Choose the algebraic description that maps the image ΔABC onto ΔA′B′C′.

Question 2 options:

(x,y) → (x – 4,y)

(x,y) → (x,y + 4)

(x,y) → (x,y – 4)

(x,y) → (x + 4,y)


Answer 1


(x , y )  -----> (x , y -4)

Step-by-step explanation:

There is no change in x-coordinate

Compare the y-coordinate of A(-4 , 7) and A'(-4 , 3)

7 + a = 3

    a = 3 - 7

   a = -4

y-coordinate of A' = y-coordinate of A  - 4

Related Questions

PLEASE HELP!! what is the value of x?



[tex]\frac{3x}{4x} =\frac{3x+7}{5x-8}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{3}{4} =\frac{3x+7}{5x-8}\: (cross\: multiply)[/tex]




[tex]\frac{3x}{3} =\frac{52}{3}[/tex]




Hope it helps...

Have a great day!!

Chris rents a car for a total of £375. The rental charges are £150 for the first day and £75 per day after that. For how many days did Chris rent the car? You must show your working.
I have attempted the question (see picture), but I've only managed to get 2/3 marks!!! Please help! (I will award brainliest btw) TIA ;-)​


9514 1404 393


  4 days

Step-by-step explanation:

The total charges can be modeled by ...

  c = 75d + 75 . . . . . . charges for d days

Filling in the given charge, we find ...

  375 = 75d +75

  300 = 75d . . . . . . . subtract 75

  4 = d . . . . . . . . . . divide by 75

Chris rented the car for 4 days.



Step-by-step explanation:


Chris rents a car for a total of £375. The rental charges are £150 for the first day and £75 per day after that. For how many days did Chris rent the car? You must show your working.

£375.00 - £150.00 = £225.00

£225.00 - £75.00 = £150.00

£150.00 - £75.00 = £75.00

£75.00 - £75.00 = £00.00

= Chris rented the car for 4 days

225.00 ÷ 75 = 3

3 days + 1 days = 4 days

he total charges can be modeled by ...

c = 75d + 75 . . . . . . charges for d days

Filling in the given charge, we find ...

375 = 75d +75

300 = 75d . . . . . . . subtract 75

4 = d . . . . . . . . . . divide by 75

Answer:4 days



4 days

In 60 words or fewer, write what you think the term economy means. Think about how money fits into your definition.


Step-by-step explanation:

An economy is made up of every single activity that has to do with production, consumption, and the buying and selling of goods or rendering services.

In an economy there are combinations of market transactions and decisions made collectively or in hierarchy. Individuals, families, businesses, governments make up the decision-making process.

Money is the legal tender of an economy. It is the medium of exchange that an economy uses for transactions.

In Exercises 51−56, the letters a, b, and c represent nonzero constants. Solve the equation for x
bx = -7



x = -7/b

Step-by-step explanation:

bx = -7

Divide each side by b

bx/b = -7/b

x =-7/b

Given :

Solve the equation for x : bx = -7

Solution :

Here we are provided to find for x so from the equation by cross multiplying we will remove b to the right hand side of the equation and then we can get x

bx = -7

Now, to cross multiply

x = -7/b

Therefore, the required answer is -7/b

Choose the correct equation for the graph shown below



the second option, y=1/2cos(x- pi/4)

Step-by-step explanation:

How many 3-digit numbers are possible to form with all the digits being different?



We can make 120 three digit distinct numbers

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

If the number is xyz, we have:

x = 1 to 9, total 9 waysy = 0 to 9, total 10 ways minus 1 to prevent repetition, so 9 waysz = 0 to 9, total 10 ways minus 2 ways to prevent repetition, so 8 ways

Total number of possible 3-digit numbers:

9*9*8 = 648

The circumference of a circle is 2π m. Find its diameter, in meters.



The diameter is 2 meters

Step-by-step explanation:

The circumference of a circle is given by

C = pi *d

2 pi = pi *d

Divide each side by pi

2 = d

The diameter is 2 meters

Susan's graduation picnic will cost $78 if it has 26 attendees. At most how many attendees can there be if Susan budgets a total of $81 for her graduation picnic?



27 attendees

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we can find the cost per attendee.



So $3 per attendee.

Then divide 81 by 3 to find the number of possible attendees.


I hope this helps!

what is the volume of the cylinder?
write you answer in terms of pi​


The volume of a cylinder is V=πr^2*h.

The volume of this cylinder is V=π(7)^2*12, which it V=588π.

Find the value of x.


