Consider the following results for two independent random samples taken from two populations.

Sample 1 Sample 2
n1=50 n2=35
x¯1=13.6 x¯2=11.6
σ1=2.2 σ2=3.0

a. What is the point estimate of the difference between the two population means?
b. Provide a 90% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means.
c. Provide a 95% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means.


Answer 1


a. 2

b. The 90% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means is (1.02, 2.98).

c. The 95% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means is (0.83, 3.17).

Step-by-step explanation:

Before solving this question, we need to understand the central limit theorem and the subtraction of normal variables.

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem establishes that, for a normally distributed random variable X, with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the sampling distribution of the sample means with size n can be approximated to a normal distribution with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]s = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex].

For a skewed variable, the Central Limit Theorem can also be applied, as long as n is at least 30.

Subtraction between normal variables:

When two normal variables are subtracted, the mean is the difference of the means, while the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the variances.

Sample 1:

[tex]\mu_1 = 13.6, s_1 = \frac{2.2}{\sqrt{50}} = 0.3111[/tex]

Sample 2:

[tex]\mu_2 = 11.6, s_2 = \frac{3}{\sqrt{35}} = 0.5071[/tex]

Distribution of the difference:

[tex]\mu = \mu_1 - \mu_2 = 13.6 - 11.6 = 2[/tex]

[tex]s = \sqrt{s_1^2+s_2^2} = \sqrt{0.3111^2+0.5071^2} = 0.595[/tex]

a. What is the point estimate of the difference between the two population means?

Sample difference, so [tex]\mu = 2[/tex]

b. Provide a 90% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means.

We have that to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.9}{2} = 0.05[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a pvalue of [tex]1 - 0.05 = 0.95[/tex], so Z = 1.645.

The margin of error is:

[tex]M = zs = 1.645(0.595) = 0.98[/tex]

The lower end of the interval is the sample mean subtracted by M. So it is 2 - 0.98 = 1.02

The upper end of the interval is the sample mean added to M. So it is 2 + 0.98 = 2.98

The 90% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means is (1.02, 2.98).

c. Provide a 95% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means.

Following the same logic as b., we have that [tex]Z = 1.96[/tex]. So

[tex]M = zs = 1.96(0.595) = 1.17[/tex]

The lower end of the interval is the sample mean subtracted by M. So it is 2 - 1.17 = 0.83

The upper end of the interval is the sample mean added to M. So it is 2 + 1.17 = 3.17

The 95% confidence interval for the difference between the two population means is (0.83, 3.17).

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I’m sorry really…. Need points
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please mark this answer as brainlist

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Step-by-step explanation:

-36 = 6(2-8n)





Which graph best represents the equation –x + 2y = 4?




Step-by-step explanation:

Convert the equation into slope intercept form : y=mx+b


y=1/2x + 2

The m is the slope and the b is the y intercept

In this equation, the slope is 1/2 and the y intercept is 2

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The formula is V=1/3Bh

write any five sentences of fraction?​


Step-by-step explanation:

Fractions represent equal parts of a whole or a collection. 

Fraction of a whole: When we divide a whole into equal parts, each part is a fraction of the whole. 

a fraction has 2 parts

The number on the top of the line is called the numerator. It tells how many equal parts of the whole or collection are taken.  The number below the line is called the denominator.  It shows the total divisible number of equal parts the whole into or the total number of equal parts which are there in a collection. 

There are different types of fraction

unit fractionimproper fractionproper fractionmixed fraction

What is distributive property???


A number multiplied by a sum is the same as the sum of the number multiplied by each addend; a(b + c) = ab + ac


the distributive property of binary operations generalizes the distributive law from elementary algebra, which asserts that one has always For example, one has One says that multiplication distributes over addition.

Calculate the break even sales dollars if the fixed expenses are $7,000 and the contribution ratio is 40%.



Break even sales = $17,500 (Approx.)

Step-by-step explanation:


Fixed expenses = $7,000

Contribution ratio = 40%


Break even sales dollars


Break even sales = Fixed expenses / Contribution ratio

Break even sales = 7,000 / 40%

Break even sales = 7,000 / 0.40

Break even sales = 17,500

Break even sales = $17,500 (Approx.)

In the figure, find the measure of TU⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯



TU = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given two secant segments that are drawn from a circle to meet at an exterior point of the circle. Thus, according to the secant secant theorem, the product of the measure of one secant segment and its external secant segment equals that of the product of the other and its external secant segment.




7(x + 4) = 9(-2 + x)

7x + 28 = -18 + 9x

Collect like terms

7x - 9x = -18 - 28

-2x = -46

Divide both sides by -2

x = -46/-2

x = 23

✔️TU = x + 4

Plug in the value of x

TU = 23 + 4

TU = 27

A simple random sample of 400 individuals provides 112 Yes responses. (a) What is the point estimate of the proportion of the population that would provide Yes responses



The point estimate of the proportion of the population that would provide Yes responses is 0.28.

Step-by-step explanation:

Point estimate of the proportion of the population that would provide Yes

The sample proportion of yes responses.

