Can someone help me out


Answer 1

answer is

4ft* 5ft

= 20ft^2

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Please help me solve this problem




they wanted you to compute using x as 3

-2*3 + 2 = -4

Step-by-step explanation:

đồ thị hàm số có bao nhiêu tiệm cận




Step-by-step explanation:

Correct gets 5 stars and brainliest



13 mi

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use the Pythagorean theorem

a^2+b^2 = c^2  where a and b are the legs and c is the hypotenuse

5^2 +12^2 = c^2

25+144 = c^2

169 = c^2

Taking the square root of each side

sqrt(169) = sqrt(c^2)

13 = c

I need HELP ASAP!! Please explain how to solve the problem




Step-by-step explanation:

The general format for the equation of a circle is the following:


Where [tex](h,k)[/tex] is the center of the circle and ([tex]a[/tex]) is the circle's radius. Please note, that the circle ([tex](x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=a^2\\[/tex]) has a center that is (h) units to the right of the origin, and (k) units above the origin.

The given circle has a center at [tex](-1,-4)[/tex], moreover, its radius is (3) units. Therefore, one must substitute these points into the equation of a circle and simplify to find its equation:





Step-by-step explanation: Let's first determine the center of the circle

which is represented by the red dot and it has the coordinates (-1, -4).

The radius of the circle is a segment that joins the center of the

circle to a point on the circle and all radii of a circle are congruent.

The radius of the circle shown here is 3.

Now, the equation of a circle is (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r² where

(h, k) is the center of the circle and r is the radius.

Now we plug all our given information into the formula.

So we have [x - (-1)]² + [y - (-4)]² = (3)².

Notice that I changed the parentheses in the formula to brackets

so that we wouldn't be dealing with too many sets of parentheses.

Changing the brackets back to parentheses,

our equation is (x + 1)² + (y + 4)² = 9.

Find the first five terms. Please solve



a1=3, a2=6, a3=12, a4=24, a5=48

Step-by-step explanation:


a10=a*r^9=1536, r^3=8, r=2 and a=3

a1=3, a2=6, a3=12, a4=24, a5=48

pls help, and explain. I will give brainliest



Nicole should take 13 1/8 cups of snack mix.

Step-by-step explanation:

If a serving size is 7/8 and Nicole wants to take 15 serving sizes (15 7/8's), then we must multiply 7/8 by 15:

15 × 7/8

Write 15 over 1 (15 = 15/1) to make the calculations easier:

15/1 × 7/8

Multiply the numerators and denominators separately:

15 × 7 / 1 × 8

105 / 8

Instructions don't say you have to do this but I will convert this improper fraction into a mixed number:

105/8 = 13 1/8

Please someone tell me the answer of these questions




Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of a rectangle is 18cm . if the length is (x+2), find it's width.​



W = 7 - x

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is P= 2L + 2×W , where L is the length and W is the width.

If L = (x+2) , replacing L with the expression x+2 we have

P= 2×(X+2) + 2W ⇔ 18 = 2x + 4 + 2W ⇔ 2W =18 - 2x - 4 ⇔ 2W = 14 - 2x

⇔ W = 7 - x

Match function with its corresponding graph



Step-by-step explanation:

We can see that there are roots at (-2,0) and (-1,0)

also, the root at (-2,0) should bounce right off

and the root at (-1,0) should go through

With all that being said it has to be B

A garden is rectangular with a width of 8 feet and a length of 10 feet. If it is surrounded by a walkway 2 feet wide, how many square feet of area does the walkway cover?



The rea of walk way is 32 ft^2.

Step-by-step explanation:

width, w = 8 feet

length, L = 10 feet

width of walkway, d = 2 feet

length of outer, L' = 10 + 2 + 2 = 14 feet

Area of outer, A' = L' x w = 14 x 8 = 112 ft^2

Area of inner, A = L x w = 10 x 8 = 80 ft^2

The area of walkway = A' - A = 112 - 80 = 32 ft^2

The rea of walk way is 32 ft^2.

At a particular restaurant, each slider has 225 calories and each chicken wing has 70 calories. A combination meal with sliders and chicken wings has a total of 7 sliders and chicken wings altogether and contains 1110 calories. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of sliders in the combination meal and the number of chicken wings in the combination meal. Define the variables that you use to write the system.




Step-by-step explanation:

i  remember  doing something like this but mines had the word onion rings .

9. Find the remainder when the polynomial: p(x) = x⁴ + 2x³- 3x² + x - 1 is divided by (x - 2)
pls it's urgent



answer is 21..............


p(x) = x⁴ + 2x³- 3x² + x - 1

Factor of p(x)



Then by using synthetic division

What's 672 divided by 32


the answer is 21, blessup my friend stay groovy

y=8200(0.96)^x growth or decay find



This would be a .04 or 4% decay.....

for every "time unit" (x in this case) you will be multiplying

the amount by .96 ... in other words if you started with one dollar

the results would be 96 cents... after two "time" steps you would have

only 92 cents (.96 *.96)

Step-by-step explanation:

A. -5x+4y=-20
B. -5x-4y=-20
C. -5x+4y=0
D. 5x+4y=-20


A is the answer because, when graphing, we use y= mx + b
So the first step is to change the equation into that.
We know m = the slope and b = the y-intercept

m = y1-y2/x1-x2 ( I decided to use the intercepts)

The rest is on the paper, and sorry I wasn't neat with my working

which inequality is represented on the number line shown?


