Cara got lost while hiking in the mountains. Fortunately for her, she had a GPS device and a satellite phone. When she reported her location, she indicated that it was 38°N, 105°W. What type of location did Cara give?


Answer 1
Well I am not sure

Related Questions

analisis lah perkembangan terbentuknya kepulauan indonesia



Please write in English so I can help.

Explanation: I wanna help.

what two structures are located at 34°00′12″S 151°06′48″E


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

When dealing with coordinates, it is very important to remember that 1 degree is about 60 miles. Also, latitude is North and South while longitude is West and East.

Latitude is based around the Equator, while longitude is based around the Prime Meridian. It is very good to know where these are on a map they are what the coordinates are based around.

It is also very beneficial to remember that the tropic of cancer (which is about at the latitude (North and South) of Mexico, Southern China, etc.) is at 23.5° N, while the tropic of Capricorn (South Africa, Central Australia, Northern Chile) is at 23.5° S.

The arctic and Antarctic circles are both at around 66.5° North and South respectively.

The International Date line (which goes through the center of the Pacific Ocean) is at 180° longitude.

So, since our first coordinate has an S, we know that it is going to be South of the Equator. It is further South than the Tropic of Capricorn since 34° is greater than 23.5°. These structures are going to be about 2040 miles South of the equator (60×34). This is also about halfway between 0 and 66.5 degrees, so it is about in the center of the Southern Hemisphere.

We also see that we are 151° E. This is closer to that International Date Line which goes through the center of the Pacific Ocean, which is a very large ocean. It is about 2000 miles away from it.

If you look at a map, you can see that the Tropic of Capricorn goes through Central Australia. We know that it is South of this tropic by about 660 miles, and it makes sense that it could still be in Australia because Australia is an enormous country. Australia is also very far East from the Prime Meridian in London, so this matches our 151° E coordinate.

This is probably in Southern Australia as it is 660 miles South the center. Most of Australia's population is in the Southern part of Australia, so it makes sense that there could be two structures here. The most notable Australian city is Sydney, so since we are being asked to find two structures just given the coordinates, they are most likely famous and Sydney is the most famous city in this area, this is most likely the location for our city.

What are very famous structures in Sydney? Well, the first one that comes to mind is the Sydney Opera House. Right next to it is the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is the largest steel bridge in the world with arches. Since these are right next to each other and are two famous structures around these coordinates, these are most likely the two structures.

Have a wonderful day! :D

I'm a few words,explain what physical geography examines.


Answer im not sure but i think its would be a rectangle


Môi trường thế giới nói chung và Việt Nam nói riêng có những ảnh hưởng tích cực và tiêu cực như thế nào từ đại dịch cv19





Diamonds a. are exceedingly rare, which is why their price is so high. b. are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite. c. are found in carrot-shaped structures called pegmatites. d. of industrial quality (non-gem quality) have no use and are usually discarded.



whats the question???


How are supernovae involved in new planet formation?

They consume all the nearby nuclear fuel and allow new planets to form.

They are the death of massive stars.

They provide matter and energy that fuel new planet formation.

They are not involved in new planet formation.



Supernovae refer to the last stages in a star's life, when it explodes and disappears completely. ... Every planet we know of emerged from the dust and particles in the universe - so this means that the same dust coming from supernovae can form new planets as well.


hope you get some idea

define fertility management​



Soil fertility refers to the ability of soil to sustain agricultural plant growth, i.e. to provide plant habitat and result in sustained and consistent yields of high quality.

Soil fertility is the ability of soil to sustain plant growth and optimize crop yield. This can be enhanced through organic and inorganic fertilizers to the soil. Nuclear techniques provide data that enhances soil fertility and crop production while minimizing the environmental impact.
Advancing food security and environmental sustainability in farming systems requires an integrated soil fertility management approach that maximizes crop production while minimizing the mining of soil nutrient reserves and the degradation of the physical and chemical properties of soil that can lead to land degradation, including soil erosion. Such soil fertility management practices include the use of fertilizers, organic inputs, crop rotation with legumes and the use of improved germplasm, combined with the knowledge on how to adapt these practices to local conditions.

