Consider an equilibrium (K1) that is established after 10 mL of compound A and 10 mL of compound B are mixed. Now, imagine the equilibrium (K2) where 1 mL of compound A is added to 100 mL of compound B. How are K1 and K2 related algebraically (read this question VERY carefully, at least one more time)


Answer 1

The equilibrium constant K₁ = Equilbrium constant K₂.

The equilibrium constant, K, of a reaction, is defined as:

"The ratio between concentration of products powered to their reaction quotient and concentration of reactants powered to thier reaction quotient".

For the reaction:

aA + bB ⇄ cC + dD

The equilibrium constant, K, is:

[tex]K = \frac{[C]^c[D]^d}{[A]^a[B]^b}[/tex]

Now, assuming the reaction of the problem is 1:1:

A + B ⇄ C + D

[tex]K = \frac{[C][D]}{[A][B]}[/tex]

The concentrations of the reactants are directly proportional to the volume added. Thus, we can assume that concentration = Volume. Replacing for K₁ and K₂:

[tex]K_1 = \frac{[C][D]}{[10mL][10mL]} = K_1 = \frac{[C][D]}{100mL^2}[/tex]

In the same way:

[tex]K_2 = \frac{[C][D]}{[1mL][100mL]} = K_2 = \frac{[C][D]}{100mL^2}[/tex]

Thus, we can say:

K₁ = K₂

Learn more about chemical equilibrium in:

Related Questions

A skydiver slows down from 65 m/s to 5 m/s by opening the parachute. If this
takes 0.75 seconds, what is the skydiver's acceleration?
A. 45 m/s2 up
B. 80 m/s2 up
C. 45 m/s2 down
D. 80 m/s2 down



D. -80m/s^2


V = u + at

5 = 65 + a (0.75)

0.75a = -60

a = -60/0.75

a = -80m/s^2

Therefore, is decelerating at 80m/s^2


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf D. \ 80 \ m/s^2 \ down}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the acceleration of a skydiver. Acceleration is the change in velocity over the change in time, so the formula for calculating acceleration is:

[tex]a= \frac{v_f-v_i}{t}[/tex]

The skydiver was initially traveling 65 meters per second, then he slowed down to a final velocity of 5 meters per second. He slowed down in 0.75 seconds.

[tex]\bullet \ v_f = 5 \ m/s \\\bullet \ v_i= 65 \ m/s \\\bullet \ t= 0.75 \ s[/tex]

Substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]a= \frac{ 5 \ m/s - 65 \ m/s}{0.75 \ s}[/tex]

Solve the numerator.

[tex]a= \frac{-60 \ m/s}{0.75 \ s}[/tex]


[tex]a= -80 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The acceleration of the skydiver is -80 meters per second squared or 80 meters per second squared down. The skydiver is slowing down or decelerating, so the acceleration is negative or down.

what is valency of an atom?​


The number of replaceable electrons in an atom is called its valency.


Monovalent - HydrogenDivalent - Oxygen

Valency = 8 - Number of electron in last shell [When number of electrons in last shell > 4]

Valency = Number of electron in last shell [When number of electrons in last shell < 4]

Thanks !



the combining capacity if an atom is know as valency.

the property of an element that determines the number of other atimd with an aton if the element can combine.

Determine the effect each given mutation would have on the rate of glycolysis in muscle cells.

a. loss of binding site for fructose 1 ,6-bisphophate in pyruvate kinase.
b. loss of allosteric binding site for ATP in pyruvate kinase.
c. loss of allosteric binding site for AMP in phosphofructokinase.
d. loss of regulatory binding site for ATP in phosphofructokinase.

1. Increase
2. decrease
3. No effect



a. Decrease

b. Increase

c. Increase

d. No effect


Glycolysis is present in muscle cells which converts glucose to pyruvate, water and NADH. It produces two molecules of ATP. Cellular respiration produces more molecules of ATP from pyruvate in mitochondria. Glycolysis increases in pyruvate kinase.

a. Loss of binding site for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate in pyruvate kinase: Decrease

b. Loss of allosteric binding site for ATP in pyruvate kinase: No effect

c. Loss of allosteric binding site for AMP in phosphofructokinase: Increase

d. Loss of regulatory binding site for ATP in phosphofructokinase: Increase

A. An important substrate in the glycolysis pathway is fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. It stimulates pyruvate kinase, an essential enzyme in glycolysis. The amount of pyruvate kinase that is activated will decrease if the fructose 1,6-bisphosphate binding site in pyruvate kinase is eliminated. As a result the rate of glycolysis in the muscle cells will probably decrease.

