Consists of forging the return address on an email so that the message appears to come from someone other than the actual sender:_____.
A. Malicious code.
B. Hoaxes.
C. Spoofing.
D. Sniffer.


Answer 1


C. Spoofing.


Cyber security can be defined as preventive practice of protecting computers, software programs, electronic devices, networks, servers and data from potential theft, attack, damage, or unauthorized access by using a body of technology, frameworks, processes and network engineers.

Some examples of cyber attacks are phishing, zero-day exploits, denial of service, man in the middle, cryptojacking, malware, SQL injection, spoofing etc.

Spoofing can be defined as a type of cyber attack which typically involves the deceptive creation of packets from an unknown or false source (IP address), as though it is from a known and trusted source. Thus, spoofing is mainly used for the impersonation of computer systems on a network.

Basically, the computer of an attacker or a hacker assumes false internet address during a spoofing attack so as to gain an unauthorized access to a network.

Related Questions

If you fail a course as a MAIN (residency) course, you can repeat that course as either a MAIN (residency) or an online (IG or IIG) course.
A. True
B. False


it depends on where you are taking your courses. In most cases the answer would be true

Write a program that removes all non-alpha characters from the given input. Ex: If the input is: -Hello, 1 world$! the output is: Helloworld

Also, this needs to be answered by 11:59 tonight.




The following code is written in Python. It is a function that takes in a string as a parameter, loops through the string and checks if each character is an alpha char. If it is, then it adds it to an output variable and when it is done looping it prints the output variable. A test case has been provided and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def checkLetters(str):

   output = ''

   for char in str:

       if char.isalpha() == True:

           output += char

   return output

why concurrency control is needed in transaction.
And why Acid properties in transaction is important.



Concurrency Control in Database Management System is a procedure of managing simultaneous operations without conflicting with each other. It ensures that Database transactions are performed concurrently and accurately to produce correct results without violating data integrity of the respective Database.And The ACID properties, in totality, provide a mechanism to ensure correctness and consistency of a database in a way such that each transaction is a group of operations that acts a single unit, produces consistent results, acts in isolation from other operations and updates that it makes are durably stored.

Suppose that you write a subclass of Insect named Ant. You add a new method named doSomething to the Ant class. You write a client class that instantiates an Ant object and invokes the doSomething method. Which of the following Ant declarations willnot permit this? (2 points)I. Insect a = new Ant ();II. Ant a = new Ant ();III. Ant a = new Insect ();1) I only2) II only3) III only4) I and II only5) I and III only



5) I and III only


From the declarations listed both declarations I and III will not permit calling the doSomething() method. This is because in declaration I you are creating a superclass variable but initializing the subclass. In declaration III you are doing the opposite, which would work in Java but only if you cast the subclass to the superclass that you are initializing the variable with. Therefore, in these options the only viable one that will work without error will be II.

Given below are some facts and predicates for some knowledge base (KB). State if the unification for either variable x or y is possible or not. If the unification is possible then show the unified values for variables x and y.

a. American (Bob), American (y)
b. Enemy (Nono, America), Enemy(x,y)
c. Weapon (Missile), soldTo (Missile, y), Weapon (x), soldTo (x, Nono)
d. L(x, y), (L(y, x) ^ L(A, B))



Unification may be a process by which two logical individual atomic expressions, identical by replacing with a correct substitution. within the unification process, two literals are taken as input and made identical using the substitution process. There are some rules of substitution that has got to be kept in mind:

The predicate symbol must be an equivalent for substitution to require place.

The number of arguments that are present in both expressions must be equivalent.

Two similar variables can't be present within the same expression


a. American (Bob), American (y):-

In this scenario, Unification is feasible consistent with the principle. The substitution list is going to be [y/Bob].

b. Enemy (Nono, America), Enemy(x,y):-

In this scenario, the Unification is feasible consistent with the principles. The substitution list is going to be [x/Nono, y/America].

c. Weapon (Missile), soldTo (Missile, y), Weapon (x), soldTo (x, Nono):-

In this scenario, the Unification isn't possible because the predicate is different i.e. Weapon and soldTo.

d. L(x, y), (L(y, x) ^ L(A, B)):-

In this scenario, Unification isn't possible because the number of arguments is different within the given expression

