Conduct research to learn more about
the relative sizes, or atomic radii, of atoms. Find out how scientists define this
property, and identify specific examples


Answer 1

Chemical elements are classified according to their atomic radius, which is typically the average or typical distance between the centre of the nucleus and the outermost isolated electron.

How to define atomic radii of the atoms and what are its properties?

The total distance from an atom's nucleus to its outermost electron orbital is typically defined as the atomic radius. It can be described more simply as something akin to the radius of a circle, with the nucleus acting as the circle's centre and the outermost orbital of the electron as the circle's perimeter. Trends explain how atomic radii change start to appear as you start moving across or down the periodic table. Some of the properties are:

The reactivity of the elements diminishes as we move down a group of non-metals, but it increases as we move down a group of representative metals.In general, the atomic radius increases when we walk down a group and reduces as we move from left to right in a period. By measuring the separation between the two atoms when two atoms are merged, we may determine the size of the combined atoms.

Know more about atomic radii at:


Related Questions

of potassium acetate is dissolved in
of a
aqueous solution of sodium chromate.
Calculate the final molarity of acetate anion in the solution. You can assume the volume of the solution doesn't change when the potassium acetate is dissolved in it.
Be sure your answer has the correct number of significant digits.


17.0g of potassium acetate is dissolved in 250.mL of a 0.30M aqueous solution of sodium chromate. The final molarity of acetate anion in the solution is 0.59 M.

The term "molar concentration" refers to the amount of a substance in a solution represented as a percentage of its volume. It is also used to refer to molarity, quantity concentration, or substance concentration. The most common unit used in chemistry to express molarity is the number of moles per liter, represented by the unit sign mol/L or mol/dm3 in SI units. One molar, or 1 M, of a solution's concentration is defined as one mol/L. Molarity is a unit of concentration used to describe chemical solutions (M). It is the number of moles of the solute in one liter of solution. This is not the same as the liters of solvent, to be clear (a common mistake). Despite being a useful unit, molarity has one fundamental flaw. Because temperature affects a solution's volume, it does not remain constant when it varies. Because you cannot directly measure solute in moles, you usually convert grams of solute to moles and then divide this amount by liters of solution.

To know more about molarity please refer:


ali folled a ball down the hill the praph on the next page shows the kietic and potential energy of moving ball


The correct answer to the given question about kinetic and potential energy is option d)  0 J to 4 J

The energy an object has as a result of motion is referred to as kinetic energy. The amount of effort needed to move a mass-based body from rest to the given velocity is how it is defined. Unless its speed changes, the body retains the kinetic energy it gained during acceleration. The same amount of labor is used up when the body slows down from its current speed to a state of rest. Any term in the Lagrangian of a system that has a derivative with respect to time is formally referred to as kinetic energy. The English unit of kinetic energy is the foot-pound, but the joule is the standard unit.


Ali rolled a ball down a hill. This graph shows the kinetic and potential energy of the moving ball.

A line graph The graph is titled Mechanical Energy and shows an inverse relationship between Potential energy and Kinetic Energy. The Y axis is Potential energy (J). The X axis is Kinetic energy (J). The point of the graph are as such: (0, 5); (1, 4); (2, 3); (3, 2); (4, 1); (5, 0)

According to the graph, what is the mechanical energy of the ball?

A. 0 J

B. 5 J

C. 20 J to 25 J

D. 0 J to 4 J

To learn more about kinetic energy click here


The primary distinction between chemical reactions and nuclear reactions is that chemical reactions involve the flow of electrons and
nuclear reactions involve changes to protons and neutrons.


Answer: True. The primary distinction between chemical reactions and nuclear reactions is that chemical reactions involve the flow of electrons, while nuclear reactions involve changes to protons and neutrons. In chemical reactions, atoms form new bonds with other atoms by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons. In nuclear reactions, the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom are rearranged to form new elements. These two types of reactions are fundamentally different and involve different types of particles and energy.


The equilibrium constant for a particular reaction has been measured at different temperatures. The results are plotted below: n A I/T Determine the correct thermodynamic properties for this reaction:(Warning!: There is a maximum of 2 attempts for this question) O endothermic with Aso o O exothermic with ASo < 0 O exothermic with aso > 0 O endothermic with ASo o O more information is needed Submit AnswerIncorrect. Tries 1/2 Previous Tries


Therefore, option an is the best choice and the equilibrium constant is 0.32. The best choice is that.