The Joint FAO/IAEA Division assists Member States in developing and adopting nuclear-based technologies for improving soil fertility practices, thereby supporting the intensification of crop production and the preservation of natural resources.
Different approaches to efficiently manage soil fertility
An integrated soil fertility management aims at maximizing the efficiency of the agronomic use of nutrients and improving crop productivity. This can be achieved through the use of grain legumes, which enhance soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation, and the application of chemical fertilizers.

Whether grown as pulses for grain, as green manure, as pastures or as the tree components of agro-forestry systems, a key value of leguminous crops lies in their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, which helps reduce the use of commercial nitrogen fertilizer and enhances soil fertility. Nitrogen-fixing legumes are the basis for sustainable farming systems that incorporate integrated nutrient management. Use of nitrogen-15 lends understanding of the dynamics and interactions between various pools in agricultural systems, including nitrogen fixation by legumes and utilization of soil and fertilizer nitrogen by crops, both in sole and mixed cropping systems.

Soil fertility can be further improved by incorporating cover crops that add organic matter to the soil, which leads to improved soil structure and promotes a healthy, fertile soil; by using green manure or growing legumes to fix nitrogen from the air through the process of biological nitrogen fixation; by micro-dose fertilizer applications, to replenish losses through plant uptake and other processes; and by minimizing losses through leaching below the crop rooting zone by improved water and nutrient application.
The contribution of nuclear and isotopic techniques
The isotopes of nitrogen-15 and phosphorous-32 are used to trace the movements of labelled nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers in soils, crops and water, providing quantitative data on the efficiency of use, movement, residual effects and transformation of these fertilizers. Such information is valuable in the design of improved fertilizer application strategies. The nitrogen-15 isotopic technique is also used to quantify the amount of nitrogen fixed from the atmosphere through biological nitrogen fixation by leguminous crops.

The carbon-13 isotope signature helps quantify crop residue incorporation for soil stabilization and fertility enhancement. This technique can also assess the effects of conservation measures, such as crop residue incorporation on soil moisture and soil quality. This information allows the identification of the origin and relative contribution of different types of crops to soil organic matter.


EXPLAIN Is it true that growing crop after crop on soil can leave ot useless ?​



It's true that growing crop after crop on soil can leave it useless, as it drains the productivity and potential for growing more crops in the future. Also, using pesticides and herbicides can destroy the soil and render it useless, having further consequences in the future. It also drains nutrients from the soil.


Common sense, and reading books

Why do Continental plates move? Can someone please give me a clear definition for this question? It will really help :)


We know that inside the Earth's crust there are two more layers, i.e., mantle and crust. In mantle, there are many molten rocks, they are in liquid like form. When this moves or flow then the continental plates move too.

The population of France is 63.7 million people. If the birth rate is greater
than the death rate, how will this affect the population



The population will increase


In a given year if a country has more births than deaths, that means that there will be an increase in the total amount of people a country has. If this trend continues the population will grow in the future. If the birth rate is substantially higher than the death rate than the population will increase more rapidly, and more substantially. If the birth rate is only slightly greater than the death rate the population will still increase, albeit more slowly, and less substantially.


Overpopulation can be an issue if it continues.

Lack of resources (food, houses, etc) can be a subject of concern because of the larger number of citizens.

Larger population and a Natural increases in population size will be noticed.  

Government might give out free contraception to its citizens to stop the increase.


Overpopulation will be possible because there are more babies being born that people dying. France's population can increase exponentially if this situation continues and doesn't reach a stop.

Natural increase in a population occurs when birth rate is greater than death rate. This can also lead to a Natural decrease, when death rate is greater than birth rate.

The increase can cause the government to hand out free contraception to people.

The lower death rate could have been the result of good health care in the country, which means the population is taken care of. So it isn't necessarily a negative thing.

These are the things I could come up for the moment. I was just bored and I missed schoolwork and I started answering random questions lol.

Hope this helped

7. Describe the difference between a command, a market, and a mixed economy. (3 points)


Hey there! I'm happy to help!



A command economy is an economy that is controlled by the government or the state. The government dictates what will be produced, how much of it will be produced, and the method by which it will be produced.

This is the type of economy found in socialist and communist countries, where the government has much more power to plan the economy to improve it for the citizens of the country. The means of production are collectively owned.

This economy can be found in countries such as China, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, and Laos.



