convert direct into indirect speech. 2.He said to them, “I bought a car.” 3.Arjun said, “I was walking along the street.” 4.He will say, “I can speak perfect English.” 5.He has said to me, “I haven’t seen Julie.” 6.He said, “I don’t know the correct answer.” 7.They said, “We have had enough rain.” 8.He said, “The bus bound for Mumbai leaves at 4:00pm” 9.The teacher said, “The school reopens in the month of June.”​


Answer 1


2.He said to them, “I bought a car.”

=>He told them that he bought a car.

3.Arjun said, “I was walking along the street.”

=> Arjun said that he was walking along the street

4.He will say, “I can speak perfect English.”

=> He will say that he can speak perfect in English.

5.He has said to me, “I haven’t seen Julie.”

=> He told me that he hadn't seen Julie yet.

6.He said, “I don’t know the correct answer.”

=> He said that he didn't know the correct answer.

7.They said, “We have had enough rain.”

=> They said that they had enough rain.

8.He said, “The bus bound for Mumbai leaves at 4:00pm” .

=> He said that the bus bound for Mumbai lives at 4:00 p.m.

9.The teacher said, “The school reopens in the month of June.”

=> The teacher said that the school reopens in the month of June.


I hope it will help you :)

Related Questions

The ( develop) ..... in technology allow astronomers to know more about outer space





my answer ...hope am right

The development in technology allow astronomers to know more about outer space.

What is technology?

Technology refers to the diversification as well as the modification of the Human surrounding. It is the implementation of the scientific knowledge in order to achieve the practical goals. It is the integration of scientific understanding to human life's practical goals

The procedure in which the person's Growth, advancement, positive change, or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social, and demographic takes place is referred to as development.

In the recent times' science has developed so much that astronomers can know about the exoplanets and activities of the space.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Astronomers can now learn more about the universe thanks to technological advancements.

Learn more about Technology here:


2) Select the best answer ( using past simple and past continuous ) a) Cindy _______ lifting weights _____ I ____ in to the gym a) Where/ is / get b) Was/is/get c) Was/when/got d) Was/when/get b) The accident _________ when Charlie was ______ a) Didn´t Happen/ driving b) Didn´t happened / driving c) Didn´t happen/ drives d) Didn´t happened / drives c) They ____________ when I_________ the door a) Was fight / open b) Were fight / opened c) Was fighting / open d) Were fighting / opened



number one: C

number two: A

number three: D

please mark as brainliest

1 Put in the correct question tags for each sentence 1 There are too many people living in the city ?


There are too many people living in the city!

5 complete examples of fragments



Prepositional Phrase Fragments

Prepositional phrase fragments involve prepositions (for, to, during, through, etc.).


He went to Florida. For a month.

Correction: He went to Florida for a month.

During the storm. The dog ran away.

Correction: During the storm, the dog ran away.

The dog ran away. During the storm.

Correction: The dog ran away during the storm.

Write a letter to the principal of your school suggesting at least three ways to improve English speaking in the school




The principal,

School name,

Place Name,



I am writing to put your mind on the poor English spoken by the students of the school. The students of our school are quite poor in English and they feel shy when they speak infront of a large crowd.

I am writing this to inform gou you that if won't took any important decision in this case the reputation of the school will be damaged, you can organize summer camp, extra classes or some type of quiz to encourage students to improve their vocabulary and english.

I shall be thankful if you would look in this case





things fall apart dicuss conflict as the central theme in the novel


As a story about a culture on the verge of change, Things Fall Apart deals with how the prospect and reality of change affect various characters.

Major conflict On one level, the conflict is between the traditional society of Umuofia and the new customs brought by the whites, which are in turn adopted by many of the villagers.


In class, you have been discussing whether or not people should keep pets.
Here are some comments from your classmates:
People don' always look after their pets properly.
It's expensive to own a pet.
Having a pet can be good fun
You can learn things by looking after a pet.
Write an article for your teacher, giving your views.
The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your own.
Your article should be between 100 and 150 words long.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your article, and up to 6 marks for the language used



you have to write the article yourself because it's asking about your viewpoint but I will give you a way on how to do it


First of all identify your opinion of owning a pet. After doing so your article should be talking about backing up your viewpoint about owning pets. You should be able to provide examples to your opinion being correct.

let's take an example

maybe your viewpoint is that owning pets is hard and that you have to be responsible enough to take care of the animal

you could back this up by your friend or family member's experience with pets. BONUS if it is your own experience.

for example:

my friend once owned a fish but because she wasn't responsible enough to remember to feed it, the fish sadly passed away. that's why when owning pets you must be accountable to provide their necessities for them to survive.

and simply start stacking those examples and evidence that your viewpoint is right.

