Compare and contrast the Greek and Roman civil war.


Answer 1

Greek fought the civil war for the first time, whereas the Roman had participated in many civil wars which also included bloody battles and aggressive politics.

What were the basic differences between the Greeks and the Romans?

Greek and Romans were the two great empires that had the similarities in the term of goals, influence but contrasting in terms of government control. The Greeks influenced many aspects of the Roman civilization.

Both Greece and Rome were the Mediterranean countries, and similar in the growing of wine and olives. Greek and Romans founded the politics, literatures, philosophy, theatre, arts and so on.

Some major differences between both the empire are that the Greeks focused on their behavior and life on the now, they never planned for the after death life. However, Romans the people with good moral and ideals could become the god or goddess after death.

Learn more about Greeks and the Romans here:-


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frm wiki

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Actually know what we are talking about. Also, people need to not be so ignorant over them.


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hope it helps :)




I really need help. Like now





Question 6 of 10
What happened as a result of Spain's early exploration of the New World?
A. Spain worked with other European countries to set up colonies.
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C. Spain was able to keep other European countries from settling in
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B. Spain was able to establish colonies in large areas of both continents.



That would be B.


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Maria Stewart, abolitionist and former enslaved person, believed what most harmed enslaved people was lack of




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Exploiter  is a country, person, or company that uses exploitation for production or consumption


Based on the theory of Karl Marx, which explained the exploitation theory in economics, he defined that an exploiter to be an agent able to control goods, with revenue from his earnings or resources, that are completed with more operation than the exploiter actually worked for or did. This is in relation to the exploitative social arrangement defined by the Marxist theory of capitalist production.

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A. The Columbian Exchange
B. Advanced sailing ships
C. Steam-powered engines
D. Assembly lines


D. Assembly lines

Because it was used to manufacture parts that were added to a product in a sequential manner to create an end product. In most cases, a manufacturing assembly line is a semi-automated system through which a product moves.

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A. Russia
B. Japan
C. India
D. China



Southeast Asia was heavily influenced by European colonialism.


The only area of the region that was not colonized by the Europeans was Thailand, which was called Siam during the colonial era. It remained an independent kingdom throughout the colonial period and was a buffer state between French and British colonizers.

Give branliest :)

india it dates back to 3rd century bce

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South Korea

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China is the answer for the question




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What was Tecumsah's role in the War of 1812?
He showed the British where the American settlers' camps were located.
He withdrew his large band to the west side of the Mississippi to escape from the British.
He joined the British Army in hopes of pushing American settlers away from tribal lands.
He joined the American Army in hopes of gaining favor with the settlers.


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Tecumseh is famous for a curse he put on U.S. Presidents elected in years that that are multiples of 20. U.S. Presidents elected in those years are cursed to die while in office.

This started because he was defeated William Henry Harrison in battle, who was eventually elected the 9th U.S. President and died just around 40 days after being elected.

During the War of 1812, the British were fighting against the Americans. Tecumseh was the leader of the Shawnee tribe, and there were also fighting against the Americans to prevent them from taking their land.

So, answers B and D are incorrect because they imply that the Shawnee are against the British or on the side of the Americans, which is incorrect.

A is incorrect because Tecumseh was a chief. He wouldn't simply show the British where the camps were. He wants to fight against them with the British! So, the correct answer is C. He joined the British Army in hopes of pushing American settlers away from tribal lands.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

Tecumseh's role in the War of 1812 is that "He joined the British Army in hopes of pushing American settlers away from tribal lands."

This is evident in the fact that during the war of 1812 between the Americans and the British, Tecumseh who was then the leader of the Shawnee tribe saw it as an opportunity to protect his tribe's land from the Americans, then he sided with the British in the hope to achieve that.Options B and D are incorrect because according to history, the Shawnee tribe was not in alliance with America. They only support the British, in which Tecumseh leads his tribe.Also, option A is incorrect because Tecumseh leads his tribe into the battle which is evident in his main role in defeating American forces at the Siege of Detroit. And also in the invasion of Ohio together with the British to fight against the Americans.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is option C.

Learn more here:

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a. defined crimes that deprived citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses, and under these laws President Grant sent federal marshals to arrest hundreds of accused Klansmen.


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The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871 was an Act of Congress of the United States of America which was enacted and established during the Reconstruction Era, by the 41st United States Congress to define crimes that deprived citizens of their civil and political rights as federal offenses, and under these laws, President Ulysses S. Grant sent federal marshals to arrest hundreds of accused Klansmen.

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