Canine means dog tooth. What do dogs use their canine teeth for?​​


Answer 1

Answer: for breaking fown food(chew on things)


Answer 2


Canine does not mean dog tooth. Canine is a type of teeth for the dog. Dog uses the canine for tearing flesh.

Related Questions

Helppppppppppppppoo meeeeeeee


The second answer is the correct one
2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6

Good luck I hope this helped!

Why does a buzzer starts to buzz as soon as the circuit is complete?



The circuit is complete again and the the electric charges start to flow. ... Depending on the distance between the electromagnet and the nail, the rigidity of the rubber band and the strength of the electromagnet, the circuit can be broken and completed several times a second. Hence you hear a buzzing sound


Depending on the distance between the electromagnet and the nail, the rigidity of the rubber band and the strength of the electromagnet, the circuit can be broken and completed several times a second. Hence you hear a buzzing sound.

The best place to find an oligodendrocyte?


Each oligodendrocyte forms one segment of myelin for several adjacent axons.Oligodendrocytes are found only in the central nervous system, which comprises the brain and spinal cord.

Which is not an event of mitosis?

The formation of two daughter nuclei
The segregation of homologous chromosomes
The dismantling of the nuclear envelope





The segregation of homologous chromosomes

The cell membrane of a retinal photoreceptor contains sodium channels that at rest (in the dark) are normally ________ and have a resting potential that is ________ compared to other neurons.



open; depolarized


The photoreceptors, i.e., rods and cones, are specialized neurons located in the retina. These cells convert sunlight into electrochemical signals which are interpreted by the central nervous system. The cGMP-gated channels that are expressed in photoreceptor plasma membranes have a major role in this process by regulating the flow of sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+) ions in the outer side of the membrane via changes to cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels which are induced by light. In the dark, high cGMP levels maintain channels in an open state, thereby allowing the passage of Na+ and Ca2+ ions to flow into the outer segment of photoreceptors in order to maintain them in a depolarized state.

What is the name of three bases on mRNA called?
B. codon
C. triplet
D. anticodon





Each group of the three bases in mRNA constitutes a codon, and each codon specifies a particular amino acid

What is the purpose of meiosis I and II ?

A) To convert one type of cell into another

B) To produce new body cells

C) To produce games, or sex cells

D) To make offspring


Meiosis I is the reduction division, where the pairing of homologous chromosomes, crossing over and genetic recombination takes place, resulting in two daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes. Meiosis II is like mitosis, where sister chromatids get separated leading to 4 genetically diverse haploid cells from a diploid parent cell.

I am not sure but I think it is c
It’s c I looked it up

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The difference between Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell are;

[tex]\begin{array}{lll}&\underline {\text {Prokaryotic}}& \underline {\text {Eukaryotic}}\\ \\ \text {Nuclear \ membrane \ and \ nucleus} & \text {No \ true \ nucleus \ or} & \text {Has \ a \ true \ nucleus} \\& \text {nuclear \ membrane} & \text {nucleoli \ and \ nuclear \ membrane}\\\\ \text {Membrane \ bound \ cell \ organelle} & \text {None &Present} \\\\ \text {Chromosome \ number \ and \ shape} & \text {One} & \text {Several, more \ than \ one} \end{array}[/tex]


Prokaryotic cells

The plasma membranes surround prokaryotic cells, however, within their cytoplasm, there are no organelles bound to the membrane and there is no nucleus in the prokaryotic cell which differentiates it from the eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells also have plasma membranes, ribosomes and cytoplasm. Eukaryotic cells also have membrane-bound nucleus, membrane bound organelles, such as chloroplast, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus which together differentiates it from a prokaryotic cell

King Henry VIII divorced and killed many of his wives. He blamed them for
only producing daughters; he wanted a son as an heir to the throne. Using
your knowledge of genetics, explain why this is an incorrect move.




English King Henry VIII, who married six times, suffered from a rare blood disorder which was responsible for the miscarriages of wives and also made him “unstable” , a new research has claimed.Most British school children learn the following rhyme to help them remember the fate of each wife: “Divorced, Beheaded, Died: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived”.

What results will the scientist most likely obtain when placing drops of the indicator on the leaves?



The scientist will be most likely obtain when placing drops of the indicator on the leaves by resulting dark purple.


dark purple is the answer.

Considering that the indicator is Phenolphthalein, then it will remain colourless. If it is methyl orange, then it will become red. If it is universal indicator, then it will become blue to dark blue. Because leaves are slightly acidic.