LAB: Count characters - methods
Write a program whose input is a character and a string, and whose output indicates the number of times the character appears in the string.
Ex: If the input is
n Monday
the output is
Ex: If the input is
Today is Monday
the output is
Ex: If the input is
n it's a sunny day
the output is
Your program must define and call the following method that returns the number of times the input character appears in the input string public static int countCharacters (char userChar, String userString)
Note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a method
1 import java.util.Scanner
3 public class LabProgram
5 /* Define your method here */
7 public static void main(String[] args) {
8 Type your code here: * >
9 }
10 }



i hope understand you

mark me brainlist


using namespace std;

#include <iostream>


#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>


#define BLANK_CHAR (' ')



int CountCharacters(char userChar, char * userString)



int countReturn=0;


int n = strlen(userString);


for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<n; iLoop++)


       if (userString[iLoop]==userChar)









    Removes white spaces from passed string; returns pointer

     to the string that is stripped of the whitespace chars;


  Returns NULL pointer is empty string is passed;  

     Side Effects:




char * RemoveSpaces(char * userString)



 char * outbuff = NULL;


 if (userString!=NULL)


   int n = strlen(userString);

    outbuff = (char *) malloc(n);


   if (outbuff != NULL)



          int iIndex=0;

          //copies non-blank chars to outbuff

         for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<n; iLoop++)


           if (userString[iLoop]!=BLANK_CHAR)






   } //for










int main()



 char inbuff[255];




 char * outbuff = RemoveSpaces(inbuff);

 if (outbuff !=NULL)


    cout << ">" << outbuff << "<" << endl;








  char chChar;


 cin >> chChar;


 int iCount = CountCharacters(chChar,inbuff);

 cout << " char " << chChar << " appears " << iCount << " time(s) in >" << inbuff << "<" << endl;



Write the code to replace only the first two occurrences of the word second by a new word in a sentence. Your code should not exceed 4 lines. Example output Enter sentence: The first second was alright, but the second second was long.
Enter word: minute Result: The first minute was alright, but the minute second was long.




The following code was written in Python. It asks the user to input a sentence and a word, then it replaces the first two occurrences in the sentence with the word using the Python replace() method. Finally, it prints the new sentence. The code is only 4 lines long and a test output can be seen in the attached image below.

sentence = input("Enter a sentence: ")

word = input("Enter a word: ")

replaced_sentence = sentence.replace('second', word, 2);


Carl is planning for a large advertising campaign his company will unveil. He is concerned that his current e-commerce server farm hosted in a public cloud will be overwhelmed and suffer performance problems. He is researching options to dynamically add capacity to the web server farm to handle the anticipated additional workload. You are brought in to consult with him on his options. What can you recommend as possible solutions



Cloud Bursting


One of the best possible solutions for this scenario would be Cloud Bursting. This is a solution of using Cloud Server services to handle the server farm workload. The difference is that Cloud Bursting allows the company to use the Cloud services only when their own personal web server farms hit peak demand and can no longer handle the incoming demand. The excess demand is outsourced to the Cloud Server and lets them handle it dynamically without the company having to add any additional hardware to their server farm.

Describe the operation of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery. ​


can you give me the link to an article about this so i may help?

What order? (function templates) Define a generic function called CheckOrder() that checks if four items are in ascending, neither, or descending order. The function should return -1 if the items are in ascending order, 0 if the items are unordered, and 1 if the items are in descending order. The program reads four items from input and outputs if the items are ordered. The items can be different types, including integers, strings, characters, or doubles. Ex. If the input is:




The following code was written in Java and creates the generic class to allow you to compare any type of data structure. Three different test cases were used using both integers and strings. The first is an ascending list of integers, the second is a descending list of integers, and the third is an unordered list of strings. The output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Order: " + checkOrder(10, 22, 51, 53));

       System.out.println("Order: " + checkOrder(55, 44, 33, 22));

       System.out.println("Order: " + checkOrder("John", " Gabriel", "Daniela", "Zendaya"));


   public static <E extends Comparable<E>> int checkOrder(E var1, E var2, E var3, E var4) {

       E prevVar = var1;

       if (var2.compareTo(prevVar) > 0) {

           prevVar = var2;

