Can Denel company be regarded as Monopoly​


Answer 1


Denel can at present, without doubt, be regarded as a public monopoly. The absence of competition can thus induce the monopolist to decrease production and so to increase prices.

Answer 2




Related Questions

The main purpose of the jargon in this excerpt is to



So, the main purpose of the jargon in any text, not just the excerpt you have, is to make the text seem more genuine and authentic. ... So, jargon can help you travel to another place, at least in novels, where people speak in a different manner.


Well, you didn't add the excerpt, but don't worry, your question can be answered without the text, as this is general knowledge and deduction. So, the main purpose of the jargon in any text, not just the excerpt you have, is to make the text seem more genuine and authentic.
The author wants the readers to be completely immersed in the story, to feel as if they were really there. So, jargon can help you travel to another place, at least in novels, where people speak in a different manner.

Read the following poem and then select the correct answer to the question below.

"I'm Nobody! Who are you?" By Emily Dickinson

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you - Nobody-too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise - you know!
How dreary- to be - Somebody!
How public - like a Frog -
To tell one's name - the livelong June -
To an admiring Bog!

The use of the phrase "admiring Bog" reveals the poet thinks that being well known is

unpleasant because everyone pays attention to what you do

challenging because it can be hard to know everyone well

nice because people want to be with you and help you

rewarding because others look up to you as an example​



nice because people want to be with with you and help you


what I think is that admiring g is a key word and being g admired is actually nice so the 'nice' part really fits. I dont really get the big part though

Q/do as required

1- She keeps her friend's secret. (negate)
2- I swear it was torn. (past)
3- The fish swim upstream (past)
4- He spent 2 dollars on it. (present)
5- He tore his pants (present)



1.  She does not keep her friend's secret.

2. I swore it was torn.

3. The fish swam upstream.

4. He spends 2 dollars on it.

5. He tears his pants.


1. She keeps her friend's secret. (negate)

This requires that the sentence be negated.

To negate means to say the opposite. This is as simple as writing a negation word for the main verb in the sentence. Negation words are no, not, never e.t.c

The main verb in the sentence is keeps.

Negation of keeps gives does not keep.

Therefore, the sentence can be negated as follows;

She does not keep her friend's secret.

2. I swear it was torn. (past)

This requires that the sentence be written in its past form.

This simply means that the main verb of the sentence is changed from its present form to past form.

The main verb in the sentence is swear.

The past tense of swear is swore.

Therefore, the sentence can be converted to past form as follows;

I swore it was torn.

3. The fish swim upstream. (past)

This requires that the sentence be written in its past form.

This simply means that the main verb of the sentence is changed from its present form to past form.

The main verb in the sentence is swim.

The past tense of swim is swam.

Therefore, the sentence can be converted to past form as follows;

The fish swam upstream.

4. He spent 2 dollars on it. (present)

This requires that the sentence be written in its present form.

This simply means that the main verb of the sentence is changed from its past form to present form.

The main verb in the sentence is spent.

The present tense of spent is spends.

Therefore, the sentence can be converted to present form as follows;

He spends 2 dollars on it.

5. He tore his pants. (present)

This requires that the sentence be written in its present form.

This simply means that the main verb of the sentence is changed from its past form to present form.

The main verb in the sentence is tore.

The present tense of tore is tears.

Therefore, the sentence can be converted to present form as follows;

He tears his pants.

Coherent essay (Are men and women given equal right?) write a thesis



No! Men and Women are not given Equal Rights. We can hope it will be in the future. Equality between men and women means that both genders should not be treated differently on the sole basis of their gender. This applies to all fields of life, for example the rights, opportunities and status of the two genders. Therefore, men and women should be treated equally with regard to everything. There are no circumstances where a woman or a man should be treated differently because of their gender.  In some countries both genders have equal rights when others don't. In some countries, Women are Paid lesss because they are Women. 1.3 billion people in the World live in absolute poverty- 70% of them are women

-150 million children worldwide don’t go to school- 90 million of these are girls

-Women ear 77 cents to the dollar a men makes.

