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What changes can occur in an aquatic ecosystem as a result of nutrient loading? (Site 1)


Answer 1


Essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, at specific moderate level are needed for the overall functionality of the aquatic ecosystem. However, when excess of these elements infiltrates the aquatic ecosystem, the nutrient overload causes a surge in the growth of aquatic plant. For example, algal bloom. These increased growth of aquatic plant further takes up space and oxygen, prevents sunlight and later leads to what is known as "dead zone". It is a condition of an ecosystem having little or no biological activity. Aquatic life is impacted negatively when this occurs.

These are the changes that occurs as a result of nutrient loading.

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Why is Earth’s inner core solid and its outer core liquid ?



no idea


Scientists know that the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid because , S-waves do not go through the outer core. The strong magnetic field is caused by convection in the liquid outer core ( mark brainliest if correct sorry if its wrong though!! )

how are hydrogen bond similar to iconic bonds?



Hydrogen bonds are similar to ionic bonds because they both involve the attraction between opposite charges. ... This creates one atom with a negative charge, called an anion, and one atom with a positive charge, called a cation. The attraction between these charges hold the atoms together in an ionic bond.

Hydrogen bonds are inter-molecular bonds. The key difference between hydrogen bond and ionic bond is that ionic bonding exists between permanent anions and cations, whereas hydrogen bonds exist between partial positive and partial negative charges

A student is conductidg their science experiment on the effect of caffeine on doas.
receives plain
He has 3 groups of test subjects. The 1st group of dogs
water. The 2nd group of dogs receives 10 mg of caffeine each, and the 3rd group receives 50 mg of caffeine each.
measure their activity levels
by recording how long each dog runs without stopping,
He will
in this experiment?
after giving them the pills. What is the dependent variable



How long the dog runs without stopping


The dependent or responding variable in an experiment is the variable that is dependent on the changes made to the independent variable. It is also the variable that is measured or recorded in an experiment.

In this experiment where a student tests the effect of caffeine on dogs. Three groups of dogs were used for the test and they received water, 10mg caffeine and 50mg caffeine respectively. The different level of caffeine used is tested by recording how long each dog runs without stopping. Hence, how long the dog runs without stopping is the DEPENDENT VARIABLE.

define the term (1)semi-permeable membrane (2) osmosis tell the answer i will mark u as brainlist​



a)the outermost part of an animal cell that selectively allows things to pass through and come out.

b) the passing of water molecules from higher conc. to lower conc.


(a) Semi-permeable membrane:

A semipermeable membrane is a membrane that only allows the movement of solvent molecules but restricts the movement of solute particles across the membrane.

(b) Osmosis:

The process of movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane is called osmosis.

When two nearby concentrations are different, materials will tend to spread out to equalize the concentration. For example, if you put a drop of food colouring in some water it will gradually spread through the whole water.

Do you agree or disagree that homologous chromosomes are found in gametes. Explain



Disagree. Homologous chromosomes are pairs of similar chromosomes. Because gametes are haploid, they contain only one set of chromosomes. Thus, homologous chromosomes are not normally found in gametes.


The 'genus species' name for the common house cat is Felis domesticus, and the genus species name for a mountain lion is Felis concolor. The modern system of classification categorizes house cats and mountain lions in



two different animals are classified into the same family this means they would be classified in options are first the same Phylum but different class 2nd the same class but different special third the different Kingdom and the different Phylum forth the different class and different order

Which of the following can be inferred from the genetic code?

A.All organisms have a common biochemical evolutionary origin.

B.Organisms can live without genetic code.

C.Four nucleotides.

D.Four nucleosides.



A. All organisms have a common biochemical evolutionary origin.


Genetic code is the biological mechanism by which the DNA in our body is used to synthesize protein needed for growth and development. The genetic code comprises of all the possible 64 codons i.e. a group of three nucleotides that encode an amino acid.

One of the characteristics of the genetic code is that it is UNIVERSAL. This means that all known living organisms make use of the same genetic code and hence, this portrays that all living organisms share a common biochemical evolutionary origin.

Which of the following is NOT a stage in the cell cycle?
A. Gap 1
B. Gap 2
C. Development
D. Mitosis



C. Development


The cell cycle involves two major kinds of division; mitosis and meiosis. These divisions is each composed of stages/phases. Mitosis, for example, is divided into: interphase and mitotic (M) phase.

The interphase stage consists of Gap 1 (G1) phase, Synthesis (S) phase and Gap 2 (G2) phase while the mitotic phase consists of mitosis and cytokinesis etc. Hence, according to the question, development is not a stage of the cell cycle.

