Help me please I need help with this story


Answer 1


what is the story about.

please take a picture of the story

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Which choice best defines citing evidence?

attempting to understand the background of the author
explaining the steps you took to interpret the text
referring to the text to support your interpretation of a text
indicating the extra sources you used to understand the text



D indicating the extra sources you used to understand the text

what fasion trend do you like and why you like it?​



I like baggy clothes in general because anyone can wear baggy fashion, all shapes and sizes sure to be comfortable in this stylish trend. The ease and comfort of slipping into loose clothing and the air of nonchalance accompanies every outfit.

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Which two things about the hawk are correct? A It was the hunter's favorite hawk. B It was the only pet the hunter had. C It was trained to hunt. D It was twice the size of most hawks. It was an unusual color.​



B and C


It was the only pet the hunter had

It was trained to hunt.


it was twice the size of most hawks it was an unusual color

Write an essay on a wedding you attended last year in 450 word



Explanation:The marriage of my friends brother came off in Nov. I was cordially invited to attend that. It was the grandest marriage, I had ever attended. It afforded great joy and mirth to every member of the procession. It is an unforgettable experience.

On the day of marriage, the house of my friend was tastefully decorated with multi colored flowers, bunting and balloons. A served with juice, sweets, dry fruits and coffee. In the evening at about 4 p.m., some ceremonies, prior to the departure of the Barat were performed. Everybody was putting on his best suit. There was joy and cheer everywhere.

The priest put a coronet decked with flowers on the bridegroom’s head. The women started singing songs. The bridegroom was made to ride a mare decked with ornaments’ of silver. The best band of the city created sweet sensations by its tunes of modern films. The Barat started on foot towards the bride’s house. It was at a distance of half a mile. The party of jolly young boys and girls began to dance and twist to the tunes of the band. There was a drum beater surrounded by lust young bachelors chancing and jumping at the head of the barat, crackers were also let off. The on lookers were looking at the Barat with eager eyes from both the sides of the roads.  

The Barat reached near the bride’s house. Multi colored bulbs, flowers and buntings decorated the house and it looked as if it were a place in paradise. The seating arrangement was made under a very big canopy. The Barat received the heartiest reception.

The priest recited verses from the scriptures. The bride’s father and bride groom’s father embraced each other amidst shouts. The automatic camera took photographs. The bride groom was made to ride a mare decked with ornaments of silver. The best band of the city created sweet sensations by its tunes of modern films. The Barat started on foot towards the bride’s house. It was at a distance of half a mile.

The marriage was solemnized amidst Vedic mantra’s before the holy fire. In the early dawn the bride parted from her parents with tears in her eyes to start a new life in her in laws house.

Help me please………………………



A create emotional responses

change the following to indirect speech
1)"can you help me with this?said Ada

2)"you should obey your parents,said James

3)"The sun sets in the west."the teacher said.​



1) Ada said can i help her with this.

2) James said that i should obey my parents.

3) The teacher said that the sun sets in the west.

Kumon D2 101 Old Yeller By Fred Gipson


Soooooo where’s the

write a folktale that you have heard or read. ​


Once upon a time, there lived a widow woman and her son, Jack, on their small farm in the country.

Every day, Jack would help his mother with the chores - chopping the wood, weeding the garden and milking the cow.  But despite all their hard work, Jack and his mother were very poor with barely enough money to keep themselves fed.

"What shall we do, what shall we do?" said the widow, one spring day.  "We don't have enough money to buy seed for the farm this year!  We must sell our cow, Old Bess, and with the money buy enough seed to plant a good crop."

"All right, mother," said Jack, "it's market-day today.  I'll go into town and sell Bessy."

So Jack took the cow's halter in his hand, walked through the garden gate and headed off toward town.  He hadn't gone far when he met a funny-looking, old man who said to him, "Good morning, Jack."

"Good morning to you," said Jack, wondering how the little, old man knew his name.

"Where are you off to this fine morning?" asked the man.

"I'm going to market to sell our cow, Bessy."

"Well what a helpful son you are!" exclaimed the man, "I have a special deal for such a good boy like you."

The little, old man looked around to make sure no one was watching and then opened his hand to show Jack what he held.

"Beans?" asked Jack, looking a little confused.

"Three magical bean seeds to be exact, young man.  One, two, three!  So magical are they, that if you plant them over-night, by morning they grow right up to the sky," promised the funny little man.  "And because you're such a good boy, they're all yours in trade for that old milking cow."

"Really?" said Jack, "and you're quite sure they're magical?"

"I am indeed!  And if it doesn't turn out to be true you can have your cow back."

An effective thesis statement includes…
an outline of the argument
indirect quotations
points that counter the main argument
specific information



an outline of the argument.


