Calculate the equivalent of 30 degrees Celsius and 50 degrees Celsius on a Kelvin


Answer 1

[tex]\boxed{\sf 1°C=273K}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 30°C[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 273+30[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 303K[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 50°C[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 50+273[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 323K[/tex]

Related Questions

Two forces are acting on a body. One acts east, the other at 35° north of east. If the
two forces are equal in magnitude of 50 N, find the resultant using the Law of Sines
and the Law of Cosines. Please answer with full solution. Thanks



We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf R=\sqrt{A^2+B^2+2ABcos\Theta}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto R=\sqrt{50^2+50^2+2(50)(50)cos35}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto R=\sqrt{2500+2500+2(2500)\times (-0.9)}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto R=\sqrt{5000+5000(-0.9)}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto R=\sqrt{5000+(-4500)}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto R=\sqrt{5000-4500}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto R=\sqrt{-500}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto R=22.4i[/tex]

Resultant using the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines will be R=95 N

What is force?

Force is an external agent applied on any object to displace it from its position. Force is a vector quantity, so with magnitude it also requires direction. Direction is necessary to examine the effect of the force and to find the equilibrium of the force.

The Magnitude of two forces =50 N

Angle between the forces = 35

By using the resultant formula

[tex]\rm R=\sqrt{A^2+B^2+2ABCos\theta}[/tex]

[tex]\rm R=\sqrt{50^2+50^2+2(50)(50)Cos35}[/tex]

[tex]\rm R=\sqrt{5000+5000(0.81)}[/tex]

[tex]\rm R=\sqrt{5000+4500}[/tex]

[tex]\rm R=95\ N[/tex]

Hence the Resultant using the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines will be R=95 N

To know more about force follow

What is the incorrect statement regarding the isotopes of the same element?
1) Electronic configuration is equal
2) Mass number is equal
3) Number of protons are equal
4) Number of electrons are equal​





Can Some1 help??

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The kinetic energy of a particle of mass 500g is 4.8j. Determine the velocity of the particle



4.38 m/s


The answer is 4.38 m/s

why do we go to hospital​



bcz we want to have fun there lolol


for emergency, treatment, medicines,etc.....

A standard bathroom scale is placed on an elevator. A 28 kg boy enters the elevator on the first floor and steps on the scale. What will the scale read (in newtons) when the elevator begins to accelerate upward at 0.5 m/s2




Newton's Second Law is pretty much the standard for all motion that involves a force. It applies to gravitational force and torque and friction and weight on an elevator. The main formula for force is

F = ma. We have to adjust that to take into account that when the elevator is moving up, that "surge" of acceleration weighs down a bit on the scale, causing it to read higher than the actual weight until the acceleration evens out and there is no acceleration at all (no acceleration simply means that the velocity is constant; acceleration by definition is a change in velocity, and if there is no change in velocity, there is 0 acceleration). The force equation then becomes

[tex]F_n-w=ma[/tex]  where [tex]F_n[/tex] is normal force. This is what the scale will read, which is what we are looking for in this problem (our unknown). Since we are looking for [tex]F_n[/tex], that is what we will solve this literal equation for:

[tex]F_n=ma+w[/tex] .  m is the mass of the boy, a is the acceleration of the elevator (which is going up so we will call that acceleration positive), and w is weight. We have everything but the unknown and the weight of the boy. We find the weight:

w = mg so

w = 28(9.8) and

w = 274.4 N BUT rounding to the correct number of significance we have that the weight is actually

w = 270 N.

Filling in the elevator equation:

[tex]F_n=28(.50)+270[/tex] and according to the rules of significant digits, we have to multiply the 28(.50) {notice that I did add a 0 there for greater significance; if not that added 0 we are only looking at 1 significant digit which is pretty much useless}, round that to 2 sig fig's, and then add to 170:

[tex]F_n=14+270[/tex] and adding, by the rules, requires that we round to the tens place to get, finally:

[tex]F_n=280N[/tex]  So you see that the surge in acceleration did in fact add a tiny bit to the weight read by the scale; conversely, if he were to have moved down at that same rate, the scale would have read a bit less than his actual weight). Isn't physics like the coolest thing ever!?

Difference between scissors and nut cracker​


but cracked cracks nuts while scripts cut

A man is pulling a 20 kg box with a rope that makes an angle of 60 with the horizontal.If he applies a force of 150 N and a frictional force of 15 N is present, calculate the acceleration of the box.​


F (horizontal) = (150 N) cos(60°) - 15 N = (20 kg) a

==>   a = ((150 N) cos(60°) - 15 N)/(20 kg) = 3 m/s²

To calculate the acceleration of the box, we need to consider the net force acting on it. So, the acceleration of the box is 3 m/s².