Answer: A x> -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Given an arithmetic progression 17,13,9,..... find the number of terms required so that its sum is - 33 .



11 terms.

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the arithmetic sequence:

17, 13, 9, ...

And we want to find the number of terms required such that the sum is -33.

Recall that the sum of an arithmetic series is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle S = \frac{k}{2}\left( a + x_k\right)[/tex]

Where k is the number of terms, a is the first term, and x_k is the last term.

The desired sum is -33. The first term is 17 as well. Thus:

[tex]\displaystyle (-33) = \frac{k}{2} \left( (17) +x_k\right)[/tex]


[tex]-66 = k(17 + x_k)[/tex]

We can write a direct formula to find the last term x_k. The direct formula of an arithmetic sequence has the form:

[tex]x_ n = a + d(n-1)[/tex]

Where a is the initial term and d is the common difference.

The initial term is 17 and the common difference is -4. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle x_n = 17 - 4(n-1)[/tex]

Then the last term is given by:

[tex]x_k = 17 - 4(k-1)[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle -66 = k\left( 17 + \left( 17 - 4(k-1)\right)\right)[/tex]

Solve for k:

[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} -66 &= k(17 + (17 - 4k + 4)) \\ -66 &= k(38 -4k) \\ -66 &= -4k^2 + 38k \\ 4k^2 -38k -66 &= 0 \\ 2k^2 - 19k -33 &= 0 \\ (k-11)(2k+3) &= 0 \\ k-11&= 0 \text{ or } 2k+3 = 0 \\ \\ k &= 11 \text{ or } k = -\frac{3}{2}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Since we cannot have a negative amount of terms, we can ignore the second solution.

Therefore, the given sequence must have 11 terms such that it sums to -33.


Here is 2 methods

Step-by-step explanation:

1) we use excel to find n=11 for lasy students

2) mathematical method

[tex]u_1=17\\u_2=13=17+(2-1)*(-4)\\u_3=9=17+(3-1)*(-4)\\\\\\\boxed{u_n=17+(n-1)*(-4)}\\\\\\\displaystyle s_n=\sum_{i=1}^nu_i\\=\sum_{i=1}^n(17+(i-1)*(-4))\\\\\\=(\sum_{i=1}^n 17) + (-4)*\sum_{i=1}^n (i) +4*\sum_{i=1}^n (1)\\\\\\=17*n+4*n-4*\frac{n*(n+1)}{2} \\\\\\=21n-2n^2-2n\\\\\\=-2n^2+19n\\\\=-33\\\\\\\Longrightarrow\ 2n^2-19n-33=0[/tex]

[tex]\Delta=19^2+4*2*33=625=25^2\\\\n=\dfrac{19-25}{4} =-1.5\ (excluded)\ or\ n=\dfrac{19+25}{4}=11\\\\[/tex]

Triangle Q R S is shown. Line R Q extends through point P. Angle Q S R is 35 degrees. Angle S R Q is 58 degrees. Exterior angle S Q P is x degrees. What is the value of x?


The triangle is missing and so i have attached it.


x = 93°

Step-by-step explanation:

From the triangle attached, we can say that;

<SQP + <SQR = 180°

This is because sum of angles on a straight line equals 180°.

Secondly, we know that sum of angles in a triangle also equals 180°.


<SQR + <QSR + <SRQ = 180

From the attached triangle, we see that;

<QSR = 35°

<SRQ = 58°


<SQR + 35° + 58° = 180°

<SQR + 93° = 180°

<SQR = 180° - 93°

<SQR = 87°

From earlier on, we saw that;

<SQP + <SQR = 180°

Plugging in <SQR = 87°, we have;

<SQP + 87° = 180°

<SQP = 180° - 87°

<SQP = 93°

We are told in the question that <SQP is denoted by x.


x = 93°


The value of x is answer D: 93

Product of the zeroes of polynomial 3x²-2x-4 is ? No spam ❌ Want accurate answers ✔ No spa.

full explain​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Quadratic ax² +bx +c can be written in factored form as ...

  a(x -p)(x -q)

for zeros p and q. The expanded form of this is ...

  ax² -a(p+q)x +apq

Then the ratio of the constant term to the leading coefficient is ...

  c/a = (apq)/a = pq . . . . the product of the zeros

For your quadratic, the ratio c/a is -4/3, the product of the zeros.


Additional comment

You will notice that the sum of zeros is ...

