Carbohydrates are an example of a biological macromolecule. The structure of a biological macromolecule affects the function.

Identify the type of chemical bond in carbohydrate polymer. Describe the directionality in carbohydrates and explain how changes in the structure can affect the function.


Answer 1


The functional groups determine the shapes of macromolecules and this in turn determines their functions.

Functional groups affect the bonds that hold a macromolecule together. For example, the ring forms of glucose in starch and cellulose have different configurations. As a result, cellulose and starch serve different purposes.  

Functional groups also affect the polarity of the bonds. Lipids consist of hydrophilic heads (red) and hydrophobic tails (black and white). This characteristic of lipids allows them to form bilayers, which serve as membranes of cells.  

Proteins have complex structures caused by interactions between the functional groups. A change of a single amino acid can make a major change in the function of a protein.


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what is variable motion?Explain with example. ​



Variable Motion. different distances traveled in equal times. The speed of the object is changing. Periodic Motion.



variable motion occurs when a body covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time in a specified direction. Example: A rotating fan at a constant speed has variable velocity, because of continuous change in direction.

Define matter



Anything that occupies space and has mass.

What issues, organs, and systems were involved in this process of heavy breathing


Answer:The respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe. It includes your airways, lungs and blood vessels. The muscles that power your lungs are also part of the respiratory system.


What is the Dependent Variable?



pitcher with the same velocity

please answer urgently​



C- the enzyme is represented by the letter C


Which level of organization listed here includes every level listed?
red blood cell
DNA molecule.





It's an orgainsm, it has red blood cells, a heart, DNA molecules and cations, probably

If you were running an experiment to determine the color of light at which beans grew best, what would be the variable?
Group of answer choices

the number of beans plants in the experiment

the amount of water you give the beans

the color of the light under which each bean is grown

the height to which you let the sprouts grow



The number of beans in the experiment


I hope it helps choose me the brainer

What effects are produced on environment by industry?​



climate change, loss of natural resources, air and water pollution and extinction of species.industrial processes can have negative environmental impact.


A scientist is researching Down Syndrome. He is studying what type of disease?


Chromosomal disorder

Why do water molecules "stick together"?



Water molecules tend to stick together due to the structure and charge of the atoms present in the water. Hydrogen atoms are positively charged while oxygen atoms are negatively charged. ... All water molecules are exerting cohesive forces on all the molecules around them including those on the surface of a body of water

Because of the presence of hydrogen bonds

Food chains represent
1 point
the movement of energy through the environment
the movement of energy from a consumer to producer
the loss of energy in the ecosystem
the importance of DNA


Answer B: the movement of energy from a consume to producer
Hello there! The answer to this is the movement of energy from a consumer to a producer.This transfer of energy is common in the food chain and thus is the answer to ur question

write parasitic adaption of flat worm​



Parasitic flatworms protect themselves from the host's digestive liquids by developing teguments or resistant coverings around their bodies. They secrete anti enzymes to neutralize the digestive juices of host which are produced in intestine where flatworm lives.

The behavior of allosteric enzymes a. does not play any role in feedback inhibition in metabolic pathways b. is strongly dependent on the presence of metal ions c. is related to their ability to hydrolyze themselves d. depends on changes in their quaternary structure on binding of substrates or inhibitors



The correct answer is d


Allosteric enzymes have multiple binding sites to different ligands called allosteric sites (different from the active site), these ligands can modify their kinetic properties. They are generally made up of more than one polypeptide chain, and have a quaternary structure, an enzyme with a quaternary structure can bind more than one substrate molecule. An allosteric enzyme is an enzyme whose activity is regulated by an allosteric center, which is a site, other than the active center of the enzyme, to which a regulator (called an allosteric regulator) binds in a reversible and non-covalent manner. The binding of this regulator modifies the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme and affects the configuration of the active site, thus increasing or decreasing its activity, depending on the case. The allosteric sites present in regulatory enzymes is where allosteric effectors or inhibitors are attached, causing a conformational change in the substrate binding site or catalytic site, thus regulating enzyme activity.


d. depends on changes in their quaternary structure on binding of substrates or inhibitors


Allosteric enzymes are oligomeric proteins composed of subunits or polypeptidic chains. They have a quaternary structure -many subunits and active sites- and express two states, R and T. Both states establish an equilibrium, with or without a joint ligand.

When the transition from one state to the other occurs, symmetry is conserved, but the affinity of a site to a ligand is altered. When a substrate joins one of the sites, it affects other binding sites.