The thesis should argue for something and be clear. It shouldn't include unnecessary information.

change these sentences into negative and interrogate sentences​



1. Does he goes to the market?

He does not goes to the market

2. Does Ram plucks the mango?

Ram does not plucks the mango

3. Do you sing a song?

You do not sing a song

4. Do they play  in the garden?

They do not play in the garden

5. Do I write a letter?

I do not write a letter


A student conducts an experiment to determine how the temperature of water affects the time for sugar to dissolve. In each trial, the student uses a different amount of sugar and a different temperature of water.

What is wrong with this experimental design?

The student changed too many variables.

The student does not have a dependent variable.

The student needs to perform more trials.

The student did not change enough variables.



the dont change



Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean.

Identify the choice that corrects this run-on sentence.


“ Sometimes people say silly things. They do not intend to be mean.”

Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean! This option correctly splits the independent clause in a complete sentence by adding an exclamation point at the end to indicate the speaker's tone. So, the correct option is C.

What is Sentence?

A sentence is a semantically complete unit of speech composed of one or more words that expresses an entire thought, idea, or message. It usually has a subject and a predicate and might be a statement, an inquiry, an order, or an exclamation.

A set of words must meet specific grammatical conditions in order to be termed a sentence. A subject (the person, place, thing, or idea about which the sentence is about) and a predication (the part of the sentence that indicates what the subject does or what is being done to the subject) are examples of these. A phrase must additionally possess a logical structure and express a complete notion on its own.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Sentence, here:


Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Read the sentence:

Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean.

Identify the choice that corrects this run-on sentence.

Sometimes people say silly things, they do not intend to be mean.Sometimes people say silly things; they do not intend to be mean.Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean!Sometimes, people say sill they not intend to be mean.

18. Cahina ...... an economic crisis at this moment.
O encountered
O encounters
O encounter
O will encounter
O is encountering​



is encountering​


what is the intersection of culture and interpersonal communication of how you see me





bfeif2ipfb42ifbeivb3eifb2ee fewbfe


Why is the title of the story: The Good Samaritan? Explain.



Finally, a Samaritan happens upon the traveler. Although Samaritans and Jews despised each other, the Samaritan helps the injured man. ... The phrase "Good Samaritan", meaning someone who helps a stranger, derives from this parable, and many hospitals and charitable organizations are named after the Good Samaritan.

Which sentences in the list below demonstrate correct use of
Patty's new husband, Joe, is a mechanic who teaches at my school,
Out of six cousins, my cousin Jesse is the only one who wants to become an engineer
Cousin Estella, who has blue hair, loves to rebuild old cars.
Among the 25 students in my home economics class, only my classmate, Cassie, actually knows how
to cook
The auto shop class, that meets in the afternoon, rebuilt a roadster last year, this year, the morning
class will rebuild a motorcycle



1, 3 and 4 are correct

I think

not soo sure


2. Out of six cousins, my cousin Jesse is the only one who wants to become an engineer.

3. Cousin Estella, who has blue hair, loves to rebuild old cars.

4. Among the 25 students in my home economics class, only my classmate, Cassie, actually knows how to cook.


1. Patty's new husband, Joe, is a mechanic who teaches at my school.

2. Out of six cousins, my cousin Jesse is the only one who wants to become an engineer.

3. Cousin Estella, who has blue hair, loves to rebuild old cars.

4. Among the 25 students in my home economics class, only my classmate, Cassie, actually knows how to cook.

5. The auto shop class, which meets in the afternoon, rebuilt a roadster last year. This year, the morning

6. The class will rebuild a motorcycle.

Fixed all grammar errors above

why is cursing someone in authority bad?




As children we're taught that cursing, even when we're in pain, is inappropriate, betrays a limited vocabulary or is somehow low class in that ambiguous way many cultural lessons suggest. But profanity serves a physiological, emotional and social purpose — and it's effective only because it's inappropriate.


make a conversation between two people about the situation of odering a product on phone



me: Hello may I please order a phone?

her: Yes which phone would you like?

me: the newest iphone would be good.

her: follow me, the iphone 12 will be $1200

me: This looks good thank you very much


Read the entry on Jonas Salk from Compton's Encyclopedia/The Britannica School Edition, and answer the question beneath the text.

Compton's Encyclopedia

Jonas Salk (1914-1995). For the first half of the 20th century, poliomyelitis, also known as infantile paralysis, was one of the most dreaded diseases to attack young people. By 1955 American physician and researcher Jonas Salk had developed a vaccine that almost eradicated the disease in the United States and other developed countries.

Jonas Edward Salk was born in New York City on October 28, 1914. He graduated from the City College of New York in 1934 and earned his doctorate in medicine from New York University's College of Medicine in 1939. While in medical school he had worked with Thomas Francis Jr. on killed-virus immunology studies. In 1942 he joined a group at the University of Michigan working on a vaccine against influenza. The vaccine was perfected in 1953.