   Across the world the disparity between males and females is striking. According to data collected by Worldmeters, the population of Earth consist of 50.4% male and 49.6% female. Although the ratio between these two genders is almost identical, women are systematically mistreated and discriminated against thought the globe. While many of the disparities and inequalities occur in developing nations, there are developed western societies where women are still unable to attain the same level of education, secondary opportunities and even pay as their male counterparts. Freedom and equality are ideas this country has had for centuries that have evolved over time.  In 1776, what Thomas Jefferson meant by “all men are created equal”, is that white males are dominant in society.  Women are treated worse than men and slaves treated worse than women.  People that weren’t of the “superior” race/gender of a white male were typically treated as if they were less.  Women and African-Americans aren’t being treated as bad today, but they’re still being treated worse than the white males of society.  Even today, when white males are typically the leaders of society, it’s not always race and gender that creates inequality; sometimes it’s money that creates the issue.

Mark me as Brainliest if I'm the Best!




1) it splitting to Right like clock

2) The sun has a lot of element such as iron crom cobalt


4) we already live thanks to sun

5) some culture use sun to show freedom or life or habitat

my culture is turk for this we use it for show happily or smile

Which of the following is a logical first step when recreating the Jurassic Park fractal?
Cut a piece of paper about 1 inch wide and 11 inches long.
Arrange the folds at 90 degree angles to each other.
Fold the paper in half twice.
Stand the paper on its edge.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




B. fold the paper on its edge.


it's correct if I'm rwong


(A) Cut a piece of paper about 1 inch wide and 11 inches long.


its the first step and i got it right

hope it helps :]

1. What are the most difficult things about studying at a university which is far away from home?
2. What are your inseparable things that you will bring with you when you are away home?
3. How long does it take for you to adjust to your new environment at university such as roommate, new room, or relationship?
4. Who will you miss the most when studying far away from your family?



1. One of the most difficult thing about studying far away is home sickness.

2. I always bring the little pocket mirror that my parents gave me for my birthday.

3. It usually take a few days for me to adjust in a new room.

4. I will miss my parents the most if I ever decided to study far away.


HELP Decide which groups of words express a complete thought, and put "S" in front of each complete sentence. If the words are only a phrase or dependent clause, put "NS" on the line.
1. Chopping onions in the food processor.
2. Chopping onions makes me cry.
3. The dog is chasing the school bus.
4. Is laura is late one more time.
5. The nurse handed out the medications by 9 P.M.
6. Return any books that have torn or stained pages.
7. Chairman Holmes called the meeting to order
8. Since she was the oldest woman in the nursing home.
9. to complete the research by March 15.
10. Because the teller ran out of $10 bills.



1. Chopping onions in the food processor. NS

2. Chopping onions makes me cry. S

3. The dog is chasing the school bus. S

4. Laura is late one more time. S

5. The nurse handed out the medications by 9 P.M. S

6. Return any books that have torn or stained pages. S

7. Chairman Holmes called the meeting to order. S

8. Since she was the oldest woman in the nursing home. NS

9. to complete the research by March 15. NS

10. Because the teller ran out of $10 bills. NS


A complete sentence is one that completes a thought or expression. In other words, a complete sentence is one that can be taken as a full sentence and needs no addition to it to be completed.

A phrase or dependent clause is one that is incomplete and cannot be taken as a complete sentence. Moreover, it is dependent on other clauses to complete a thought.

The given sentences and phrases are identified as follows-

1. Chopping onions in the food processor. NS

2. Chopping onions makes me cry. S

3. The dog is chasing the school bus. S

4. Is Laura is late one more time. S

5. The nurse handed out the medications by 9 P.M. S

6. Return any books that have torn or stained pages. S

7. Chairman Holmes called the meeting to order. S

8. Since she was the oldest woman in the nursing home. NS

9. to complete the research by March 15. NS

10. Because the teller ran out of $10 bills. NS

10 One day Gloria wants to play football for her
in the World Cup
A country
B nationality



option A


One day Gloria wants to play football for her Country in the World Cup.

Read the excerpt from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."
And indeed there will be time
To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?"
Time to turn back and descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my hair
[They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!")
My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin-
[They will say: "But how his arms and legs are thin!")
Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

In this stanza, Prufrock repeats "Do I dare?" three times. What does the repetition indicate about his state of mind?

-he is indecisive -he is worried - he is adventurous -he wants to be on time.


Answer: The answer is A he is indecisive


because every time he says do i dare he is stopping to think if he should do it or not.