The net force is the vector sum of the applied force and the force of friction. First, let's find the horizontal and vertical components of the applied force:

Horizontal component of the applied force (F[tex]_{horizontal}[/tex]) = F[tex]_{applied}[/tex] × cos(θ)

F[tex]_{horizontal}[/tex] = 150 N × cos(60°)

F[tex]_{horizontal}[/tex] = 150 N × 0.5

F[tex]_{horizontal}[/tex] = 75 N

Vertical component of the applied force (F[tex]_{vertical}[/tex]) = F[tex]_{applied}[/tex] × sin(θ)

F[tex]_{vertical}[/tex] = 150 N × sin(60°)

F[tex]_{vertical}[/tex] = 150 N × (√3 / 2)

F[tex]_{vertical}[/tex] ≈ 129.9 N

Now, let's calculate the net force in the horizontal direction:

Net Force in the horizontal direction (F[tex]_{net horizontal}[/tex]) = F[tex]_{horizontal}[/tex] - F[tex]_{friction}[/tex]

F[tex]_{net horizontal}[/tex] = 75 N - 15 N

F[tex]_{net horizontal}[/tex] = 60 N

Now, we can calculate the acceleration (a) using Newton's second law of motion, F = ma:

F[tex]_{net horizontal}[/tex] = m × a

60 N = 20 kg × a

Now, solve for acceleration (a):

a = 60 N / 20 kg

a = 3 m/s²

So, the acceleration of the box is 3 m/s².

To know  more about acceleration


Suppose your actual height is 5 feet and 5.2 inches. A tape measure which can be read tothe nearest 1/8 of an inch gives your height as 65 3/8 inches. The laser device at the clinic that givesreadings to the nearest hundredth of an inch says you are 65.31 inches.

a. Which measuring device is more accurate?
b. Which measuring device is more precise?



a) The laser device

b) The tape


First, there is a need to understand what accuracy and precision mean.

Accuracy is the closeness of a measurement to its true (pre-determined) value.

Precision is the closeness of repeated measurements to each other.

Since 1 feet = 12 inches, then, 5 feet and 5.2 inches would be equivalent to 65.2 inches. This value represents the true value of my height.

The tape measured the height as 65 3/8, which is equivalent to 65.375 inches.

The laser device measured the height as 65.31.

Error = true value - measured value

Absolute error from the tape = 65.2 - 65.375

                                       = -0.175 inches

Absolute error from laser device = 65.2 - 65.31

                                 = -0.11

a) The magnitude of error from the tape is more than that of the laser device. Hence, the laser device is said to be more accurate.

b) Even though there were just single readings from both instruments, the tape can be read to the nearest 1/8 of an inch and as such, can give more precisive measurements than the laser device.

What do you understand by moment of inertia and torque?
Word limit 50-60

Please don't copy from any sources. You can rewrite. Plagiarism will be check. Thank you.



Moment of inertia, in physics, quantitative measure of the rotational inertia of a body—i.e., the opposition that the body exhibits to having its speed of rotation about an axis altered by the application of a torque (turning force). The axis may be internal or external and may or may not be fixed.

Ibrah open a bottle of perfume infront of the room. After few minutes the smell of perfume reach the whole room. Explain why this happens​


the particles of the perfume began to spread into the air

1. The motion of a liquid inside a U-tube is an
example of what type of motion?
a. Simple Harmonic c. Random
d. Circular



option A


simple harmonic motion


random motion I think not sure

A runner has a temperature of 40°c and is giving off heat at the rate of 50cal/s (a) What is the rate of heat loss in watts? (b) How long will it take for this person's temperature to return to 37°c if his mass is 90kg.



(a)  209 Watt

(b) 4482.8 seconds


(a) P = 50×4.18

Where P = rate of heat loss in watt

    P = 209 Watt


Q = cm(t₁-t₂)................ Equation 1

Where Q = amount of heat given off, c = specific heat capacity capacity of human, m = mass of the person, t₁ and t₂ = initial and final temperature.

From the question,

Given: m = 90 kg, t₁ = 40°C, t₂ = 37°C

Constant: c = 3470 J/kg.K

Substtut these values into equation 1

Q = 90×3470(40-37)

Q = 936900 J


P = Q/t.............. Equation 2

Where t = time

t = Q/P............ Equation 3

Given: P = 209 Watt, Q = 936900

Substitute into equation 3

t = 936900/209

t = 4482.8 seconds

A 2kg ball is rolled along the floor for 0.8 m at a constant speed of 6 m/s. What is the work done by gravity?