What can a line graph be used to do? Select the best answer.
A. Identify positive correlation
B. Make comparisons
C. Identify negative correlation
D. Make predictions


the answer is make comparisons

The "homunculus" constructed on the basis of somatosensory representations in the human primary somatosensory cortex



The correct answer is -

a. has a grossly enlarged face and hands compared to torso and limbs

c. is distorted because of the disproportionate representation of certain body parts relative to others in the somatosensory cortex


" Homunculus" is a graphical representation of a small but fully grown man which the foetus is believed to develop whereas somatosensory homunculus is a neurological representation of the brain of humans that shows the motor and sensory functions of the body.

It has a large number of sensory nerves from the hand that take a large part of the brain. The face also has many nerve endings and are represented by large areas of the homunculus. A distorted look comes from this uneven representation of different body parts in the homunculus.

Explain How a chloroplast helps a cell get the meterials it needs



chloroplasts work to convert light energy of the sun into sugars that can be used by cells. Its like a solar panel that changes sunlight energy into electric energy. The entire process is called photosynthesis and it all depends on the little green chlorophyll molecules in each chloroplast.

1. Study the picture of the cockroach to the
right and identify some characteristics that think
you could use to describe a cockroach

Do not answer if you don’t know I will report your “answer”


Answer and Explanation:

A few characteristics shared by all cockroach species might be useful to identify them.

Their body shape is flattened, wide and oval. Pronotum: There is a big plaque joined to the thorax, composed of three segments. The first segment covers and protects the small head.Head: Small heads carrying two typical long, thin, and flexible antennae used to sense the environment. They also have two big composed ocellus or eyes. The oral structures are adapted to bite, chew, and absorb. Abdomen: The abdomen is composed of 10 segments. Exoskeleton: Their whole body is covered by a hard, resistant exoskeleton, covered with a cerous substance. Receptors: They have many thermal, tactile, and gustatory receptors to sense the environment. Wings: Two pairs of wings. The tegmens are the hard front pair that protects the body and the second pair of wings. The second pair is membranous and used to fly. Legs: Three pairs of robust legs joined to the thoracic segments. The last pair of legs are much longer than the others. All of them have ornaments that look like spines, and might have a sensory function and help the insect to displace through different fields.  

Do leaves have other than. Green colour also have chlorophyll​


Yes, leaves that are of any other colors than green also have chlorophyll. The green colour of chlorophyll is just hidden beneath other pigments of the leaf.

What two distinct features do sound waves have?
Amplitude and frequency
Frequency and decibels
Volume and amplitude
Volume and decibels
Frequency and volume



amplitude and frequency

What will be the impact on productivity of plant if CO2 reduction stops during photosynthesis?​



As carbon dioxide concentrations increase, the pores don't open as wide, resulting in lower levels of transpiration by plants and thus increased water-use efficiency.


Why are genetically engineered mammalian cells sometimes needed to produce certain proteins instead of genetically engineered bacteria?
A. Mammal cells are larger and can produce greater volumes of protein.
B. Mammalian cells are not needed; bacterial cells can produce the same proteins as long as they have the gene that codes for it.
C. Mammal cells have more precise restriction enzymes.
D. Bacteria make proteins differently than mammals, and cannot make certain human proteins.





As mammal cells have more precise restriction enzymes, it sometimes needed instead of bacteria. The correct option is C.

What is genetic engineering?

Genetic engineering also referred to as genetic modification is a process that uses laboratory-based technologies to alter an organism's DNA makeup.

Because mammalian cells have more precise restriction enzymes, it is sometimes necessary to use them instead of bacteria.

Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen, biochemists, create genetic engineering in 1973 by implanting DNA from one bacteria into yet another.

There are three basic stepping stones to genetic engineering. These are:

Isolating DNA fragments from a donor organism.Inserting an isolated donor DNA fragment into a vector genome.Growing a recombinant vector in an appropriate host.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding genetic engineering, visit:


Write down the functions of
2.tripletsof microtubules



Microtubules are filamentous intracellular structures that are responsible for various kinds of movements in all eukaryotic cells. Microtubules are involved in nucleic and cell division, organization of intracellular structure, and intracellular transport, as well as ciliary and flagellar motility

Centrioles are cylindrical structures that are made up of protein tubes called microtubules. Specifically, nine groups of three microtubules, known as triplet microtubules, are linked together to make the walls of the cylinder.

Hope it helps :)


Microtubules have several functions. For example, they provide the rigid, organized components of the cytoskeleton that give shape to many cells, and they are major components of cilia and flagella (cellular locomotory projections). They participate in the formation of the spindle during cell division (mitosis).

triplet microtubules are linked together to make the walls of the cylinder.


make a molecule between 87Fr^+ and 6C^-4



gdshmsdh b




Are there possible risks/harms that the genetic engineering process can cause to the public? How could this be prevented/minimized? How would humans benefit from this process?



Harms: May cause nasty diseases and all sorts of bad things if not engineered properly.

We would benefit by basically being where we are now. We used a lot of genetic engineering to get our technology to the point it is now.