Which of the following words with –er suffixes is a comparative adjective?
A. Faster
B. Driver
C. Jumper
D. Tester


The word with the --er suffixes which is a comparative adjective is A. Faster.

What is a comparative adjective?

These are adjectives that are used to compare the difference between two or more objects that they modify.

These words are used in sentences where nouns are compared and the --er word 'Faster' is the only word considered to be a comparative adjective in the option, whereas the other words are merely nouns and not comparative adjectives.

The word 'faster' is the comparative form of the word 'fast' and 'fastest' is the superlative form. The other words, Driver, Jumper, and Tester are not in any way comparative adjectives.

Hence, the correct answer is option A.

Read more about comparative adjectives here:


Answer these questions correctly

5) There ____ to be ____ reasons for changing our plans.

(a) appear; fewer

(b) appears; no

(c) appears; a few

(d) appear; several

6) The chart shows ____ of people who visited the gallery ____ day.

(a) a number; every

(b) number; each

(c) the number; each

(d) numbers; every
7) The number of passengers carried each year ____ gradually.

(a) have risen

(b) has raised

(c) have grown

(d) has risen

8) The car ____ stolen while ____ in an isolated place.

(a) is; being parked

(b) was; parking

(c) has been; parked

(d) was; parked

9) I ____ until the game began.

(a) needn’t wait

(b) shouldn’t wait

(c) oughtn’t to wait

(d) needn’t have waited

10) Everyone likes it here ____ used to it.

(a) when he gets

(b) when she gets

(c) once you get

(d) once they get​


5. (d)

6. (c)

7. (a)

8. (d)

9. probably (b)

10. (d)

Write a couple sentences about how you got your drivers license and how it felt for your autobiography essay. (About 5 sentences will do)


The Steps to Obtain Your Driver’s License Getting a driver’s license is one of the biggest things in a young adult’s time as a teenager. Some young adults can wait until they are eighteen years of age to get it, but it is possible to get at the age of sixteen. Not only do more responsibilities come along, but a teenager is also acting like a more mature adult. It is a great achievement, but to get your driver’s license, you have to go through a big process. To get your driver’s license at age sixteen, it takes a lot of work, time and effort. Before you get close to even getting your driver’s license, you got to take it from step one and go through the process called driver’s education.

write the types of nouns with meaning​


write the types of nouns with meaning : .

What type of conflict does this passage reveal?

character vs. character
character vs. nature
character vs. self
character vs. society



character vs. nature



Ladkiyoooooo aaa jaooo♡♥︎♡

Kidhr hoo sab yaaar???



yes <3


Define rational ignorance in your own words.



Rational ignorance is refraining from learning something when the cost of educating yourself on the issue exceeds the expected potential benefit that the knowledge would provide

Is there _____ milk in the fridge?


I believe the correct answer is any because it is the only choice that would make sense.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

Answer:is there any milk in the fridge

Explanation: because any is used when asking questions

Q.No.4) Despite sufferings and trauma, the year 2020 has also taught many things to all of us. What are the things you have learned during those hard times? Write your experience in a paragraph. 5​


I mean, I might not be able to display what you learned, but I'll list some of the things the community has learned throughout the past year.

-Be cautious, and wash your hands. Some viruses are deadly.

-We should never take things for granted. People don't usually sanitize and, they take the environment for granted, not knowing the consequences.

-Despite the difficulty of online learning, you are not alone because everyone is online too.

-Staying sanitized keeps you away from sickness.


Despite suffering and trauma, the year 2020 has also taught many things to all of us. Several lessons that I learned from the virus and the community. The first thing I have learned was to be cautious and sanitary because we never know when it all might come to a disaster. People's lives might end because they weren't sanitary. Despite the difficulty, we are all in this together. Everyone is struggling with online learning, too. And finally, staying sanitized keeps you away from sickness. Ever since others were aware of germs, I don't think we have gotten sick or caught a cold this year.

In the article “why do we hate?” Jim mohr explains that we can change our patterns of hate. “There must be hope, “he says. Do you believe there is hope for the capulets and montagues? In four to six sentences, explain your answer using examples from the play. Use proper spelling and grammar.