A market economy is one that is controlled by the customers and businesses. As a consumer, you vote with your dollars. If nobody buys a product that a company makes, the company will stop making that product. The companies individually decide what they will produce, how they will produce it, and how much of that thing they will produce.

This is the type of economy usually found in countries with a smaller government, where the government has less control of the economy and it is controlled by the people, companies, entrepreneurs, etc.

This economy can be found in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Canada, etc.



A mixed economy is a hybrid of command and market economies. What happens is that there are government has control over goods and services in the economy via things like higher taxes, welfare distribution, etc.

The government also can control companies to some degree with regulations. It isn't necessarily socialist or communist as the government doesn't have complete control, but it does have more control over the economy, and this tends to fall on a spectrum. Mixed economy can be an umbrella term for different combinations with companies and the government.

Examples of countries with mixed economies include France and the United States.


Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D


A command economy is an economy that is controlled by the government or the state.



A market economy is one that is controlled by customers and businesses.



A mixed economy is a hybrid of command and market economies.

2. Os primeiros imigrantes
a chegar ao Brasil



when Brazilians were drunk they used to say this

de government ministres ovic Kate wants to buy a piece of land in Duna to start her vegetable farming. The piece of land worth $10.000. her mother gave her $5.000 as a gift and her savings is $5.000 She will sell be car for $10,000 cash.
1.)Work out how much money she needs in order to buy the farm.

2.)State two important decisions she needs to make before starting her larmy business .

3.)If she has to borrow from a bank, name the security the bank would need from her .


she has to bonitha from no me bank maem Tha


Effects of the European Union system include all of the following EXCEPT

A)the removal of barriers to free trade for member states.

B)lower taxes and an increase in services for all member states.

C)the development of Europe as the world's wealthiest market.

D)opposition to immigrants from poorer regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

E)the increased use of English as the principal language.


Answer:  I'd say it's D.

Explanation: Though immigration is a problem for the EU, I don't think opposition is the correct term since many countries still welcome immigrants from the poor countries and are trying to support them.

Imagine you could live anywhere in the world based on a location's climate. What location would you choose? Use this resource and the
information in the tutorial to help you answer the following questions about your location of choice.





because it is very good wether it helps in many work

what kind of system is established in the river and stream ​






it's actually called watershed and used to connect the river and the stream each other in a system.

hope it'll help:)

What factors affect water quality



Many factors affect water quality




Dissolved oxygen



Decayed organic materials


Toxic and hazardous substances

Oils, grease, and other chemicals


Litter and rubbish

Answer: There are so many factors which may/will affect the quality of water

Explanation: such as

i) Acid : it may come from acid rain and etc.....

ii) toxic waste materials : especially from high operating factories

iii) Oil spillage: accidents during oil shipping etc....

iv) littering: dumping of trash and rubbish

v) toxic substances; may come from harmful chemicals which are used in fishing etc... pesticides

vi) bathing and washing in water bodies with animals affects water quality

vii) dumping of waste products into water bodies

viii) mining underground activities

ix) Erosion may also affect water quality

x) leakages: especially in sewage pipes


nhân tố nào có tác động quyết định với sự phát triển, phân bố và hoạt động của ngành giao thông vận tải




Địa hình, khí hậu, sông ngòi, sự hình thành các trung tâm công nghiệp lớn, đô thị hóa

On the map below, #7 is marking which of the following countries?
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Iran
C. Kuwait
D. Iraq



A. Saudi Arabia


a country located in the Middle East.

Number 7 marks the location of A. Saudi Arabia

¿Por qué los estadounidenses presentan un desarrollo latitudinal?


Localización de América. América es un amplio continente que se extiende en el sentido de los meridianos, y además, tiene un largo desarrollo latitudinal. Tengo un link que puede ayudar mas con esto me cuentas vale

(Q015) The Coriolis effect Group of answer choices is a phenomenon created by the movement of ocean currents. is a deflection of wind or water flowing over the Earth's surface. causes the same direction of deflection in the northern and southern hemispheres. causes north-flowing currents in the northern hemisphere to curve to the west.



causes north-flowing currents in the northern hemisphere to curve to the west.


Earth rotation can be defined as the amount of time taken by planet earth to complete its spinning movement on its axis. This ultimately implies that, the rotation of earth refers to the time taken by earth to rotate once on its axis. One spinning movement of the earth on its axis takes approximately 24 hours to complete with respect to the sun.

