Chứng minh các hàm số sau là liên tục tại mọi điểm x R 
a. f x x ( ) 6 3  
b. f x( ) = mx +b
c. Hãy nêu ý nghĩa của hàm liên tục trong kinh tế? Trình bày một vài ví dụ minh


Answer 1


i think its b. f x( ) = mx +b

Step-by-step explanation:


Related Questions

I need the answer explained




Step-by-step explanation:

62 can only be subtracted from 82 once. So 82.46-62 would be 20.46. Since you can't subtract anymore you put a decimal point. 62x3=186 and 20.46-186=1.86 and you can subtract 186-186=0.

Please help!
The quantities x and y are proportional.
x: 4 5 10
y: 10 12.5 25
Find the constant of proportionality (r) in the equation y=rx.


9514 1404 393


  r = 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:

The constant of proportionality can be found by solving the equation for r:

  r = y/x

Then any corresponding values of x and y can be used to find r:

  r = 25/10 = 2.5

The constant of proportionality is 2.5.

What is the surface area of a cube with a side length of 6 m?
156 m2
300 m2
216 m2
360 m2



216 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of a cube = 6a², when a = length of one side



= 6×6²

= 6×36

= 216 m²

Answered by GAUTHMATH


216 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

A diamond ring was reduced from $999.99 to S789.99. Find the percent reduction in the price. Round the answer to the nearest tenth of a percent, if
The reduction in price is?




Step-by-step explanation:

Percentage reduction is (999.99-789.99)/(999.99)=21%

What do these have in common



All Equal to 0

Step-by-step explanation:

0 = 0

3 - 3 = 0

0/4 = 0

12 - 3*4 = 0

Where are the minimum and maximum values for f(x) = -2 + 4 cos x on the interval (0,21]?



Step-by-step explanation:

Maximum value is when cos x = 1

So it is -2 + 4(1) = 2.

Minimum value, when  cos x = -1:

= -2  + 4(-1) = -6.


The maximum 2 is reached when x=2pi,4pi, and 6pi.

The minimum -6 is reached when x=pi, 3pi,and 5pi.

Step-by-step explanation:

So let's first look at cos(x) on interval (0,21].

How many rotations is that? Does it at least contain 1 full rotation? If it contains one full rotation that means all the values from -1 to 1 (inclusive) are tagged? If it doesn't contain a full rotation, we might have to dig a little deeper.

So we know x=0 isn't included and that's when cosine is first 1,but this doesn't mean 1 won't be hit later.

Let's figure out the number of rotations:

21/(2pi)=3.3 approximately

This means we make at least 3 rotations.

So this means we definitely will have all the values from -1 to 1 tagged (inclusive).

Now let's look at whole function.

f(x) = -2 + 4 cos x

-2+(-4) to -2+4 will be the range of the function

So the minimum is -6 and the maximum is 2.

So the min occurs when cos(x)=-1 and the max occurs when cos(x)=1.

We have a little over three rotations and remember we can't include x=0.


when x=2pi (one full rotation)

when x=4pi (two full rotations)

when x=6pi (three full rotations)

We will stop here because cosine won't be 1 again until a fourth full rotation


when x=pi (half rotation)

When x=3pi (one + half rotation)

When x=5pi (two+half rotation)

We can't include x=7pi (three+half rotation)

because this one is actually not in the interval because 3.5 is more than 3.3 .

The maximum 2 is reached when x=2pi,4pi, and 6pi.

The minimum -6 is reached when x=pi, 3pi,and 5pi.

Kirk is ordering a cheeseburger for lunch. There are 9 cheeses and 7 buns to choose from. For the sauce, Kirk has 4 options. How many different hamburgers can Kirk order if he makes exactly one selection for each option?



252 options

Step-by-step explanation:

Please let me know if you want an explanation for why this is the answer (comment on this answer). A lot of people don't actually read the explanations, so I wouldn't want to waste my time. However, if you would like it I would be more than happy to type one out for you. Thanks!

If the area of a circle is 16π, the circumference of the circle is:

A. 8π
B. 16π
C. 2π
D. 4π


The answer is option A
Here’s the process
Hope you understand it!

