could anyone help me with this answer ill give brainly but if its correct


Answer 1


Linear, positive, strong

Step-by-step explanation:

Association is described as strong (linear) , weak or none(nonlinear).

If you draw a line straight through the points and most of the points are on or near the line then the association is strong. If very few points are near or on the line then the association is weak. If almost none of the points are on the line then there is no association

If you were to draw a line on this graph straight through the points most of the points would be on or near the line therefore there is a strong linear association.

Because the line would be going up and to the right the association would be positive

Related Questions

Point A is located at (0, 4), and point C is located at (−3, 5). Find the x value for the point B that is located one-fourth the distance from point A to point C.



x = (-2 , 4.5)

Step-by-step explanation

Hope it helps! later!






Step-by-step explanation:

Let u=x+2

We need to now solve 3u^2+4u+1=0 for u.

I'm going to try factoring. 3u (u)=3u^2 and 1(1)=1 so I'm going to try factored form (3u+1)(u+1).

Since 3u(1)+1(u)=4u, we are done.

Since (3u+1)(u+1)=0, then either 3u+1=0 or u+1=0.

Let's solve u+1=0 by subtracting 1 on both sides which obtains for us that u=-1.

Let's solve 3u+1=0 by subtracting 1 and then dividing both sides by 3 which obtains for us u=-1/3.

Since u=x+2, we are down to just solving the following:

x+2=-1 and x+2=-1/3

Both equations require us to subtract 2 on both sides.

The solutions are

x=-1-2=-3 and x=-1/3-2=-7/3


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\Large \boldsymbol {} Let : t=x+2 \ \ ; \ \ t^2=(x+2)^2\\\\3(x+2)^2+4(x+2)+1 =0 \\\\\\3t^2+4t+1=0 \\\\D=16-12=4 \\\\ t_{1}=\dfrac{-4-2}{6} =-1 \ \ ; \ \ \boxed{x_1=-3 }\\\\\\ t_2=\dfrac{-4+2}{6} =-\dfrac{1}{3} \ \ ; \ \boxed{x_2=-2\frac{1}{3} }[/tex]

If you have to invest in an account that pays 5.3 compound annually, after 10 years how much interest is earned


Rate=5.3 per year Time=10

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Interest=Rate\times Time[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Interest=5.3(10)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Interest =53[/tex]

It means that if your principal is $100 after 10years you will receive $53 as interest

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]thank \: you[/tex]

Please help could you explain or show work so I will remember how to do problems like this?

Problem: 4x - (x - 4) = - 20

I desperately need a good grade because this is my first grade.

Correct answer is brainiest!



x = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - (x - 4) = - 20

Distribute the minus sign

4x - x +4 = -20

Combine like terms

3x+4 = -20

Subtract 4 from each side

3x+4-4 = -20-4

3x = -24

Divide by 3

3x/3 = -24/3

x = -8


x = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

4x - (x - 4) = -20


4x - x + 4

~Subtract 4 to both sides

3x = -24

~Divide 3 to both sides

x = -8

Best of Luck!

Describe three ways to determine the measure of segment YZ.

Triangle X Y Z is shown. Angle X Y Z is a right angle and angle Z X Y is 30 degrees. The length of hypotenuse X Z is 50 meters.


Using 3 different methods, we can find that YZ = 25m

For a given triangle rectangle with a known angle θ and a hypotenuse H, we can write the trigonometric relations

sin(θ) = (opposite cathetus)/H

cos(θ) = (adjacent cathetus)/H

tan(θ) = (opposite cathetus)/(adjacent cathetus)

Now, in the given image we can see that:

θ = 30°

H = 50m

XY = adjacent cathetus

YZ = opposite cathetus.

We want to find YZ, so with the known things, we can use the first relation:

[tex]sin(30\°) = YZ/50m[/tex]

[tex]sin(30\°)*50m = YZ = 25m[/tex]

Now let's try another way.

We know that the sum of the internal angles of a triangle is always equal to 180°

In a triangle rectangle, we always have an angle equal to 90°.

Then the missing angle for our triangle can be computed from:

Z + 90° + 30° = 180°

Z = 180° - 90° - 30° = 60°

From this angle, the side YZ is the adjacent cathetus, then we can use the second trigonometric relation:

[tex]cos(60\°) = YZ/50m\\cos(60\°)*50m = YZ = 25m\\[/tex]

Third way.

Whit the same angle we could find the side XY, the opposite cathetus, with:

[tex]sin(60\°) = XY/50m \\sin(60\°)*50m = XY = 43.3m[/tex]

Now that we know one of the catheti, we can use the last trigonometric relation

[tex]tan(60\°) = XY/YZ = 43.3m/YZ \\YZ = 43.3m/tan(60\°) = 25m\\[/tex]

If you want to learn more about triangle rectangles, you can read:


Solve the equation where the sine of 30 degrees is equal to YZ/50.