       } else {

           if (var3.compareTo(prevVar) < 0) {

               prevVar = var3;

           } else {

               return 0;


           if (var4.compareTo(prevVar) < 0) {

               return 1;

           }  else {

               return 0;



       if (var3.compareTo(prevVar) > 0) {

           prevVar = var3;


       if (var4.compareTo(prevVar) > 0) {

           return -1;


       return 0;



In confirmatory visualization Group of answer choices Users expect to see a certain pattern in the data Users confirm the quality of data visualization Users don't know what they are looking for Users typically look for anomaly in the data


Answer: Users expect to see a certain pattern in the data


Confirmatory Data Analysis occurs when the evidence is being evaluated through the use of traditional statistical tools like confidence, significance, and inference.

In this case, there's an hypothesis and the aim is to determine if the hypothesis is true. In this case, we want to know if a particular pattern on the data visualization conforms to what we have.

Answer to this problem




write short note on the following: Digital computer, Analog Computer and hybrid computer​



Hybrid Computer has features of both analogue and digital computer. It is fast like analogue computer and has memory and accuracy like digital computers. It can process both continuous and discrete data. So it is widely used in specialized applications where both analogue and digital data is processed.

the id selector uses the id attribute of an html element to select a specific element give Example ?​



The id selector selects a particular html element


The id selector is uses the id attribute to select a specific html element. For example, if we have a particular header which is an html element and we want to give it a particular background color, we use the id selector and give it an id attribute in the CSS file. An example of an html header with id = 'blue' is shown below. The style sheet is an internal style sheet.

!doctype html





#blue { background-color: blue;





<h1 id = 'blue'>Our holiday</h1>

<p>This is the weekend</p>



Java !!!
A common problem in parsing computer languages and compiler implementations is determining if an input string is balanced. That is, a string can be considered balanced if for every opening element ( (, [, <, etc) there is a corresponding closing element ( ), ], >, etc).
Today, we’re interested in writing a method that will determine if a String is balanced. Write a method, isBalanced(String s) that returns true if every opening element is matched by a closing element of exactly the same type. Extra opening elements, or extra closing elements, result in an unbalanced string. For this problem, we are only interested in three sets of characters -- {, (, and [ (and their closing equivalents, }, ), and ]). Other characters, such as <, can be skipped. Extra characters (letters, numbers, other symbols) should all be skipped. Additionally, the ordering of each closing element must match the ordering of each opening element. This is illustrated by examples below.
The following examples illustrate the expected behaviour:
is Balanced ("{{mustache templates use double curly braces}}") should return true
is Balanced("{{but here we have our template wrong!}") should return false
is Balanced("{ ( ( some text ) ) }") should return true
is Balanced("{ ( ( some text ) } )") should return false (note that the ordering of the last two elements is wrong)
Write an implementation that uses one or more Stacks to solve this problem. As a client of the Stack class, you are not concerned with how it works directly, just that it does work.




import java.util.*;

public class BalancedBrackets {

// function to check if brackets are balanced

static boolean isBalanced(String expr)


Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<Character>();

for (int i = 0; i < expr.length(); i++)


char x = expr.charAt(i);

if (x == '(' || x == '[' || x == '{')


// Push the element in the stack




if (stack.isEmpty())

return false;

char check;

switch (x) {

case ')':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '{' || check == '[')

return false;


case '}':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '(' || check == '[')

return false;


case ']':

check = stack.pop();

if (check == '(' || check == '{')

return false;




// Check Empty Stack

return (stack.isEmpty());


public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("\nEnter the expression to check is balanced or not !");

String expr = scan.nextLine();

boolean output;

output = isBalanced(expr);


if (output)

System.out.println("Balanced ");


System.out.println("Not Balanced ");




View "The database tutorial for beginners" and discuss how database management systems are different from spreadsheets. Describe one experience you have had working with data.


Answer and Explanation:

A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application for the analysis and storage of data. The database is a collection of data and accessed from the computer system. This is the main difference between spreadsheets and databases. The spreadsheet is accessed by the user and the database is accessed by the user. The database can store more data than a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is used for tasks and used in enterprises to store the data. Spreadsheet and database are two methods and the main difference is the computer application that helps to arrange, manage and calculate the data. The database is a collection of data and organized to access easily. Spreadsheet applications were the first spreadsheet on the mainframe. Database stores and manipulates the data easily. The database maintains the data and stores the records of teachers and courses. The spreadsheet is the computer application and analyzing the data in table form. The spreadsheet is a standard feature for productive suite and based on an accounting worksheet.