What is the value of -
-X2 - 4x – 11 if x = -3?


the answer to this question is -8

Find the slope of the line





Step-by-step explanation:

Slope = y2-y1/x2-x1

We need to find two points on the graph, let's take these two points:

(x1, y1) (X2,y2)

(0,-6) and (2,2)

(2-(-6)/ (2-0) = 8/2 = 4

Answered by Gauthmath

A letter is chosen from the word 'brilliant'. Determine the probability that it will be: Give your answers in their lowest terms.



Step-by-step explanation:

brilliant has 9 letters

brilliant has 1 B (1/9)

brilliant has 1 R (1/9)

brilliant has 2 I's (2/9)

brilliant has 2 L's (2/9)

brilliant has 1 A (1/9)

brilliant has 1 N (1/9)

brilliant has 1 T (1/9)

help! due august 12th


The output of the first one is 21 and you need to find x to the power of 2 subtract 4. So to find where we started add 4 to 21. This gets you to 25 and the square root of 25 is 5. So for the first one X=5

Work showed:

Add 4 to both sides
Find the square root of 25 to get X as 5

For the second output (y), plug 21 for x


First part: X=5
Second part: Y=90

look at the image for the quetion



Does the answer help you?

4x+2y=5 , 2x-3y=13 pair of equations to two decimal places of accuracy. ​



x = 2.56, y = -2.63

Step-by-step explanation:

I first multiplied the second equation by two, getting

4x-6y = 26

I then subtracted the equations

 4x+2y = 5

- 4x-6y = 26


      8y = -21

y = -2.63

with y solved, I plugged it into the second equation to get x:

2x-3(-2.63) = 13

2x+ 7.89 = 13

2x = 5.11

x = 2.56

I hope this helped! ;D

The true length of recovery for patients with knee surgery is normally distributed with a mean of 123 days and a standard deviation of 1 day. What proportion of the patients will recover between 121 and 124 days?




Step-by-step explanation:

Given that the length of recovery days for patients with knee surgery is normally distributed with :

Mean, μ = 123 days

Standard deviation, σ = 1 day

The proportion of patients that will recover with 121 and 124 days :

We obtain the Probability of Z score :

Z = (x - μ) / σ

P(Z < (x - μ) / σ) < Z < P(Z < (x - μ) / σ)

P(Z < (121 - 123) / 1) < Z < P(Z < (124 - 123) / 1)

P(Z < - 2) < Z < P(Z < 1)

Using the normal distribution table :

P(Z < 1) - P(Z < - 2)

0.84134 - 0.02275

= 0.81859

Suppose your Unit Quiz grades have been: 85%, 80%, 96%, 72%, 78%, 85% and 92%

a) What is your average/mean score?

b) What is the median score?

c) What is the mode score?

d) Why is the mean lower than the median?

e) What will your mean be if you get a perfect score of 100% on your next quiz?



mean: 84

median: 85

mode: 85

explainations for d and e below.

Step-by-step explanation:


(85+80+96+72+78+85+92)/7 = 544/7 = 84


sort them in order from least to greatest first

72, 78, 80, 85, 85, 92, 96

find the middle number in that order, that's your median. in this case, it's 85.


number that appears the most in the order; the frequency. in this case as well, it's also 85.

answer for d:

the reason why the mean is lower than the median is because of the fact we were figuring out the average and had to divide, unlike the median where it's just the middle of the order we have.

answer for e:

(85+80+96+72+78+85+92+100)/8 = 644/8 = 80.5%

p.s: please subscribe to #gauthmath# sub reddit if you can for more help.

An Internet company reported that its earnings will be less than the 24 cents per share that was predicted. Write an inequality showing the possible earnings per share.



e < 24 is the inequality which shows the possible earnings per share.


x, will stand for the variable for earnings and less than, means it will not be higher nor the same as 24. Thus, being leaves us with one sign. The open part facing 24 means that 24 is the bigger number, therefore the smaller side represents that x has to be smaller than 24.

