Chris is an atheist. The town of Niskayuna has erected its annual “Holiday Spectacular” lawn decorations in front of the town hall. This includes a Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, a giant dreidel, and three wise men and an angel. Chris works at the town hall and is subjected to the “Holiday Spectacular” Every. Single. Day. He is highly offended by the display’s religious overtones and feels uncomfortable while at work with the display right outside his office window. Chris sues the town for violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The case makes its way to the Supreme Court.


Answer 1


Christmas has basically always been religious, it's in the name. If he's offended, he can find another job or move. But just because one person doesnt like something doesnt mean they should act out this way about it.


Related Questions

Based on the following, what will be the amount of Inventory? Current Ratio = 2.6:1 Liquid ratio=1.5:1 Current Liabilities = 40,000.



liqiud is a silolid


beacuese as big

Examine the following cartoon. What does it suggest about U.S. foreign policy when
it comes to Iran and Israel?


In the cartoon, Iran is speaking while the USA is saying that it seems that Iran and Israel are making progress. However, the final picture shows an Iranian truck carrying a giant “black thing” that has “Death to most of Israel” written on it.

Clearly, the cartoonist believes that Iran lies about their truce with Israel and is planning to take Israel down.

define and describedefine and describe human trafficking ​




the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or services


human trafficking invovles the use of force ,fraud or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial s*x act

If Irene accepts goods shipped from Indonesia that were wrongfully obtained, has she committed an intentional tort against property? Explain.


yes irene has committed an intentional tort against property because she knowingly accepted goods that weren’t obtained legally which made her an accomplice to a crime

Como as palavras estão organizadas nas estrofes?como são as letras que compõem o poema?


Olá. Primeiramente, é importante ressaltar que você não pode postar perguntas em português fora do campo "World Languagens". Esse não é o servidor brasileiro e sim o americano, por isso perguntas em português s´´o podem ser respondidas dessa forma.

Em segundo lugar, você não apresentou nenhum texto, o que dificulta que a sua pergunta seja respondida. Entretanto, eu posso te ajudar, afirmando que dentro das estrofes de um poema, as palavras sãpo organizadas em versos. O conjunto de versos, forma uma estrofe.

Em relação as letras, só é possivel determinar com elas são, depois que a leitura do texto for feita, mas podemos afirmar que na maioria dos casos, as letras maiusculas são usadas apenas no inivio do verso, enquanto as letras minusculas são usadas em todos os versos.

The Fourteenth Amendment establishes that no state can be allowed to remove any rights of citizens, that all persons who are born in the US or naturalized have citizenship regardless of race, that no person can be denied equal protection under the law, and that no person can be deprived of his or life, liberty, or property without a fair trial.





The 14th Amendment is an amendment to the constitution of the United States of America and it addresses the issue of civil and legal rights for the African American citizens and slaves who had gained freedom after the American Civil War. The 14th Amendment is made up of the clause known as the equal protection of the laws.

An equal protection is a clause that states and guarantees that no state and local governments shall make or enforce any law which would contravene the privileges, rights or immunities of all persons born or naturalized in the United States of America.

Simply stated, the equal protection guarantees that all citizens will be treated equally by the law. Also, the equal protection clause took effect in the United States of America in 1868.

h e l p pleaseeee is due in 30 min



In this case, the Supreme Court has to rule against Niskayuna High School. The reason for this is because the high school did not respect Goode's beliefs and practices when it came to religion. According to the summary, Goode had lost a Harvard scholarship just because of practicing religion. The high school does not have the right to take anything away from the student; therefore, the Supreme Court has to force the Highschool to pay for Goode's Harvard tuition. Also the court has to take into consideration the fact that the school violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendent, because every person in this world has to have the right  to practice any religion as desired.

What is the difference between law and ethics? Ethics are behaviors that everyone should follow. Laws are always right and show be followed in order for the common good. Ethics are behavior standards and different for everyone. Laws are established by a governing body and apply to everyone. Ethics are standards how we should live our lives, it only applies to those with the same morals. Laws are established to keep people safe and maintain order.



Ethics are behavior standards and different for everyone.

Laws are established by a governing body and apply to everyone.


Ethics or moral philosophy is an area of knowledge whose object of investigation is human actions and their guiding principles. Every culture is directly associated with ethical values that are passed on to the individuals who carry them, as well as carrying their own concepts of good and evil, which allows ethics to be different for each person.

Law, on the other hand, is a norm established by a governing body within a society or group. This standard aims to create rules that must be followed by everyone, ensuring that coexistence and relationships between all the elements that make up this society are beneficial.

When creating a budget, why would savings be considered an expense?