The equilibrium constant's value falls as temperature rises. An rise in temperature increases the value of the equilibrium constant when the forward reaction is endothermic. As the temperature fluctuates, so does the equilibrium position. For elements in their standard condition, G0f G f 0 is taken into consideration as zero. As a result, the reaction's standard change in Gibb's free energy at 25 degrees Celsius is 98.746 kJ. Since there is no longer any free energy to fuel the process at equilibrium, G=0.

Learn more about reaction here-


Which of the following compounds has a number of electron rich regions that is different from the other compounds? BCI 03 NH3 NO3


NH3 i.e. ammonia compounds has a number of electron rich regions that is different from the other compounds.

Hydrides that are electron-rich have more electrons than are required for bonding. The majority of the additional electrons are found on the central atom's single pair of electrons. These kinds of compounds are typically produced by the combination of groups of 15, 16, and 17 elements. Think about NH3, PH3, etc. specific electron. Electron-specific hydrogen molecules have enough valence electrons to form covalent bonds. Those hydrides that possess precisely the proper number of electrons for a covalent connection are known as electron precise hydrides. These kinds of compounds are typically made with group 14 components. The compounds typically have a tetrahedral shape. CH4, SiH4, as an example, etc. Electron-deficient compounds are those that don't have enough electrons to completely fill the octet of the central atom. For each pair of bonded atoms to form a conventional electron-pair bond, these compounds are deficient in electrons. Electron-deficient compounds can be found in polymorphic forms to make up for their lack of electrons. Compounds with less than 8 electrons in their valence shells, such as B2H6, AlH3, etc., are considered to be electron-deficient.

To know more about electron rich please refer:


Suppose the galvanic cell sketched below is powered by the following reaction: Mg(s)+PdSO4(aq) MgSO4(aq)+Pd(s) e- E1 E2 sí S2 Write a balanced equation for the half-reaction that happens at the cathode of this cell. Write a balanced equation for the half-reaction that happens at the anode of this cell. Of what substance is El made?


The complete balanced half-cell reaction is as follows:


S1 solution= MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate) and S2 solution= PdSO4 (Palladium (II) sulfate)

A chemical reaction that takes place between an oxidizing substance and a reducing substance. The oxidizing substance loses electrons in the reaction, and the reducing substance gains electrons. Oxidation numbers, which are assigned to atoms in molecules by assuming that all bonds to the atoms are ionic. An increase in oxidation number during a reaction corresponds to oxidation, while a decreases corresponds to reduction.

Cathode: Pd^2+(aq)+2e- ---> Pd(s)

At cathode, reduction (gain of e- ) occurs.

At anode: Mg(s) ----> Mg^2+(aq)+2e-

Anode, oxidation (loss of e-) occurs

E1= Mg; (as left side of cell is anode)

E2= Pd; (as right side of cell is cathode)

S1 solution= MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate)

S2 solution= PdSO4 (Palladium (II) sulfate)

To learn more oxidation number check the link below:


Buffers which lack biological activity and are unlikely to interfere with ANY biochemical reactions include:


Buffers which lack biological activity and are unlikely to interfere with any biochemical reactions include Both Tris and HEPES.

A buffer is a substance that can withstand a pH shift when acidic or basic substances are added. Small additions of acid or base can be neutralized by it, keeping the pH of the solution largely constant.

One of the greatest all-purpose buffers for biological research has been referred to as HEPES. The molecule is zwitterionic at biological pH and functions as a buffer best between pH 6.8 and pH 8.2. Tissue culturing is only one of the many uses for which HEPES has been utilized.

The term "tris" refers to the chemical tris-hydroxymethyl aminomethane, whose formula is (HOCH2)3CNH2. Tris is frequently used in biochemistry, particularly for nucleic acid solutions, as a component of buffer solutions, such as in TAE and TBE buffer.

For more questions on Buffers


The complete question should be:

Buffers which lack biological activity and are unlikely to interfere with ANY biochemical reactions include:




Both Tris and HEPES.

What percentage is the smell from monomer on the Paper towel


Answer: It is the radiation of energy.


overall, the physical properties of minerals provide a reliable means to identify common minerals. however, certain properties can exhibit a range of characteristics or values making them less useful for identification purposes. choose three physical properties that might vary considerably between samples of the same mineral and explain why such variability would exist.


