cuando fEste país europeo utilizo la diplomacia para ganar tiempo para completar su rearme ue la primera guerra mundial


Answer 1


El rearme de muchos después de 1918 comenzó en la época de la República de Weimar, cuando el canciller de Alemania, Hermann Müller, que pertenecía al Partido Socialdemócrata (SPD), aprobó leyes de gabinete que permitían esfuerzos secretos e ilegales de rearme.


Related Questions

what led to the unification of german states change the balance of the power in europe



Hi , so your answer is that when Wilhelm II dismissed Bismark after German unification, it upset the political balance between Russia, France, and Germany. This resulted in many of treaties and wars, and eventually led to WWI. which imacted the lives of millions .


Really hope i helped , if possible please give me brainlest , thank you and have a nice day :) .

Which British action following the French and Indian War involved the housing
of troops in colonists' homes?
A. Quartering laws
B. New taxes
C. Trade limits
D. Settlement limits


Quartering was when the British government allowed troops to enter any home. The home owners kind of had to “house” the troops, if they refused then they would be punished

A. Quartering laws


Quartering laws was the British action following the French and Indian War that involved the housing of troops in colonists' homes.

After the French and Indian War, Great Britain kept some of their troops stationed in the colonies in order to protect them from Native Americans that could try to attack them. This was when the Quartering Act of 1765 was created, which made it so the colonists had to house the British troops that were protecting them.

The colonists despised the Quartering Act of 1765 and thought it was unfair because they were being taxed for the army already, without any representation in the British Parliament. They also did not trust Great Britain or their troops, so they did not want them in their homes.

The Thirty Years’ War in Central Europe began when

the Anglican Church was established in Germany and was met with resistance.
Lutheran princes challenged the Holy Roman Emperor, who was Catholic.
Lutheran princes battled Huguenot princes for control of German states.
Calvinists went to Germany to spread their beliefs and establish strict laws.



Lutheran princes challenged the Holy Roman Emperor, who was Catholic.

The Thirty Years’ War in Central Europe began when Lutheran princes challenged the Holy Roman Emperor, who was Catholic. Thus, option B is correct.

In European history, the Thirty Years' War (1618–48) was a string of conflicts involving several countries due to territorial, dynastic, religious, and commercial rivalry. The majority of Europe was on the scene of its catastrophic campaigns and wars, and by the time it came to a close in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia, the continent's geography had been irreparably altered.

The Thirty Years War is generally accepted to have started in 1618, when the Protestant nobles of both Bohemia and Austria rebelled against the Roman Catholic absolutism that the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II tried to impose on his domains, despite the fact that the conflicts had started a few years earlier.

Learn more about the thirty years war here:


What was the immediate impact of the 1939 German and Soviet invasion of Poland?
A. The United States declared war on Germany but did not send troops
B. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany but not on the Soviet Union
C. Germany conquered all of Poland but provoked a war with the Soviet Union
D. Japan, Italy, Germany formed an alliance but did not offer one another military aid.



A) The United States declared war on Germany but did not send troops.


The period of war following the invasion of Poland is referred to as the "Phony War", because the Allies declared war, but there was very little actual action until the Germans invaded France and the Low Countries in the whole of Western Europe.


Great Britain and france declared war on germany but not on the soviet union


Why are some experts on U.S.-Russia relations concerned about a potential



The United States and Russia maintain diplomatic and trade relations. The relationship was generally warm under the Russian President Boris Yeltsin (1991–99) until the NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999, and has since deteriorated significantly.


What does the division between "red" and "blue" states in the United States refer to?

A.women and men

B. Republicans and Democrats

C. Communists and Libertarians

D. Federalists and anti-Federalists




Red States (Republicans)

Blue states (Democrats)


answer is B Republicans are represented by red and Democrats is represented by blue.

Why do you think traditional gender roles were reinforced during the early years of
the Cold War?


Answer: chiếm lĩnh mạnh mẽ, tin tưởng và có sức mạnh


Well a woman couldn’t go to war since during that time period a woman’s roll was to stay home and care for the home and child if Their was one

one of the features of history​



One of the features of history is:-

History is the study of the past as it is described in written documents. Events occurring before written record are considered prehistory. It is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events.