Write a program in c++ that will:1. Call a function to input temperatures for consecutive days in 1D array. NOTE: The temperatures will be integer numbers. There will be no more than 10 temperatures.The user will input the number of temperatures to be read. There will be no more than 10 temperatures.2. Call a function to sort the array by ascending order. You can use any sorting algorithm you wish as long as you can explain it.3. Call a function that will return the average of the temperatures. The average should be displayed to two decimal places.Sample Run:Please input the number of temperatures to be read5Input temperature 1:68Input temperature 2:75Input temperature 3:36Input temperature 4:91Input temperature 5:84Sorted temperature array in ascending order is 36 68 75 84 91The average temperature is 70.80The highest temperature is 91.00The lowest temperature is 36.00



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int* sortArray(int temp [], int n){

   int tmp;

   for(int i = 0;i < n-1;i++){

 for (int j = i + 1;j < n;j++){

  if (temp[i] > temp[j]){

   tmp  = temp[i];

   temp[i] = temp[j];

   temp[j] = tmp;   }  } }

return temp;


float average(int temp [], int n){

   float sum = 0;

   for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){

       sum+=temp[i];    }

   return sum/n;


int main(){

   int n;

   cout<<"Number of temperatures: ";    cin>>n;


       cout<<"Number of temperatures: ";    cin>>n;    }

   int temp[n];

   for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){

       cout<<"Input temperature "<<i+1<<": ";

       cin>>temp[i];    }

   int *sorted = sortArray(temp, n);

   cout<<"The sorted temperature in ascending order: ";

   for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {  cout << *(sorted + i) << " ";   }


   float ave = average(temp,n);

   cout<<"Average Temperature: "<<setprecision(2)<<ave<<endl;

   cout<<"Highest Temperature: "<<*(sorted + n - 1)<<endl;

   cout<<"Lowest Temperature: "<<*(sorted + 0)<<endl;

   return 0;



See attachment for complete source file with explanation

Compute change
A cashier distributes change using the maximum number of five dollar bills, followed by one dollar bills. For example, 19 yields 3 fives and 4 ones. Write a single statement that assigns the number of one dollar bills to variable numOnes, given amountToChange. Hint: Use the % operator.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ComputingChange {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
int amountToChange;
int numFives;
int numOnes;
amountToChange = scnr.nextInt();
numFives = amountToChange / 5;
/* Your solution goes here */
System.out.print("numFives: ");
System.out.print("numOnes: ");




The following code is written in Java and modified to do as requested. It asks the user to enter a number that is saved to the amountToChange and then uses the % operator to calculate the number of 5 dollar bills and the number of 1 dollar bills to give back. A test case has been provided and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class ComputingChange {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;

       int amountToChange;

       int numFives;

       int numOnes;

       amountToChange = scnr.nextInt();

       numFives = amountToChange / 5;

       /* Your solution goes here */

       numOnes = amountToChange % 5;

       System.out.print("numFives: ");


       System.out.print("numOnes: ");




The__________is an HTML tag that provides information on the keywords that represent the contents of a Web page.



Meta tag


Why input screens are better data entry than entreing data dirrctly to a table



are better data entry designs than entering data directly to a table. ... hence a user can design input fields linked to several tables/queries.


Input screens are better data entry designs than entering data directly to a table because a user can design input fields linked to several tables/queries.

What is digital information?

Digital information generally consists of data that is created or prepared for electronic systems and devices such as computers, screens, calculators, communication devices. These information are stored by cloud.

They are converted from digital to analog and vice versa with the help of a device.

Data entered in the table directly is easier than data entry method.

Thus, input screens are better data entry than entering data directly to a table.

Learn more about digital information.


shooting phases in film and video editing​



Filmmaking involves a number of complex and discrete stages including an initial story, idea, or commission, through screenwriting, casting, shooting, sound recording and pre-production, editing, and screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a film release and an exhibition.

Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs those integers in reverse. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a comma, including the last one.Ex: If the input is:5 2 4 6 8 10the output is:10,8,6,4,2,To achieve the above, first read the integers into a vector. Then output the vector in reverse.



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   vector<int> intVect;

   int n;


int intInp;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

 cin >> intInp;

 intVect.push_back(intInp); }

for (int i = n-1; i >=0; i--) {  cout << intVect[i] << " "; }

 return 0;



This declares the vector

   vector<int> intVect;

This declares n as integer; which represents the number of inputs

   int n;

This gets input for n


This declares intInp as integer; it is used to get input to the vector

int intInp;

This iterates from 0 to n-1

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

This gets each input

 cin >> intInp;

This passes the input to the vector

 intVect.push_back(intInp); }

This iterates from n - 1 to 0; i.e. in reverse and printe the vector elements in reverse

for (int i = n-1; i >=0; i--) {  cout << intVect[i] << " "; }

Which tools do you use for LinkedIn automation?



Automation tools allow applications, businesses, teams or organizations to automate their processes which could be deployment, execution, testing, validation and so on. Automation tools help increase the speed at which processes are being handled with the main aim of reducing human intervention.

Linkedln automation tools are designed to help automate certain processes in Linkedln such as sending broadcast messages, connection requests, page following and other processes with less or no human or manual efforts. Some of these automation tools include;

i. Sales navigator for finding right prospects thereby helping to build and establish trusting relationships with these prospects.

ii. Crystal for providing insights and information about a specified Linkedln profile.

iii. Dripify used by managers for quick onboarding of new team members, assignment of roles and rights and even management of subscription plans.  


Well, for me I personally use LinkedCamap to drive more LinkedIn connections, hundreds of leads, sales, and conversions automatically.  

Some other LinkedIn automation tools are;  

   Expandi      Meet Alfred      Phantombuster      WeConnect      LinkedIn Helper  

Hope this helps!

2. Which tab is used to edit objects on the Slide Master and layouts?
A. View
B. Insert
C. Shape format
D. Design

Answer is not A. View
It’s B. Insert



it is....insert tab..B


insert tab includes editing options

The part of the computer that provides access to the Internet is the





fill in the blanks Pasaline could ----- and ------- very easily.​



Hot you too friend's house and be safe and have a great time to take care of the following is not a characteristic it was a circle whose equation o

write a script to check command arguments. Display the argument one by one (use a for loop). If there is no argument provided, remind users about the mistake.


Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript programming language, to write this script we define a function that checks for empty variables with if...else statements and then uses a for loop to loop through all arguments passed to the function's parameters and print them out to the console.

function Check_Arguments(a,b,c){

var ourArguments= [];



else( console.log("no argument for a"); )



else( console.log("no argument for b"); )



else( console.log("no argument for c"); )

for(var i=0; i<ourArguments.length; i++){




Being the Sales Manager of a company you have to hire more salesperson for the company to expand the sales territory. Kindly suggest an effective Recruitment and Selection Process to HR by explaining the all the stages in detail.



In order to sales company to expand the sales territory in heeds to target those candidates that have long exposure in sales profile.


Going for a sales interview for the profile of a sales manager in a company. The HR department may require you to answer some questions. Such as what do you like most about sales, how to you motivate your team and how much experience do you have. What are philosophies for making sales Thus first round is of initial screening, reference checking, in-depth interview, employ testing, follow up, and making the selection. This helps to eliminate the undesired candidates.

A user reports network resources can no longer be accessed. The PC reports a link but will only accept static IP addresses. The technician pings other devices on the subnet, but the PC displays the message Destination unreachable. Wh are MOST likley the causes of this issue?


Answer: is this a real question but I think it would be Ip address hope this helps :)))


If you fail a course as a MAIN (residency) course, you can repeat that course as either a MAIN (residency) or an online (IG or IIG) course. True False


Answer: False


The statement that "you fail a course as a MAIN (residency) course, you can repeat that course as either a MAIN (residency) or an online (IG or IIG) course" is false.

It should be noted that if one fail a course as a residency course, the course can only be repeated as a main (residency) course and not an online course. When a course is failed, such course has to be repeated the following semester and this will give the person the chance to improve their GPA.

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