Como crees que los musicos impactan con su musica


Answer 1


So in short, music has the power to culturally, morally, and emotionally influence our society. Thus, the more intentional we become with the sounds, messages, and moods we create and release through our music, the more powerful we will become in making deep positive impacts

En resumen, la música tiene el poder de influir cultural, moral y emocionalmente en nuestra sociedad. Por lo tanto, cuanto más intencionales seamos con los sonidos, mensajes y estados de ánimo que creamos y liberamos a través de nuestra música, más poderosos seremos para generar impactos positivos profundos.


Related Questions

Part A. Write whether you agree, disagree, or are undecided on each statement. Then give
one to two reasons explaining why you chose your level of agreement.
5. Unhappiness could be prevented if people thought less and "played" more.



Undecided. A lot of unhappiness is caused by people over-thinking and stressing themselves out, but there are also many other causes. Playing can make you happy but it does not make everyone happy.

If people stopped over-thinking, it could prevent some unhappiness, but there are always other things that will make you unhappy.


So like a mid-ground I guess.

I agree with the statement because the more you contemplate about things the more you will fixate on it and it will lead you to think otherwise and therefore cause you to be unhappy.

Which can writing questions about a text help you do



it can help you learn more in depth about a text/passage


How do Romeo and Juliet feel once they discover each other's identities in Romeo and Juliet?
A. Confused
B. Devastated
C. Furious
D. Excited


Romeo and Juliet are feeling confused letter A

Which sentence uses the colon correctly?
A. He wanted: one thing from his family, reconciliation.
B. He wanted one thing: from his family, reconciliation.
C. He wanted one thing from his family: reconciliation.
D. He wanted one thing from: his family reconciliation.



C)  He wanted one thing from his family: reconciliation.


When using a colon, make sure you have a complete phrase preceding it. "He desired one thing from his family," could stand alone. Reconciliation is the only goal, thus the colon.


C. He wanted one thing from his family: reconciliation


Why would an author would use humor/satire in a text?


to make the text more detailed and more intresting, to catch their attention

which statement best conveys the meaning of the text? Macbeth



Macbeth' written in 1606 authored by William Shakespeare primarily deals with the 'consequences wrought by relentless pursuit of ambition without any moral constraints. ' As per the question, option D displays the statement that delivers the meaning of the text appropriately

ENG 102 Literary Elements AssignmentSection 1: Terms 1. First stage of a plot, where the author presents the information about characters or setting that a reader or viewer will need to understand the subsequent action.A. AlliterationB. ThemeC. Verbal IronyD. Exposition2. The tragic flaw of overwhelming pride that exists in the protagonist of a tragedy.A. ExpositionB. HubrisC. SoliloquyD. Hyperbole



1) D. Exposition

2) B. Hubris


A play can be defined as a literary work that presents the dialogue between characters, as well as portrayal of fictional and non-fictional events in a theatre.

A plot simply describes the order of events in a literary work such as a play and it comprises five (5) main elements; introduction (exposition), rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.

1. Exposition: it's the first stage of a plot i.e it marks the beginning of a play or story. Thus, it's where the characters, background, and setting used in a play are revealed by an author to the readers, so as to help them understand subsequent action in a play or story.

2. Hubris: is a literary element that describe a tragic flaw of overwhelming pride that exists in the protagonist of a tragedy.

The clouds gathering on the horizon were an inauspicious sign for the outdoor class, so rather than risk getting caught in a downpour, Dara decided to bring the class indoors.

Based on context clues in the sentence, what is the most likely meaning of inauspicious?




Unfavorable possibly


It seems to fit best when swapped with inauspicious




I took the test and got it right

Lizzie Bright and Buckminister Boy part 2
Based on this excerpt, the reader is able to conclude that Turner feels_____ About his friendship with Lizzie.



Based on this excerpt, the reader is able to conclude that Turner feels conflicted about his friendship with Lizzie.


Gary D. Schmidt's "Lizzy Bright and the Buckminster Boy" is about a young introverted boy who had to endure social pressure and even stand up against his ow father to help save his friend and her family. The story deals with themes of social class, acceptance, racism, intolerance, friendship, loyalty, etc.

In the given passage from the text, Turner Buckminster is seen in a conflict between whether to go to Malaga Island or not. He knows he has to do something to help save Lizzie and her family but he also knows the warning his father as well as the others in the society had given him. This whole passage shows how conflicted Turner feels about his friendship with Lizzie.

Which of the following sentences should be rewritten into active voice?


I think it should change into “The test subject will be observed for the next few days.”

How would you best categorize this description?



add something


i cant help you unless you give me more info :)

write note on table graphs and pictogram from available data​


Answer:A pictogram is a statistical graphic in which the size of the picture is intended to represent the frequencies or size of the values being represented.