First we understand about main physical properties of minerals which helps in identification of common minerals.

Habit: Used to classify minerals into categories such as Cubic, Rectangular, Bladed, Prismatic, Longer, etc. depending on their shape.

Hardness: The hardness is used to identify a type of mineral based on their hardness on the Moh's scale of hardness (ranges from 0-10). In order to do this, an unknown type of mineral is scratched with a substance or mineral with a known hardness level and then referenced with the Moh's scale of hardness in order to identify the mineral.

Tenacity: Tenacity is used to identify minerals by measuring how resistant they are to being bent, crushed, or broken.

Density: The density of a mineral is determined by comparing the mass of the mineral to the volume of the mineral.

Color: The color that the particular mineral displays is used to identify it.

Luster: This a reflection property of a mineral towards light incident on it's surface as after reflection how it appears by reflection of light

Learn more about minerals:


Ahmed walks 3 km North, and then turns East and walks 4 km. What is the distance?


Ahmed walks 3 km north then turns east and walks 4 Km. The total distance he walks is 7 km.

What is the total distance and displacement?

For the first part of the question, in order to calculate the distance traveled, all we have to do is add the total kilometres Ahmed has walked. So,

Total distance = 3 Km + 4 Km = 7 Km

Therefore, the total distance traveled by Ahmed is 7 Km.

Now, in order to calculate the displacement, we have to consider the shortest distance travelled by Ahmed.

The figure attached represents the shortest distance as X.

So, by using the Pythagoras theorem, we can look for the value of X.

3² + 4² = X²

9 + 16 = X²

25 = X²

X = 5

Therefore, the Displacement of Ahmed is 5 Km.

Therefore the total distance traveled by Ahmed is 7 km and total displacement is 5 km.

Learn more about distance problems here:


At 25 °C, only 0.0140
mol of the generic salt AB is soluble in 1.00 L of water.

What is the sp
of the salt at 25 °C?



Correct task : At 25°C, only 0.0140 mol of the generic salt AB3 is soluble in 1.00 L of water. What is the Ksp of this salt at 25°C.


When the salt dissolves, it dissociates as follows:

AB3 --> A3+ + 3B⁻


The molar solubility (S) is the number of moles that can dissolve in 1 L of solution.

Molar solubility of salt is (0.0140 mol) / (1.00 L) = 0.0140 mol/L.

According to the dissociation equation:

Solubility of A3+ is 0.0140 mol/L and solubility of B⁻ is 3×0.0140 mol= 0.0420 mol/L.

[A3+] = 0.0140 mol/L.

[B⁻] = 0.0420 mol/L.

Ksp is the solubility product constant and calculated as follows:

Ksp(AB3) = [A3+] × [B⁻]3

Ksp(AB3) = [0.0140] × [0.0420]3

Ksp(AB3) = 10.37×10-7.

Ksp of this salt is 1.04×10-6.

Answer: 1.04×10-6 is the Ksp of this salt at 25°C.

ordering vertices according to post-order and pre-order traversals. tree with root vertex d that has a left edge to f, a center edge to b, and a right edge to a. b has a left edge to i, a center edge to h, and a right edge to e. a has a center edge to c. c has a center edge to g. (a) give the order in which the vertices of the tree are visited in a post-order traversal. (b) give the order in which the vertices of the tree are visited in a pre-order traversal.


Preorder Traversal and Postorder Traversal of the tree with root vertex are given below:

Preorder Traversal

Let T be a rooted tree with root r that is ordered. If T only contains r, r is T's preorder traversal. Otherwise, suppose that T. T...., T., are the subtrees at r from left to right in T The pre- order traversal begins by visiting r. It continues by traversing T; in preorder, then T₂ in preorder, and so on, until 7, is traversed in preorder.

Postorder Traversal

Let 7' be an ordered rooted tree with root r. It consists only of r, then is the postorder traversal of T. Otherwise, suppose that T. T....T, are the subtrees at from left to right. The postorder traversal begins by traversing 7; in postorder, then T in postorder,.... then T. in postorder, and ends by visiting r.

To learn more about Postorder Traversal click here


I need help please!!


