choose the equation below that represents the line passing through the point (1,-4) with a slope of 1/2


Answer 1
Well, we can use the form y = mx + b, where m equals the slope and x and y are the coordinate values:
-4 = 1/2(1) + b
b = 9/2
Therefore, the equation of the line is:
y = 1/2x + 9/2

Related Questions

Uma maneira de realizar a operação 9972 - 9 de forma rápida e correta é calculando 1 000 * 994, que é igual a 994 000. A igualdade que justifica esse fato está expressa em:

a) (a + b)² = a² + b² + 2ab
b) a² - b² = (a + b)(a - b)
c) a² - b² = (a - b)²
d) (a - b)² = a² - 2ab + b²
e) a² - b² = 1 000(a + b)




Step-by-step explanation:

Decide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Make note of the coefficients in the first and fourth equations. They've been conveniently picked so that subtracting one equation from the other eliminates every variable but t. We have

(3r + 2s + t + 2u + 3v) - (3r + 2s + 3t + 2u + 3v) = 7 - 17

-2t = -10

t = 5

Part A
The poll report includes a table titled, “Americans Using Cash Now Versus Five Years Ago, by Age.” The age intervals are not equal. Why do you think the Gallup organization chose the age intervals of 23–34, 35–54, and 55+ to display these results?



These are the intervals of the people who are at least adults and are mature enough to take the survey seriously and answer correctly

Step-by-step explanation:

Can anyone help plz?



just add a small amount and and square the new number

between 2.82 and 2.83 seems a bit closer

Step-by-step explanation:

x      x^2

2.8         7.84

2.81         7.8961

2.82 7.9524

2.83 8.0089

2.84 8.0656

2.85 8.1225

2.86 8.1796

2.87         8.2369

9) Three times a number added to 12 gives -6. Find the number.​



The number is -6.

Step-by-step explanation:

Variable x = a number

Set up an equation:

3x + 12 = -6

Isolate variable x:

3x = -18

x = -6

Check your work:

3(-6) + 12 = -6

-18 + 12 = -6

-6 = -6



3x +12=-6





Quad DEFG with mZD= (12x - 4),
mZE = (18x + 4)ºmZF = (15x + 10), and
m2G= (5x)
What is the value of x?


Answer: x = 7°


We know that sum of angles of a quadilateral is = 360°

Therefore ATQ

⇒ (12x-4)+(18x+4)+(15x+10)+(5x) = 360

⇒ (12x + 18x + 15x + 5x) + (-4+4+10) = 360

⇒ 50x + 10 = 360

⇒ 50x = 360-10

⇒ 50x = 350

⇒ x = 350/50

⇒ x = 7

Therefore value of x is 7°

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

Prove that 1/√2 is irrational



Step-by-step explanation:

Let's assume that it is rational , so this number can be represented as

[tex]\Large \boldsymbol{}\bf \dfrac{p^{^/is \ an \ integer}}{q^{ / natural}} -irreducible \ \ fraction[/tex]

[tex]\Large \boldsymbol{}\bf \dfrac{1 ^{/ an \ integer }}{\sqrt{2}^{ / not \ \ integer } }[/tex]  -Since the denominator is not a natural number then the  1/√2   is respectively an irrational number

Write an algebraic expression for each verbal expression. 1.One third of a number is twelve less than the number itself 2. Two times the sum of a number and five is twenty



1. ⅓*m = m - 12

2. 2(a + 5) = 20

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Let the number be represented by m

Let one-third of the number m, be ⅓*m

If there is 12 less of an amount of something, it implies 12 is to be subtracted from the initial amount.

Thus, 12 less than the number, m is (m - 12)

》⅓*m = m - 12

2. Let the number be represented by a

The sum of the number and 5 is (a+5)

》2(a+5) = 20

Can someone help me out with this



We know

[tex]\boxed{\Large{\sf Circumference=\pi d}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto Circumference=\dfrac{22}{7}\times 23.4[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto Circumference=\dfrac{514.8}{7}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto Circumference=73.5in[/tex]

Estimate 2371 x1.84 divide 36.92



Step-by-step explanation:

2371 x1.84 = 4362

4362 ÷ 36.92 = 118

the answer would be 118.1646804 but since the lowest sig fig in the question is 3 (1.84), we would have to round the answer to 3 SIG figs.

Final answer: 118

Geometry, please answer question ASAP



I think the shape above has an order of 5 because it has a reflectional symmetry of 5.

I hope this helps

I believe it is choice C. order 5

4. Which property of similarity can be used to prove triangles DEF and GHI are similar?




Step-by-step explanation:

We know all three sides of both triangles. The common ratio of DEF to GHI is 2/3.



Step-by-step explanation:

Similar triangles must have congruent corresponding angles and proportional corresponding sides.