Allosteric enzymes can change their conformation, exhibiting active and inactive conformations as a result of substrate binding at the activated center and regulatory molecules at other binding sites -allosteric centers-.

help pls, just need this part on the top



Concentration Gradient


This means that it will move from a region where it's in lower conc to a region of higher conc

concentration gradient

Describe the role chemical signals play a role in both the nervous system and the endocrine system


Like the nervous system, the endocrine system is a regulatory system. However, instead of using electrical impulses for signaling, it produces and uses chemical signals called hormones, which travel through the bloodstream and control the actions of cells and organs.
Neurotransmitters are often referred to as the body's chemical messengers. They are the molecules used by the nervous system to transmit messages between neurons, or from neurons to muscles.

Answer two questions in detail and get brainliest!

1.Explain what makes a scientific experiment reliable. Be sure to include at least three reasons to support your answer.

2.During research, why is it important to use peer reviewed evidence when collecting background information during a scientific investigation?



1:When a scientist repeats an experiment with a different group of people or a different batch of the same chemicals and get very similar results then those results are said to be reliable.Reliability is measured by a percentage if you get exactly the same results every

time then they are 100% reliable.

2.The peer reviewer determines whether the introduction provides sufficient background information on the research topic, and ensures that the research question and hypothesis are clearly identifiable.

Explanation:I really hope this helped you in any way (pls tell me if I did anything wrong)

what are the structural adaptation of whales and dolphins (compare them please)



Whales and dolphins are mammals and have lungs instead of gills for breathing. They have blowholes at the tops of their heads that function like nostrils; they need to put their heads above water every so often to breathe. Both dolphins and whales have hair instead of scales, another quality that is specific to mammals. The animals have live births instead of laying eggs, and baby dolphins and whales nurse from their mothers. Whale and dolphin births take place near the surface of the water, so the young animals can easily take their first breath.

Both whales and dolphins rely on the sounds they make for survival, even though the sounds are utilized differently by each animal. For instance, whales make high-pitched groans and whistles to communicate with one another to warn against danger or navigate during migration



Both dolphins and whales belong to the cetacean family and are marine animals that reside in the ocean. Some scientists even assert that dolphins are a type of whale, as the two animals have a number of shared characteristics. However, there are distinct differences between whales and dolphins as well that will teach you more about the physical appearance of these marine creatures and how they survive in their environment.

Why are viruses not living??



Viruses are not living cause they need any host (body or living organism) To perform its function.



Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own way they can do nothing until they entered a living cell. Without cells viruses will not be able to multiply. Therefore viruses ante not living things.

Some diseases/conditions are caused by deficiencies in these nutrients (vitamins). Name one such
disease, say what element is deficient, and describe the symptoms and treatment. Who usually gets
the disease? Is it more common in certain areas?



The most widespread nutritional deficiency worldwide is iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. This is a blood disorder that causes fatigue


Feeling tired or weak.

Having pale skin.

Having shortness of breath.


Being dizzy or feeling faint.

Rapid heartbeat.

Having headaches.


Iron supplements taken by mouth.

Foods high in iron and foods that help your body absorb iron (like foods with Vitamin C).

Iron given through an intravenous (IV) infusion. (This is often a choice if you have chronic kidney disease, or CKD.)

Transfusions of red blood cells.

Women of childbearing age are the population with the most affected individuals, with an estimated 468 million being non-pregnant women.


To test how fertilizer affects tomato plants, a farmer divided a field of young
tomato plants into 10 plots of equal size. The farmer then put fertilizer on half
of the plots and no fertilizer on the other half of the plots. What is the control
group in this experiment?



The plots with no fertilizer


In an experiment, the control group is used as a comparison for the experimental group (the group being actively changed and observed).

So, in this experiment, the control group is the plots with no fertilizer.

This acts as a good control group because it provides a normal standard to show the effect of fertilizer on the tomato plants.

So, the control group in this experiment are the plots with no fertilizer.

cual es la energía que se encuentra ligada a la estructura de la materia.


Answer:La energía eléctrica o electricidad es un fenómeno físico que se produce a raíz de las cargas eléctricas y de la interacción entre ellas. De esta forma, son los electrones y los protones las principales partículas subatómicas responsables de su aparición.


any 5 Reason wetlands destroy?​






waste drainge

Unplanned urbanization


these are the main 5 problems that destruct the wetland

Which cells contain chloroplasts?

A:cells in plant leaves

B:cells in plant roots and stems

C:cells in animal muscles

D:cells in animal brains



cell in plant's leaves


cell in plant's leaves


A:cells in plant leaves


Chloroplasts are located in the leaves of plants,which contains chlorophyll.This aids in photosynthesis.

