Complete the AscendingAndDescending application so that it asks a user to enter three integers. Display them in ascending and descending order.An example of the program is shown below:Enter an integer... 1 And another... 2 And just one more... 3 Ascending: 1 2 3 Descending: 3 2 1GradingWrite your Java code in the area on the right. Use the Run button to compile and run the code. Clicking the Run Checks button will run pre-configured tests against your code to calculate a grade.Once you are happy with your results, click the Submit button to record your score.


Answer 1


Following are the solution to the given question:

import java.util.Scanner;//import package

public class AscendingAndDescending//defining a class AscendingAndDescending  


   public static void main(String[] args) //main method


       int n1,n2,n3,min,max,m;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class object

       System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");//print message

       n1 = in.nextInt();//input value

       System.out.print("And another: ");//print message

       n2 = in.nextInt();//input value

       System.out.print("And just one more: ");//print message

       n3 = in.nextInt();//input value

       min = n1; //use min variable that holds value

       max = n1; //use mix variable that holds value

       if (n2 > max) max = n2;//use if to compare value and hols value in max variable

       if (n3 > max) max = n3;//use if to compare value and hols value in max variable

       if (n2 < min) min = n2;//use if to compare value and hols value in min variable

       if (n3 < min) min = n3;//use if to compare value and hols value in min variable

       m = (n1 + n2 + n3) - (min + max);//defining m variable that arrange value

       System.out.println("Ascending: " + min + " " + m + " " + max);//print Ascending order value

       System.out.println("Descending: " + max + " " + m + " " + min);//print Descending order value




Enter an integer: 8

And another: 9

And just one more: 7

Ascending: 7 8 9

Descending: 9 8 7


In this program inside the main method three integer variable "n1,n2, and n3" is declared that inputs value from the user end and also defines three variable "min, max, and m" that uses the conditional statement that checks inputs value and assigns value according to the ascending and descending order and prints its values.

Related Questions

What are the LinkedIn automation tools you are using?



Well, for me I personally use LinkedCamap to drive more LinkedIn connections, hundreds of leads, sales, and conversions automatically.

Some other LinkedIn automation tools are;

ExpandiMeet AlfredPhantombusterWeConnectLinkedIn Helper

Hope this helps!

Difference between analog and hybrid computer in tabular form​



Analog computers are faster than digital. Analog computers lack memory whereas digital computers store information. ... It has the speed of analog computer and the memory and accuracy of digital computer. Hybrid computers are used mainly in specialized applications where both kinds of data need to be process.

hope it is helpful for you

This standard library function returns a random floating-point number in the range of 0.0 up to 1.0 (but not including 1.0).
a. random.b. randint.c. random_integer.d. uniform.



The answer would be A: Random


The random() function returns a generated random number (a pseudorandom number)

In this technique, each attribute is associated with a specific feature of a face, and the attribute value is used to determinethe way a facial feature is expressed. This technique is called._______________



Chernoff faces.


Chernoff faces is a data visualization technique that was developed by a statistician named Herman Chernoff. He introduced this data visualization technique to the world in 1973 to represent multivariate or multidimensional data containing at least eighteen (18) variables.

In Chernoff faces, each attribute is associated with a specific feature of a face (nose, eyes, ears, hair, mouth, and eyebrows), and the attribute value with respect to size, shape, orientation, colour and placement is used to determine the way a facial feature is expressed.

The Chernoff face is a technique designed and developed to help detect similarities between different items and discern subtle changes in facial expressions from the perspective of an observer.

Explain why interrupt times and dispatch delays must be limited to a hard real-time system?



The important problem is explained in the next section of clarification.


The longer it is required for a computing device interrupt to have been performed when it is created, is determined as Interrupt latency.

The accompanying duties include interrupt transmission delay or latency are provided below:

Store the instructions now being executed.Detect the kind of interruption.Just save the present process status as well as activate an appropriate keep interrupting qualitative functions.

Which of the following terms describes an attacker walking or driving through business areas and neighborhoods to identify unprotected wireless networks from the street using a laptop or a handheld computer?
A. Wi-Fi stealing.
B. Wi-Fi trolling.
C. Wi-Fi jacking.
D. Wi-Fi hacking.