Yes,there is hope for the capulets and montagues.

There is hope for family reunification because death connects others. In the play "Romeo and Juliet," they fall in love like crazy, but their families hate each other.  They love so much that Juliet pretends to die so that he can escape with Romeo.  However, Romeo is unaware that she is killing herself by pretending to be with her in her afterlife.

Thus,yes there is hope.

Learn more :  

What is the correct answer it is not verb
7 points!!!



hi dear

your answer is





write about a time when you or someone you know was lost. short paragraph ​


Answer: I am going to talk about an incident that happened to me, which I never forget. It happened in 2015. During summer vacations my uncle planned a trip for children because we got bored at home so we decided to go to Jaipur.  All of us were thrilled and excited. We packed the things we needed such as food and water . We started our journey the very next day early in the morning since where we had to go was far away, so if we began in the morning, then we reached in the evening.  While we stopped near a jungle, and there was no shop available. My cousin and I were told to find someone in the jungle who can help us. When we entered the jungle, we had lost our path and after walking for a while. By this point my cousin and I had gotten really scared since we were lost in the middle of nowhere and didn't know how to get back to our car. We tried the phone, but unfortunately, the network was not available.  We also heard weird noises in the jungle, and got even more frightened than before. After a while of searching our way back my cousin and I saw two people walking toward us. We asked if they could help us back. They agreed to help us, and we soon reached back to our car. So that was the time when I lost in a place.

2. if my granny ( be ) younger , she ( not forget ) so many things
3. William is such a naught boy ! if he ( do ) that again , i (get) angry with him!
4 if i ( have ) more noney , i ( buy) a house. i wish i had more money!
5 if Kate (not tell) him anything , he (never / find out) . Now it's too late !
6 Robert and Harry (not know) the truth if we ( not tell) them . Let's keep the secret!
7. I ( help) you with your project if you ( ask) me , but since yo didn't say a word , now it's too late !
8. I'm thinhking of cleaning the windows later . (you /give ) me a hand if i (need) your held?
9. Helen ( work) harder, she ( get ) promoted , but she's a very lazy person
10. you ( not feel ) so tired if you ( sleep) more . you should go to bed earlier



If my granny would be younger, she ( would not forget ) so many things.

3. William is such a naught boy ! If he ( does ) that again , i will get) angry with him!

4 if I ( had ) more noney , i (would buy) a house. i wish i had more money!

5 if Kate (did not tell) him anything , he ( would never find out) . Now it's too late !

6 Robert and Harry (did not know) the truth if we ( did not tell) them . Let's keep the secret!

7. I (would help) you with your project if you ( asked) me , but since you didn't say a word , now it's too late !

8. I'm thinhking of cleaning the windows later . (you will give ) me a hand if I(need) your help?

9. Helen ( worked) harder, she ( got ) promoted, but she's a very lazy person

10. You ( won't feel ) so tired if you ( sleet) more. you should go to bed earlier.


In Romeo and Juliet, what punishment is faced by anyone that breaks the peace?


Answer: The answer is A which is "Death"


It's actually C, banishment.


It's what Romeo is faced with for fighting with Tybalt and Benvolio, if I recall correctly.

If you were in the room with the police officer what would you educate them with the BLM movement



I would tell them that all people are the same and that they should judge accurately and fairly.


make a sentences with pencil in affirmative, negative and interrogative

PLS I needed help



i need my pencil in have to affirmative to the negative in it was interrogative


Select all the correct answers
Hannibal is worried about consuming Information from blased media outlets. What are two questions Hannibal should consider when he
consumes Information from media?
Who will this message benefit or who will gain from it?
How many reviews did the message receive?
Whose voice is excluded?
Are other outlets sharing the same story?



Whose voice is excluded?

Are other outlets sharing the same story?


When evaluating information from media outlets, a person should look out for the currency, authority, relevancy, accuracy, and purpose of such materials. Two applicable matters to be considered from the given question are;

1. The authority: The material must be sure to come from a reliable source with a track record of dishing truthful information. Important voices must not be left out as this will be a clear case of bias. All sides to the story must be included.

2. The accuracy: The accuracy of the story must be verifiable from other relevant sources. This prompts the second question.

Important of English language. write down in bullet point.​



English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases our chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within our home country or finding work abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work!