Ok the answer is 7524482819484

Solve the equation x^2 - 4x + 6 = 9 by completing the square.



x² - 4x + 6 = 9 <=>

<=> x² - 4x + 6 - 9 = 0 <=>

<=> x² - 4x - 3 = 0 <=>

<=> x = -(-4)±√(-4)²-4×1×(-3)/2×1 <=>

<=> x = 4±√16+12/2 <=>

<=> x = 4±√28/2 <=>

<=> x = 4±2√7/2 =>

=> x = 4+2√7/2 and x = 4-2√7/2 =>

=> x = 2+√7 and x = 2-√7

The equation has two solutions.

Good luck! :)

Answer:  [tex]x= 2 + \sqrt{7}\\ or \\ x= 2 - \sqrt{7}[/tex]

how i got it?

[tex]x^2 - 4x + 6 = 9[/tex]

*subtract 9 on both sides*

[tex]x^2 - 4x + 6 - 9 = 0[/tex]  ( which turns to) [tex]x^2 - 4x - 3=0[/tex]

a=1 or x, b=-4, c=-3

Step 2: Use quadratic formula with a=1, b=-4, c=-3.

[tex]x= - (-4) + or - \sqrt{-4}x^{2} -4(1)(-3) / 2(1)[/tex]

which turns to: x= 4 + or - √28 divided by 2

the final answer should be [tex]x= 2 + \sqrt{7}\\ or \\ x= 2 - \sqrt{7}[/tex]

Find the greatest common factor of 15 x²y³ and -18 x³yz.




Step-by-step explanation:

Its common factor it this ^ this symbol represent power

15. Mary was given data comparing students’ mark in math class and the number of classes missed. She plotted the data on the graph below and drew a line of best fit. Do you agree with Mary’s drawing of the line of best fit? Justify your answer. PLEASE HELP ITS RLLY IMPORTANT



I dont know

Step by Step Explanation:

nobodys helping me out 0.1

What is the greatest common factor of the polynomial below?
A. 3x2
B. 3x
C. 4x2
D. 4x




Step-by-step explanation:

factoring it we get


What is the measure of


60° because it's an equilateral triangle

Which graph represents an exponential function?


Answer: where's the pic?

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the slope of the line for each pair of points (-17, -5) (15, -13)


(-17,-5) (15,-13)
-13 - -5/ 15 - -17
The slope is -4

Find the following sums. Please help.





Step-by-step explanation:

3m-4n +7p

-5m +9n -6p

+7m -6n -5p


Combine like terms

3m-4n +7p

-5m +9n -6p

+7m -6n -5p


(3-5+7)m  +(-4+9-6)n  +(7-6-5)p


a^2  -3x +1

a^2   +9x -6

2a^2 +0x +2


Combine like terms

a^2  -3x +1

a^2   +9x -6

2a^2 +0x +2


(1+1+2)a^2 +(-3+9+0)x +(1-6+2)



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3m-4n+7p+(-5m+9n-6p)+7m-6n-5p[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3m-4n+7p-5m+9n-6p+7m-6n-5p[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3m-5m+7m-4n+9n-6n+7p-6p-5p[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5m-n-4p[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^2-3x+1+a^2+9x-6+2a^2+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^2+a^2+2a^2-3x+9x+1-6+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4a^2+6x-3[/tex]

Determine the value of K that will cause f(x)=Kx^2+4x-3 to intersect the line g(x)=2x-7 at one point. SHOW ALL YOUR STEPS, DON'T USE DECIMALS INSTEAD USE FRACTIONS PLEASE!!!!!



The function are:



The graph of f(x) intersect the line g(x) at one point.

To find:

The value of K.


The graph of f(x) intersect the line g(x) at one point. It means the line g(x) is the tangent line.

We have,


Differentiate this function with respect to x.



Let the point of tangency is [tex](x_0,y_0)[/tex]. So, the slope of the tangent line is:


On comparing [tex]g(x)=2x-7[/tex] with slope-intercept form, we get


So, the slope of the tangent line is 2.





Putting [tex]x=x_0,g(x)=y_0[/tex] in g(x), we get


Putting [tex]x=-\dfrac{1}{K}[/tex] in the above equation, we get



Putting [tex]x=-\dfrac{1}{K}[/tex] and [tex]f(x)=-\dfrac{2}{K}-7[/tex] in f(x).




Multiply both sides by K.





Therefore, the value of K is [tex]\dfrac{1}{4}[/tex].

A hall has 22 rows of chairs there are 18 chairs in each row how many extra rows of chairs are needed to seat 468



Total chairs = 18×22= 396

so no. of extra chairs need = 468-396 = 72

Now( 72/18) rows = 4 rows

Therefore 4 more rows are needed here

Hope it helps you

Answer: 4

Step-by-step explanation:

The amount of chairs in the hall can be found by multiplying 22 by 18 and getting 396. The amount of chairs needed is 468, so 468-396 gets you the amount of chairs still needed and the number 72. There are 18 chairs in each row, and 72/18 is 4. So 4 more rows are needed.

please answer quick!