As per the one of the features of history​ are the based on the past events and the written document.

What is history​?

History is the study of previous events, as defined by the term. Everything pertaining to human behavior is covered in history. History encompasses a variety of facets, including political, cultural, scientific, religious, person, location, economic, medical, intellectual, legal, social, society, and technical advancement.

History is the examination of the past as it is recorded in written documents. Pre-historic refers to events that took place prior to the existence of archival documents. It is an umbrella phrase that refers to past events as well as the recall, finding, collecting, organization, display, and interpretation of knowledge about these events.

As a result, the  one of the features of history​ are the based on the past events and the written document.

Learn more about on History, here:


What is the difference between nomads and hunter-gatherers of ancient times?



What is the difference between nomads and hunter-gatherers of ancient times? ... Nomads were people who moved in search of food, while hunter-gatherers got food by gathering wild food sources and hunting. Nomads were the first people to migrate out of Africa to search for food, while hunter-gatherers never left Africa.

Which document was mostly likely written first and why? Plz explain why or what helped u say it was written first or second.



hello i was wondering did you get the answer yet?

The Greeks sought out the disciple ______
because he had a Gentile name.






The growing support for civil rights following World War II led countries to begin promoting: A. access to the global community. O B. pride in national identities. O C. rapid economic growth. D. equality for citizens of all races.​



D. equality for citizens of all races


The growing support for civil rights led many countries to begin promoting equality for all citizens. Many countries promoted equality based on basic rights rather than being treated differently based on ethnic groups, race, colour, or religion. The civil rights movement took place during the 1950s and 1960s in the United States. It was a movement for social justice for African Americans to obtain equal rights.

Which route on the map did Vasco da Gama use in his search to a find new way to Asia?



vasco da gama went around africa to find the new way to asia.



he actually went around africa so the one that goes around africa


Which of the following was the "middle passage" in the triangular trade route of the colonists?
the transport of goods from Europe to Africa
O B.
the transport of weapons from England to America
O C.
the transport of slaves from Africa to America
O D.
the transport of tobacco from America to England
O E. the transport of indentured workers from Europe to America



C. the transport of slaves from Africa to America


This answer makes the most sense to me out of the five options.

The Triangular Trade, at least the way it was taught, started with Europe, then Africa, then the Americas, then back to Europe. If I understand the question correctly, this would make the trip from Africa to the Americas the "middle passage."

I am pretty sure it is #3 not sure though

Describe the economic activities of the Late Iron Age Societies in Southern Africa​



In Southern Africa, there was activities such as: collecting water from far away water holes, helping `clean the house` even though it was basically a wooden hut. and several other activities like helping your parents find food like vegatation or meat such as chicken or cattle. But also others was out in East Africa sorting out alliances for if anyone broke out war because of the early `slaves`. But also there was a very special job made for the strongest of man kind. Iron mining, it was early iron age and they had made a new discovery. They had to find more, and they did. But it was hard work for them and also for the kids trailing back and forth for large buckets of water for the men to hydrate. But also for the women cooking food for them and cleaning. ETC.


If this helps please mark me as brainliest.

Historians refute counterclaims in argumentative essays in order to:

A. include an argumentative thesis in an otherwise explanatory essay

B. introduce information into their essays that has not been corroborated

C. admit that their conclusions are incomplete and still require more research

D. demonstrate their awareness of theories that challenge their conclusions.​



I believe its D.


When you are arguing someone in an essay, it is good to show that you are aware of possible arguments that others will make towards your thesis.

Passage of the Habeas Corpus Act (1679) meant that people could no longer be


Gay nobody can be gay anymore

What three parts do both the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution include?
Beginning, Middle, and End
Preamble, Amendments, and Revisions
Preamble, Articles, and Amendments
Introduction, Structures, and Changes



The second line of b


im smart like that

In Contrast to most European countries, the United States government
A. is based on a written constitution.
B. operates slowly and deliberately.
C. shares fewer powers with subordinate governments.
D. operates quickly and efficiently.