A. The units remaining after the conversion is mi

B. The units remaining after the conversion is atoms

A. How do I determine the units remaining?

From the question given above, the following expression was obtained:

in × ft/in × mi/ ft

To know the unit that will remain, we shall simplify the expression. Details below:

in × (ft/in) × (mi/ ft)

Cancel out in

ft × (mi/ ft)

Cancel out ft


Thus, the unit remaining is mi

B. How do I determine the units remaining?

From the question given above, the following expression was obtained:

g × mol/g × atoms/ mol

To know the unit that will remain, we shall simplify the expression. Details below:

g × (mol/g) × (atoms/ mol)

Cancel out g

mol × (atoms/ mol)

Cancel out mol


Thus, the unit remaining is atoms

Learn more about units conversion:


Benedict test is commonly done for what?​


The primary application of Benedict's test is to detect the presence of simple carbohydrates in an unidentified analyte.



Benedict test is commonly done to detect

place the following gases in order of decreasing average molecular speed at 285 k : co , sof2 , h2s , cl2 , hbr .


Make note of the fact that the gas with the lowest molar mass, helium, has the greatest molecular speeds, while the gas with the highest molar mass, xenon, has the lowest.

The average speed and kinetic energy of the gas molecules increase as the temperature rises. If the volume is maintained constant, the faster gas molecules collide with the container walls more frequently and more violently, increasing the pressure. In a gas, the speed of the molecules is inversely related to the molar mass of the gas and inversely proportional to temperature. In other words, as the temperature of a gas sample rises, the molecules become faster, and as a result, the root mean square of the molecular speed rises.

Learn more about molecular here-


An industrially important element contains 26 electrons & 26 protons, rusts in the presence of air & moisture. Identify the element. A) Aluminum B) Iron C) Potassium D) Sodium


The element that contains 26 electrons and 26 protons, rusts in the presence of air and moisture, and is industrially important is iron (B).

Please brainliest

How many atoms are contained in 97.6 g of platinum (Pt), 50.5g of Gold (Au), and 60.8 g of Mercury (Hg)?


60.8/200 or 0.3 mole or 1.80×10^23 atoms are contained.

What is atom?

Atom is a particle of the matter that uniquely defined as a chemical elements.An atom is consist of a central nucleolus that is surrounded  by or more negetivly changes of electrons.

One mole of element contains 6.203×10 ^ 23 atoms

And one mole measures the molar mass of compund

Here Pt molar mass is 195 g

So 97.6/195 is 0.5 mole nearly or 3.115×10^23 atoms

Then gold Au molar mass is 197 g nearly

So 50.5/197 is 0.25 mole and 1.50×10^23 atoms

Then mercury Hg molar mass is 200 nearly and here

60.8/200 or 0.3 mole or 1.80×10^23 atoms

To know more about atom click-


Which of the following is the correct Lewis structure for the molecule NH3?



Option 3 represents correct Lewis structure for NH3

option 3 because it is the correct lewis structure for the molecule Nh3

AssertionDuring covalent bonding the electronegativity difference of two atoms is less than $$1.7$$ReasonCovalent bond is formed by sharing of electrons between atoms that have same sizeABoth Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for AssertionBBoth Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for AssertionCAssertion is correct but Reason is incorrectDBoth Assertion and Reason are incorrect



A covalent bond occurs when atoms share one or more pairs of electrons to form a stable molecule. The difference in electronegativity between two atoms plays a role in determining the type of bond formed between them. In general, covalent bonds are formed between atoms with similar electronegativities.

A covalent bond can form between two atoms if the electronegativity difference between them is less than 1.7. However, the size of the atoms is not the determining factor in covalent bond formation. Instead, the atomic electron distribution and electron affinity are very important.

In general, covalent bonding is a key process in chemistry that allows atoms to form stable bonds with each other. It is a key factor in determining the properties of various chemical compounds such as gases, liquids and solids.

Read more about this on


5. A solid consists of a mixture of NaNO3 and Mg(NO3)2. When 6.50 g of the solid is dissolved in 50.0 g of water, the freezing point of the solution is lowered by 5.23°C. What is the composition by mass of the solid mixture?​


The mass of the solid mixture can be determined from the molality and depression in freezing point of the solution. The mass obtained for the solution is 46.4 g.

What is depression in freezing point?

Freezing point of a solution decreases from that of pure solvent when  a non-volatile solute is added into it. The depression in freezing point ΔT is proportional to the molality of the solution.