Since budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the things that are important to you. Following a budget or spending plan will also keep you out of debt or help you work your way out of debt if you are currently in debt.

Hope my answer helps uh ✌️

How can experts match a bullet to a specific make or model of gun?


By the shape of the shell Casings

Which of these is an example of separation of powers?
1) The President fres a cabinet member who is performing poorly.
2) Representatives rewrite a bill in committee meetings.
3) Representatives hold hearings to hear public opinion.
4) The President enforces a law passed by Congress.





The President is enforcing a law that was passed by Congress. One branch can't have the power to pass a law and enforce it. Therefore the branches are sharing/separating the power.

Which is untrue of both state and federal government?


i believe the answer would be: b. both can establish a military/paramilitary organization


do you have the answers to that whole test because im taking the exact same one right now.


thank you.

We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more
perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.5
According to the Preamble, which action represents an appropriate role for



Ensuring justice for all citizens


one of the main ways that federal and state courts differ is the process of discovery that is required in each court.

true or false?





The process of discovery required in the federal court under the initial disclosures Rule 26(a) requires that in the absence of a court order or provision, or an objection by a party during the conference, the initial disclosures should be exchanged within or at 14 days after the completion of the Rule 26(f) conference, while in the state of California, given that responses are not continuous, interrogatories can made towards the discovery cut-off date

Will I get in trouble for plagiarism if I take a short story I wrote and turn it into a novel if it's the same teacher?





Because it is another type of plagarism cslled self plagarism

Which Powers does a city town council typically have under the weak-mayor system?


The council is powerful, with both legislative and executive authority.
The mayor is not truly the chief executive, with limited power or no veto power.
The council can prevent the mayor from effectively supervising city administration.

4. If someone is following you too closely, what is the best way to lose a tailgater?

A. Speed up and leave the tailgater behind.

B. Slow down or pull off the road when it is safe and let the tailgater pass.

C. Honk your horn to remind the tailgater about safe following distance.

D. Use your cell phone and report the tailgater to police as a traffic law violator.





so far and sadly if it is your only option and speeding up isn't one

B. slow down and let the tailgater pass.

Diferencias entre lo ocurrido el 16 de junio de 1955 con el Proceso de reorganización Nacional de 1976-1983


no hablo ingles in english

14-year-old T was riding a motorbike without a helmet, was stopped by the traffic police and issued a penalty decision, thinking that T was not old enough to use a motorbike (according to regulations, people aged 16 years old can machine ) should not be administratively sanctioned. Is that opinion right or wrong. How does the law stipulate the age for handling administrative violations for minors who violate the law on social security, order and safety but are not criminals?



The Opinion Is Totally Wrong.


A person who is at least 14 years of age may apply for a restricted

license to operate a motor-driven cycle only. Under Alabama law, a

moped is considered a motor-driven cycle. The parent of guardian of

any child shall not authorize or knowingly permit the child to violate

any provision of the code regulating the operation of motorcycles or

motor-driven cycles.

Once a 14-year-old is licensed to operate a motor-driven cycle, the

license is valid for a four-year period for that class vehicle. The “Class

M” must appear on the license in order to operate the cycle. Restriction

“B” (motor-driven cycle - 5 horsepower or smaller - for ages 14 and 15

only) will then apply. At age 16, the applicant may return to the driver

license examining office and transfer to a motorcycle class license

without the size restrictions.


I hope it may help You!

The opinion is completely wrong

What is Quasi Contract?​



What Is a Quasi Contract?

A Quasi Contract is a retroactive arrangement between two parties who have no previous obligations to one another. It is created by a judge to correct a circumstance in which one party acquires something at the expense of the other.

Examples of Quasi-Contract

A person orders some perishable items online by providing his address and paid for the same. At the time of the delivery of the goods, the delivery man delivers it to the wrong address. The receiving party then, instead of denying the delivery, accepts the order and consumes the same.

The Necessary and Proper Clause is significant because it gives congress:


The Necessary and Proper Clause, which gives Congress power to make “all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution” other federal powers, is precisely this kind of incidental-powers clause. ... In private law contexts, such

When first accused of committing a crime, a guilty person will most likely deny the accusation immediately repeat the accusation in the form of a question say nothing try to blame someone else



repeat the accusation in the form of a question.


A law can be defined as the system of principles, regulations and rules established by legislature, that is adopted in a community, society or country to regulate the actions of its citizens, members or employees.

Thus, law is a tool used by the judiciary, lawyers, individuals, organizations, and even government to ensure everybody is well behaved, non-criminal and civil in their actions. Therefore, a law creates the foundation for ethical behavior.

In circumstances where there are aberration, the law is enforced as a punishment and penalty for wrongdoings or misdeeds.