The answer would be a C. Shares fewer powers with subordinate government

In Contrast to most European countries, the United States government

C. shares fewer powers with subordinate governments.


There are three types of government systems in European governance:1  presidential system, here the president is the head of state and the head of government; 2 semi-presidential system, here the president and the prime minister share a number of competences; finally, in a parliamentary republic, the president is a mere nominal head of government the real power is exercised by prime minister here . Thus there exist a greater share of powers with subordinate bodies . In united states a federal form of government exist in which the president is the head of the country and exercises all the powers . He ha a body of advisory ministers called senet. The states here have their respective governments. The system of dual citizenship is prevalent here. Thus the central government in US has fewer powers with subordinate governments of states .

What is subordinate government?

Subordinate government means a Department of the State Government or any other authority sub- ordinate to the Government. In simple terms supporting or subsequent level of government is called subordinate government .

What is presidential system?

It is a form of government in which the president is the head of state and the head of government.

What is semi-presidential system?

It is a form of government in which the president and the prime minister share a number of competences.

What is parliamentary republic

It is a form of government in which the people of the country exercise supreme power via their elected representative. Here elections are held after every 5 years

What is federal form of government ?

The distinctive feature of a federal government is that the states at any time can secede away from the union. Popular example of this is USA.

To learn more about federal government click here


All of the following are examples of secondary sources except __________.
a textbook that describes a series of events
a monograph book that discusses the American Revolution
a copy of the Constitution of the United States
a book that collects eyewitness accounts


all except the third one
or C

what are characteristics of fascism and not of democracy



Hi , so your answer is that fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition , and strong regimentation of society and of the economy .


Really hope i helped , have a nice day :) .

3. What powers did Hamilton think that
Congress should have?



He believe that congress can create a bank because the Constitution granted the federal government authority to do anything "necessary and proper" to carry out its constitutional functions.


Which generalization best explains why Koreans made scientific advancements during the time period discussed in the excerpt above?

1.Scientific achievement is a central tenet of Buddhism

2.Korean Buddhists conquered civilizations that made technological breakthroughs

3.Other Buddhist civilizations shared technological innovations in addition to cultural ideas

4.The Chinese conquered Korea and brought their innovations with them



4. The Chinese conquered Korea and brought their innovations with them

Explanation:  my teacher explained it to us :D

The Chinese colonized Korea and carried their innovations with them, which is the greatest generalization that explains why Koreans made scientific achievements during that time period.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Is South Korea a technical powerhouse?

South Korea is also one of the most technologically advanced and digitally connected countries in the world.

With the third-highest number of broadband Internet users among OECD countries and a leading voice in electronics, video screens, semiconductor gadgets, and cellular phones.

To learn more about Korean scientific advancements refer to the link:


Which philosopher of the Enlightenment most influenced Thomas Jefferson
when drafting the Declaration of
C) Montesquieu
D) Voltaire


John Locke :) because

Most scholars today believe that Jefferson derived the most famous ideas in the Declaration of Independence from the writings of English philosopher John Locke. Locke wrote his Second Treatise of Government in 1689 at the time of England's Glorious Revolution, which overthrew the rule of James II. I think
B is the answer for this question

“The peace conditions imposed upon Germany are so hard, so humiliating, that those who had even the tiniest hope for a ‘just peace’ are bound to be deeply disappointed. Our condemnation of the lust of power and conquest that Germany displayed during the war is strong and unwavering. But a condemnation of wartime actions must not amount to a lasting condemnation of an entire nation.

The question is not whether the Germans have been led astray by their leaders, or whether they have been willing accomplices in the misdeeds of those leaders—the question is, whether it is in the interest of mankind to punish the German people as the Entente governments seem to have decided to do.

The Entente evidently desires the complete annihilation of Germany. Not only will its whole commercial fleet be confiscated, but its shipbuilding yards will be obliged to work for the foreigner for some time to come. Whole regions of Germany will be entirely deprived of their liberty; they will be under a committee of foreign domination, without adequate representation. The financial burden is so heavy that it is no exaggeration to say that Germany is reduced to economic bondage. The Germans will have to work hard and incessantly for foreign masters, without any chance of personal gain, or any prospect of regaining liberty or economic independence.