C. Wi-Fi jacking


Answer: yessir b


Fill in multiple blanks for [x], [y], [z]. Consider a given TCP connection between host A and host B. Host B has received all from A all bytes up to and including byte number 2000. Suppose host A then sends three segments to host B back-to-back. The first, second and third segments contain 50, 600 and 100 bytes of user data respectively. In the first segment, the sequence number is 2001, the source port number is 80, and the destination port number is 12000. If the first segment, then third segment, then second segment arrive at host B in that order, consider the acknowledgment sent by B in response to receiving the third segment. What is the acknowledgement number [x], source port number [y] and destination port number [z] of that acknowledgement


b _ i did this already

provides an automated method for discovering host systems on a network. Although it doesn't necessarily discover all weaknesses, it does determine which systems are active on the network and what services they offer or what ports are available



Network scan


Cyber security can be defined as preventive practice of protecting computers, software programs, electronic devices, networks, servers and data from potential theft, attack, damage, or unauthorized access by using a body of technology, frameworks, processes and network engineers.

Some examples of cyber attacks are phishing, zero-day exploits, denial of service, man in the middle, cryptojacking, malware, SQL injection, spoofing etc.

Generally, a security assessment is carried out by network security experts on a regular basis to determine potential loopholes or vulnerabilities in the information and technology (IT) infrastructure. One of the techniques or approach used in security assessment is a network scan.

A network scan is a security assessment technique used for the automatic detection of host systems on a network. Although a network scan isn't capable of discovering or detecting all the weaknesses on a network, it avails users information about the computer systems that are active on the network and what services the computer systems offer or what ports are available on them.

Your organization has started receiving phishing emails. You suspect that an attacker is attempting to find an employee workstation they can compromise. You know that a workstation can be used as a pivot point to gain access to more sensitive systems. Which of the following is the most important aspect of maintaining network security against this type of attack?
A. Network segmentation.B. Identifying a network baseline.C. Documenting all network assets in your organization.D. Identifying inherent vulnerabilities.E. User education and training.



E). User education and training.


In the context of network security, the most significant aspect of ensuring security from workstation cyberattacks would be 'education, as well as, training of the users.' If the employee users are educated well regarding the probable threats and attacks along with the necessary safety measures to be adopted and trained adequately to use the system appropriately so that the sensitive information cannot be leaked while working on the workstation and no networks could be compromised. Thus, option E is the correct answer.

1. Describe data and process modeling concepts and tools.



data is the raw fact about its process


input = process= output

data is the raw fact which gonna keeps in files and folders. as we know that data is a information keep in our device that we use .


Data and process modelling involves three main tools: data flow diagrams, a data dictionary, and process descriptions. Describe data and process tools. Diagrams showing how data is processed, transformed, and stored in an information system. It does not show program logic or processing steps.

Write a class called Student that has two private data members - the student's name and grade. It should have an init method that takes two values and uses them to initialize the data members. It should have a get_grade method.




The following class is written in Python as it is the language that uses the init method. The class contains all of the data members as requested as well as the init and get_grade method. It also contains a setter method for both data variables and a get_name method as well. The code can also be seen in the attached image below.

class Student:

   _name = ""

   _grade = ""

   def __init__(self, name, grade):

       self._name = name

       self._grade = grade

   def set_name(self, name):

       self._name = name

   def set_grade(self, grade):

       self._grade = grade

   def get_name(self):

       return self._name

   def get_grade(self):

       return self._grade

The valid call to the function installApplication is

void main(  )
 // call the function installApplication

void installApplication(char appInitial, int appVersion)
  // rest of function not important



B. installApplication(‘A’, 1);



The above code segment


The correct call to installApplication

The function installApplication is declared as void, meaning that it is not expected to return anything.

Also, it receives a character and an integer argument.

So, the call to this function must include a character and an integer argument, in that order.

Option D is incorrect because both arguments are integer

Option C is incorrect because it passes no argument to the function.

Option A is incorrect because it receives an integer value from the function (and the function is not meant not to have a return value).