  -b/a = -(-a(p+q))/a = p+q


[tex] \green{ \boxed{ \bf \: product \: of \: the \: zeros \: = - \frac{4}{3} }}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that,

[tex] \sf \: if \: \alpha \: and \: \beta \: \: are \: the \: zeroes \: of \: the \: \\ \sf \: polynomial \: \: \: \pink{a {x}^{2} + bx + c }\: \: \: \: then \\ \\ \small{ \sf \: product \: of \: zeroes \: \: \: \alpha \beta = \frac{constant \: term}{coefficient \: of \: {x}^{2} } } \\ \\ \sf \implies \: \pink{ \boxed{\alpha \beta = \frac{c}{a} }}[/tex]

Given that, the polynomial is :

[tex] \bf \: 3 {x}^{2} - 2x - 4[/tex]


constant term c = - 4coefficient of x^2 = 3

[tex] \sf \: so \: product \: of \: zeroes \: \: = \frac{ - 4}{3} = - \frac{4}{3} [/tex]

help please tries 2 times




Step-by-step explanation:

2x - 2y = 2

5x + 2y = 12

again just add them in this case

7x = 14

x = 2

4 - 2y = 2

-2y = -2

y = 1

A person walks on average 4000 steps per day. If one step is about 2 feet long, how much would the average person walk per week? HELP



56000 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

4000 steps a day.

7 days in a week.

2 ft per step

so, we calculate how many steps in a week

4000 × 7 = 28000

and then we calculate the distance by saying each of these steps is 2 ft


28000 × 2 = 56000 ft

as a little extra thought :

there are 5280 ft in a mile.

so, the person walks

56000 / 5280 miles = 10.61 miles

in a week.

Given: The equation of a parabola is x2 = 8y.

Step 3: Where does the directrix for the given parabola lie? Enter the equation for the directrix line. Use your keyboard and the keypad to enter your answer. Then click Done.




Step-by-step explanation:


Since a = 2, the equation for the directrix line will be y = −2.

Step-by-step explanation:

I really need this answered!



Its AA similaroty theorem

The expression 13.25×5+6.5 gives the total cost in dollars of renting a bicycle and helmet for 5 days. The fee for the helmet does not depend upon the number of days.



13.25×5+13, cost per day with a helmet.

Step-by-step explanation:

Numerical Expressions • Practice


13.25×5+13, Per day without a helmet

Step-by-step explanation:

X+3y=2 and y=2x+3
Please explain using substitution method.


- X + 3Y = 2  (*)

⇔X = 2 - 3Y  (1)

- Y = 2X + 3   (2)

(1),(2)⇒ Y = 2(2 - 3Y) +3

       ⇔ Y = 4 - 6Y + 3

       ⇔ Y = 1  (**)

(*),(**)⇒ X + 3×1 =2

       ⇔ X = -1

the length of a rectangular box is 8cm. If its diagonal is 10cm. Find its width​



Step-by-step explanation:

The diagonal of this rectangular box serves as the hypotenuse of the 2 right triangles that exist within this rectangle. The length is one leg, the hypotenuse is...well, the hypotenuse, so we need to use Pythagorean's Theorem to find the missing leg.

[tex]10^2=8^2+x^2[/tex] and

[tex]100-64=x^2[/tex] and

[tex]x^2=36[/tex] so

x = 6. The width is 6.

Adding the fractions





Step-by-step explanation:

The LCM of 14, 21 and 6 is 42

We require to change the fractions to fractions with a denominator of 42

[tex]\frac{3(3)}{14(3)}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{2(2)}{21(2)}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{1(7)}{6(7)}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{9}{42}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{4}{42}[/tex] + [tex]\frac{7}{42}[/tex] ← add the numerators, leaving the denominator

= [tex]\frac{9+4+7}{42}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{20}{42}[/tex] ← divide both values by 2

= [tex]\frac{10}{21}[/tex] ← in simplest form






Step-by-step explanation:

negative exponent means 1/...

so, this is

(32/243)^(4/10) = (32/243)^(2/5)

that means to the power of 2 and then pulling the 5th root.

so, let's pull the 5th root first, and then we square

(32/243)^(2/5) = (2⁵/3⁵)^(2/5) = (2/3)^2 = 4/9

If n(a)=40,n(b)=60 and n(a∪b)=80.find the value of (a∩b.




Step-by-step explanation:

we know,




or, 80-(40+60)=-n(a∩b)

or, -n(a∩b)=80-100

or, -n(a∩b)=-20

or, n(a∩b)=20

Jennifer invested $379 in a simple interest account. The account now has $554 in it. The money has been invested for 5 years. What interest rate (as a percentage) did this account have?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The account balance for simple interest is given by ...

  A = P(1 +rt) . . . . . principal P invested for t years at rate r

  554 = 379(1 +r·5)

  554 = 379 + 1895r . . . . eliminate parentheses

  175 = 1895r . . . . . . . . . subtract 379

  r = 175/1895 ≈ 0.092348 ≈ 9.23%

Jennifer's account had an interest rate of about 9.23%.

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