Complete the chart comparing and contrasting the different native american tribes


Answer 1


Explanation: just compare and contrast them

Answer 2


Settlement - Most of them lived in the Four Corners region of the current United States on large cliffs

Food source - they mostly farmed crops such as corn

Geographic area - the Southwestern area of current United States

End of Civilization - The cause is unknown, but there are several theories

Artifacts- baskets and pottery


Settlement - they stayed in various settlements where they built houses called wigwams

Food source - they were hunters and farmers and they fished a lot

Geographic area - stayed in the current New England region as well as the Mid-Atlantic coast

End of civilization - Some died from European illness. Others were defeated in war and a significant number joined the Iroquois.

Artifacts- small hunting items, settlers' cultural influences


Settlement - Stayed in villages where they built houses called longhouses

Food source - they were mostly famers

Geographic area - They stayed in various regions such as New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and extended as far as Canada.

End of civilization - The Canadian and American governments disbanded a lot of the tribes due to their significance. Some survived as independent entities today.

Artifacts- The formation of the American government was influenced by government ideas

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Đảng Dân chủ dựa vào chính phủ và nói rằng nên chăm sóc người dân. Do đó, họ chỉ trích đảng Dân chủ và Obama vì đã phát triển chủ nghĩa xã hội và bình đẳng ở Hoa Kỳ. Và đảng Cộng hòa dựa vào mọi người và tin rằng mỗi người nên tự chăm sóc bản thân mình, rằng nhà nước nên cho phép mỗi người độc lập đạt được những gì mình muốn. Nếu bạn có sự kiên trì, thông minh, kỹ năng, thì bạn sẽ đạt được điều gì đó, nhưng nếu bạn không có nó, thì bạn sẽ sống kém. Đó là sự khác biệt lớn giữa hai lực lượng này.

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i want the agent of food spoilage

Study the map, then answer the questions below.

The city of Mazatlan is located along the____________

The city of Ciudad Juarez is located____________

One of the countries that share Mexico's southern border is __________

A. Pacific Ocean, along the US borders, Belize

B. Gulf of Mexico, along the Gulf of Mexico, Matamoros

C. Caribbean Sea, along the Pacific Ocean,Honduras


The correct answer to this question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the map.

Where is the map?

However, although you forgot to include the map, we can answer the question according to our knowledge of this topic.

The correct answer is A) Pacific Ocean, along the US borders, Belize.

The city of Mazatlan is located along the Pacific Ocean.

The city of Ciudad Juarez is located along the US borders.

One of the countries that share Mexico's southern border is Belize.

Mazatlan is the most important part of the state of Sinaloa, México. It is a great touristic place, visited by thousands of tourists due to all its attractions.

Indeed, Ciudad Juarez is at the border to the United States. It is located exactly in front of El Paso, Texas.

The other country that shares the southern border with México is Guatemala.

India’s “Golden Age” began as a direct result of

an increase in trade.
a takeover of other Asian countries.
a decrease in government dependence.
the fall of the Mauryan empire



an increase in trade.


India’s “Golden Age” began as a direct result of the increased volume of trades due to the expansion of trade in europe through the silk route. It provided direct connectivity to  Europe, thus casuing the trade to increase manifolds. Hence the correct option from the given ones is "an increase in trade."

its A on edge!!


trust me :)

Which of the following events resulted from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?
OA The Twenty-Second Amendment was passed to clarify succession.
OB A temporary commission was created to investigate the crime.
О с.
The Securities and Exchange Commission was formed for increase presidential security.
OD. A new executive department was created to protect people elected to public office.


Answer: B. A temporary commission was created to investigate the crime.

Explanation: I took the test.

The event that resulted from the as-sas-sination of President John F. Kennedy was  B. A temporary commission was created to investigate the crime.

What is a Political As-sassination?

This refers to the kill-ing of a politician or a head of state that is usually politically motivated.

Hence, we can see that after the ill-fated kil-ling of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, there was a panel set up to investigate the crime and whether the sho-oter acted alone.

Read more about John Kennedy here:


is the best example of a dictator.
King George the III
Barack Obama
Kim Jong Il
Osama bin Laden


The best example of a dictator is
C. Kim Jong II






The development of sustainable agriculture is what led ulana to leave hunting and gathering and start farming.

all the other answers were not mentioned in the text and the first answer is debunked last paragraph when ogg went cold tired and hungry from the variability of hunting/

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Native Africans kept failing in their resistance to save their lands . Was there any way for them to save themselves from being imperialized ?



they didnt modernise their army.

