Complete the sentences to identify the types of research sources Sofia should use.


Answer 1


Is there more to the question?


Related Questions

Samus drank tea with a polite, gnome in the forest.




Samus drank tea with a polite gnome in the forest.

Because polite is an adjective describing the noun "gnome", you don't need the comma between the adjective and noun.

Hope this helps!

5 sentences please I need help!



Police can get involved in a car accident.

Police can get involved in a fund raiser.

Police can get involved in a domestic situation.

Police can get involved in a wellness check.

Police can get involved in a parade.


They get involved in these situations by either just showing up or actually doing something to help others.

had to sing correct grammar please



had to sing


this option makes the most sense as the structure of the words is parallel.

If a bus travel 6 km in 10 minutes , what dustance does it travel in 1 second ?​





because it is a short time




10minutesx60 seconds= 600 seconds

6km/600seconds =0.1km

Which of the following is true? A. A strong argumentative essay should contain secondary sources and not primary sources. B. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary sources and not secondary sources. C. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources. D. A strong argumentative essay should never contain primary and secondary sources.



C. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources


A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources. The statement is true. Thus, the option (c) is correct.

What is argumentative?

The term argumentative refers to the someone or something that is not agree to point of view. The someone is started disagreements with particular topic. The instances of exchange of arguments is argumentation.

In research, argumentative essays are crucial since they evaluate the information, gather the topic, produce ideas, and succinctly state a perspective.

Primary and secondary materials should both be included in the research for a solid argumentative essay. The collection of primary and secondary data formed the basis for the research. The argumentative data collection uses secondary sources like journals, newspapers, and books along with primary data like sample bases.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on argumentative, here:


13. Write a letter to your Principal asking for his/her permission to take part
in an inter-school debate.
to imnrnye snaken English


To The Principal

(school) (date)

Subject- seeking permission to take part in inter school debate.

Respected Sir,

With due respect i want to state you that I (name,class,sec) of your school wants to take part in inter school debate competition which is going to be held in our school. Sir I have been a regular student at this competition and i had also won the first position last time. Hence, this year too i would like to have the opportunity to represent my school with my fellow students and win the competition. Sir i hope you will be kind enough to allow me to take part in the competition considering my


Thanking you,

Yours obediently (name)

I hope it helps you. Let me know

Which synonym best replaces the
underlined word in the following
In the scenario I developed, I
never thought this would happen!
A. mood
B. synergy
C. aftermath
D. plan


It has to be c aftermath
Mood is correct answer

How would you describe the Nazi soldiers who carried out the torture and murder of the Jewish people in World War Two





because although they were following the orders it was affecting the people live ( jewish)

Answer:people with no hearts .


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PLEASE HELP QUICKLY Which root is used in each of the following words? manual: manage



The word manual comes from Latin root words meaning "of the hand ,,,, here is your ans bro

build an argument for is deportation an effective solution for illegal immagrants



— The solution must be in the rational middle ground between mass deportation and amnesty. Report by Laura Collins January 19, 2021.

Which suffix means to make something be in a particular state?
A. -or
B. -ology
C. -ify
D. -like


C.-ify hahahdhagsidbajdisba
Oh hi my dad just told me that you are doing a lot and not..op with week long and I can’t even do. Yea ma’am I’m going back in a little uuiu lol but

write meaning of accident and epitome and markeone sentence for each​



Accident: unforseen event,mishap,disaster

Epitome:an abridgement,a compendium

aktiviti yang manakah meningkatkan kelenturan​



what does that mean ?? let me know if you need any help

outdo to the students of the African Americans have you seen it on your first day back in my head is




hahaha why would i even look




What do you call the Swiss president’s airplane?

Answer: Tobler One.

What view point is being expressed in the e-mail


hi how

Write the word that is part of speech indicated in the parenthesis




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls


adjective is itchy on Melanie wore on itchy sweater

his excellent performance surprised everyone into interrogative​



Did his excellent performance surprise everyone?


I guess its right!!!

my day has been going good because

Bird flu is not as lethal to humans as to the birds true or false​


I think it's false

because it a virus and it is very dangerous to both human and bird species.

When I've finished The Da Vinci Code I'll ......... all of Dan Brown's novels
A. have read
B. read
C. have been reading
D. be reading


When I've finished The Da Vinci Code I'll ...( read )...... all of Dan Brown's novels

Since each novel in the Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown stands alone, it is not required to read them in order. However, because many of us who like thriller books like to read our series in order, I do suggest starting with Angels & Demons. Thus, option B is correct.