Explanation: Kind of hard to turn back from genetic engineering as it is a potentially useful process.

IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what is the definition for Zygote?



Zygote, fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male gamete (sperm). In the embryonic development of humans and other animals, the zygote stage is brief and is followed by cleavage, when the single cell becomes subdivided into smaller cells.

the cell produced by the union of two gametes, before it undergoes cleavage.

An ecologist studied the same species of deer during the summer and the winter. She noticed that during the summer, when there was plenty of food, the deer were energetic and playful. However, during winter when food was scarce, the deer moved more slowly and did not run unless they needed to escape a predator.

Which scientific fact is best supported by her observations?
Some deer species will eat the bark of trees.
Food is the fuel that gives animals energy.
Food provides building materials that animals use to grow.
Carnivores eat primarily the meat of other animals.


The answer is B. When the deer did have food, it fueled their ability to move around but as the food supply went down, they did not have fuel, therefore explaining why they “moved more slowly”.

What is the best definition for the term 'peer review?'
A. When you are given of review of how well you work by your coworkers.
B. When research is scrutinized and re-tested by others who are experts in the same area.
C. When people of the same age read each other's work.
D. When research is published to the general public for them to form opinions on it.
Reset Selection


A. When you are given of review of how well you by your co workers

How does random mating keep a
population in Hardy-Weinberg

A. Choosing a random mate creates variation which helps
the population evolve.

B. Individuals choose their mates causing only certain
traits to be passed on.

C. Mates aren't chosen based on traits so all alleles are
equally likely to be passed on.

D. When all the females of a population randomly choose a
mate and only certain alleles get passed on.





Which of the following is an example of a
homologous trait?
A. the wings of bees and birds
B. the forearm of different animals
C. the DNA of land animals



the wings on bees and birds

An example of a homologous trait is the wings of bees and birds. The correct option is A.

What are homologous traits?

The Theory of Evolution can be used to explain the homologous features of related species. According to this hypothesis, species develop over time from a common progenitor.

In order to adapt to the new environment, species separated from one another and developed new features. The variety of species observed on Earth today is the result of a process known as speciation.

The homologous features that are shared by related species are proof of their shared ancestry. For instance, despite being different, the wings of a bat and a bird share characteristics.

Therefore, the correct option is A. the wings of bees and birds.

To learn more about homologous traits, refer to the link:


. Most of the matter in the universe: A. Exists within stars B. Is made when planets are formed C. Is unknown, called dark matter and energy D. Is blue-shifted





is made when planet are formed

what is G1 phase in cell?​



The g₁ phase, gap 1 phase, or growth 1 phase, is the first of four phases of the cell cycle that takes place in eukaryotic cell division. In this part of interphase, the cell synthesizes mRNA and proteins in preparation for subsequent steps leading to mitosis. 

Which of the following statements about the Green Revolution is true?
A. The Green Revolution increased the biodiversity of crops grown around the world.
B. The Green Revolution bettered the environment by encouraging less fertilizer and
pesticide use.
C. The Green Revolution allowed countries that previously imported crops to become
crop exporters.
D. The Green Revolution was applied in the Americas but didn't have a global


B) THE green revolution bettered the environment.........

The Green Revolution allowed countries that previously imported crops to become

crop exporters.

What is the Green Revolution?

The Green revolution refers to the period of cultivation of high-yielding crops varieties especially grains by farmers beginning in the period of the 1940s to l960s.

The Green revolution resulted in increased food production among countries that usually imported food, so they became exporters.

Therefore, the Green Revolution allowed countries that previously imported crops to become

crop exporters.

Learn more about Green revolution at:


The Pasteur effect shows that yeast consume glucose at a higher rate under anaerobic conditions than under aerobic conditions. Which of the following statements correctly explains this observation?
A. Less ATP is made under anaerobic conditions, so more glucose must be consumed to produce an equivalent amount of ATP.
B. Yeast are photosynthetic, so they are able to produce their own oxygen.
C. This observation is incorrect.
D. Aerobic conditions mean that cells make more ATP and use more glucose.
E. Yeast are obligate anaerobes, so aerobic conditions will kill yeasts.


According to what I’ve learned in middle school the answer is E
Hope that was helpful <3

Question 7 of 10
A cell membrane is very specific about what it allows across. How does this
help the cell?
O A. Transport proteins allow only enzymes to pass through the
O B. It is better for the cell if most molecules are prevented from
O C. The cell works better when it contains fewer proteins.
D. It helps the cell absorb as many different molecules as possible.



The answer is D


As the cell is mostly dependant on ingested materials so this will help the cell to grow and perform other important activities in the cell

What sources must health care workers use when deciding which abbreviations and symbols to use on the job?
a. Those listed in their textbooks
b. Those approved by the facility in which they work
c. Those listed in medical dictionaries and reference books,
d. Those provided by their professional organization.


B is the correct answer
The correct answer is b
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