Explanation: that's why their were not able to save the land

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bloodshed on the British's side and the beginning of what would later be the american revolution


As pink as cherry blossoms, flies through the sky! Shoots off fireballs, with a ringing war cry. What am i?



dragon lol


i dont remember the rest


Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night
Cryin' on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you

national income introduction​



In common parlance, national income means the total value of goods and services produced annually in a country. ADVERTISEMENTS: In other words, the total amount of income accruing to a country from economic activities in a year's time is known as national income.

What are the new challenges global politics has been facing in the post-Cold War world?




First, globalization has weakened nation states: Countries and individuals alike are exposed to unprecedented risks in the face of international capital. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union, the Western capitalist world order saw a golden opportunity to sweep across the planet. Expansion of such an order was given the name of “globalization” in the mid and late 1990s. The generally shallow interpretation of globalization refers to the increasingly strengthened global connections and interdependence in economy, trade, transport and communications. But the insight of such scholars as Herbert Hart is especially worth notice, as he pointed out the essence of globalization is the global expansion of capitalist production and economic relations. In this sense, globalization obviously has a longer history, only that it had not become true to its name until after the Cold War. Globalization benefited many countries and individuals, but has at the same time brought about great risks: First is the extreme imbalance in distribution of the benefits, resulting in greater gaps between nations and individuals; second, capital’s easy penetration of national boundaries has also weakened countries’ capabilities for managing and coping with such a phenomenon, exposing individuals more directly to the control of international capital, rendering them helpless.

Second, Russia-West relations are difficult to ease. Their relations are in part extension of the confrontation between the US and Soviet camps, only that Russia is evidently in a more defensive position now. After the Cold War, the West has seen unprecedented success in expanding its own sphere of influence and security boundaries, the rapid expansion of the European Union and NATO in the former Soviet Union’s sphere of influence, in particular, has inevitably made Russia nervous. The West’s success has taken advantage of its triumph in the Cold War, and come with its long-standing arrogance. In complete disregard of Russian feelings, it has extended its sphere of influence to Ukraine, a core source of Russian pride. The reactions of Vladimir Putin on one hand reflect his individual personality, but are on the other hand natural Russian defensive responses to the overbearing West. Geo-strategic factors aside, cultural factors can’t be ignored in Russia-West ties. In Russia, there has been the long-standing debate and tension over whether the country belongs to the East or West. Europeans have shown universal refusal of Russia, believing that Russia isn’t a part of Europe. The latest meeting between heads of the Catholic and Orthodox churches in Cuba again brought to attention the convoluted relations between Russian and European civilizations. Their divergent values, rooted in differences in culture, civilization and system, have demonstrated profound impacts on bilateral ties, resulting in structural and psychological standoff that is difficult to reconcile. Russia’s refusal to back down on the Ukraine issue and subsequent Western sanctions against Russia have made it possible for Putin, who is good at manipulating nationalist feelings, to maintain relatively high approval ratings at home; in the face of Western sanctions and dramatic falls in international energy prices, it is within anticipation that Putin has chosen to seek a breakthrough by intervening in Syria.

How should the US respond when war breaks out between many countries, some of which are our allies?



The US respond


There are several ways to deal with when war breaks out between many countries, some of which are our allies. Firstly, it is required to have a peaceful conversation with diplomats from countries to solve it by having compromises. When talks have no result, it became vital to enter into war to save allies nations and their citizens. The US will also supply weapons and other military goods that are necessary for the troops on the frontline.

Which statement best describes the likelihood of presidential candidates keeping their promises once elected to​ office?



a. More often than not, presidents make progress on their promises.


Madison and the other framers realized that the role of the new Constitution was to define what is meant by "citizen" and "rights " strictly limit the power of government . spell out the natural rights of citizens . none of the above


The correct answer is "strictly limit the power of government."

Madison and the other framers realized that the role of the new Constitution was strictly limit the power of government.

During the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia Pennsylvania during the summer of 1787, Federalists, led by prominent Americans such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, supported the idea of a strong central government for the United States. On the other hand, Antifederalists such as Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams did not support that way of thinking. They believed in a simpler form of government in which the citizens had natural rights.

The United States founding fathers had many differences during the Constitutional Convention but they were humble and smart enough to debate, listen to each other's arguments, and negotiate to allow the best interests of the country.