What best define about The Da Vinci Code?

The producers, however, have made the tough decision to wrap up The Da Vinci Code earlier than anticipated because of the present difficulties associated with travelling. We hope to watch this fantastic performance again soon, since we are so proud of the cast and creative team's hard work in making it.

Although they are based on the same book series, The Da Vinci Code (2006), Angels & Demons (2009), and Inferno are the films that are in the chronological order of the books (2016).

Therefore, When I've finished The Da Vinci Code, I'll (read ) all of Dan Brown's novels.

Learn more about Da Vinci Code here:


Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the worsening law and order situation in your town. (formal letter)​


Answer: Dear sir/ma'am;

As a good law abiding citizen, I come to you with the most urgent of matters. I have observed the rising of crime and disorder in our fair town, I and I come to you to plea that you would kindly raise awareness about this situation to the public. I fear for our safety, and I feel as if I'm at my wits end. I would appreciate it, you would be doing a service for your country, for you town, and for your fellow citizens.

All my respect;

( name here )


Which of the following is a complex sentence?
A. Although she was sick today, she still went to work.
B. Don't touch the hot stove!
C. I can't believe it is already Friday!
D. The team was very happy they finally won.





A complex sentence has an independent clause & a dependent clause which are usually seperated by a comma.

A hope this helps!!! :)

Read the passage from The Odyssey - Teiresias. One narrow strait may take you through his blows: denial of yourself, restraint of shipmates. When you make landfall on Thrinakia first and quit the violet sea, dark on the land you'll find the grazing herds of Helios by whom all things are seen, all speech is known. Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent, and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaka. But if you raid the beeves, I see destruction for ship and crew. Which excerpt from the passage best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict


Answer: restrain of shipments.


A character vs. character conflict, ocurs when two characters have needs, desires, beliefs or motivations which place them in opposition with one another.

The excerpt from the passage that best identifies the conflict that Teiresias predicts as partially a character versus character conflict is the restrain of shipments. It should be noted that the restrain of shipments in this case is regarded to be partially a character versus character conflict.

Circle the verbs in these sentences:
1. The car stopped in front of the house.
2. We went to the movies on Friday after school.
3. Our teacher gave us a funny book to read.
4. The girls walked in front of the boys.
5. The wind blew our hats off of our heads.



1 stopped

2 went

3 gave

4 walked

5 blew

Our school is over at 2:00pm. transitive or intransitive​





Transitive verbs, used with a direct objects, cast action to an object and may also have an indirect object, which indicates to or for whom the action is done. On the other hand, an intransitive verb will never takes an object.

The answer is transitive.

I hope this helps out! (brainliest would be appreciated)

Read the following paragraph:
"Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste. As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies
from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter. A single egg produces a denser brownie than one made with two eggs. Brownie
texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal."
Which sentence uses subjective language??
Brownie texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal.
As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter.
Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.
A single egg produces a denser brownie than two eggs.



Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.


This sentence is implying how the writter thinks and feels about brownies from a mix while the other sentences all gave factual informaction that could likely be proved by scientific testing. That said, subjective language focuses on the writer or author’s beliefs and thoughts; objective language on the other hand provides facts and leaves out any bit of personal opinion.

Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two words define the term “proceedings” as it is used in the fifth paragraph of the passage?



Events and Actions are the correct answers


events and actions are correct


What can the reader infer about the importance the discovery of the shipwrecks has to archaeologists



The discovery of the shipwrecks represents the only evidence of Spain's several attempts to establish a. permanent residence in Florida.


This is the answer hope this helps. Enjoy your day!

How would you describe Walden Pond?


It is deep, pure, sometimes blue and sometimes green, not very abundant in fish besides pickerel, has an irregular shore, and is inhabited peacefully by ducks and geese and frogs and other wildlife, like White Pond, a nearby pond it resembles.

Hope this helps

we have the school keeper open the class
We have



so what we do


what is question

15. How can these two sentences be combined into one compound sentence?

The dog wanted to jump into the water. The owner wouldn't allow it.
Although the dog wanted to jump into the water, the owner wouldn't allow it.
As the dog wanted to jump into the water, the owner wouldn't allow it.
The dog wanted to jump into the water, but the owner wouldn't allow it
The owner wouldn't allow it: The dog wanted to jump into the water.



Although the dog wanted to jump into the water, the owner wouldn't allow it.


This is the best answer choice because it has the same tense all throughout the sentance. It uses "past tense" in both parts of the compound.

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