Two drawings of money bags, one on the left substantially larger than the one on the right. Left is labeled Manager Salaries, right is labeled Worker Salaries.A labor union might produce the graph to the right to show the difference between the average manager salary and the average worker salary.

Looking at the picture, it would be reasonable to guess that the manager salaries is 4 times as large as the worker salaries – the area of the bag looks about 4 times as large. However, the manager salaries are in fact only twice as larg

which of the following would most likely be an entry in a sentence outline
A. Education as a tool
B. Education can change a persons life
C. Education beyond high school versus education beyond college
D. Education as a pathway


Education can change a person's life. - would most likely to be an entry in a sentence outline.


Both options B and D .

See my question give me answer

you said ,"who don't love you?" change into indirect speech​



you asked who don't love me.

not sure tho


You say/ask who don't love me

Essay on right of education to the children



Right to food Right to shelter Right to clothes

Imagine that you are swami write a diary entry relating your experience with samuel in the school



in that time i am so happy beause it my reason

Why is the following sentence written in passive voice? “The baby was left on the front steps of the orphanage.”
A. The object is the most important part of the sentence.
B. The subject is unknown.
C. The verb is the most important part of the sentence.
D. None of these. This sentence should be rewritten in active voice.



I think it is: The verb is the most important part of the sentence.


Sorry if it's wrong

The correct option is C. The verb is the most important part of the sentence.

What is the importance of a verb in a sentence?As the heart of corrections and clauses, verbs show what the topic is doing or feeling, even if they're just living. Verbs are also the best type of expression that's necessary to correct. Not even nouns, which designate things, need to be in every correction.The verb is perhaps the most essential part of the sentence. A verb or combination verb asserts something about the topic of the sentence and expresses actions, circumstances, or states of being. The verb or combination verb is the critical component of the predicate of a sentence.Every complete sentence includes two parts: a subject and a predicate. The problem is what (or whom) the sentence is concerning, while the predicate tells something about the topic. In the following corrections, the predicate is retained in braces ({}), while the subject is highlighted.

To learn more about verb, refer to:




The correct answer is B. Incidentally.


Linking Words are words that are used to relate ideas within a paragraph. To select the appropriate linking word it is necessary to know the context of the sentence to give cohesion and coherence to the text. In the sentence presented, the appropriate linking word is "incidentally" because the idea "wearing certain colors may also attract mosquitoes" acts as a complementary information and the linking word "incidentally" can be used to add ideas. So, the correct answer is B.

Directions: Chose the best way to connect the following sentences
from "The Men We Carry in Our Minds" with a coordinating
I knew this all was play. I also felt certain that when the hour for
killing arrived, they would kill.
Select one:
a. I knew all this was play, but I also felt certain that when the
hour for killing arrived, they would kill.
O b. I knew all this was play, and I also felt certain that when the
hour for killing arrived, they would kill.
c. I knew all this was play, so I also felt certain that when the hour
for killing arrived, they would kill.
d. I knew all this was play, or I also felt certain that when the hour
for killing arrived, they would kill.



A. I knew all this was play, but I also felt certain that when the

hour for killing arrived, they would kill.


The best way to connect the sentences from "The Men We Carry in Our Minds" with a coordinating conjunction is: " I knew all this was play, but I also felt certain that when the hour for killing arrived, they would kill." (Option A)

What is a coordinating conjunction?

When a conjunction such as (but, or, then etc.) is placed between words or phrases, they serve as coordinating or connecting conjunctions.

Thus, it is right to indicate that The best way to connect the sentences from "The Men We Carry in Our Minds" with a coordinating conjunction is: " I knew all this was play, but I also felt certain that when the hour for killing arrived, they would kill."

Learn more about connectors at;

He held the pose for almost fifty seconds and then he picked up his box and came on to the porch and dropped down on the bottom step. “Lady,” he said in a firm nasal voice, “I’d give a fortune to live where I could see me a sun do that every evening.”


Do you have any questions?

The folly of men has enhanced the value of gold and silver because of their scarcity; whereas, on the contrary, it is their opinion that Nature, as an indulgent parent, has freely given us all the best things in great abundance, such as water and earth, but has laid up and hid from us the things that are vain and useless. Which historical fact will best help readers understand this excerpt


Answer: Explorers during this period went to the New World in search of scarce resources


The historical fact that will best help readers understand this excerpt is that explorers during this period went to the New World in search of scarce resources.

Due to scarcity of certain resources like diamond, silver, gold etc, the are scarce and aren't readily available such makes them costly. This brings about the enhancement of their values.

What is a major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse,
according to the way Faulkner writes about each character?
A. Cash is impetuous, but Anse is careful.
B. Cash is logical, but Anse is illogical.
C. Cash is happy-go-lucky, but Anse is reserved.
D. Cash is irresponsible, but Anse is responsible.



option B


The major difference between the personalities of Cash and Anse, according to the way Faulkner writes about each character is that, Cash is logical, but Anse is illogical.