Solve 180 – (30 + 90) = 60 to find the measure of angle Z. Then use the cosine of Z to write and solve an equation.

Use the 30°-60°-90° triangle theorem to find that YZ = 50/2.

Step-by-step explanation:

edge 2022




D. 769.7 ft^3

Step-by-step explanation:

because area of a solid is area of the base times the height, so to find the area of the base, it is pi*r^2(3.14*7^2), and that equals to 153.94, times that by 5 and you get 769.7 ft^3

Answer ASAP please!


5.7 if you get it wrong don’t blame me blame my software

please help!! will give brainliest


Answer: 320

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1) Identify Number of options for each set

For the entree, you have 4 options, for the sides, you have 4 options, and for the drink you have 5

Step 2) Find all possible outcomes

4 options for the entree × 4 options for the first side × 4 options for the second side × 5 options for the drink

Step 3) Solve

4 × 4 × 4 × 5 = 320

A ship sails from east to west direction for 5 km, and then sails north for 12 km. Find the distance between its destination and its starting position?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Distance, x = (12² + 5²)

= 13

Write the equation in standard form then factor the left side of the equation. 2x^2=28-x



Step-by-step explanation:

Standard for is 5x=28. Factoring gives you x=28/5

K is between J and M. L is
between K and M. M is
between K and N. If JN = 30, KM = 8, and JK = KL = LM, what is MJ?

(please do step-by-step fully)




Step-by-step explanation:

for this you need to draw a straight line and plot the points J,K,L,M,N according to the question.


given K lies between J and M, L is between K and M , M is between K and N.

JN= 30, KM=8


MJ= ?

according to the question,


KM= 8


KL+KL=8 ( given, LM=KL)

2KL= 8



JK= KL=4 and LM= KL= 4


MJ= ?

we know

MJ= JK+KM = 4+8= 12

82,92,76,72,92,74,80 and 78
What is the median


Step-by-step explanation/answer:

Order the numbers from least to greatest!

72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 92, 92

Then calculate the median

First off, What is a median?

The median would be the middle number in the set of numbers

In this case the median would be 79 but let me explain

72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 92, 92,

We cross out every small and greater number from this set until you are left with a number in the set

Thus, the only two left numbers are 78 and 80

Therefore we have to add 78 and 80 then divided by 2

Answer: 79


Step-by-step explanation:

we have 8 choises   8  its even number so

we can write 8= 2*4

X=4 ss the answear between the fiveth  and sixeth choise  72+92/2 AND YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWEAR

Is A ABC similar to A DEF? Why or why not?
8 ft
6 ft
10 ft
7.5 ft
Yes, because the angles are congruent and the sides are
Yes, because if at least one pair of angles are equal, the
triangles are similar.
No, because although the angles are congruent, the sides are
We cannot tell because the third side is not given.



Its either A or B

Step-by-step explanation:

I am not sure tho


B ,because they are similar

my teacher told me

f (8^9)p = 8^18, what is the value of p? (4 points)




Step-by-step explanation:

Atlantic Hurricanes
Between which years was
the biggest change in the
number of hurricanes?




Step-by-step explanation:

because 1950 column has the most highest number which is 11


Between 1945 and 1950 ( from 5 to 11 ),

Step-by-step explanation:

a two-digit number is 5 times as large as the sum of its digits. What number is it?




Step-by-step explanation:


45  *5 = 225

45+5 = 50

50 < 225

sum < times

I hope this helped !

2^12÷2^(k/2 )= 32 find k​



k = 14

Step-by-step explanation:

Prime factorize 32

32 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2  = 2⁵

[tex]\frac{2^{12}}{2^{\frac{k}{2}}}= 32\\\\\frac{2^{12}}{2^{\frac{k}{2}}}=2^{5}\\\\2^{12-\frac{k}{2}}=2^{5}[/tex]

Both sides base are same.So, compare exponents


Subtract 12 from both side


Multiply both sides by (-2),

[tex](-2)*(-\frac{k}{2})=-7*(-2)\\\\k = 14[/tex]

the area of a parallelogram is 48cm².if the two adjacent sides are 8cm and 6cm, find the length of its diagonal .​




Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming the shape is a rectangle since it's already stated that it's a parallelogram, and the area is stated, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length

[tex]a^{2} +b^2=c^2[/tex], where c will be the length

isolate c



substitute for a and b





Si Juana tiene dos perros y lo simbolizamos y 2p y le regalan un hato y lo simbolizamos por g como se representa en el leguaje algebraico.

A) 3P
B) 3G
D) 2P-G


your question makes absolutely no sense

Below are the times (in days) it takes for a sample of 6 customers from Sarah's computer store to pay their invoices.
33, 16, 29, 41, 36, 37

Find the standard deviation of this sample of times. Round your answer to two decimal places.