Basically, the effect of the Earth spinning on its axis on winds and currents is that, global winds will move along a curved path and therefore cause ocean currents to curve.

As a result of the Earth's rotation on its axis, a phenomenon known as Coriolis effect arises.

Coriolis effect occurs when circulating winds are deflected to the left in the southern hemisphere and to the right in the northern hemisphere.

Hence, rather than have this air circulating in a straight pattern, it is deflected to the left of the southern hemisphere and to the right of the northern hemisphere, typically in a curved path or pattern.

The following statements about Coriolis effect are true;

I. It is a phenomenon that's typically created by the movement of ocean currents.

II. It is a deflection of wind or water flowing over the surface of planet Earth.

III. In the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth, it causes the same direction of deflection.

However, Coriolis effect doesn't cause north-flowing currents in the northern hemisphere to curve to the west.

Prepare a art integrated project on deforestation in Goa and Jharkhand in India



It is one of the major problem in Goa and Jharkhand.


Deforestation in Goa and Jharkhand in India is a big problem which can be prevented through integrated project management. There are many steps which can be used collectively to prevent deforestation problem in Goa and Jharkhand. Strict rules and punishment on cutting trees, awareness campaigns and use of alternatives of wood are the solutions of preventing of cutting trees which is only possible through integrated project.

what are the earth's plate name all 4​



African, Antarctic, Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American, Pacific and South American.

~Hope it helps

Matriarchal" is best defined as a __________.
pattern of ethnic settlements in Central Europe
matrix of ethnic symbols engraved in an arch
domination of a government or social group by females
collection of materials used only by a particular ethnic group



C is the answer C is the answer. C is the answer

C because that makes the most sense

which areas of Earth receive the greatest and the least solar irradiance?



hope this helps


Earth receives different amounts of solar energy at different latitudes, with the most at the equator and the least at the poles

Answer: this is the answer


The regions closest to the equator receive the most direct sunlight because the light is arriving at an angle close to 0°. As a result, a lesser area is illuminated and so there is greater solar irradiance. The regions nearest to the poles receive sunlight at more of an angle, resulting in a larger area of illumination and therefore less solar irradiance.

Between 30% and 60% of the population of Europe was Decimated in the mid 1300 by


The bubonic plague.

4. Which is the best example of qualitative data used by geographers?
(A) Personal descriptions of processes and events
(B) Surveys about how often people visit other places
(C) Census counts such as population statistics
(D) Measurements of distance made using GPS receivers
(E) Tables showing the age distribution of people in a community



Which is the best example of qualitative data used by geographers?

(A) Personal descriptions of processes and events

The best example of qualitative data used by geographers is (A) Personal descriptions of processes and events

A qualitative data tends to describe a quality or characteristics. It is very difficult to quantify or given numerical values for analysis.

Qualitative data can be gotten via observations, questionnaires and so on.

"Personal descriptions of process and events" can be best gotten through interviews in a narrative form. Data gotten would be difficult to quantify. So, such data used by geographers is the best example of qualitative data given among the options stated.

The data gotten from all other options can be measured easily and given numerical values.

Therefore the best answer is  example of qualitative data used by geographers would be (A) Personal descriptions of processes and events.

Learn more about qualitative data here:

Which coordinates lands somewhere inside the USA
115 W, 55 N

35 N, 60 E

40 N, 110 W

80 W, 50 N


40 N, 110 W


checked on maps, and 40 N, 110 W was in the US

hope i helped

Which organelle is responsible for transporting lipids in the cell?
A. nucleus
B. rough ER
C. golgi apparatus
D. mitochondrion



the answer is B. ER ( endoplasmic reticulum)


C) golgi apparatus


Golgi Apparatus also termed as Golgi Complex. It is a membrane-bound organelle, which is mainly composed of a series of flattened, stacked pouches called cisternae. This cell organelle is primarily responsible for transporting, modifying, and packaging proteins and lipid to targeted destinations

The first transcontinental railroad in the United States connected _____.

A. Omaha and Sacramento

B. the Great Lakes and New Orleans

C. New York and Chicago

D. Chicago and Los Angeles





If you look this up you can find a map containing where it was built to

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