Generally, there are various types of law and these includes; criminal law, constitutional law, intellectual property law, corporate law, international law, family law, civil law, etc.

Typically, when a person is first accused of committing a particular crime, a guilty person will most likely repeat the accusation in the form of a question. This action is usually done by the guilty party so as to feign ignorance of the purported crime and presumably just hearing of such crime or event for the first time ever.

impacts of social media platforms in the protection of human trafficking​



Kindly check explanation


Human trafficking may be described as the use of manipulative tactics to lure vulnerable individuals into cheap and laborious jobs including sexual exploitation, drug peddling. Prostitution and slavery. There is no doubt that the use of technology as accelerated development in terms of ease of communication and reaching out people far and near. However, despite the enormous benefits of the technology aided media platform and social media, such many individuals have viduaks alhave also seen it as a tool to carry out their dubious businesses. Traffickers can now reach out to vulnerable citizens using various services cual media apps and platforms with fake alibis. This platforms makes it easy for them to reach out to many of which a sizeable percentage will fall for their tricks and become preys.

However, these same social media could be used to disseminate useful information capable of reaching millions on the danger of human trafficking, their tricks and how people can come out to report cases or incidence of trafficking.

Which event was instrumental in making the process of ratifying the Constitution a success?


Option 2: North Carolina and Rhode island initially refused to ratify the Constitution a success.

North Carolina and Rhode Island initially refused to ratify the Constitution as a success.

What is a Constitution?

The legal foundation of a nation, organization, or another form of institution, a constitution is a collection of fundamental principles or recognized precedents that generally specify how that body is to be governed.

The constitution was prepared by the Constituent Assembly, which existed elected by elected members of the provincial assemblies

To know more about the constitution refer to :


reasons for conducting election in a state​



Role of the States in Regulating Federal Elections. ... The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators

The process shown in this diagram affected which outcome?



The rights of states to accept or reject federal laws.


Express your views on how the law, citizens and community can protect and support victims of human trafficking ​



Strict laws and responsible behaviour of people.


The law, citizens and community can play a great role in protection and support of victims of human trafficking. The government should made strict laws against people who are responsible for human trafficking business. The citizen and the community should take actions and report such type of human trafficking activities in order to save the victims that are involved in human trafficking.

Thief catchers were hired during the
crime wave in England during the 18th
and 19th centuries and were identified


Answer: "Social climbers" and "rent a cops".

Also, Use Quizlet for these questions. They have tons of answers!

Jana had a checkup with her obstetrician, and the doctor prescribed a treatment of progesterone.

What is the MOST LIKELY reason Jana would be prescribed progesterone?

a. She has PMDD.
b. She has had amenorrhea.
c. She is taking fertility treatments.
d. She is experiencing labor.




i think b


C. She is taking fertility treatments.

Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly. Which participant of the criminal trial process is responsible for security in the courtroom? A is an armed law enforcement officer entrusted with the security of the courtroom.





A court refers to an enclosed space such as a hall or chamber where legal practitioners (judges, lawyers or attorneys and a jury) converge to hold judicial proceedings.

There are different types of courts and these includes;

I. Supreme court.

II. Circuit court.

III. Appeal court.

IV. Trial court.

A trial court refers to a court of original jurisdiction and as such it is the court where issues of fact, evidence, laws, and testimony for a litigation are first received, considered and decided.

A bailiff is an armed law enforcement officer entrusted with the security of the courtroom during a criminal trial process. Thus, a bailiff is one of the participants in a criminal trial process, who is saddled with the responsibility of maintaining law and order in a court of law while watching a criminal such as a prisoner.