Step-by-step explanation:

(S. D.)^2=summation(x-mean)^2/(n-1)

S. D.=sqrt(388/5)

S. D.=8.80

hurry PLEASE i'm unsure of this



Infinite solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

x + 4y = 7 --------------(I)

8y = 14 - 2x

⇒ 2x + 8y = 14 -----------(II)


So, infinite solutions



Step-by-step explanation:

Given the 2 equations

x + 4y = 7 → (1)

8y = 14 - 2x → (2)

make x the subject of (1) by subtracting 4y from both sides

x = 7 - 4y

Substitute x = 7 - 4y into (2)

8y = 14 - 2(7 - 4y) ← distribute

8y = 14 - 14 + 8y

8y = 8y

Since both sides are equal this indicates the system has infinite solutions

If the angles of a pentagon are x 2x 3x 4x 5x .Find the value of X


Mark Brainliest if correct:

x = 36

Step-by-step explanation:

x + 2x + 3x + 4x + 5x = 540 (Sum of interior angles in pentagon)

15x = 540

x = 36

A customer's stock value seems to be rising exponentially. The equation for the linearized regression line that models this situation is log(y) = 0 30x +0 296, where x represents number of weeks. Which of the following is the best approximation of the number of weeks that will pass before the value of the stock reaches $200?

A. 9.3
B. 12.1
C. 6.7
D. 4.8​



The equation for the linearized regression line is:

[tex]\log y=0.30x+0.296[/tex]

where x represents number of weeks and y be the customer's stock.

To find:

The number of weeks that will pass before the value of the stock reaches $200.


We have,

[tex]\log y=0.30x+0.296[/tex]

Substituting y=200, we get

[tex]\log (200)=0.30x+0.296[/tex]




Divide both sides by 0.30.



[tex]x\approx 6.7[/tex]

Therefore, the correct option is C.

What is the midpoint of the vertical line segment graphed below?
. (2.-9)
O A. (2.-5)
O B. (4,-5)
O D. (2 - 2




Step-by-step explanation:

(2,4) and (2,-9)


or, (4/2,-5/2)

or, (2,-2.5)

The midpoint of the  vertical line segment in the graph is (2, -5/2), option D is correct.

What is Coordinate Geometry?

A coordinate geometry is a branch of geometry where the position of the points on the plane is defined with the help of an ordered pair of numbers also known as coordinates.

We have to find the midpoint of the line joining the two points (2, 4) and (2, -9)

Midpoint = (x₁+x₂/2, y₁+y₂/2)

x₁ = 2, y₁=4, x₂ =2 and y₂ = -9

We have to plug in the values in the above formula

Midpoint = (2+2/2, 4-9/2)

Midpoint = (6/2, -5/2)

=(2, -5/2)

Hence, the midpoint of the  vertical line segment in the graph is (2, -5/2)

To learn more on Coordinate Geometry click:


2x²+3x²+3.(-1) =5x.x+5x .1


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2x^2+3x^2+3(-1)=5x.x+5x.1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5x^2-3=5x^2+5x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5x^2-5x^2-3=5x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 5x=-3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{-3}{5}[/tex]

Write 6.8167 correct to 3 significant figures.​




Step-by-step explanation:

which line is a graph of the equation 2x+5y=-10?​




Rewriting the equation to slope intercept form, you get that the slope is -2/5 and the y intercept is -2. The graph that matches that is line d.


Line D (-5,-2)

Step-by-step explanation:

I usually just use the website, demos graphing calculator.

Convert the following equation into slope intercept form. -5x + y = 2 y = ?x + ?



5, 2

Step-by-step explanation:

hope u got it.........


y = 5x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )


- 5x + y = 2 ( add 5x to both sides )

y = 5x + 2 ← in slope- intercept form

Mrs brown designed a rug if it cost $22 per square foot to make how much will Mrs brown pay if the square feet is 31.25




Step-by-step explanation:

Cost of the rug per square foot = $22

Length of the rug = 31.25 feet

Total amount Mrs brown will pay = Cost of the rug per square foot × Length of the rug

= 31.25 × 22

= $687.5

Total amount Mrs brown will pay = $687.5

Anybody good in pre Calculus and know how to do #3 or #4?



3. 0

4. n = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

I haven't taken pre-calc but this looks a lot like algebra.

For #3, just plug in -2 for the x values, so:

x^2 + 4x +4

(-2)^2 + 4(-2) + 4

= 4 - 8 + 4

= 0

For #4, move the variables to one side and solve( im not sure what the pi is for tho, or is that a n?):

5n + 6 = -3n - 10

add 3n to both sides

8n + 6 = -10

subtract 6 from both sides

8n = -16

divide both sides by 8

n = -2

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