Cash is logical, but Anse is illogical. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What is the theme of As I Lay Dying?

In William Faulkner's novel "As I Lay Dying," Cash and Anse are two very different characters. Cash is portrayed as a logical and practical person who is always thinking about how to solve problems and complete tasks efficiently. He is a skilled carpenter and is described as having a methodical and precise approach to his work.

In contrast, Anse is portrayed as an illogical and selfish person who is more concerned with his own interests than the well-being of his family. He is lazy and often avoids work, and he frequently makes decisions that put his family in danger.

Faulkner's writing style emphasizes these differences in personality, with Cash's sections of the novel being more analytical and focused on practical details, while Anse's sections are often rambling and self-centered.

Learn more about As I Lay Dying, here:


Which of the following is not true of the figures shown above?
The two figures were created with bone ash that was mixed with clay, and formed and posed into simple cylinder shapes.
These figures show emotion on their faces and through their body language.
These two figures are the earliest known examples of ceramic art from this time period.
These examples of ceramic figures are from the Neolithic period.



( D ) These examples of ceramic figures are from the Neolithic period.


C)  These two figures are the earliest known examples of ceramic art from this time period.


Write a letter to your
friend, tell him about
your mothern trip.​




Dear sharmin,

How are you? I hope you are well. In your last letter you wanted to know about my visit to Z’s house. I am sorry for delay to write you.

You know that during last vacation I paid a visit to Z’s house. It was a great experience for me. Z’s house is about 20 kilometers from my house. I went there by bus and it took me about 1 hour to reach there. Z was waiting in the bus stand to receive me. Their house is beside the stand. We I reached there, his parents cordially received me. I stayed there for two days only. Z’s mother is a very affectionate lady. She made different types of Pithas and other foods for me. I enjoyed them very much. They have a big pond where we swam together. We together played and visited different places. Z has a younger sister who is very sweet. She behaved with me as her own brother. Z’s father bought me a nice dress. I can never forget the memory of this visit.

It’s all for today. Please pay a visit to our house whenever you get chance. Waiting for your reply.

Your loving friend

Sujon ahmed


Sujon ahmed

Village: A

Post: B

P.S: C

District: D




Village: A

Post: B

P.S: C

District: D

When do we use brainstorming as an effective prewriting technique?​



Brainstorming is at its most effective when drawing on the power of interaction.

Answer:Brainstorming is listing all of your ideas about a topic —even the bad ones—without censoring or editing, in order to get your ideas flowing. Brainstorming is at its most effective when drawing on the power of interaction.


Hoped this helped!

Which among the following has a neutral connotation?


The correct answer is A. Foreign.


Connotation is a term that refers to the additional associated meaning of a word or phrase depending on the context, The connotation of a word refers to its secondary meaning influenced by a certain context. According to the above, the correct answer is Foreign, because this word by itself has a neutral sense of someone or something that is not native to a specific place, while "exotic", "strange", and "outlandish "have a connotation based on a specific context, for example, the word "outlandish" has a negative connotation. So the correct answer is A.

I am writing to apply for the customer service representative position that was advertised on your company's website. What makes the style of this effective?



This style of writing is effective because:

The writer specifically indicates the vacant position (customer service representative) and the media (company's website) from which the vacancy information is obtained.


The first paragraph of an effective application letter should make reference to the subject under discussion.  It is also proper for the applicant to indicate how she obtained the information for her application.  The reference demonstrates that the applicant had done her background study and is also applying to fulfill the company's requirements.

Which word signals a cause?
O then
O since



Which word signals a cause?


O then

O since

O therefore✓

The "since" word signals a cause. The correct option is C.

How do you identify a preposition?

In order to establish a connection between nouns, pronouns, and other sentence components, prepositions typically come before a word or pronoun. Prepositions require memorization in order to be understood because they are frequently brief words that denote direction or location.

In English, prepositions show how a noun or pronoun is related to another word or phrase. The subject and verb must come before the preposition when using one, and a noun should come after it. A verb should never come after a preposition.

The preposition "since" denotes a cause-and-effect link between two occurrences or actions. When the word "since" appears in a phrase, it denotes that the second event or action is a result of the first. To put it another way, the cause and effect are the initial occurrence and action, respectively.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about prepositions here:


Which of the following is an example of examining another point of view?



1) I think everyone should be able to stay up late, so I encourage others to stay up late.

2) I think eating pizza is the best Friday dinner, so I insist we always eat pizza.

3) I think baseball is a fun sport to play, so I watch it on T.V.

4)I believe cats are the best pets in the world, but I can give reasons that dogs are also good pets.

Governor Granholm is both "titled" and elected, and she didn't wait in line to be admitted. Why do you think she admits this to the audience?



She is admitting that she is privileged and acknowledging it to build credibility with her audience.


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