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Temperature at the end of the fin b. Temperature at the middle of the fin. c. Calculate the heat dissipation energy of the fin A squirrel moved 200 meters in 7,200 seconds. What was the speed of the squirrel in meters per hour? * AD=3, BD=5, AE=4. Find CE Find the solution of the system of equations.6x+2y = 1620 - 2 = 32HELP PLSSSS What is your favorite part of the movie hidden figures will give brainliest if you make it 2 complete sentences 1The Earth's temperature is rapidly rising around the North Pole because of all of thefollowing reasons EXCEPT:(A)the additional heat gained from the sun(B)the frequent flooding and global droughts(C)the emission of greenhouse gases(D)the melting of the Arctic snow sources of magnesium to plants A jar contains black beads and green beads. Forty percent of the beads in the jar are green. A number generator simulates randomly selecting 10 beads from the jar. The number generator is used 12 times and the number of green beads in each trial is shown in the dot plot. Which description is correct about the number generator being fair or not? The number generator is not fair. The dot plot shows that 4 of 10 beads drawn are often green. The number generator is fair. The dot plot shows a distribution that is skewed right. The number generator is fair. It shows that 40% of the beads selected are green most of the time. The number generator is not fair. In most of the experiments, considerably less than 40% of the selected are green. Solve 3x2+7x+1=0 using the quadratic formula. What are the factors and/or processes of piracy that cause the global pattern of the daimond industry Have you searched Buzz on playstore Conjugate the verbs in parenthesis in either the preterite or the imperfect tense using contextclues.Como nia, mi prima y yo(viajar) a Florida todos los veranos para visitar a misabuelos. Nuestros padres no(ir) con nosotras, y nosotras(volar) en avin solas. En la casa de mis abuelos nosotras(nadar) en la piscinacada da. Recuerdo una vez en que la nica cosa que nosotras(hacer) ese da(ser) nadar. Estas memorias viven en mi mente siempre.(ser) tiempos buenos.Copy & paste the accented letter when needed: d A tortoise is walking in the desert. . It walks for 7 minutes at a speed of 8.75 meters per minute. For how many meters does it walk ? Palisade Creek Co. is a merchandising business that uses the perpetual inventory system. The account balances for Palisade Creek as of May 1, 2018, are as follows. Assume all accounts have normal balances.110 Cash $83,600 312 Dividends $135,000112 Accounts Receivable 233,900 313 Income Summary 115 Inventory 624,400 410 Sales 5,069,000116 Estimated Returns Inventory 28,000 510 Cost of Goods Sold 2,823,000117 Prepaid Insurance 16,800 520 Sales Salaries Expense 664,800118 Store Supplies 11,400 521 Advertising Expense 281,000123 Store Equipment 569,500 522 Depreciation Expense 124 Accumulated Depreciation Store Equipment 56,700 523 Store Supplies Expense 210 Accounts Payable 96,600 529 Miscellaneous Selling Expense12,600211 Salaries Payable 530 Office Salaries Expense 382,100212 Customers Refunds Payable 50,000 531 Rent Expense 83,700310 Common Stock 100,000 532 Insurance Expense 311 Retained Earnings 585,300 539 Miscellaneous Administrative Expense 7,800Part 1: Journalize the transactions below for May, the last month of the fiscal year. For a compound transaction, if an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank.Part 2: Using the attached spreadsheet, post the journal entries from Part 1 to the general ledger. Extend the month-end balances to the appropriate balance columns after all posting is completed. In this problem, you are not required to update or post to the accounts receivable and accounts payable subsidiary ledgers.May 1: Paid rent for May, $5,000.Comprehensive Problem 2Part 3:NOTE: You must complete parts 1 and 2 before completing part 3.Prepare an unadjusted trial balance. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank. Select the correct text in the passage.April is writing a literary analysis paper on the characterization of Richard III as a calculating and patient schemer in Shakespeares Richard III. Here is her main argument:While Richard III fantasizes about taking the throne from his brother and enjoying the spoils of his triumph, he is equally aware that he must not waste time and needs to focus on executing his plans.Which lines in this excerpt from the play support Aprils claim?RICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester): No doubt, no doubt; and so shall Clarence too;For they that were your enemies are his,And have prevail'd as much on him as you.LORD HASTINGS: More pity that the eagle should be mew'd,While kites and buzzards prey at libertyRICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester): What news abroad?LORD HASTINGS: No news so bad abroad as this at home;The King is sickly, weak and melancholy,And his physicians fear him mightily.RICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester): Now, by Saint Paul, this news is bad indeed.O, he hath kept an evil diet long,And overmuch consumed his royal person:'Tis very grievous to be thought upon.What, is he in his bed?LORD HASTINGS: He is.RICHARD III (Duke of Gloucester): Go you before, and I will follow you.[Exit HASTINGS]He cannot live, I hope; and must not dieTill George be pack'd with post-horse up to heaven.I'll in, to urge his hatred more to Clarence,With lies well steel'd with weighty arguments;And, if I fall not in my deep intent,Clarence hath not another day to live:Which done, God take King Edward to his mercy,And leave the world for me to bustle in!For then I'll marry Warwick's youngest daughter.What though I kill'd her husband and her father?The readiest way to make the wench amendsIs to become her husband and her father:The which will I; not all so much for loveAs for another secret close intent,By marrying her which I must reach unto.But yet I run before my horse to market:Clarence still breathes; Edward still lives and reigns:When they are gone, then must I count my gains A pair of elephants walk 26 meters on a straight slope. The height of the slope is 12 meters. Find the angle between ground and the top of the hill. The figure is made up of 2 rectangles and 2 right triangles. What is the area of the figure? 132 units2 156 units2 168 units2 216 units2