Hope this help

Which is the best paraphrase of Capulet’s lines?

Juliet will marry you after she has had her fourteenth birthday.
Juliet is old enough to be a wife, and she will be married in the summer.
Juliet is a stranger to you, so you should get to know each other first.
Juliet is too young and not ready to be married for another two years.


Last oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I think its d but im not sure dont trust me


What can you conclude about the father based on this passage? Check all that apply.





took the test

Answer: D, E

Explanation: jus did the assignment

What advice do the Irishmen give Douglass? What does he do with the advice?



That he should run away to the north

What is most likely the issue with darko's



He does not orient readers by providing an exact time of day for each scene.

His descriptions lack the texture brought to writing through references to seasons.

His imagery lacks sensory information as it fails to mention time of year.

He does not give readers a way to measure the length of an action.


Answer: its A.

Explanation: Quizlet

In at least 150 words, explain the tone of the address before the Virginia Congress. Use evidence from the speech to
support your response.



sooo this kinda took a long time but i hope it help


As Patrick Henry was doubtless aware, his "Speech to the Virginia Convention" constituted nothing less than an act of treason against the British colonial authorities. In openly inciting the Americans to armed rebellion, Henry was effectively making himself a criminal under colonial law—and a very dangerous criminal at that.

But as the tone of the speech quite clearly reveals, Henry is utterly unrepentant in his defiance of the British. The most famous words of the speech—"Give me liberty or give me death!"—perfectly encapsulate this defiant attitude. Henry is prepared to die for the cause of liberty and wants to persuade the other delegates of the justice of his cause.

At the same time, Henry's speech isn't simply a wild rant given by a demagogue or a political fanatic. It's a measured speech, a speech that uses rational persuasion, as well as pathos and violent rhetoric, to drive home its main points.

For instance, Henry refers to the build-up of British military forces, which he sees as an ominous threat, a sign that the British are willing to deal with the Americans' legitimate grievances by force. This is no violent rant; this is a carefully crafted argument designed to win over his audience, many of whom were still skeptical of the necessity of armed rebellion.

Patrick Henry uses a patriotic tone in his speech to persuade his audience as to Jonathan Edwards's uses a harsh tone in his sermon to persuade his audience.

Patrick Henry's tone is persuasive because he tells the attendees of the convention that they have done all that they can without having to fight to fix it: “Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on

What were Patrick Henry last words?

“Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty”—Henry burst from his imaginary chains and grasped an ivory letter opener—“or give me death!” As he uttered these final words, he plunged the letter opener toward his chest, mimicking a knife blow to the heart.

To learn more about Patrick Henry, refer


Read this section of the story:
The rope had once been strong and whole. Used to tie their boat anchor, it had been quite secure when they had
left the garbage cans out last night.
What is the main function of this text in the narrative?
Develop the conflict
Develop character
O Hint at the resolution
O Provide the story's climax
Question 15 Multinle Choice Worth 1 noints)



Develop conflict





I have to write an essay about: The human and the inhuman in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.
If you could give me idea to put in here or help me with the framework/outline it would be great :)


ANSWER: Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is set in the African Congo, where white Europeans have gone to reap the treasures of Africa and ‘civilize’ the natives there. However, instead of the “delightful mystery” (59) Charlie Marlow, the novel’s protagonist, expected, he finds himself in a land where the lack of a strong, united government has caused the men to revert back to a life that is “nasty, brutish, and short” (Hobbes)--one of the core ideas explored in the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. In Heart of Darkness, although Conrad depicts human nature as self-preserving as well as the need of a sovereign to maintain peace, just as Hobbes believed, he also highlights how devastating it can be to the human soul.

Hope this helps!

Have a good day! :))

How does Jada´s attitude change in this part of the story? Am not sure if am right.I need help. ASAP!!!!



what are the answer choice ?


Unsure, Interested In , Notices The Fabrics, and Very Different


two ways in which you can evaluate the outcomes of the campaign​


Here is the list of metrics that you need to consider while measuring the impact and success of a PR campaign.

1. Sales Stats

2. Social Media Reach

3. Engagement on Social Media

4. Media Impressions

5. Brand Mentions

6. Social Shares

7. Website Traffic

8. Number of Backlinks

9. Keyword Rankings

10. Lead Generation

follow me for more

The list of metrics that is needed to consider while measuring the impact and success of a PR campaign.