With 600 islands, the largest freshwater lake in Europe is Lake _________​



Lake Ladoga is the answer

To control its wild rabbit population, the Australian government introduced the viral disease myxomatosis. At first the virus was very deadly to the rabbits, but over the years, the virus became less deadly. Explain what might have happened to the rabbit population and why the virus became less dead



Natural Selection


Overtime the the animals that had a natural immunity to the disease bred and produced offspring that also had this immunity, while the other animals that didn't dies off. So the population would have become smaller, but only for a little bit. Overtime this immunity will become more common in the population.

Describing Periods on the Periodic Table
Which statement accurately compares the trends in atomic number and atomic mass in the periodic table?
The atomic number increases from left to right, while the atomic mass increases from right to left.
O The atomic mass increases from left to right, while the atomic number increases from right to left.
O Both the atonic mass and the atomic number increase from left to right.
O Both the atomic mass and the atomic number increase from right to left.


The atomic mass and the atomic number increase left to right

What is one reason that carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere
today? *



Concentrations of carbon dioxides are rising mainly due to energy-burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels such as carbon or oil include carbon plants which, over the years, are photosynthesized in the atmosphere; in a few hundred years we have returned this carbon to the air


Even fundamental human functions — eating inhalation and digestion — generate CO2. In the life cycles of the earth, it is an essential chemical. Active plants and trees are absorbing CO2 and turning it into food with sunlight and water. There are problems when more CO2 is emitted than is absorbed by our vegetation. Activities to produce high carbon dioxide include:

Consuming electricity: Fossil fuels emit CO2, with coal emitting twice as much gas as oil. Worldwide, 85% of energy is generated by fossil fuels. As China and India continue to industrialize, the number of coal-burning plants will rise. Today, power generation represents 41 percent of CO2 emissions in the United States.Transportation: Locomotive is the second greatest source for U.S. CO2 emissions for business or pleasure. Travel is also a factor internationally. A cruise ship study indicated that holidays at sea produce 12 times more CO2 than on land. 41,000 tonnes of CO2 was generated at Denmark's 11-day worldwide Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change. U.S. representatives alone produced sufficient CO2 to fill 10,000 Olympic pools.Building: Manufacturing produces large amounts of CO2, yet only represents 2% of US emissions. The most serious offenders are the manufacture of iron and steel and cement. These businesses use huge amounts of thermal energy to turn commodities into building products.Deforestation: Trees are powerful organisms that absorb CO2 from the air and remove it. It stops the process by cutting them down. While deforestation is a tiny source of increasing CO2 in the U.S., 20 percent of global CO2 emissions are due to forest loss. Fuel-burning trees and natural forest material breakdown also generate CO2.

How Many Years Ago Was Parachute Invented?????


the parachute was invented 4,000 yrs ago! :)

Answer: 4,000 years ago

The parachute was invented 4,000 years ago, when Chinese observers noticed that air resistance slowed free-falls. Legend states that a safe jump was made from a granary using two bamboo hats. In the 800s, Abbas Ibn "Armen" Firnas jumped off a tower in Cordova (Iberian peninsula) using a large cloak like a wing.

Which factor causes the shape of a fatty acid to be straight?



Saturated Fatty Acids

The primary components of fatty acids are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. When carbon atoms bond together, they form a single bond and can exhibit a zig-zag shape. When the overall molecule is seen, the entire fatty acid appears as a fairly straight line.

Where are neutrons located?
O A. Outside the nucleus of an atom
O B. Inside the cell membrane
O C. Inside the nucleus of a cell
O D. Inside the nucleus of an atom.



D. Inside the nucleus of an atom.


The nucleus (center) of the atom contains the protons (positively charged) and the neutrons (no charge). The outermost regions of the atom are called electron shells and contain the electrons (negatively charged).




Since this is a biology/chemistry question, you have to be careful that you use the right term. You must be talking about atoms. So B and C are both incorrect because the word cell is used as the main location.

What about A and D? The atom is used and those two are the ones you need to consider. A neutron gives its home address as the nucleus. It is part of the nucleus. So A is incorrect. A neutron is inside the nucleus.

That leaves with D and that's the answer.

Name the gas. 1. Used in respiration 2. Produced in respiration 3. Used in photosynthesis 4. Produced in photosynthesis​


Answer: Oxygen



The fixation or reduction of carbon dioxide is a process in which carbon dioxide combines with a five-carbon sugar, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, to yield two molecules of a three-carbon compound, glycerate 3-phosphate, also known as 3-phosphoglycerate.


¿que contamina mas?

las fabricas

los automoviles

las taquerias

la quema de basusa​


the answer is los automoviles

I need help with the filling in the Punnett square.



Both of the squares are filled out correctly

Yeah that’s correct both of them are right!!

Which best describes what solar systems are comprised of? stars, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets galaxies universes planets, moons, comets, and asteroids



The correct answer is star,moon,planets,moons, astroid and comets galaxy universes planets,moon, comets and astroids.