In the sample:

112 yes responses in the sample of 400, so:

[tex]p = \frac{112}{400} = 0.28[/tex]

The point estimate of the proportion of the population that would provide Yes responses is 0.28.

56 x 10^-4)
Group of answer choices

2.37 x 10^-16

4.21 x 10^15

2.4 x 10^-16

4.2 x 10^15


9514 1404 393


  (d)  4.2×10^15

Step-by-step explanation:

Your calculator will tell you the quotient is about ...


The least precise number in the division is 1.5, which has 2 significant digits. Therefore, the result should be rounded to 2 significant digits:


The whole number 23 is an example of a ____ number.

prime or composite?


The answer is prime! I hope this helps you out!


23 is a prime number. Reason: Prime number are those numbers which are divisible by 1 and itself. Example: 5 is divisible by 1 and 5 only.

helpppp asap pleaseee



29/3 is your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

pls mark as brainliest

Use the discriminant to describe the roots of each equation. Then select the best description.
7x² + 1 = 5x



Imaginary roots

Step-by-step explanation:

The discriminant of a quadratic in standard form [tex]ax^2+bx+c[/tex] is given by [tex]b^2-4ac[/tex].

Given [tex]7x^2+1=5x[/tex], subtract 5x from both sides so that the quadratic is in standard form:


Now assign variables:

[tex]a\implies 7[/tex] [tex]b\implies -5[/tex] [tex]c\implies 1[/tex]

The discriminant is therefore [tex](-5)^2-4(7)(1)=25-28=\textbf{-3}[/tex].

What does this tell us about the roots?

Recall that the discriminant is what is under the radical in the quadratic formula. The quadratic formula is used to find the solutions of a quadratic. Therefore, the solutions of this quadratic would be equal to [tex]\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{-3}}{2a}[/tex] for some [tex]b[/tex] and [tex]a[/tex]. Since the number under the radical is negative, there are no real roots to the quadratic (whenever the discriminant is negative, the are zero real solutions to the quadratic). Therefore, the quadratic has imaginary roots.

Wayne has a rectangular painting. The width of the painting is

of a foot, and the length is
of a foot. What is the area of the painting?



5/8 ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle is given by

A = l*w  where l is the length and w is the width

A = 5/6 * 3/4

A = 3/6 * 5/4

A = 1/2 * 5/4

A = 5/8 ft^2

The circle graph above shows the distribution of utility expenses for the Hierra family last year. If the family’s total utility expenses last year were $3,600, what were their expensive go water and sewer.
Water and sewer=X%
Heating and gas=50%



The correct answer is - $720 or 20%.

Step-by-step explanation:


Total expense = 3600


Heating and gas=50%

Water and sewer=X%


For electric: 3600*30/100 = 1080

for heating and gas: 3600*50/100 = 1800

Left money for expense of water and shower = total - (electric and heating)

= 3600-1880

= 720

Percentage of water and shower = 720*100/3600

= 20%



Step-by-step explanation:

Thank you this is correct :) I took the test

thank you for the help every one



1. 1.66in

2. 6.66in

3. 3.33in

4. 1inch

Step-by-step explanation:

the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length times width or the two sides.

5 x 1/3 is about 1.66 inches

5 x 4/3 is about 6.66 inches

5/2 x 4/3 is about 3.33 inches

and 7/6 x 6/7 is 1 inch

What is the sum of the geometric sequence 1, 3, 9, ... if there are 10 terms? (5 points)



[tex]S_n = \frac{1 (1 - 3^{10})}{1 - 3} = 29524[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

There's a handy formula we can use to find the sum of a geometric sequence, and here it is

[tex]S_n = \frac{a_1 (1 - r^n)}{1 - r}[/tex]

The value n represents the amount of terms you want to sum in the sequence. The variable r is known as the common ratio, and a is just some constant. Let's find those values.

First lets visualize this sequence

[tex]n_1 = 1\\n_2 = 1 + 3\\n_3 = 1 + 3 + 3^2\\n_4=1+3+3^2+3^3\\...[/tex]

Okay so there's clearly a pattern here, let's write it a bit more concisely. For each n, starting at 1, we raise 3 to the (n-1) power, add it to what we had for the previous term.

[tex]S_n = \sum{3^{n-1}} = 3^{1 - 1} + 3^{2 - 1} + 3^{3-1} ...[/tex]

Our coefficients of r, and a, are already here! As you can see below, r is just 3, and a is just 1.

[tex]S_n = \sum{a*r^{n-1}}[/tex]

To finish up lets plug these coefficients in and get our sum after 10 terms.

[tex]S_n = \frac{1 (1 - 3^{10})}{1 - 3} = 29524[/tex]

What is the discriminat of 2x+5x^=1



don't know...........

It's 24 hope that's helps u out

Write an explicit formula for the sequence.


Step-by-step explanation:

Sequence is
































If it is Arithmetic sequence,















& so on

In the given sum,




























Since the difference between the successive terms is same and


common difference




Solve -9 < 4x + 3 5 19.