A, 0
B, 16 J
C, 72 J
D, 450 J
E, 90 J


=F×s×cosa=2×g×0,8×cos90°= 0

The work done by gravity on a ball of 2 kg which is moving with a constant speed of 6 meter per second is zero. Thus, the correct option is A.

What is Work?

Work is the energy transfer to or from an object through the application of force along with the displacement. For a constant force aligned with the direction of motion, the work done is equal to the product of the force strength which is applied and the distance traveled by the object.

Work = Force × Displacement

Force = Mass × Acceleration

Acceleration of the ball is zero as it is moving with a constant speed. Therefore, the work done by the gravity is zero.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Work done here:


1. A 2.7-kg copper block is given an initial speed of 4.0 m/s on a rough horizontal surface. Because of friction, the block finally comes to rest. (a) If the block absorbs 85% of its initial kinetic energy as internal energy, calculate its increase in temperature.



ΔT = 0.017 °C


According to the given condition, the change in internal energy of the block must be equal to 85% of its kinetic energy:

Change in Internal Energy = (0.85)(Kinetic Energy)

[tex]mC\Delta T = (0.85)\frac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\C\Delta T = (0.425)v^2\\\\\Delta T = \frac{0.425v^2}{C}[/tex]


ΔT = increase in temperature = ?

v = speed of block = 4 m/s

C = specific heat capacity of copper = 389 J/kg.°C


[tex]\Delta T = \frac{(0.425)(4\ m/s)^2}{389}\\\\[/tex]

ΔT = 0.017 °C

An ideal spring is hung vertically from the ceiling. When a 2.0-kg mass hangs at rest from it the spring is extended 6.0 cm from its relaxed length. A downward external force is now applied to the mass to extend the spring an additional 10 cm. While the spring is being extended by the force, the work done by the spring is:
a. -3.6 J
b. -3.3 F
c. -3.4 times 10^-5 J
d. 3.3 J
e. 3.6 J



b) - 3.3 J



mass, m = 2 kg

initial extension of the spring, x = 6 cm = 0.06 m

The weight of the mass on the spring;

W = mg


g is acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

W = 2 x 9.81

W = 19.62 N

The spring constant is calculated as;

W = kx

k = W/x

k = 19.62 / 0.06

k = 327 N/m

The work done by the spring when it is extended to an additional 10 cm;

work done = force x distance

distance = extension, x =  10 cm = 0.1 m

The work done by the spring opposes the applied force by acting in opposite direction to the force.

W = - Fx

W = - (kx) x

W = - kx²

W = - (327) x (0.1)²

W = - 3.27 J

W ≅ - 3.3 J

Therefore, the work done by the spring by opposing the applied force is -3.3 J

How can I solve this?
You have three capacitors of values 40 F, 10 F and 50 F. What would their equivalent capacitance (in F) be if they were connected in parallel with each other? Enter your answer as a number only, to one decimal place.



The equivalent capacitance of capacitors in parallel can be determined as

[tex]C_{eq} = C_1 + C_2 + C_3[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:\:= 40\:\text{F} + 10\:\text{F} + 50\:\text{F} = 100\:\text{F}[/tex]

The US currently produces about 27 GW of electrical power from solar installations. Natural gas, coal, and oil powered installations produce about 740 GW of electrical power. The average intensity of electromagnetic radiation from the sun on the surface of the earth is 1000 W/m2 . If solar panels are 30% efficient at converting this incident radiation into electrical power, what is the total surface area of solar panels responsible for the 27 GW of power currently produced



The total surface area is "90 km²".



Power from solar installations,

= 27 GW

Other natural installations,

= 740 GW


[tex]\frac{F}{At}=\frac{P}{A}=1000 \ W/m^2[/tex]


= 30%


⇒ %n = [tex]\frac{out.}{Inp.}\times 100[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Inp.=\frac{27}{30}\times 100[/tex]

           [tex]=90 \ GW[/tex]

As we know,

⇒ [tex]I=\frac{P}{A}[/tex]

by substituting the values, we get

[tex]1000=\frac{90\times 10^9}{A}[/tex]

    [tex]A = \frac{90\times 10^9}{10^3}[/tex]

        [tex]=90\times 10^6[/tex]

        [tex]=90 \ km^2[/tex]

A boy walks from point C to point D which is 50 m apart. Then, he walks back to point C. what is his displacement of his whole journey ?
A.25 m
B.75 m
C.50 m
D.0 m


Answer: D. 0 m



Here, we need to know the concept of displacement.

