lead resemble chromium?​


Lead resembles chromium as they both are what you call heavy metals this refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density examples of heavy metals will include lead,chromium

Classify each of the reactions listed below as a single-displacement, double-displacement, synthesis,
decomposition, oxidation reduction or combustion reaction.
Reaction Type
: 2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl
: C2H4 + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O
: 2Ag2O-> 4Ag + O2
: BaCl2 + Na2SO4->BaSO4 +2NaCl
: 2AI + Fe2O3-> 2Fe + Al2O3


1. Synthesis
2. Combustion
3. Decomposition
4. Double Replacement
5. Single replacement

Write the cell notation for an electrochemical cell consisting of an anode where Mn (s) is oxidized to Mn2 (aq) and a cathode where Co2 (aq) is reduced to Co (s) . Assume all aqueous solutions have a concentration of 1 mol/L.





In writing the cell notation for an electrochemical cell, the anode is written on the left hand side while the cathode is written on the right hand side. The two half cells are separated by two thick lines which represents the salt bridge.

For the cell discussed in the question; the Mn(s)/Mn^2+(aq) is the anode while the Co^2+(aq)/Co(s) half cell is the cathode.

Hence I can write; Mn(s)/Mn^2+(aq)//Co^2+(aq)/Co(s)

Why does increasing the temperature of two reactants in solution make a
reaction proceed more quickly?


The two molecules will only react if they have enough energy. By heating the mixture, you are raising the energy levels of the molecules involved in the reaction. Increasing temperature also means the molecules are moving around faster and will therefore "bump" into each other more often.


-The particles of the two reactants will gain kinetic energy and collide with one another more frequently and forcefully, which makes the reaction take place more quickly

10g of a non-volatile and non-dissociating solute is dissolved in 200g of benzene.
The resulting solution boils At temperature of 81.20oC. Find the molar mass of solute.
Given that the BP of pure benzene is 80.10oC and Its elevation boiling point constant = 2.53 oC/m.


Answer: The molar mass of solute is 115 g/mol.


Elevation in the boiling point is defined as the difference between the boiling point of the solution and the boiling point of the pure solvent.

The expression for the calculation of elevation in boiling point is:

[tex]\text{Boiling point of solution}-\text{boiling point of pure solvent}=i\times K_b\times m[/tex]


[tex]\text{Boiling point of solution}-\text{Boiling point of pure solvent}=i\times K_f\times \frac{m_{solute}\times 1000}{M_{solute}\times w_{solvent}\text{(in g)}}[/tex] ......(1)


Boiling point of pure solvent (benzene) = [tex]80.10^oC[/tex]

Boiling point of solution = [tex]81.20^oC[/tex]

i = Vant Hoff factor = 1 (for non-electrolytes)

[tex]K_b[/tex] = Boiling point elevation constant = [tex]2.53^oC/m[/tex]

[tex]m_{solute}[/tex] = Given mass of solute = 10 g

[tex]M_{solute}[/tex] = Molar mass of solute = ? g/mol

[tex]w_{solvent}[/tex] = Mass of solvent = 200 g

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]81.20-80.10=1\times 2.53\times \frac{10\times 1000}{M_{solute}\times 200}\\\\M_{solute}=\frac{1\times 2.53\times 10\times 1000}{1.1\times 200}\\\\M_{solute}=115g/mol[/tex]

Hence, the molar mass of solute is 115 g/mol.

5. How many grams of tin metal can be produced from smelting (heating) of a 4.5 kilograms of tin (IV) oxide? (Note: Elemental tin and oxygen gas are the only products of this reaction).



About 3500 grams of tin.


We want to determine amount of tin metal (in grams) that can be produced from smelting 4.5 kilograms of tin(IV) oxide.

First, write the chemical compound. Since our cation is tin(IV), it forms a 3+ charge. Oxygen has a 2- charge, so we will have two oxygen atoms. Hence, tin(IV) oxide is given by SnO₂.

By smelting it, we acquire elemental tin and oxygen gas. Hence:

[tex]\text{SnO$_2$}\rightarrow \text{Sn} + \text{O$_2$}[/tex]

(Note: oxygen is a diatomic element.)

The equation is balanced as well.

To convert from SnO₂ to only Sn, we can first convert from grams of SnO₂ to moles, use mole ratios to convert to moles of Sn, and then from there convert to grams.

Since Sn has a molar mass of 118.71 g/mol and oxygen has a molar mass of 15.999 g/mol, the molar mass of SnO₂ is:

[tex](118.71)+2(15.999) = 150.708\text{ g/mol}[/tex]

Therefore, given 4.5 kilograms of SnO₂, we can first convert this into grams using 1000 g / kg and then using the ratio:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol SnO$_2$}}{150.708\text{ g SnO$_2$}}[/tex]

We can convert this into moles.

Next, from the chemical equation, we can see that one mole of SnO₂ produces exactly one mole of Sn (and also one mole of O₂). So, our mole ratio is:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol Sn}}{1\text{ mol SnO$_2$}}[/tex]

With SnO₂ in the denominator to simplify units.

Finally, we can convert from moles Sn to grams Sn using its molar mass:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{118.71\text{ g Sn}}{1\text{ mol Sn}}[/tex]

With the initial value and above ratios, we acquire:

[tex]\displaystyle 4.5\text{ kg SnO$_2$}\cdot \frac{1000 \text{ g SnO$_2$}}{1\text{ kg SnO$_2$}}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol SnO$_2$}}{150.708\text{ g SnO$_2$}}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol Sn}}{1 \text{ mol SnO$_2$}} \cdot\displaystyle \frac{118.71\text{ g Sn}}{1\text{ mol Sn}}[/tex]

Cancel like units:

[tex]=\displaystyle 4.5\cdot \frac{1000}{1}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1}{150.708}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1}{1} \cdot\displaystyle \frac{118.71\text{ g Sn}}{1}[/tex]

Multiply. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle = 3544.5696...\text{ g Sn}[/tex]

Since we should have two significant figures:

[tex]=3500 \text{ g Sn}[/tex]

So, about 3500 grams of tin is produced from smelting 4.5 kg of tin(IV) oxide.




start w/ tin (IV) oxide n elemental tin and oxygen gas are the only products of this reaction

SnO2 -> Sn + O2

Sn molecular wt: 119

O2 molecular wt: 32

SnO2 molecular wt:  119+32 = 151

so Sn / SnO2 wt ratio = 119 / 151

4.5 kilograms of tin (IV) oxide will produce:

= 4.5 * 119 / 151

= 3.546 kg

or 3546 grams of tin metal

no need to involve moles ;)

Choose all the answers that apply. Silicon (Si) has 14 protons and an atomic mass of 28. Silicon has _____. three electron shells 14 electrons 14 neutrons two electron shells 28 electrons



three electron shells

14 electrons

14 neutrons


Silicon has three electron shells arranged as follows; 2, 8, 4. This corresponds to the fact that silicon is a member of group 14 of the periodic table.

Note that, the number of protons in an atom is the same as the number of electrons in the neutral atom. Since Silicon has 14 protons, it also has 14 electrons likewise.

The mass number of silicon is 28 but number of neutrons= mass number - number of protons. Since mass number = 28, then there are 14 neutrons in silicon.

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