To paint a wooden cube, Pinocchio needs 4 grams of paint. When it is dry, he cut the cube into 8 smaller pieces of smaller size. How much paint additional paint does Pinocchio need to paint the unpainted surfaces of the smaller cubes



9 grams of paint

Step-by-step explanation:


48÷4= 12



first multiply 6 by 8 because a cube has six faces and you cut that cube eight times

second after you cut that you will have 48 faces and for every six faces there are 4 grams of paint so you divide 48 by 4 and you get 12 this means that 12 of the faces are painted

next you subtract 12 from 48 and you get 36 this means that 36 faces are not painted

lastly you divide 36 by 4 and you will get 9 grams of paint

PLZZZ HELPPP!! And also plz explain how to do this too me!! Which of the following numbers listed below are solutions to the equation below check all that apply. √s^2 = s



option E is the correct answer


A and B

Step-by-step explanation:

When S is positive S equals itself but when S is a negative number S turns postive

Example of positive is √7^2=7

example of negative number for S is √-9^2=9 NOT -9

traders fix the price of cosmetic items 30% above the cost price when he sold an item at 25% discount there was a loss of Rs 15 find the cost price and marked price of the item​


Cost price is Rs600 and marked price is Rs780.

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

find the exact length of side a.​



Step-by-step explanation:

I think the best way to do this is to find B using the cos law. The two other angles are equal

b = 3sqrt(3)

a = 3

c = 3

b^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab*cos(B)

(3sqrt(3)^2 = 3^2 + 3^2 - 2*3*3 * cos(B)

27 = 9 + 9 - 18*cos(B)

27 = 18 - 18*cos(B)

9 = - 18*cos(B)

9/-18 = cos(B)

-1/2 = cos(B)

B = cos-1(-1/2)

B = 120

<A + <C + 120 = 180

<A = <C

2A + 120 = 180

2A = 60

A = 30

The question says angle A so that's what I did.

Convert 5π∕6 radians to degrees. Question 1 options: A) 25° B) 150° C) 150π° D) 1080°


Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!


= 5(π\6)

We have;

π = 180°

Keeping value of π in the question;

= 5(180°/6)

= 5*30°

= 150°

Therefore, answer is option B.

Hope it helps!

Find the missing side of this right
X =




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]a^{2} +b^{2} =c^{2}[/tex]

a = 7

b = 12

[tex]7^{2} + 12^{2}[/tex] = 193

I hope this helped!! :)have a great day! :)

Rob cuts a circular hole out of a rectangular piece of paper. The paper measures 20 centimeters by 30 centimeters. The hole is 10 centimeters in diameter. How much of the piece of paper, in square centimeters, is left over after the hole is cut out?




Step-by-step explanation:

the circle is 78.75 in area and the square is 600 so 600- 78.75 = 521.25

please answer this question!!​




Step-by-step explanation:

all angles of an equilaterall triangle are equal therefore 180÷3 = 60

Find the values of x and y if (-x + 5, 1) = (-y, 2x - 5y).



x = 8, y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Equating corresponding x and y coordinates , then

- y = - x + 5 ( multiply through by - 1 )

y = x - 5 → (1)

2x - 5y = 1 → (2)

Substitute y = x - 5 into (2)

2x - 5(x - 5) = 1 ← distribute and simplify left side

2x - 5x + 25 = 1

- 3x + 25 = 1 ( subtract 25 from both sides )

- 3x = - 24 ( divide both sides by - 3 )

x = 8

Substitute x = 8 into (1) for corresponding value of y

y = 8 - 5 = 3

Determine the measure of the interior angle at vertex E.

A. 135
B. 45
C. 225
D. 75




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is 540

3x+3x+2x+2x+2x = 540

12x = 540

Divide by 12

12x/12 = 540/12

x = 45

E = 3x = 3*45 = 135



Step-by-step explanation:

Another of Bhaskara's problems results in a quadratic equation Parthava was enraged and seized a certain number of arrows to slay Karna. He expended one-half of them in defending himself. Four times the square root of the number of arrows were discharged against the horses. With six more, he transfixed Shalya, the charioteer. With three more, he rent the parasol, the standard, and the bow; and with the last one he pierced the head of Karna. How many arrows did Parthava have?



Parthava had 100 arrows.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's define N as the number of arrows that Parthava originally has.

He uses one-half of them in defending himself, so he used N/2 arrows

Now he uses four times the square root of the number of arrows, so now he uses:


Then he uses 6

Then he uses 3

Then he uses the last one.

If we add all these numbers of arrows that he used, we should get the initial number of arrows that he used, then:

N/2 + 4*√N  + 6 + 3 + 1  = N

Now we have an equation that we can try to solve.

First, let's move all the terms to the same side:

N/2 + 4*√N + 6 + 3 + 1 - N  = 0

now we can simpify it:

(N/2 - N) + 4*√N + (6 + 3 + 1) = 0

-(1/2)*N + 4*√N + 10 = 0

Now we can define a new variable x = √N

Then we have: x^2 = N

now we can replace these new variables in our equation to get:

-(1/2)*x^2 + 4*x + 10 = 0

Now we just have a quadratic equation.