Answer: x<24

Step-by-step explanation:

x, will stand for the variable for earnings and less than means it will not be higher nor the same as 24. Thus being leaves us with one sign. The open part facing 24 means that 24 is the bigger number therefore the smaller side represents that x has to be smaller than 24.

Nathan saves 5 1/4% of his weekly salary. Naban earns $380.00 per week. How much
does he save per week?




Step-by-step explanation:

Take the amount of his salary and multiply by 5 1/4 %

380 * .0525






Step-by-step explanation:

Its rising at a constant rate between +10-15 each hour, so we if we were to add 25 or so to the 50, it would be close to 77.5, so I would assume the answer was B

The value of 4√(10) -2 is​




Step-by-step explanation:

4√(10) -2

= 4√8




Madison represented the sentence "The product of 3 and the difference of and the quotient of a number and is at most 5" by using the inequality . Which best describes Madison’s error?a) The difference of –4 and the quotient of a number and –2" should be written as . b) The product of 3 and the difference of –4 and the quotient of a number and –2" should be written as . c) The less than symbol should be replaced with the less than or equal to symbol. d) The less than symbol should be replaced with the greater than symbol.



c) The less than symbol should be replaced with the less than or equal to symbol.

Step-by-step explanation:

3(-4 - n/-2) < 5

The equation written above could be interpreted as :

The product of 3 and the difference of -4 and the quotient of a number, n and -2 is less than 5

This means that the only error in Maddison's representation is the inequality sign, the inequality sign used by Maddison is wrong.

The equation should be used with a ≤ sign and expressed thus :

3(-4 - n/-2) ≤ 5

This means the left hand side (L. H. S) is less than or equal to 5 ; this means the L. H. S is at most 5



Step-by-step explanation:

Insurance companies are interested in knowing the population percent of drivers who always buckle up before riding in a car. They randomly survey 401 drivers and find that 294 claim to always buckle up. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the population proportion that claim to always buckle up. Use interval notation, for example, [1,5].



[0.6969, 0.7695]

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

They randomly survey 401 drivers and find that 294 claim to always buckle up.

This means that [tex]n = 401, \pi = \frac{294}{401} = 0.7332.

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].  

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.7332 - 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.7332*0.2668}{401}} = 0.6969[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.7332 + 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.7332*0.2668}{401}} = 0.7695[/tex]

The 90% confidence interval for the population proportion that claim to always buckle up is [0.6969, 0.7695]

Young's modulus is a quantitative measure of stiffness of an elastic material. Suppose that for metal sheets of a particular type, its mean value and standard deviation are 75 GPa and 1.7 GPa, respectively. Suppose the distribution is normal. (Round your answers to four decimal places.)

a. Calculate P(79 <= P <= 81) when n = 25.
b. How likely is it that the sample mean diameter exceeds 81 when n = 36?



a) P(79 <= P <= 81) = 0.9968

b) P( X >  81 ) = 0.0002

Step-by-step explanation:

mean value = 75 GPa

standard deviation = 1.7 GPa

a) Determine P(79 <= P <= 81)

given that : n = 25

attached below is the detailed solution

P(79 <= P <= 81) = 0.9968

b) Determine how likely the sample mean diameter will exceed 81

given that n = 36

mean diameter = 81

P( X >  81 ) = 0.0002

The picture shows the graph of the movement of a pedestrian (B) and a bicyclist (A). Using the graph, answer the following questions: How many times is the distance covered by the bicyclist for 1 hour greater than the distance covered by the pedestrian for the same amount of time




Step-by-step explanation:

hope it is well understood

Determine the volume of the shaded region?



volume of shaded region = 112.94 [tex]cm^{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of a cylinder = [tex]\pi r^{2}h[/tex]

volume = 22/7 * [tex]2.5^{2}[/tex] * 14.6

volume = 286.67 [tex]cm^{3}[/tex] approx

volume of sphere = [tex]\frac{4}{3} \pi r^{3}[/tex]

volume = [tex]\frac{4}{3} *\frac{22}{7}*2.4^{3}[/tex]

volume= 57.91 [tex]cm^{3}[/tex] approx

No, of sphere = 3

Volume of 3 sphere = 3 * 57.91

                                 =173.73 [tex]cm^{3}[/tex]

Now , volume of shaded region = volume of cylinder - total volume of sphere

volume of shaded region = 286.67 - 173.73

                                          =112.94 [tex]cm^{3}[/tex]

Find an equation of a plane containing the line r=⟨0,4,4⟩+t⟨−3,−2,1⟩ which is parallel to the plane 1x−1y+1z=−5 in which the coefficient of x is 1.
..?.. = 0.