The above answer is correct

Besides the interaction between animals and plants, what other factors may be involved in the carbon and oxygen cycles?


Answer: .co2

Explanation: co2


The other factors which are involved in the carbon and oxygen cycles are air, ground, respiration, and photosynthesis.

Which factor contributes to the carbon cycle?

Explanation: Human activities have a tremendous impact on the carbon cycle. Burning fossil fuels, changing land use, and using limestone to make concrete all transfer significant quantities of carbon into the atmosphere.

How do plants and animals interact with the carbon cycle differently from one another?

Through food chains, the carbon that is in plants moves to the animals that eat them. Animals that eat other animals get the carbon from their food too. Carbon moves from plants and animals to soils. When plants and animals die, their bodies, wood, and leaves decay bringing the carbon into the ground.

Learn more about Human Activities at


What is the process of mitosis?



duplication of 2 dioploid identical sister cells


inter-phase, pro-phase, meta-phase, ana-phase, telo-phase, cytokinesis

Animal life changed greatly during the Cambrian explosion, with some groups expanding in diversity and others declining. What are the current hypotheses that explain these trends?
A. Global climate changes.
B. Atmospheric changes.
C. Predator prey relationships.
D. Appearance of the marine top predator.
E. Changes in the regulations of develop.
F. Radiation of numerous terrestrial groups.


Answer: Options A,B,C, and F

A. Global climate changes.

B. Atmospheric changes.

C. Predator-prey relationships.

F. Radiation of numerous terrestrial groups.


Due to increasing natural disasters (such as volcanic eruption) and arthropological activities (such as mining) that led to the emission of harmful gases, changes in the atmosphere and overall climatic conditions is established.

They saturate the atmosphere and due to limited carbon sinks to absorb them, they alter the climatic parameters like temperature, rainfall, and relative humidity.

The effects of change in climatic parameters are flooding, habitat destruction, increased predation, and among others. Thus, leading to dispersal of some animal species and decline of many others.

Predator-prey relationship also plays an important role in the expansion (likely through migrating from danger) and in most cases decline of some animal species, especially when there's limited prey species to go round for the predators.

Which part of the brain is indicated by the arrow below?
Medulla oblongata





The Pons of the brain is indicated by the arrow below.

Pons is located in front of cerebellum, composed up nerve fibers make a bridge between he two hemispheres of the cerebellum of brain. Thus option A is correct.

What are the different parts of brainstem ?

The brain stem have different parts such as midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata.

The midbrain present  between the cerebrum and pons.

The nuclei and cerebral tracts are present, where nuclei act as a  relay stations for both ascending and descending nerve fibers, mainly involve in auditory and visual reflexes.

Pons is present in front of cerebellum, the nerve fibers make a bridge between the two hemispheres of the cerebellum.

Medulla oblongata is the most interior part of the brain stem, continuous with the spinal cord, the outer portion is called white matter and the central portion have grey matter.

Thus option A is correct.

Learn more about Brain, here:


What are the early signs of osteoarthritis?


Pain areas: in the joints, hands, hip, knee, lower back, or neck
Pain circumstances: can occur related to weather
Pain types: can be severe in the joints
Joints: stiffness, crackles, swelling, or tenderness
Hand: bump on the finger or bony outgrowth in fingers or toes
Also common: joint deformity or limping

Joint pain in the hands, neck, lower back, knees, or hips is the most common symptom

The government of a flood prone region wants to implement some measure to reduce risk of floods. Which method is likely to reduce the risk of floods in that region



The correct answer is "preservation of wetlands".


Wetland are areas of lands that are saturated with water, usually comprised by marshes or swamps. Preservation of wetlands help to reduce the risk of floods because wetlands temporarily store and slow the release of stormwater. It has been reported that areas where wetland have been lost, the chances of flood increases by as much as 80 percent. The government of a flood-prone region would likely reduce the risk of floods by preserving its wetlands.

The discovery that the brain contains specific receptors for manufactured opiate drugs such as morphine implies that the body must make an ___ substance that interacts with those same receptors.



Explanation: Receptors readily binds with biochemical messangers (called ligand) in the body system.

A particular receptor will only bind with a specific ligand, which translates that a specific receptors which readily binds with opiate drugs (such as morphine and oxycodone) for reducing body response to pain, must have been in the past, had an interaction with an endogenous biomolecule similar in molecular composition with that of opioid pain relievers .

I need help with all the questions and filling out the punnet square



Umm are you supposed to be in summer break


Because I am in summer break

When deciding on new environmental policies
and laws, which term is used to describe the
comparison between benefits and costs of
human activities?



Explanation:trust me bro i just got it right

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