B. The allosteric ATP binding site of pyruvate kinase controls how active the enzyme is. However, pyruvate kinase is not significantly regulated by ATP in muscle cells. Therefore, it is unlikely that deletion of the ATP-binding allosteric site in pyruvate kinase would have no effect on the rate of glycolysis in muscle cells.

C. The rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis, phosphofructokinase, is activated from all forms by AMP. It increases the rate of glycolysis by stimulating the activity of phosphofructokinase. If the allosteric binding site for AMP is eliminated, phosphofructokinase activation will be reduced. As a result, the rate of glycolysis in muscle cells will decrease.

D. Phosphofructokinase is inhibited allosterically by ATP. It regulates the rate of glycolysis by a feedback mechanism. High ATP concentrations cause phosphofructokinase to bind to its regulatory site, limiting its activity and delaying glycolysis. If the regulatory binding site for ATP is eliminated, the inhibitory action of ATP on phosphofructokinase would be lost. As a result, muscle cells will glycolysis at a faster rate.

Learn more about glycolysis, here:


calculate the volume of 20.5g of oxygen occupied at standard temperature and pressure.what the volume​


Answer :

volume of a gas = weight * 22.4 l / gram molecular weight

volume of o2 = ?

weight given = 20.5 g

gram molecular weight of oxygen = 32 (because of 2 oxygen atoms )

volume of oxygen = 20.5 * 22.4 / 32

volume of oxygen = 14.35 liters  


hope this helps you

if wrong just correct me

Which subshells are found in each of the following shells
electron subshell - M shell





The electron shells are labelled as K,L,M,N,O,P, and Q or 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7.

As we go from innermost shell outwards, this number denotes the number of subshell in the shell. Electrons in outer shells have higher average energy and travel farther from the nucleus than those in inner shells.

Hence, M shell contains s,p and d subshells.

1. Draw the condensed structural formula of sodium benzoate showing all charges, atoms including any lone pairs in the side chain functional group, and all sigma and pi bonds.
2. Draw the condensed structural formula of benzoic acid showing all atoms including any lone pairs in the side chain functional group, and all sigma and pi bonds. Indicate the acidic hydrogen.
3. Draw the condensed structural formula of tetrahydrofuran (THF) showing all heteroatoms plus their lone pairs and all sigma and pi bonds.


The structures are shown in the image attached.

A structural formula is the representation of the molecule in which all atoms and bonds in the molecule are shown.

Since the question requires that all the lone pairs, formal charges and sigma and pi bonds should be shown, then the simple condensed structural formula becomes insufficient in this case.

I have attached images of the structural formula of sodium benzoate (image 1), benzoic acid (image 2)  and tetrahydrofuran (image 3).

All the formal charges, lone pairs as well as sigma and pi bonds are fully shown.

name a factor tht affects the value of electron affinity​



Atomic sizeNuclear chargesymmetry of the electronic configuration
Various factors that affect electron affinity are atomic size, nuclear charge and the symmetry of the electronic configuration. Atomic size: With increase in the atomic size, the distance between the nucleus and the incoming electron also increases.

what is the difference between 25ml and 25.00ml​



There is no difference between the two.


They both show the same volume. But, adding decimal places shows the least count of the instrument used and is more acceptable when recording values in scientific experiments

What type of bonding is occuring in the compound below?

A. Covalent polar
B. Metallic
C. Ionic
D. Covalent nonpolar



(B). it's metallic bonding

A sample of a compound is analyzed and found to contain 0.420 g nitrogen, 0.480g oxygen, 0.540 g carbon and 0.135 g hydrogen. What is the empirical formula of the compound? a. C2H5NO b. CH3NO c. C3H9N2O2 d. C4HN3O4 e. C4H13N3O3



c. C3H9N2O2


The empirical formula of a compound is defined as the simplest whole number ratio of atoms present in a molecule. To solve this question we need to convert the mass of each atom to moles. With the moles we can find the ratio as follows:

Moles N -Molar mass: 14.01g/mol-

0.420g N * (1mol/14.01g) = 0.0300 moles N

Moles O -Molar mass: 16g/mol-

0.480g O * (1mol/16g) = 0.0300 moles O

Moles C -Molar mass: 12.01g/mol-

0.540g C * (1mol/12.01g) = 0.0450 moles C

Moles H -Molar mass: 1.0g/mol-

0.135g H * (1mol/1g) = 0.135moles H

Dividing in the moles of N (Lower number of moles) the ratio of atoms is:

N = 0.0300 moles N / 0.0300 moles N = 1

O = 0.0300 moles O / 0.0300 moles N = 1

C = 0.0450 moles C / 0.0300 moles N = 1.5

H = 0.135 moles H / 0.0300 moles N = 4.5

As the empirical formula requires whole numbers, multiplying each ratio twice:

N = 2, O = 2, C = 3 and H = 9

And the empirical formula is:

c. C3H9N2O2

What is the mass of a piece of iron if its density is 1.98 g/mL and its volume is 2.45 mL?
0.80 g
2.71 g



4.858 g


Start with the formula

density = [tex]\frac{mass}{volume}[/tex]

density = 1.98 g/mL

volume = 2.45 mL

mass = ??

rearrange the formula to solve for mass

(density) x (volume) = mass

Add in the substitutes and solve for mass

1.98 g/mL x 2.45 mL = 4.858 g

Please help thank you





Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to solve this problem by firstly setting up the equilibrium expression for the given reaction, in agreement to the law of mass action:


Next, we plug in the given concentrations on the data table to obtain:



What is the molality of a glucose solution prepared by dissolving 16.7 g of glucose, C6H12O6, in 133.6 g of water



0.696 m


We'll begin by calculating the number of mole in 16.7 g of C₆H₁₂O₆. This can be obtained as follow:

Mass of C₆H₁₂O₆ = 16.7 g

Molar mass of C₆H₁₂O₆ = (6×12) + (12×1) + (6×16)

= 72 + 12 + 96

= 180 g/mol

Mole of C₆H₁₂O₆ =?

Mole = mass / molar mass

Mole of C₆H₁₂O₆ = 16.7 / 180

Mole of C₆H₁₂O₆ = 0.093 mole

Next, we shall convert 133.6 g of water to Kg. This can be obtained as follow:

1000 g = 1 Kg


133.6 g = 133.6 g × 1 Kg / 1000 g

133.6 g = 0.1336 Kg

Thus, 133.6 g is equivalent to 0.1336 Kg.

Finally, we shall determine the molality of the solution. This can be obtained as illustrated below:

Mole of C₆H₁₂O₆ = 0.093 mole

Mass of water = 0.1336 Kg

Molality =?

Molality = mole / mass of water (in Kg)

Molality = 0.093 / 0.1336

Molality = 0.696 m

Therefore, the molality of the solution is 0.696 m

Melanie has completed the analysis of her data for the reaction of KMnO4 with malonic acid and data for a reaction of KMnO4 with tartaric acid. She compared the activation energies, Ea, she calculated for the two reactions and found the Ea for the malonic acid reaction to be greater than the Ea for the tartaric acid reaction.

What does this mean about the magnitude of the rate constant, k, and the rate of the reaction?



See explanation


The relationship between the activation energy and rate of reaction is best captured by the Arrhenius equation;

k= Ae^-Ea/RT


k= rate constant

A= pre-exponential factor

Ea=activation energy

R= gas constant

T= temperature

We can see from the foregoing that, as the activation energy increases, the rate of reaction decreases and vice versa. reactions that have a very high activation energy are markedly slow.

Since the activation energy for the malonic acid reaction is found to be greater than the activation energy for the tartaric acid reaction, then the rate of the malonic acid reaction(k) will be slower than that of the tartaric acid reaction.

The study of chemistry and bonds is called chemistry. There are two types of elements metal and nonmetals.

The correct answer is mentioned below.

What is the Arrhenius equation?The relationship between the activation energy and rate of reaction is best captured by the Arrhenius equation

The equation is as follows:-

[tex]k= Ae^{-Ea/RT[/tex] Where;

k= rate constantA= pre-exponential factorEa=activation energyR= gas constantT= temperature

We can see from the foregoing that, as the activation energy increases, the rate of reaction decreases and vice versa. reactions that have very high activation energy are markedly slow. Since the activation energy for the malonic acid reaction is found to be greater than the activation energy for the tartaric acid reaction, then the rate of the malonic acid reaction(k) will be slower than that of the tartaric acid reaction.

Hence, the correct answer is mentioned above.

For more information about the equation, refer to the link:-

Proteins are:
amino acids.


Proteins are Amino acids
Proteins are made of amino acids. They are macromoluces made up of smaller amino acid chains.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Tick (√) the statements that are correct.

a) By eating rice alone, we can fulfil nutritional requirement of our body. ( )
b) Deficiency Diseases can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. ( )
c) Balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items. ( )
d) Meat alone. is sufficient to provide all nutrients to the body. ( )​


b) (√)



give one use of zinc​


Most Zinc are used to galvanise other metals such as iron which helps to prevent rusting
If you need any more let me know

Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is mixed with water to make auto engine coolants. How many grams of C2H6O2 are in 5.00 L of a 6.00 M aqueous solution





It is known that the molar mass of C2H6O2 is 62.08 g/mol.,

Now to  solve for the number of moles of solute, one must multiply both

sides by the volume:

moles of solute = (6.00 M)(5.00 L) = 30.0 mol

Notice since the definition of molarity is mol/L, the

product M × L gives mol, a unit of amount.