ΔT = Kf m

Where Kf is the molal depression constant. Kf for water is 1.86 K /(mol Kg)

Given that ΔT = 5.23 °C

m = ΔT / Kf

   = 5.23  °C / 1.86 K /(mol Kg)

   = 2.811 m

Molality = no.of moles of the solid mixture/ mass of solvent in Kg.

no. of moles = molality × solvent mass

= 2.811 m × 0.05 Kg = 0.140 moles

Given the weight of the solid mixture = 6.50g

Hence, its composition by mass = 6.50/ 0.140 moles = 46.4 g.

Therefore, the composition by mass of the solid mixture is 46.4 g.

To find more on molality, refer here:


Which of the following compounds are the same?
Compound 1 is composed of 67 g of H and 33 g of F.
Compound 2 is composed of 29 g of Na and 71 g of Br.
Compound 3 is composed of 39 g of Na and 61 g of Br.
Compound 4 is composed of 33 g of F and 67 g of H.
A. Compounds 1 and 4
B. Compounds 2 and 3
C. Compounds 1 and 2
D. Compounds 2 and 4


The option among the given compounds that are the same compound is: Compounds 2 and 3

Th correct option is B.

What are compounds?

Compounds are substances that are composed of two or more elements chemically combined together.

Compounds can be formed by the combination of two non-metals or a metal and a non-metal.

Compounds formed from the combination of two non-metals are covalent compounds.

Compounds formed from the combination of a metal and a non-metal are called ionic compounds since they form oppositely-charged ions.

Learn more about compounds at:


why should a magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air?


Magnesium ribbon must be cleaned before burning in the air because the layer of magnesium oxide is formed on the ribbon due to the reaction of magnesium with air slowing down or interfering with the burning process. So it is cleaned in order to get the desired chemical reaction i.e 2Mg+O2⟶2MgO. Q.

Which of these reactions leads to a change in the hybridization of one or more carbon atoms? oxidation of an alcohol to yield a carboxylic acid neutralization of an amine using a strong mineral substitution of an aromatic ring using a halogen free radical halogenation of an alkane hydrolysis of an ester to yield an acid and an alcohol


All of these reactions can potentially lead to a change in the hybridization of one or more carbon atoms, but the extent of the change and the specific details of the reaction will depend on the specific reaction being considered.

Oxidation of an alcohol to yield a carboxylic acid: This reaction typically involves the addition of an oxygen atom to the carbon atom that was bonded to the hydroxyl group in the alcohol, as well as the removal of two hydrogen atoms. This can result in a change in the hybridization of the carbon atom, depending on the specific alcohol being oxidized and the conditions of the reaction.

Neutralization of an amine using a strong mineral acid: This reaction typically involves the addition of a proton to the nitrogen atom in the amine, as well as the removal of a hydroxyl group. This can result in a change in the hybridization of the nitrogen atom, depending on the specific amine being neutralized and the conditions of the reaction.

Substitution of an aromatic ring using a halogen: This reaction typically involves the substitution of a hydrogen atom on the aromatic ring with a halogen atom. This can result in a change in the hybridization of the carbon atom bonded to the hydrogen atom that is replaced, depending on the specific aromatic compound and the conditions of the reaction.

Halogenation of an alkane: This reaction typically involves the substitution of one or more hydrogen atoms on an alkane with a halogen atom. This can result in a change in the hybridization of the carbon atoms bonded to the hydrogen atoms that are replaced, depending on the specific alkane and the conditions of the reaction.

Hydrolysis of an ester to yield an acid and an alcohol: This reaction typically involves the addition of a hydroxyl group to the carbon atom that was bonded to the ester group, as well as the removal of the oxygen atom that was bonded to the same carbon atom. This can result in a change in the hybridization of the carbon atom, depending on the specific ester being hydrolyzed and the conditions of the reaction.

Find more about Hybridisation


Balance the Equation
________Fe+ ______ Cl₂ → ________ FeCl₃





Fe has positive ions and hence to balance you add two ions to each side of the equation.

The speed of light constant (c) is:
3.00 x 108(m/s)
6.626 x 10-34(J)


The speed of light constant ( c ) is 3.00 × 108 ( m / s ). Therefore, option A is correct.

What is speed ?

Speed is what it means. the speed at which an object's location changes in any direction. The distance traveled in relation to the time it took to travel that distance is how speed is defined. Since speed simply has a direction and no magnitude, it is a scalar quantity.