English is the Language of International Communication. English gives access to more entertainment and more access to the Internet. English makes it easier to travel. English can make you ‘smarter’.

"What’s up with you?”



what's up with youfam dog lol

Why should I represent my school at homecoming?

Please answer ASAP



School spirit makes you feel apart of the school. Your participation adds to a happy school community.



because i don't know the answer of this question?

blueface is trash at fighting nocap,








Read the story description and historical context for the short story "Condensed Milk" and answer the question.

Story Description:

If you were starving, what would you do for food? "Condensed Milk" tells the story of a political prisoner in a Russian gulag (a forced-labor camp) who is faced with a choice: stay in the gulag—working and starving—or escape from the prison and risk dying. What choice would you make?

Historical Context:

From 1929 to 1953, Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union. His goal was to transform the Soviet Union from a poor society into a world superpower. He used terror and violence to rule, and under his reign, millions of his own people died in work camps, from starvation due to famine, or by execution.

Select a detail to support the idea that punishment was harsh under Joseph Stalin's rule.

Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953.
Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed.
Stalin used terror and violence to rule the Soviet Union.
Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a poor country to a superpower.


The correct answer is Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed.

After reading the story description and historical context, we can deduce that Stalin harshly punished people for his goal of transforming the Soviet Union into a powerful country.

Let's see the options:

Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953:

This detail tells us information about when Stalin ruled, but it does not tell us how he was during his ruling.

Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed:

This detail gives information about how the punishments were during his ruling. We can see that he sentenced his citizens to work in camps called the gulag, where according to the story description, they were forced labor camps where prisoners starved. Also, it mentions execution as a punishment. These facts support the idea that punishment was harsh.

Stalin used terror and violence to rule the Soviet Union:

This detail describes two components of Stalin's ruling, terror and violence. However, there is not a description of the punishments to deduce how hash they were.

Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a poor country to a superpower:

This detail tells us Stalin's goal but does not tell us about punishment.

In conclusion, the detail that best supports the idea that punishment was harsh under Stalin's rule is "Stalin sentenced Soviet citizens to work camps or had them executed." It describes the punishments exposing their severity.

Learn more about "Condensed Milk" here:

bhai please mera I'd me kuch bhi nahi hai custom bhai the best way to get the train station ​


Can you say it in English
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Triangle DEF has sides of length x, x+3, and x1. What are all the possible types of DEF? using Euclids division algorithm, find the largest number that divides 475 and 871 leaving 7 as the remainder in each case Hy tm hm gc f(t) c hm nh Laplace nh di y:F(p)=6/p(2p^2+4p +10) A space ship has four thrusters positioned on the top and bottom, and left and right as shown below. The thrusters can be operated independently or together to help the ship navigate in all directions.Initially, the Space Probe is floating towards the East, as shown below, with a velocity, v. The pilot then turns on thruster #2.Select one:a.Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be speeding up.b.Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be speeding up.c.Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.d.Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be slowing down.e.Ship experiences no change in motion. Verify that (-x) is the same as x , for x = 4/5 why is important to have less children per teacher in a classroom? find the value of trigonometric ratio Which statement best describes the function h(t) = 210 - 15t?Oh is the function name; h(t) is the input, or independent variable; and t is the output, or dependent variable.O h is the function name; t is the input, or independent variable; and h(t) is the output, or dependent variable.O t is the function name; h(t) is the input, or independent variable; and h is the output, or dependent variable.Ot is the function name; h is the input, or independent variable; and h(t) is the output, or dependent variable. write the professional education of :i. JTAii. Foresteriii. Ranger ng vua u tin ca nc php l ai ? Why did the Russian Empire collapse? Question 7 of 20Which strategy best represents one way a writer can keep readers engaged?A. Move the narrative along as fast as possibleB. Include as many details as possibleC. Order the events from most interesting to least interestingD. Provide transitions for shifts in topic, mood, and timeSUBMIT I need help plss ( math ) SOMEONE ASAP few Grammer tick Questioncan you solve it Q.5(b) The population {(P) in millions} of a country is estimated by the function, P=125e0.035t, t = time measured in years since 1990. (a) what is the population expected to equal in year 2000 (b) determine the expression for the instantaneous rate of change in the population (c) what is the instantaneous rate of change in the population expected to equal in year 2000. 3025 to binary octal and base 5 what are the characteristics of urban legends? what are your thoughts on Galileo's idea about motion? i need the answer pls Given FE=23.5, find BD. Q)what are convex mirrors?