Use the molar  mass of C3H8O3, one can convert mol to g:

Mass m =30 mol × 62.08 g/mol

m = 1860g.

Hence, there are 1,860 g of C2H6O2 in the specified amount of

engine coolant.

0.28 M Ca(NO3)2
Express your answer using two significant figures.



Mass=Moles × RFM

Mass= 0.28M× 164

Mass= 45.92 grammes

Carbonic anhydrase is strongly inhibited by the drug acetazolamide, which is used as a diuretic (i.e., to increase the production of urine) and to lower excessively high pressure in the eye (due to accumulation of intraocular fluid) in glaucoma.

a. True
b. False



a. True


There is strong inhibition of Carbon Anhydrase by Aceta-zolamide Carbonic Anhydrase. The drug acetazolamide is used as diuretic which increase the urine production in human body. It lowers pressure in eye in glaucoma.

What is the molecular geometry of CIO3F as predicted by the VSEPR model?

Multiple Choice
trigonal pyramidal
square planar
square pyramidal



since there are no lone pairs on the central atom, the shape will be tetrahedral

Plastic is a polymer




*not sure about this answer

True I believe

Hope I’m right sorry if I’m not

A gas occupies a volume of 202 ml at a pressure of 505 torr. To what pressure must the gas be subject in order to change the volume to 65.0 ml



1569 torr


Assuming ideal behaviour and constant temperature, we can solve this problem by using Boyle's law, which states:

V₁P₁ = V₂P₂

Where in this case:

V₁ = 202 mLP₁ = 505 torrV₂ = 65.0 mLP₂ = ?

We input the data given by the problem:

202 mL * 505 torr = 65.0 mL * P₂

And solve for P₂:

P₂ = 1569 torr

What is the direct function of the energy released from the nuclear chain reaction in a nuclear power plant? turning the blades of the turbine heating water to produce steam powering the condenser carrying electricity from the plant to consumers



the energy released is to make steam to create electricity. yes you are right i just didnt feel like being super technical

In a nuclear reaction, the  direct function of the energy released from the nuclear chain reaction in a nuclear power plant is turning the blades of the turbine heating water to produce steam .

What are nuclear reactions?

There are two types of nuclear reactions which are nuclear fusion and nuclear fission .They involve the combination and disintegration of the element's nucleus respectively.

In nuclear fission, the nucleus of the atom is bombarded with electrons of low energy which splits the nucleus in to two parts .Large amount of energy is released in the process.It is used in nuclear power reactors as it produces large amount of energy.

In nuclear fusion,on the other hand, is a reaction which occurs when two or more atoms combine to form a heavy nucleus.Large amount of energy is released in the process which is greater than that of the energy which is released in nuclear fission process.

Learn more about nuclear reactions,here:


Assuming tea leaves contain 5.0% caffeine by weight what is the maximum weight of caffeine you could isolate from 10.g of tea leaves? Show your work.



0.50 g Caffeine


Step 1: Given data

Concentration of caffeine by weight in tea leaves: 5.0%

Mass of tea leaves: 10. g

Step 2: Calculate the maximum weight of caffeine that can be isolated

The concentration of caffeine by weight in tea leaves is 5.0%, that is, there are 5.0 g of caffeine per 100 g of tea leaves. The maximum weight of caffeine in 10. g of tea leaves is:

10. g Tea leaves × 5.0 g Caffeine/100 g Tea leaves = 0.50 g Caffeine

A ligand is a molecule or ion that acts as a



Lewis base/electron pair donors


Ligands are ions or neutral molecules which bond together with a central ion. They act as election pair donors, also known as Lewis bases, while the central ion they are connected to acts as the acceptor.

Therefore, a ligand is a molecule or ion that acts as a Lewis base/electron pair donors

Explain the term global warming​


Answer: A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.





please translate in english

Help naming this plzzzzzzzzzzzzz



A. 3-chloro-1-methylcyclobutane.


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to infer that the name of this compound is A. 3-chloro-1-methylcyclobutane because of the fact that the parent chain is a cyclobutane which starts by the methyl radical as it has the priority over the chlorine radical which is actually named first at the third carbon (clockwise).

Therefore the name is given in A, accordingly to the IUPAC rules of nomenclature.


The compound chromium(II) chloride is a strong electrolyte. Write the transformation that occurs when solid chromium(II) chloride dissolves in water. Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s).



CrCl₂(s) ⇒ Cr²⁺(aq) + 2 Cl⁻(aq)


Chromium (II) chloride is a strong electrolyte, that is, when dissolved in water, it completely dissociates into the ions. The cation is chromium (II) and the anion is chloride. The balanced equation for the solution of chromium (II) chloride is:

CrCl₂(s) ⇒ Cr²⁺(aq) + 2 Cl⁻(aq)

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