When trying to ratify the Constitution by the states, James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights, which is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.

how did the united states demonstrate its isolationism policy before world war 2?



by avoiding alliances and other international relationships by encouraging alliances and international relationships by avoiding friendships with other foreign countries by encouraging independence among states in the US


What did Hernán Cortés do after the Aztec emperor Montezuma II welcomed him to Tenochtitlán?
A) He took the emperor captive.
B) He burned his own ships.
C) He met with Atahualpa.
D) He encountered the Pacific Ocean.


The answer of this question would be A

What was the result of Bering's 1742 expedition to Alaska?


The achievements of the expedition included the European discovery of Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, the Commander Islands, Bering Island, as well as a detailed cartographic assessment of the northern and north-eastern coast of Russia and the Kuril Islands.

King Harshavardhana's death brought about numerous changes in the country's social, economic, political and cultural Life'. Explain any two political impacts of the death of Harshavardhana on North India.​



After his death ,the whole empire disintegrated into many small kingdoms due to the miserable economic condition and lack of proper administration by his weak successor. Harshavardhana death leads to political instability in north India.

An important trade good from subsaharan Africa in the middle ages was



The main items traded were gold and salt. The gold mines of West Africa provided great wealth to West African Empires such as Ghana and Mali. Other items that were commonly traded included ivory, kola nuts, cloth, slaves, metal goods, and beads.



Subsaharen, Africa traded gold

2. Civil rights are enforceable rights or privileges guaranteed by the US Constitution or other laws or statues.


Answer: TRUE


Yes they are guaranteed by the United States Constitution and further guaranteed by the civil rights laws are passed in the 1950s and 60s as well as the civil rights act that was passed in the 1960s

(Civil rights act of 1964)

Which verb correctly completes this sentence? La actriz ______________ los diálogos para la obra de teatro. A. baila B. actúa C. memoriza D. canta


The correct answer is C
D. Canta because it completes the sentence

Was the Vietnam war winnable for America? A paragraph please



Short answer: Yes.


The Vietnam War saw to the US's superior industrial, population, and military superiority, as well as the extensive usage of tactics and military industrial advantages. In fact, the Vietcong, even with the then USSR and Communist China's backing, was slowly losing grip and was losing at that point. However, the anti-war viewpoint became increasingly popular, as the reason for the US to join was inadequate at best, and the views of fighting another countries battle and seeing their own young men come home wrapped in the American flag' was unbearable to the US general public, therefore support was withdrawn. If the US continued to push after the Tet Offensive, then the US would have been able to claim the Vietnam War as a victory, rather than a strategic withdrawal, which led to the eventual demise of South Vietnam.


Who holds concurrent powers?
a. the federal government
b. the state governments
c. both the federal government and state governments
d individual citizens



C. Both the federal government and state governments


Concurrent powers are powers that are shared by both the State and the federal government. These concurrent powers including regulating elections, taxing, borrowing money and establishing courts.

• Based in the most recent data available, what percentage of people who are eligible to vote are currently
registered to vote? (NOTE: Provide your abiswer in numeric, percentage form and round up to the nearest
tenth, i.e. 60.46, you would indicate, 60.5%) (2 points)



Explanation: There are currently 70% according to federal date but only 61% voted

Right now I'm working on a project where I have to make my own civilization but I'm stuck and I don't know what to put in my 5 categories, so does anyone have any suggestion?


First I would start with geography. Say where your kingdom/civilization will be placed. A mountainous area or a flat area.

can I play on a school basketball court after school hours in Connecticut​







True or False: President Johnson was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act, which he viewed as unconstitutional.


Answer: True


President Johnson had repeatedly clashed with Congress on the way forward with regards to the treatment of the newly freed African Americans and one such result was the passage of the Tenure of Office Act.

Under this Act, the President could not terminate the employment of a cabinet member unless approved by Congress. Johnson had been clashing with his Secretary of War,  Edwin M. Stanton, who was liked by the Republicans who controlled Congress.

When the Johnson suspended Stanton without telling Congress they had him impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act.

Which two items explain why the Articles of Confederation were considered weak? It did not permit Congress to conduct foreign affairs. It gave too much power to the states. It provided for a very strong federal government. It did not allow Congress to issue currency. Reset Next​



It gave too much power to the states. It did not allow Congress to issue currency.


When the framers of the Articles of Confederation designed it, they did not want a Federal government that would be too powerful. They therefore gave Congress reduced powers that would keep it subservient to states.

The states therefore had too much power. They could negotiate trade deals with each other and decided the amount of taxes they would give the Federal government. They could also issue their own currency which meant that this was another power that Congress did not have.

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