"As a force, that is the speed of light in a vacuum. If you wonder why c, the Latin term celeritas, which means speed, is the solution."

This establishes the exact value of the speed of light in a vacuum at 299,792,458 m/s. This gives a very succinct response to the question, It does not, however, settle the issue. The SI is based on a lot of real-world factors.

Thus, option A is correct.

To learn more about the speed, follow the link;


Which of the following is a valid combustion reaction?
O C₂H4 + O2 → 2C + 2H₂O
O Mg + H₂O → MgO + H₂
O N₂ + 2022NO₂
OS+0₂ S + H₂O


Response: N2 + 2O2 = 2NO2.

An entire or partial burning of items occurs during a combustion event when oxygen is present.

The appropriate combustion reaction in this instance is N2(g) + 2O2(g) 2NO2 (g)

The reaction demonstrates how nitrogen gas burns in the air to create nitrogen (IV) oxide.

Precipitation reactions, decomposition reactions, synthesis processes, single and double replacement reactions, among others, are different types of chemical reactions.

Study up on Synthesis reactions.



choices for blanks: precipitation, acid-base, redox. choices may be repeated, or not, in the different blanks) the reaction between caesium metal and chlorine gas is a(n) reaction. on the other hand, the reaction between ammonia and vinegar is a(n) reaction and the one between sodium iodide and lead(ii) perchlorate is a(n) reaction


In this question we are asked to fill up the blank in the following statement:

The reaction between cesium metal and chlorine gas is a ___ reaction. on the other hand, the reaction between ammonia and vinegar is a____ reaction and the one between sodium iodide and lead(ii) perchlorate is a ____ reaction.

For first blank, answer will be Redox reaction. As for reaction between  cesium metal and chlorine gas, chlorine undergoes reduction and cesium undergoes oxidation.For second blank, answer will be Acid-Base reaction, As for the reaction between ammonia and vinegar where ammonia is a bas and vinegar is acetic acid that undergoes acid base reaction.For third blank, answer will be Precipitation reaction.

So, the statement becomes:

The reaction between cesium metal and chlorine gas is a Redox reaction reaction.

On the other hand, the reaction between ammonia and vinegar is a Acid Base Reaction, and

The one between sodium iodide and lead(ii) perchlorate is a  Precipitation Reaction..

To know more Chemical Reaction:


You are working as a research assistant and the four bottles of the solutions needed for the experiment have no labels. The solutions are glucose, hexane, potassium iodide (KI) and ethanol. Using your understanding of physical and chemical properties, chemical reactions and macromolecules composition, design an experiment to determine the identity of the solution found in each bottle.


A chemical substance, pharmaceutical, and dietary supplement all refer to potassium iodide. A metal halide made of potassium and iodide with expectorant and thyroid-protecting effects is known as potassium iodide.

The potassium cation (K+) and the iodide anion form an ionic connection in the metal-halide salt known as potassium iodide (I–). It appears as cubical crystals, powder, or white granules and ranges in colour from colourless to white. It tastes quite salty and unpleasant. Iodine and potassium hydroxide are mixed to create this chemical.

Compounds contain elements in predetermined ratios.

Each compound has a certain set of characteristics.

Only chemical breakdown can separate compounds.

Compound particles only come in one type.

They are all the same, or homogenous.

To learn more about potassium please click on below link


from each partial (valence level) orbital diagram, write the ground-state electron configuration and group number


The electron configuration and group number is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^10

What is electron configuration?

Electron configuration is the distribution of electrons of an atom or molecule in atomic or molecular orbitals. It describes the energy levels, orbitals, and the number of electrons in each of the atom's orbitals. Electron configuration provides an understanding of the atom's structure, reactivity, and the likelihood of chemical reactions to occur. It also serves as a predictor of the atom's physical and chemical properties. Electron configuration is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus and the principal quantum number of the electron.

This is the ground-state electron configuration for the element titanium, which is located in group 4 of the periodic table.
The 1s orbital is filled with two electrons, the 2s orbital is filled with two electrons, the 2p orbital is filled with six electrons, the 3s orbital is filled with two electrons, the 3p orbital is filled with six electrons, the 4s orbital is filled with two electrons, and the 3d orbital is filled with ten electrons. This configuration of electrons corresponds with titanium's position in group 4 of the periodic table, which contains elements with four valence electrons in the outermost energy level.