Option B is correct

Please use thread to complete the following program: one process opens a file data.txt, then creates a thread my_thread. The job of the thread my_thread is to count how many lines exist in the file data.txt, and return the number of lines to the calling process. The process then prints this number to the screen.
Basically, you need to implement main_process.c and thread_function.c.
Basic structure of main_process.c:
int main ()
Open the file data.txt and obtain the file handler fh;
Create a thread my_thread using pthread_create; pass fh to my_thread;
Wait until my_thread terminates, using pthread_join;
Print out how many lines exist in data.txt.}
Basic structure of thread_function.c:
void *count_lines(void *arg)
Obtain fh from arg;
Count how many lines num_lines exist in fh;
Close fh;
Return num_lines



Here is the code:-

//include the required header files



// method protocol definition

void *count_lines(void *arg);

int main()


    // Create a thread handler

    pthread_t my_thread;

    // Create a file handler

    FILE *fh;

    // declare the variable

    int *linecnt;

    // open the data file


// Create a thread using pthread_create; pass fh to my_thread;

    pthread_create(&my_thread, NULL, count_lines, (void*)fh);

    //Use pthread_join to terminate the thread my_thread

    pthread_join( my_thread, (void**)&linecnt );

    // print the number of lines

printf("\nNumber of lines in the given file: %d \n\n", linecnt);

    return (0);


// Method to count the number of lines

void *count_lines(void *arg)


    // variable declaration and initialization

    int linecnt=-1;

    char TTline[1600];

    //code to count the number of lines






    pthread_exit((void *)linecnt);

    // close the file handler





Mối quan hệ giữa đối tượng và lớp
1. Lớp có trước, đối tượng có sau, đối tượng là thành phần của lớp
2. Lớp là tập hợp các đối tượng có cùng kiểu dữ liệu nhưng khác nhau về các phương thức
3. Đối tượng là thể hiện của lớp, một lớp có nhiều đối tượng cùng thành phần cấu trúc
4. Đối tượng đại diện cho lớp, mỗi lớp chỉ có một đối tượng



please write in english i cannot understand


The computer that is used in scientific research is ........​



supercomputers are the computer that is used in scientific research.


super computer is the right answer

9.18 LAB: Exact change - methods Write a program with total change amount as an integer input that outputs the change using the fewest coins, one coin type per line. The coin types are dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Use singular and plural coin names as appropriate, like 1 penny vs. 2 pennies. Ex: If the input is:




The following code is written in Java. It asks the user to enter the amount of change needed. This is done as a double since we are dealing with coins and not full dollar values alone. It then makes the necessary calculations to calculate the number of each coin needed and outputs it back to the user. A test case has been provided in the picture below with a sample output.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int dollars = 1;

       double quarters = 0.25;

       double dimes = 0.10;

       double nickels = 0.05;

       double pennies = 0.01;

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Enter Change Value: ");

       double change = in.nextDouble();

       int numDollars, numQuarters, numDimes, numNickels, numPennies;

       double newChange;

       numDollars = (int) (change / dollars);

       newChange = change % dollars;

       numQuarters = (int) (newChange / quarters);

       newChange = newChange % quarters;

       numDimes = (int) (newChange / dimes);

       newChange = newChange % dimes;

       numNickels = (int) (newChange / nickels);

       newChange = newChange % nickels + 0.001;

       numPennies = (int) (newChange / pennies);

       newChange = newChange % pennies;


       System.out.println("Minimum Num of Coins needed: ");

       if (numDollars != 1) {

           System.out.println(numDollars + " Dollars");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numDollars + " Dollar");


       if (numQuarters != 1) {

           System.out.println(numQuarters + " Quarters");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numQuarters + " Quarter");


       if (numDimes != 1) {

           System.out.println(numDimes + " Dimes");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numDimes + " Dime");


       if (numNickels != 1) {

           System.out.println(numNickels + " Nickels");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numNickels + " Nickel");


       if (numPennies != 1) {

           System.out.println(numPennies + " Pennies");

       } else {

           System.out.println(numPennies + " Penny");




The program is an illustration of conditional statements

Conditional statements are used to make decisions

The program in C++ where comments are used to explain each line is as follows


using namespace std;

int main() {

// This line declare all the variables

int amount, dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, penny;

// This prompts the user for input (i.e. the amount)

cout<<"Amount: ";

//This gets the amount from the user


// This checks if the amount is 0 or less

if(amount<=0)  {

//This prints "No Change"

cout<<"No Change";


//If the amount is greater than 0

else {

// These convert the amount to various coins

dollar = amount/100;

amount = amount%100;

quarter = amount/25;

amount = amount%25;

dime = amount/10;

amount = amount%10;

nickel = amount/5;

penny = amount%5;