In 1947 Salk became associate professor of bacteriology and head of the Virus Research Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. There he began working on the polio vaccine. Three viruses caused polio, and a vaccine had to be effective against all of them. By 1952 Salk had developed such a vaccine and conducted field tests on children. His findings were published in 1953, and a mass field test was done the next year.

On April 12, 1955, the vaccine was released for use in the United States. In 1957 Salk was named professor of experimental medicine at Pittsburgh, and in 1963 he went to San Diego as head of the Institute (later named the Salk Institute) for Biological Studies. In 1977 Salk was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He died on June 23, 1995, in La Jolla, California.

Answer the following question based on the Compton's Encyclopedia reading:

Which choice best describes the reasons behind Jonas Salk's decision to search for a cure for poliomyelitis?

The disease affected children in the United States all of Salk's life.
The disease became an epidemic shortly after Salk became a doctor.
Jonas Salk's own child contracted poliomyelitis as an infant.
Jonas Salk suffered from poliomyelitis as a young child.



There really is no answer. A is a 1/2 truth. B the reasons for not choosing B are given. We know nothing about C or D, but they are likely not true. None of his 3 children had Polio. No mention is made of himself.

I guess B, but a marker could pick anything, the choices are so bad.


A isn't true. He lived long after the vaccine was developed.

B. It was a dreaded disease long before he became a doctor. and some 15 years after. (1939 to 1954)

C. We don't know anything about Salk's personal life. C and D are both not part of the same missing piece of information.

D. We don't know if he did or not. The article does not say.  

Franklin watched as patients reacted to Charles. When Franklin tried it himself, he felt nothing. Franklin then blindfolded the other patients and asked Charles to repeat the process. Which detail best completes the summary? O The patients could only be mesmerized with Franklin in the room. O Patients felt a fiery heat wherever Charles moved his hands. O Patients continued to feel pain as long as they believed it existed. The patients responded incorrectly or did not respond at all.​



Patients continued to feel pain as long as they believed it existed


According to the given excerpt, Franklin watches in amazement as the patients respond to Charles but when he tried it for himself, he felt nothing, so he decided to blindfold the patients and see if Charles would still have the same effect on them.

Therefore, the detail that best completes the summary is that patients continued to feel pain as long as they believed it existed

in all the world , there ( be) _____only 14 mountains that (reach)____above 8,000 meters



In all the world, there will be only 14 mountains that will reach above 8,000 meters.

the diamond necklace solution​




i can't understand your question?

Write a paragraph about the importance of a community work in which you want to be involved in.​


Though, the concept of community service is not very new its importance has developed in the past few years. There are thousands of organizations all over the world that engage and hold millions of young people all through the world. People of all age groups, with a maximum number of youth are involved in the process of community service. Community-based organizations include; social service organizations, non-profit providers and associations that engage both young people as well adults as volunteers. The process is beneficial both for the individuals as well as the society. Without community service people would not know the meaning of charity and giving back. Community service can be defined as a service that is performed for the benefit of the public. Community service is not a responsibly or an obligation; it is a commitment. A person must want to do it with good intentions and not because they are being forced to do so. Basically, community service is a way for a person to give back to a community in which they live.

blank are type of writing meant to persuade
a commercials
b journal articles
c novels​





there trying to make you get what they are selling

Why fast food is bad for health?



fast food have High level of fats which raise the blood cholesterol level and leads to cardiovascular diseases and cancer


fast food contain high level of fats which are called saturated fatty acids. this this fat can raise the blood cholesterol level and lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. due to additives present in such food, cancer becomes another risk for the person consuming the food

what does it mean by predict?



to make a guess about the future/a future outcome


have a nice day!

1. What reason does Wright give for writing his story?



which lesson is this? mention the lesson name, unit, chapter no.

4 Complete the text with the best answer, A, B or C.
Skateboard city!
Every summer there is a skateboarding
in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
Are you interested 2) ............. taking part? Arrive
at 8 a.m. and put your name down. There are
competitions for beginners as well as for professional
skateboarders. A group of 3).
cash prize to the 4)..............
As well as skateboarding, there is plenty of music as
the park has a huge 5).....
bands perform 6)....
all day. For people who
are keen 7)..........
fashion, there are shops
where you can buy skater clothes too. It's a great
will give a
of each competition.
where exciting
day out!
1 A party
2 A to
3 A contestants
4 A winner
5 A parade
6 A live
7 A to
B festival
B for
B judges
B band
B living
C park
C in
C audience
C winning
C stage
C alive
C in



B festival

C in

B judges

A winners

C Stage

A live

B on


My answers might be right

Write the correct noun form of the word given in the brackets .
When Italy made a (subtitute)at half time ,England did likewise .





substitution is the correct way to use the word

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