To learn more about electron configuration

Match each property of a liquid to what it indicates about the relative strength of the intermolecular forces in that liquid. Strong intermolecular forces Weak intermolecular forces Answer Bank high boiling point high vapor pressure high viscosity high surface tension


Powerful molecular forces Intermolecular forces that are weak Answer bank High surface tension, high viscosity, high vapor pressure, and high boiling point.

A liquid's resistance to flowing is determined by its viscosity. Viscosity is a measure of how strongly intermolecular forces are present in a liquid. All four parameters—boiling point, melting temperature, surface tension, and viscosity—decline significantly. The substance's vapor pressure rises as a result of the molecules' easy escape due to weak forces. In a closed container, vapor pressure develops when liquid molecules have enough kinetic energy to break free from the intermolecular interactions and transform into a gas. The magnitude of intermolecular forces has an inverse relationship with vapor pressure.

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or A parabola opening up or down has vertex (0, 2) and passes through (4, 1). Write its equation in vertex form. Simplify any fractions. . three football teams are taking part in a tournament. each team plays each other team once. for a win the team scores 3 points, the other team 0 points. for a draw both teams get 1 point each. which number of points is impossible, for any team to reach at the end of this tournament? Why is less energy produced during anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration? what are the magnitude and location (with respective to point a) of the resultant force on the horizontal gate? the gate width is w. fluid density is r. you can leave your answer in terms of variables (w, r, and g). which of the following statements is false regarding the equilibrium constant, kc?13)a)the numerical value of kc depends on the form of the balanced equation.b)kc for a reaction at a particular temperature always has the same value.c)when quoting kc it is customary to omit units.d)kc for the reverse reaction is the negative of kc for the forward reaction Number 7. There is no answer key, no need to explain , just need the answer. find output for the givin inputFor f(x)=-5x+1, find (3). (Write appropriate technical term for the following): (a) (Business through Internet.) (b)A types of network in which each computer can act as a server as well as client. d (The smallest unit to represent information on quantum computer although the nazi regime did use violence, it also used films, newspapers, radio programs, textbooks, and even youth groups and comic books aimed at children, to influence much of the populace to cooperate with nazi actions and programs, which they came to see as necessary and reasonable. what is this kind of consensus an example of? 2. Find the value of x. 3x-9 which of the following would be considered an input device? cpu cpu microsoft word microsoft word keyboard keyboard printer What is the percent decrease from 100 to 82 On the basis of the diagram above showing an economy's production possibilities curve for two goods, which of the following statements must be true?I. The opportunity cost of moving from point P to point R is 10 units of Y.II. The opportunity cost of moving from point R to point P is 8 units of X.III. The opportunity cost of moving from point Q to point R is 0 units of Y.II and IIII and IIII, II, and III True, I replied, I had forgotten; of course they must have a relishsalt, and olives, and cheese, and they will boil roots and herbs such as country people prepare; for a dessert we shall give them figs, and peas, and beans; and they will roast myrtle-berries and acorns at the fire, drinking in moderation. And with such a diet they may be expected to live in peace and health to a good old age, and bequeath a similar life to their children after them. How does the speaker use inductive reasoning to support the claim that a moderate lifestyle will lead to health and happiness?He moves from a specific observation about peoples needs to a general conclusion about future generations.He moves from a general premise about cooking to a specific conclusion about achieving peace in the future.He moves from a specific pattern in food preparation to a generalization about planning for a celebration.He moves from a trend in peoples eating habits to a generalization about the role of children. How can you represent and operate on numbers that are not on the real number line? boat moves north at a velocity of 2.5 m/s while the current moves downstream at 6.0 m/s east. What is the resultant velocity of the boat, relative to an observer on the shore? A) 4.5 m/s, NEB ) 4.5 m/s, SEC ) 6.5 m/s, NED ) 6.5 m/s, SEE) 8.5 m/s, NE On average, a black worker earns about cents for every dollar earn by his/her white counterpart. a defendant's failure to do what a reasonable and prudent person would do in the samecircumstances creates liability for According to the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach, a firm's cost of retained eamings, rs, can be estimated by adding a risk premium of 3 to 5 percentage points toa. its after-tax interest cost of debt, rsTb. its cost of preferred stock, rpsC. its return on equity (ROE)d. the risk free rate of return.e. its before-tax interest cost of debt, rs. How does the seafloor record Earth's magnetic field, also known as palomagnetism?