// The next lines print the coins

if(dollar>=1)  {

if(dollar == 1) {

cout<<dollar<<" dollar\n"; }

else {

cout<<dollar<<" dollars\n"; }


if(quarter>=1) {

if(quarter== 1) {

cout<<quarter<<" quarter\n";


else {

cout<<quarter<<" quarters\n";



if(dime>=1) {

if(dime == 1) {

cout<<dime<<" dime\n";


else {

cout<<dime<<" dimes\n";



if(nickel>=1) {

if(nickel == 1) {

cout<<nickel<<" nickel\n";


else {

cout<<nickel<<" nickels\n";



if(penny>=1) {

if(penny == 1) {

cout<<penny<<" penny\n";


else {

cout<<penny<<" pennies\n";




return 0;


Read more about conditions at:

LAB: Count multiples (EO)
Complete a program that creates an object of the Count class, takes three integers as input: low, high, and x, and then calls the countMultiples() method. The countMultiples() method then returns the number of multiples of x between low and high inclusively.
Ex: If the input is:
1 10 2
countMutiples() returns and the program output is:
Hint: Use the % operator to determine if a number is a multiple of x. Use a for loop to test each number between low and high.
Note: Your program must define the method:
public int countMultiples(int low, int high, int x)
1 import java.util.Scanner;
3 public class Count {
5 public int countMultiples(int low, int high, int x) {
6 /* Type your code here. */
8 }
10 public static void main(String[] args) {
11 Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
12 /* Type your code here. */
13 }


Following are the Java Program to the given question:

import java.util.Scanner; //import package for user-input

public class Count  //defining a class Count  


   public static int countMultiples(int low,int high,int x)//defining a method countMultiples that takes three integer parameters


       int c=0,i; //defining integer variables that hold value

       for(i=low;i<=high;i++)//defining loop that iterates value between low and high  


           if(i%x==0)//defining if block that uses % operator to check value


               c+=1; //incrementing c value



       return c; //return c value


   public static void main(String[] args)//main method  


       int l,h,x;//defining integer variable

       Scanner scnr=new Scanner(; //creating scanner class object  

       l=scnr.nextInt(); //input value

       h=scnr.nextInt();//input value

       x=scnr.nextInt();//input value

       System.out.println(countMultiples(l,h,x)); //calling method and print its value




Please find the attached file.

Program Explanation:

Import package.Defining a class "Count", and inside the class two method "countMultiples and main method" is declared.In the "countMultiples" method three integer parameter that are "low, high, and x".Inside this method a for loop is declared that uses the parameter value and use conditional statement with the % operator and check and return its values.Inside the main method three integer variable is declared that uses the scanner class to input the value and pass to the method and print its calculated value.  

Learn more:

How would you type the word floor



f l o o r


Choose all that Apply: Which of the following steps should be performed by the CIS for creating a part dispatch for systemboard through Tech Direct?
a) Enter the customer's contact and email address into the primary contact fields when requesting a systemboard through TechDirect
b) Logging fusion ticket to request DPK via DDL
c) Access the customer's DDL account to retrieve DPK and activate the os for the customer
d) Verify the customer email address



The steps that should be performed by the CIS for creating a part dispatch for system board through TechDirect are:

a) Enter the customer's contact and email address into the primary contact fields when requesting a system board through TechDirect

b) Logging fusion ticket to request DPK via DDL

c) Access the customer's DDL account to retrieve DPK and activate the os for the customer

d) Verify the customer email address


The four steps given above must be performed in the CIS if you want to create a part dispatch for the system board through TechDirect.  TechDirect is a support system that enables one to manage all Dell technologies from a single location. After creating the part dispatch, the customer's contact and email address are entered into the primary contact fields to enable the verification of the customer's email address  through the TechDirect.

how many copies of each static variable and each class variable are created when 10 instances of the same class are created



Static variables are initialized only once


Only one copy of static variables are created when 10 objects are created of a class

A static variable is common to all instances of a class because it is a class level variable

How can I pass the variable argument list passed to one function to another function.




#include <stdarg.h>  



display("Hello", 4, 12, 13, 14, 44);  


display(char *s,...)  


va_list ptr;  

va_start(ptr, s);  



show(char *t, va_list ptr1)  


int a, n, i;  

a=va_arg(ptr1, int);  

for(i=0; i<a; i++)  


n=va_arg(ptr1, int);  

printf("\n%d", n);  



How did the military in the early 1900s move resources?
In the early 1900s, military moved their resources to distant locations with the help of



In the early 1900s, military moved their resources to distant locations with the help of trains, ships, and, to a lesser extent, horse-drawn wagons. This was so because at that time airplanes did not yet exist, capable of transporting inputs to any part of the world in a very short period of time. Therefore, inputs and resources were brought by sea and, if impossible, through land, using railways or highways.