C  -3 < x ≤ 4

Step-by-step explanation:

-9 < 4x + 3 ≤ 19.

Subtract 3 from all sides

-9-3 < 4x + 3-3 ≤ 19-3

-12 < 4x  ≤ 16

Divide by 4

-12/4 < 4x/4 ≤ 16/4

-3 < x ≤ 4

Give the domain and range of G={(6.0),(-9,-3),(1,-3)}



Step-by-step explanation:

D={ 6  , -9  , 1 }

R={  0  ,-3 }

The range is the set of________

A) First Coordinates
B) Ordered Pairs
C) Second coordinates



The range is the set of first coordinates

The distribution of widgets from a production line is known to be approximately normal with mean 2.7 inches and standard deviation 0.25 inches. About 95% of the distribution lies between what two values?
A. 2.45 inches and 3.2 inches
B. 2.45 inches and 2.95 inches
C. 2.2 inches and 3.2 inches
D. 1.95 inches and 3.45 inches


Option D is correct. 95% of the distribution lies between 1.9975inches and 3.4025inches.

To get the required range of values, we will have to first get the z-score for the two-tailed probability at a 95% confidence interval. According to the normal table, the required range is between -2.81 and 2.81

The formula for calculating the z-score is expressed as;

[tex]z=\frac{x-\overline x}{s}[/tex] where:

[tex]\overline x[/tex] is the mean

s is the standard deviation

z is the z-scores

Given the following

[tex]\overline x[/tex]=2.7 in

s = 0.25

if z = -2.81




Hence the 95% of the distribution lies between 1.9975inches and 3.4025inches.

Learn more on normal distribution here:

Please help me determine the general equation for the graph above as well as solve for a. Thank you.


Observe that the x coords of the roots of a polynomial are,


Which can be put into form,


with data


Now if I take any root point and insert it into the equation I won't be able to solve for y because they will always multiply to zero (ie. when I pick [tex]x=-3[/tex] the right hand side will multiply to zero,


and a will be "lost" in the process.

If we observed a non-root point that we could substitute with x and y and result in a non-loss process then you could find a. But since there is no such point (I don't think you can read it of the graph) there is no other viable way to find a.

Hope this helps :)

64x^12 + 27y^3



answer is (4x^4+3y)(16x^8-12x^4y+9y^2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 6 of 10
Which situation shows a constant rate of change?
A. The number of tickets sold compared with the number of minutes
before a football game
B. The height of a bird over time
C. The cost of a bunch of grapes compared with its weight
D. The outside temperature compared with the time of day


I’d personally say either A or C, and here’s why: with B and D, you don’t know what will change it, or make it go from a linear rate of change to exponential for B, and for D it’s more of a quadratic than a linear. It’s for that same reasoning that I’d hesitate to say A over C: there are other factors other than strictly the number of tickets sold and the number of minutes pre-football game. C, with the grapes, on the other hand, is a linear one that will always changeable depending on weight of the grapes.

a) the cost of a bunch of grapes compared with its weight


solve for x please help (show ur work)



x = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

12 -4x-5x = 39

Combine like terms

12 - 9x = 39

Subtract 12 from each side

12-9x-12 = 39-12

-9x = 27

Divide by -9

-9x/-9 = 27/-9

x = -3


x = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

12 - 4x - 5x = 39

Combine like terms

12 - 9x = 39

Subtract 12 from both sides

12 - 12 - 9x = 39 - 12

-9x = 27

Divide both sides by -9

-9x/-9 = 27/-9

x = -3

I need help ASAP please please please




Step-by-step explanation:



-5n= -15-24


n= 39/5

Please help me with 9 I really need it



605 boys.

Step-by-step explanation:

5:7 means 5 parts consists of boys and 7 parts consist of girls.

Since 7 parts = 847, 1 part = 121 and 5 parts = 605

Hence there are 605 boys.

Hope you have a nice day :)

1. (02.01)
Solve -4(x + 10) - 6 = -3(x - 2). (1 point)




Step-by-step explanation:

-4(x + 10) - 6 = -3(x - 2)

Distribute the left side to get:

(-4x + -40) - 6

Now distribute the right side to get:

-3x + 6

Arrange the equation as the following:

-4x - 40 - 6 = -3x + 6

Add the like terms on each side:

-4x - 46 = -3x + 6

Do the inverse operation of each term:

-x = 52

Now we need to get x to become a positive, so we just divide -x by -1 to get x.

And 52/-1 to get our final answer of -52.

Answer: -52

Step-by-step explanation:

-4(x + 10) - 6 = -3(x - 2)

Distribute the left side to get:

(-4x + -40) - 6

Now distribute the right side to get:

-3x + 6

Arrange the equation as the following:

-4x - 40 - 6 = -3x + 6

Add the like terms on each side:

-4x - 46 = -3x + 6

Do the inverse operation of each term:

-x = 52

Now we need to get x to become a positive, so we just divide -x by -1 to get x.

And 52/-1 to get our final answer of -52.

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