1. Sales Stats

2. Social Media Reach

3. Engagement on Social Media

4. Media Impressions

What is a PR campaign?

Public relations is an essential component of any business, brand, organization, or public figure. Public relations works by initiating and releasing campaigns to improve the reputation of any company.

A public relations campaign consists of a number of initiatives intended to promote a business or brand. The majority of public relations initiatives have clear business goals, such boosting website traffic, highlighting a new product, or raising awareness of a cause.

The common metrics for measuring the success of a PR campaign is -

Website Visitors, Domain Authority, Engagement, Press Articles, Sales Figure.

Therefore, the ways to evaluate the outcomes of the campaign​ is given above.

To learn more about PR campaign, click here:


which of these prefixes means like or love





1.yesterday evening thr phone........two times while we were watching tv.
B,was ringing
D,had rung​



C. rang


rung is not a word, and was ringing is present tense. the question is asked in past tense and the past tense of ring or ringing is rang. because rung is not a word, it is southern slang

i want solution for this question plz
A Carnot cycle receives heat from a constant temperature reservoir at 700 K and rejects heat to 5 kg of water which is initially saturated liquid at 100 kPa. As the engine operates, the water is heated at constant pressure until its temperature reaches 150C. Calculate the work output of the Carnot engine





What are some examples of word choice that convey the setting of this story? Your response should be at least 75 words.


Answer:The examples of word choice that convey the setting of 'Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing' are the Rocky beach, long Underwater tunnel, wild-bay, safe beach, shore, holiday. These words tell us that they are on holidays at the beachside. The writer has used these words carefully to develop the mood of the story.


Is it age or experience that makes you an adult?





In my opinion, I'd say age makes you an adult rather than experience because an adult might know how to do something but children's brain are capable of learning something quicker than adults so the children might also know how to do something. This is why I say age makes you an adult.

Now others may disagree with me but this is my opinion.

Hope this helps.

In today's society, it's age that makes you an adult. Most people considered adults, are immature and probably have no experience.

Which sentence is an opinion about mountain climbing?
A. The view from the top of a mountain is beautiful
B. Many people are hurt while climbing mountains.
C. Climbers work for months to get ready for a major climb.
D. Some mountains can only be climbed during certain months each year




The first one is just an opinion, the other ones are facts

Please answer the following questions above.



The imagecolorset() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to set the color for the specified palette index. It is used to specify the index in the palette to the specified color.

-The Zoom Tool is used to change the zoom level of your working image. If you only click on the image, the zoom is applied to the whole image. But you can also click-and-drag the mouse pointer to create a zoom rectangle.



Answer: Photopea allows you to open multiple documents (e.g. JPG images) at the same time. The list of opened documents is shown in the bar at the top of the main area. Here you can switch between documents and choose the one that you want to work with.

The Zoom Tool is used to change the zoom level of your working image. If you only click on the image, the zoom is applied to the whole image. But you can also click-and-drag the mouse pointer to create a zoom rectangle.

Layer opacity. You can control the opacity for almost every layer in a Photoshop document. The opacity determines how transparent or opaque the layer will be. In other words, it controls how much the layers below can show through. Take a look at the example below.

Change layer opacity – in the Layers menu, tap with two fingers on the layer you want to change opacity. The Layers menu should close and you can slide your finger or pen anywhere on the screen left to right to adjust the opacity. You should see the opacity near the top of the screen.

Using context clues as well as base words, identify the likeliest meaning of the underlined word unexceptional in the passage. A. ordinary B. beautiful C. unforgettable D. unfair



D. Unfair


adjective. not exceptional; not unusual or extraordinary. admitting of no exception to the general rule.

"eliuoscld" this is a scramble
letters, find and write the correct



lodicules- a small green or white scale below the ovary of a grass flower.


This is the only word I can think of that uses all of the letters.

A poems rhyme theme is usually marked with what



letters like abab or abcc


the letter repeats when the last word of a line rhyms the same as another but if not it wil continue like so abbacad but usually they aren't this long

Themes portrayed in of mice and men


For me the main trait in mice of men is just the raging racist theme throughout, this makes the story more unique but also is just addressing problems that occurred in older society’s and how even in our modern society it’s still seen - Athough it’s far less socially acceptable
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