Displacement is defined to be the change in position of an object.

The difference between displacement and distance is the total movement of an object without any regard to direction, while displacement is the pure change of position.

If you are still confused, please refer to the attachment below for a graphical explanation.


STEP ONE: the boy walks from point C to point D (a distance of 50 m)

C ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ D

                                              50 m

STEP TWO: the boy walks from point D to point C (a distance of 50 m)

D ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ C

                                               50 m

STEP THREE: find the displacement

The boy started with point C

The boy ended with point C

He did not change his position throughout the journey.

Therefore, his displacement is 0 m.

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

An equation for the period of a planet is 4 pie² r³/Gm where T is in secs, r is in meters, G is in m³/kgs² m is in kg, show that the equation is dimensionally correct.​



[tex]\displaystyle T = \sqrt{\frac{4\, \pi^{2} \, r^{3}}{G \cdot m}}[/tex].

The unit of both sides of this equation are [tex]\rm s[/tex].


The unit of the left-hand side is [tex]\rm s[/tex], same as the unit of [tex]T[/tex].

The following makes use of the fact that for any non-zero value [tex]x[/tex], the power [tex]x^{-1}[/tex] is equivalent to [tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{x}[/tex].

On the right-hand side of this equation:

[tex]\pi[/tex] has no unit.The unit of [tex]r[/tex] is [tex]\rm m[/tex].The unit of [tex]G[/tex] is [tex]\displaystyle \rm \frac{m^{3}}{kg \cdot s^{2}}[/tex], which is equivalent to [tex]\rm m^{3} \cdot kg^{-1} \cdot s^{-2}[/tex].The unit of [tex]m[/tex] is [tex]\rm kg[/tex].

[tex]\begin{aligned}& \rm \sqrt{\frac{(m)^{3}}{(m^{3} \cdot kg^{-1} \cdot s^{-2}) \cdot (kg)}} \\ &= \rm \sqrt{\frac{m^{3}}{m^{3} \cdot s^{-2}}} = \sqrt{s^{2}} = s\end{aligned}[/tex].

Hence, the unit on the right-hand side of this equation is also [tex]\rm s[/tex].

a beam of light converging to the point of 10 cm is incident on the lens. find the position of the point image if the lens has a focal length of 40 cm



beam of light converges to a point A. A lens is placed in the path of the convergent beam 12 cm from P.

To find the point at which the beam converge if the lens is (a) a convex lens of focal length 20 cm, (b) a concave lens of focal length 16 cm


As per the given criteria,

the the object is virtual and the image is real (as the lens is placed in the path of the convergent beam)

(a) lens is a convex lens with

focal length, f=20cm

object distance, u=12cm

applying the lens formula, we get






























Hence the image formed is real, at 7.5cm from the lens on its right side.

(b) lens is a concave lens with

focal length, f=−16cm

object distance, 12cm

applying the lens formula, we get






























Hence the image formed is real, at 48 cm from the lens on the right side.

A long copper wire of radius 0.321 mm has a linear charge density of 0.100 μC/m. Find the electric field at a point 5.00 cm from the center of the wire. (in Nm2/C, keep 3 significant figures)





From the question we are told that:

Radius [tex]r=0.321mm[/tex]

Charge Density [tex]\mu=0.100[/tex]

Distance [tex]d= 5.00 cm[/tex]

Generally the equation for electric field is mathematically given by

[tex]E=\frac{mu}{2\pi E_0r}[/tex]



15 . A scientist who studies the whole environment as a working unit .





Your answer is Ecologist.

(Ecologist) is a scientist who studies the whole environment as a working unit.

The cells lie odjacent to the sieve tubes​



Almost always adjacent to nucleus containing companion cells, which have been produced as sister cells with the sieve elements from the same mother cell.

The 52-g arrow is launched so that it hits and embeds in a 1.50 kg block. The block hangs from strings. After the arrow joins the block, they swing up so that they are 0.47 m higher than the block's starting point. How fast was the arrow moving before it joined the block? What mechanical work must you do to lift a uniform log that is 3.1 m long and has a mass of 100 kg from the horizontal to a vertical position?