Remember that for a quadratic equation of the form:

0 = a*x^2 + b*x + c

The solutions were given by:

[tex]x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4*a*c} }{2a}[/tex]

Then in our case, the solutions will be:

[tex]x = \frac{-4 \pm \sqrt{4^2 - 4*(-1/2)*10} }{2*(-1/2)} = \frac{-4 \pm 6 }{-1} = 4 \pm 6[/tex]

So there are two solutions:

x = 4 + 6 = 10

x = 4 - 6 = -2

And remember that x = √N

Then x should be positive, then we take x = 10 as our solution here.

then we can use the equation:

x = 10 = √N


10^2 = √N^2 = N

10^2 = 100 = N

Parthava had 100 arrows.

Will give brainliest to the first person


Step-by-step explanation:


= (x+5)×(x+6)



If u simplify u will get (x+5)(x+6) as answer.

Keep smiling and hope u are satisfied with my answer.Have a good day :)

Lorraine writes the equation shown. x²+4-15=0 She wants to describe the equation using the term relation and the term function. The equation represents a relation and a function a relation but not a function a function but not a relation neither a relation nor a function



Neither a relation nor a function

Step-by-step explanation:

A relation in mathematics is a relationship between two or more set of values in an ordered pair, such as related x and y-values

An equation is a statement that gives declare the equality between two expressions

A function is a mapping rule that maps each element in the domain set to only one element in the range set

Therefore, the given equation in one variable, x, that asserts the equality of the expressions on the left and right hand side, is neither a relation nor a function

Find the height of the triangle by applying formulas for the area of a triangle and your knowledge about triangles.
This is a triangle. side a has a length of 6 yards. side b has a length of 10 yards. side c has a length of 14 yards. The altitude to side c has a length of X yards. what is x



3.71 yd

Step-by-step explanation:

Heron's formula:

area = 0.25 * √((a + b + c) * (-a + b + c) * (a - b + c) * (a + b - c))

so h = 0.5 * √((a + b + c) * (-a + b + c) * (a - b + c) * (a + b - c)) / c

a = 6

b = 10

c = 14

a+b+c = 30

-a+b+c = 18

a-b+c = 10

a+b-c = 2

x = h = 0.5×sqrt(30×18×10×2)/14 = sqrt(30×18×10×2)/28 =

= sqrt(10800)/28 = sqrt(400×9×3)/28 =

= 20×3×sqrt(3)/28 = 60×sqrt(3)/28 = 15×sqrt(3)/7 =

= 3.711537 yd

b. ____, - 2,4,____,16,____,64

2.Factor of 60=
Find the sum of the values of x, y and z

Please help me to solve these question, thank you. ​




Step-by-step explanation:

x= 12

y= 30

z= 60

Hope u got it



a) -6

b) -39

c) 102

Step-by-step explanation:

I suppose this are sequence arithemical or geometrical

[tex]a)\\u_1=-14\\u_2=x\\u_3=-6\\u_4=y\\u_5=2\\u_6=z\\u_7=10\\\\We\ see\ that\ :\\u_3-u_1=-6-(-14)=-6+14=8\\u_5-u_3=2-(-6)=2+6=8\\u_7-u_5=10-2=8\\\\We\ may \imagine\ that\ the\ difference\ bethween\ 2\ terms\ is\ =8/2=4\\\\so\ x=-10, y=-2, z=6 \ and\ x+y+z=-10+(-2)+6=-6\\[/tex]

[tex]b)\\u_1=x\\u_2=-2\\u_3=4\\u_4=y\\u_5=16\\u_6=z\\u_7=64\\\\We\ see\ that\ :\\\\\dfrac{u_5}{u_3}=\dfrac{16}{4} =4\\\dfrac{u_8}{u_6}=\dfrac{64}{16} =4\\\dfrac{u_3}{u_2}=\dfrac{4}{-2} =-2\\\\The\ common\ factor\ is\ -2\\\\u_1=x=\dfrac{u_2}{-2} =1\\\\u_4=y=\dfrac{u_5}{-2} =-8\\\\u_6=z=\dfrac{u_7}{-2} =-32\\x+y+z=1+(-8)+(-32)=-39\\[/tex]


All those numbers are divisor of 3*4*5=60

x=12, y=30, z=60


How many solutions does the system have?




5(3-y) + 5y=15



Y= 15/15

Y= 1




Final answer: x=2 and y=1

Method: simultaneous equations

If a wheel has a radius of 5cm
how much is one rotation of the wheel
How many rotations can the wheel do within a distance of 50km



circumference = 2*PI*radius

circumference = 2 * PI * 5 cm

circumference = 31.4159265358979 cm

50 km = 500,000 centimeters

rotations = 500,000  / 31.4159 cm

15,915.51  rotations

Step-by-step explanation:

convert f(x) = 5x(x – 6) to standard form



[tex]5x^{2} - 30x[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

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