I hope this helps :)

Hi please answer the following questions

•Mercury is used in temermeter.Give reason!
•Name two non flowering plants
•Some leaves are modified to trap insects. Give reason.​



It's used in thermometers because it has high coefficient of expansion.


plants trap insects because they grow in soil which is usually thin and is also poor in nutrients , so they eat insects to fulfill their nuttient requirement


How do buffers play a role in
homeostasis in living things?



Buffers are commonly used in living organisms to help maintain a relatively stable pH.

In biological systems, chemical buffers prevent sharp and sudden changes in pH.

In biology, homeostasis refers to stable conditions required for the survival of organisms.

The pH is a scale used to determine how acidic/basic water is. The pH range from 0 to 14 ( a pH equal to 7 is neutral).

In human blood normal pH is about 7.35 to 7.45.

A sudden change in this value alters and negatively affects the homeostasis of the body.

The carbonic acid-bicarbonate is the most important chemical buffer which is used for mantaining acid-base balance (homeostasis) in the blood.

The blood pH can change due to respiratory acidosis/alkalosis and metabolic acidosis/alkalosis.

In conclusion, chemical buffers prevent sharp and sudden changes in pH.

Learn more in:

Question 6 of 10
Which statement best describes the limits of science?
O A. Science cannot answer questions about the natural world.
OB. Science cannot answer questions about what people should do.
O C. Science can answer any question.
O D. Science can answer only mathematical questions.



I think B should be the answer because science cannot tell the future

The Punnett square illustrates a cross for color of the flower.
Based on the phenotypes and genotypes of these offspring. It is clear that purple flower color allele is
and the parents are
ntum. All rights reserved.



All right reserved

Human skin color is a good example of polygenic (multiple gene) inheritance. Assume that three "dominant" capital letter genes (A, B and C) control dark pigmentation because more melanin is produced. The "recessive"alleles of these three genes (a, b & c) control light pigmentation because lower amounts of melanin are produced.

hope it will help

Here, from the cross of the purple and white flower, all offspring are purple, which indicates that the purple color is dominant in nature and is present in Option A.

What is Punnett Square?

The Punnett square is a tool used to predict the probability of offspring inheriting specific alleles from their parents. If all of the offspring exhibit the same phenotype (such as purple flower color), it is likely that the parents both carried at least one dominant allele for that trait. This would mean that the purple flower color allele is dominant. Here, the parents are both purple and white, so all the offspring are dominant in nature.

Hence, from the cross of the purple and white flower, all offspring are purple, which indicates that the purple color is dominant in nature and is present in Option A.

Learn more about the Punnet Square here.


complete question is below

The Punnett square illustrates a cross for color of the flower (purple- parent, white -parent). Based on the phenotypes and genotypes of these offspring (all purple), it is clear that purple flower color allele is

A.) Dominate


C.) recessive

Escherichia coli infections Multiple Choice can cause an inflammatory disease similar to Shigella dysentery. include urinary tract infections from normal flora strains. All of these choices are correct. are often transmitted by fecal contaminated water and food. involve enterotoxin in traveler's diarrhea.



E. All of the choices are correct.


Escherichia coli infections

A. are often transmitted by fecal contaminated water and food.

B. include urinary tract infections from normal flora strains.

C. involve enterotoxin in traveler's diarrhea.

D. can cause an inflammatory disease similar to Shigella dysentery.

E. All of the choices are correct.

The receptor of sound waves in the ear is the
O a. pinna.
b. ossides.
O c. organ of Corti.
O d. tympanic membrane.


The answer is C - Organ of Corti.

Organ of Corti is considered as body's microphone. It is present on basilar membrane which is floor of cochlear duct. Mechanoreceptors of ear are present in organ of Corti. On the internal side of organ of Corti, many hair cells are present. These hair cells are the sensory receptors for sound. When there is fluid motion in the ear due to sound waves, these hair cells generate electric signals which are then sent to brain and sound is perceived.

Which of the following statements best proves that the law of conservation of mass is obeyed during photosynthesis?

a. The starting total number of oxygen atoms in carbon dioxide is equal to the ending total number of oxygen atoms in glucose.

b. The starting total number of oxygen atoms in carbon dioxide gas is equal to the ending total number of oxygen atoms in glucose and oxygen.

c. The total mass of glucose and oxygen formed from photosyntheesis is equal to the total mass of carbon dioxide and water used up during the reaction.

d. The total mass of glucose and carbon dioxide formed from photosynthesis is equal to the total mass of oxygen and water used up during the reaction.


c. The total mass of glucose and oxygen formed from photosyntheesis is equal to the total mass of carbon dioxide and water used up during the reaction. (right answer i believe)

The total mass of glucose and oxygen formed from photosyntheesis is equal to the total mass of carbon dioxide and water used up during the reaction.

The reaction is given by.


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