Given the code as follows: main() { int i = 3, n; float x; x = i; n = 8 % x; } What problem will occur? Group of answer choices A compilation error will occur. A run time error will occur. An inheritance error will occur. No problem will occur at all.



A compilation error will occur.


The % operator does not accept a float as its right-hand operand.

Which statement describes data-sharing in a blockchain?



wheres the statement


Please help urgently


Whats your question

Write a recursive function that returns 1 if an array of size n is in sorted order and 0 otherwise. Note: If array a stores 3, 6, 7, 7, 12, then isSorted(a, 5) should return 1 . If array b stores 3, 4, 9, 8, then isSorted(b, 4) should return 0.



The function in C++ is as follows:

int isSorted(int ar[], int n){

if ([tex]n == 1[/tex] || [tex]n == 0[/tex]){

 return 1;}

if ([tex]ar[n - 1][/tex] < [tex]ar[n - 2][/tex]){

 return 0;}

return isSorted(ar, n - 1);}


This defines the function

int isSorted(int ar[], int n){

This represents the base case; n = 1 or 0 will return 1 (i.e. the array is sorted)

if ([tex]n == 1[/tex] || [tex]n == 0[/tex]){

 return 1;}

This checks if the current element is less than the previous array element; If yes, the array is not sorted

if ([tex]ar[n - 1][/tex] < [tex]ar[n - 2][/tex]){

 return 0;}

This calls the function, recursively

return isSorted(ar, n - 1);

} a piece of hardware used to provide data and instructions to a computer used for interaction and control. *
Output device.
input device.
All of above. ​





it can be seen and touched

What does 32mb SVGA do



hope it helps PLZ MARK ME BRAINLIEST,,!


They stabilize your grpahic image.

Draw a Card. Write a program to simulate drawing a card. Your program will randomly select one card from a deck of 52 playing cards. Your program should display the rank (Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King) and suit (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades) of the card. Here is a sample run of the program: in The card you picked is Jack of Heart The program should use at a minimum: sequence, selection, arrays, and random numbers.




The following code is written in Java. It is a function that creates a Random object to generate random values, then uses those values to choose a random rank and suit using switch statements. It then saves the rank and suit into a String variable in the correct format and finally prints the card that was picked to the screen. The function was called 4 times in the main method and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

public static void randomCardGenerator() {

       Random rand = new Random();

       int rank = rand.nextInt(14)+1;

       int suit = rand.nextInt(4)+1;

       String chosenCard = "";

       switch (rank) {

           case 1: chosenCard += "Ace"; break;

           case 2: chosenCard += "1"; break;

           case 3: chosenCard += "2"; break;

           case 4: chosenCard += "3"; break;

           case 5: chosenCard += "4"; break;

           case 6: chosenCard += "5"; break;

           case 7: chosenCard += "6"; break;

           case 8: chosenCard += "7"; break;

           case 9: chosenCard += "8"; break;

           case 10: chosenCard += "9"; break;

           case 11: chosenCard += "10"; break;

           case 12: chosenCard += "Jack"; break;

           case 13: chosenCard += "Queen"; break;

           case 14: chosenCard += "Kind"; break;

           default: System.out.println("Wrong Value");


       chosenCard += " of ";

       switch (suit) {

           case 1: chosenCard += "Clubs"; break;

           case 2: chosenCard += "Diamonds"; break;

           case 3: chosenCard += "Hearts"; break;

           case 4: chosenCard += "Spades"; break;

           default: System.out.println("Invalid Suit");




For the following 4-bit operation, assuming these register are ONLY 4-bits in size, which status flags are on after performing the following operation? Assume 2's complement representation. 1010+0110
a) с
b) Z
c) N



All flags are On ( c, z , N  )


Given data:

4-bit operation

Assuming 2's complement representation

Determine status flags that are on after performing 1010+0110

    1   1

    1  0   1  0

    0  1   1  0

  1  0 0 0 0

we will carry bit = 1 over

hence C = 1

given that: carry in = carry out there will be zero ( 0 ) overflow

hence V = 0

also Z = 1      

But the most significant bit is  N = 1

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