From the question we are told that:

Mass of arrow [tex]m=52g[/tex]

Mass of rock [tex]m_r=1.50kg[/tex]

Height [tex]h=0.47m[/tex]

Generally the equation for Velocity is mathematically given by

 [tex]v = \sqrt{(2gh)}[/tex]

 [tex]v=\sqrt{(2 * 9.8m/s² * 0.47m) }[/tex]

 [tex]v= 3.035m/s[/tex]

Generally the equation for conservation of momentum is mathematically given by


 [tex]0.052kg * v = 1.5 * 3.03m/s[/tex]


When the drag force on an object falling through the air equals the force of gravity, the object has reached
terminal force.
terminal acceleration,
terminal illness.
terminal velocity


The answer is terminal force

A 20 N south magnetic force pushes a charged particle traveling with a velocity of 4 m/s west through a 5 T magnetic field pointing downwards . What is the charge of the particle ?



Charge of the particle is 1 coulomb.


Force, F:

[tex]{ \bf{F=BeV}}[/tex]

F is magnetic force.

B is the magnetic flux density.

e is the charge of the particle.

V is the velocity

[tex]{ \sf{20 = (5 \times e \times 4)}} \\ { \sf{20e = 20}} \\ { \sf{e = 1 \: coulomb}}[/tex]

Determine the density in kg \cm of solid whose Made is 1080 and whose dimension in cm are length=3 ,width=4,and height=3 ​



d = 30kg/cm³


d = m/v

d = 1080kg/(3cm*4cm*3cm)

d = 30kg/cm³

Is it true that as we gain mass the force of gravity on us decreases



No. As we gain mass the force of gravity on us does not decrease

Consider the nearly circular orbit of Earth around the Sun as seen by a distant observer standing in the plane of the orbit. What is the effective "spring constant" of this simple harmonic motion?
Express your answer to three significant digits and include the appropriate units.


We have that the spring constant is mathematically given as


Generally, the equation for angular velocity is mathematically given by



k=spring constant


[tex]\omega =\frac{2\pi}{T}[/tex]



Hence giving spring constant k

[tex]k=m((\frac{2 \pi}{T})^2[/tex]


Mass of earth [tex]m=5.97*10^{24}[/tex]

Period for on complete resolution of Earth around the Sun

[tex]T=365 days[/tex]



[tex]k=(5.97*10^{24})((\frac{2 \pi}{365*24*3600})^2[/tex]


In conclusion

The effective spring constant of this simple harmonic motion is


For more information on this visit

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PLEASE Besides plants, what other factor distinguishes one biome from another biome?(A) the number of plant species in the biome(B) the variety of animal species(C) average temperatures and precipitation(D) geographic location report on "road construction and its impact to public health in Nepal, Pokhara(please include the following areas : introduction ,objectives of the study , methodologies, findings, conclusions and recommendations ) Nights and DragonsFrom the memoir of author Abigail Prynne1I sit at my desk listening to thunder growl outside my window. Flashes of light burst through the darkness, and wind races past my window. The thrilling combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and soaring across the midnight sky. Dragons first fascinated me when I was a little girl. They have followed me ever since. The magnificent creatures appeared in storybooks I read in the library, paintings I saw in museums, movies I watched in the theater, and the dreams I had in my sleep. By the time I was thirteen, one question consumed me. I wanted to know if dragons ever existed, so I set out on a quest for facts.2As I started my research, I discovered many skeptics. Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons could notand did notexist. They explained that it would be impossible for dragons to fly because they would be too big. They laughed at the idea of dragons breathing fire. They pointed out that no other animal has ever done this. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world. No bones about it, there were plenty of logical explanations. It would have been easy for me to accept that the only place dragons ever existed was in the imaginations of those who believed.3I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.4With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. I found that some experts disagreed with popular arguments against dragons. They suggested that a dragon could have four stomachs like a cow. 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It rekindles my childhood dreams and keeps the exciting possibility alive.Which sentence from paragraph 4 makes an explicit statement without offering any implicit suggestions? With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. If it created stomach gases like birds, it might create enough to lift itself off the ground. Biologists backed up these ideas with sketches and models based on known animals. Not everyone agreed with these ideas, but many of the things we accept about dinosaurs and other extinct species started the same way. Add.(-2+6x3 3x_) + (4x3 5 + x)Express the answer in standard form.Enter your answer in the box. WORTH 100 POINTS! The function h(x) is quadratic and h(3) = h(-10) = 0. Which could represent h(x)?1) h(x) = x2 - 13x - 302) h(x) = x2 - 7x - 303) h(x) = 2x2 + 26x - 604) h(x) = 2x2 + 14x - 60