Step-by-step explanation:

sin theta = opp/ hyp

sin theta = -3 /5

Using the Pythagorean theorem

opp ^2 + adj ^2 = hyp ^2

(-3) ^2 + adj ^2 = 5^2

9+ adj ^2 = 25

adj ^2 = 25 - 9

adj ^2 = 16

Taking the square root of each side

adj = ±4

Since we are in the 3rd quadrant  sin and cos are both negative so adj must be negative

adj = -4

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos theta = -4/5

Chris and Josh have a total of 1,800 stamps in their collections, Josh and Jessica have a total of 2,200 stamps, and Jessica and Chris have a total of 2,000. How many stamps in all the three children have?


Answer: 3000 stamps

Step-by-step explanation:


Chris and Josh have 1800 stamps

Josh and Jessica have 2200 stamps

Jessica and Chris have 2000 stamps

Suppose Chris, Josh, and Jessica have [tex]x,y, \text{and}\ z[/tex] stamps

[tex]\therefore x+y=1800\quad \ldots(i)\\\Rightarrow y+z=2200\quad \ldots(ii)\\\Rightarrow z+x=2000\quad \ldots(iii)\\\text{Add (i), (ii), and (iii)}\\\Rightarrow 2(x+y+z)=1800+2200+2000\\\Rightarrow x+y+z=3000[/tex]

Thus, all three have 3000 stamps

Pieter wrote and solved an equation that models the number of hours it takes to dig a well to a level of 72 feet below sea level



It must be a positive number since it represents a number of hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given Pieter's equation :

7h – 5(3h – 8) = –72

Opening up the bracket

7h - 15h + 40 = - 72

7h - 15h = - 72 - 40

-8h = - 112

Divide both sides by -8

-8h / -8 = - 112 / - 8

h = 14

Since, h represents the number of hours, and the value of h equals 14 (h cannot be negative), hence, option 2 is correct.


B.It must be a positive number since it represents a numbers of hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

The scale of a map is 1:40000. What distance on the map represents a real distance of 5km?​




Step-by-step explanation:




The system of equations shown below is graphed on a coordinate grid:

3y + x = 4
2y − x = 6

Which statement is true about the coordinates of the point that is the solution to the system of equations?

A. It is (−2, 2) and lies on both lines.
B. It is (−5, 3) and lies on both lines.
C. It is (−5, 3) and does not lie on either line.
D. It is (−2, 2) and does not lie on either line.

Please help asap!! WILL GIVE BRAINlIEST!! tysssm if u help!!!



add 2 equations given

3y+x+2y- x = 10

5y =10

y = 2

find x using the value of y

x = - 2

these values of x and y are can satisfy both equations .so (-2,2) lies on both lines

Find the missing segment in the image below



If there are two line which is parallel in a triangle the triangle has a ratio

Step-by-step explanation:

So we can see one side has 6cm and 4cm length. and other side has 20cm in totally. But we know that the small line divided the side with 6/4 ratio and we can say ?=12 and other is 8


Step-by-step explanation:

Dilate the figure by the scale factor. Then enter
the new coordinates.
A'([?],[ ]
B'([ ],[])



i think (4,2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following is the equation of a line that passes through the point
(1.4) and is parallel to the x-axis?
A.x=1 B.y=4 C.x=4 D.y=1



A line passes through the point (1,4) and is parallel to the x-axis.

To find:

The equation of the line.


If a line is parallel to x-axis, then the line is a horizontal line. We know that the slope of a horizontal line is always 0. So, the slope of the required line is 0.

The point-slope form of a line is:


Where, m is the slope and [tex](x_1,y_1)[/tex] is the point.

The slope of the required line is 0 and it passes through the point (1,4). So, the equation of the line is:





The required equation is [tex]y=4[/tex].

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Identify the transformations of the graph of f(x) = x3 that produce the graph of the given function
g(x). Then graph g(x) on the same coordinate plane as the graph of f(x) by applying the
transformations to the reference points (-1,-1),(0,0), and (1,1).



Step-by-step explanation:

At the bulk food store, Jerry bought 200 g of mixed nuts that cost $2.50.
What is the price of 450 g of nuts show ur work pls lol



Cost of 200 g of mixed nuts = $2.50.

To find:

The price of 450 g of nuts.


We have,

Cost of 200 g of mixed nuts = 2.50 dollars

Cost of 1 g of mixed nuts = [tex]\dfrac{2.50}{200}[/tex] dollars

Cost of 450 g of mixed nuts = [tex]\dfrac{2.50}{200}\times 450[/tex] dollars

                                               = [tex]\dfrac{2.50}{4}\times 9[/tex] dollars

                                               = [tex]5.625[/tex] dollars

Therefore, the price of 450 g of nuts is $5.625.

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