The plane you want is parallel to another plane, x - y + z = -5, so they share a normal vector. In this case, it's ⟨1, -1, 1⟩.

The plane must also pass through the point (0, 4, 4) since it contains r(t). Then the equation of the plane is

x, y - 4, z - 4⟩ • ⟨1, -1, 1⟩ = 0

x - (y - 4) + (z - 4) = 0

x - y + z = 0

The picture shows the graphs of the movement of a pedestrian (B) and a bicyclist (A) . Using the graphs, answer the following questions:

How many times is the distance covered by the bicyclist for 1 hour greater than the distance covered by the pedestrian for the same amount of time?




Step-by-step explanation:

hope it is well understood?


5 times.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, look at the values of each line at the 1-hour mark.

For line A (the bicyclist), the distance is about 25 km.

For line B (the pedestrian), the distance is about 5 km.

To determine how many times greater the bicyclist distance is than the pedestrian, divide the values:


Therefore, the distance covered by the bicyclist for 1 hour is 5 times greater than the distance covered by the pedestrian for the same amount of time.

Which transformations are needed to change the parent sine function to y = one-fourth sine (4 (x + StartFraction pi Over 6 EndFraction))? vertical stretch of One-fourth, horizontal stretch to a period of 2p, phase shift of StartFraction pi Over 6 EndFraction units to the left vertical compression of One-fourth, horizontal compression to a period of StartFraction pi Over 2 EndFraction, phase shift of StartFraction pi Over 6 EndFraction units to the left vertical stretch of 4, horizontal stretch to a period of 8p, phase shift of StartFraction pi Over 6 EndFraction units to the right vertical compression of 4, horizontal compression to a period of StartFraction pi Over 4 EndFraction, phase shift of StartFraction pi Over 6 EndFraction units to the right


Answer: Option B is correct

Step-by-step explanation: edge 2021



Step-by-step explanation:

Operaciones con funciones Suma, resta, multiplicación y división
F(x) 6x+2
G(x) 3x-2



let us do one night

Step-by-step explanation:



Which table contains ordered pairs that lie on the graph of the equation -2x + 4y = 16?




Step-by-step explanation:

To figure out which pairs lie on -2x+4y = 16, we can plug the x and y values into the equation to see if they work. We need all pairs of x and y values in a table to work for the answer to be correct


x=-4, y=2

-2x+4y = -2 * (-4) + 4 * (2) = 8 + 8 = 16. This works. Note that two negatives multiplied together make a positive, and 4*2 = 8

x=0, y=8

-2x + 4y = -2 * (0) + 4 * (8) = 0 + 32 = 32. This does not work, as 32 is not 16. Note that anything multiplied by 0 is 0


x=8, y=0

-2x+4y = -2 * (8) + 4 * (0) = -16. This is not equal to 16. Note that a negative multiplied by a positive is still a negative

x=2, y=3

-2x + 4y = -2 * (2) + 4 * (3) = -4 + 12 = 8. This is not equal to 16.


x=0, y=4

-2x + 4y = -2 * (0) + 4 * (4) = 0 + 16 = 16. This works

x=4, y=6

-2x + 4y = (-2)* (4) + 4 * (6) = -8 + 24 = 16. This works. As both pairs of values in the table works, this is the correct answer. Nevertheless, we can check D to make sure.


x=-2, y=5

-2x+4y = -2 * (-2) + 4 * (5) = 4 + 20 = 24. This is not 16

x=-8, y=0

-2x+4y = -2 * (-8) + 4 *  (0) = 16. This works, but the other pair does not work, so D is incorrect



Step-by-step explanation:

Edge 2022

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