This ‘peace’ offered to Germany is a mockery of President Wilson’s principles. Trusting in these, Germany surrendered and accepted peace. That confidence has been betrayed in such a manner that all Germans must now feel that they wish to shake off the heavy yoke imposed on them by the cajoling Entente. And we fear very much that they will soon find the opportunity to do so. Chained and enslaved, Germany will always remain a menace to Europe.”

Algemeen Handelsblad, Dutch liberal newspaper, editorial on the Treaty of Versailles, June 1919

The mention of “President Wilson’s principles” is most directly significant to understanding the editorial’s point of view about the Treaty of Versailles because of the United States president’s commitment to

establish an international organization to prevent future conflicts

Answer A: establish an international organization to prevent future conflicts

work to create nation-states for ethnic minorities that had been under imperial control

Answer B: work to create nation-states for ethnic minorities that had been under imperial control

broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge

Answer C: broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge

resist the spread of Bolshevism following the Russian Revolution


Answer: C: broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge.


After the war ended, President Woodrow Wilson wanted the peace settlement to be such that Germany and the Central powers were not punished so much that they would seek revenge in future.

For this to happen, the Allies would have to impose a peace settlement based on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge. Contrary to his wishes, the peace settlement was quite harsh and indirectly led to the Nazis coming to power and initiating WWII.

The mention of “President Wilson’s principles” is most directly significant to understanding the Treaty of Versailles because of the president’s commitment to broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge.

Aftermath the war, President Woodrow Wilson wanted the peace settlement to be such that Germany and the Central powers were not punished so much that they would seek revenge in future.

Hence, the mention is made because of the president’s commitment to broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Treaty of Versailles

Which of these is the most likely outcome of a financial crisis?
A. Lower unemployment
B. More businesses failing
C. Fewer foreclosures
D. Greater company profits



B More Buisness failing


it is the only negative one


more business falling,

when there is no financial crisis more business are even falling talk less of when there's no financial crisis in a country

A historian could best use this map to study which topic?


Answer: 3, Decolonization


not sure if its 3 because the picture was unclear

The united states started with the Federalist and Anti-federalists party, and that is one reason why we have 2 political parties now


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the question. This is just a statement.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is  a true or false question, then the answer is "true."

It is true that the United States started with the Federalist and Anti-federalists party, and that is one reason why we have 2 political parties now.

During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, two factions debated and argued about the best form of government for the United States and the issue of representation of citizens. Federalists led by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton favored a strong central government. Antifederalists like Thomas Jefferson did not support a strong federal government because they thought it could turn into tyranny, as was the case of the British monarchy. Finally, they could move on when James Madison drafted the Bill of Rights, which is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution.

All of the following are associated with the construction of the Panama Canal
1) French attempt
2) disease
geographic obstacles
4) William Howard Taft



The answer Is 1)


Considering the available options, all the options are associated with the construction of the Panama Canal. Hence, it is "none of the above."

Panama Canal Construction

The Panama Canal Construction was first attempted by the French in 1881 by a French company under Ferdinand, viscount de Lesseps but stopped the construction in 1889 due to lack of finance or investors.

During the construction of the Panama Canal that lasted between 1904 to 1914, there was a series of yellow fever and malaria incidents that killed many workers. Approximately 22,000 workers died during the construction.

Also, there were geographical obstacles during the construction attributed to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans that the canal sought to connect.

Again, William Howard Taft played a significant role in constructing the Panama Canal. First, as the Secretary of War under Theodore Roosevelt when the construction started, and later as the President of the United States when the construction ended.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is "None of the above."

Learn more about Panama Canal here:

How many slaves were relocated to Liberia
between 1822 and 1865, a number intended
by the American Colonization Society to be
much higher?
A. 6-12 thousand
B. 12-20 thousand
C. 50-60 thousand



American Colonization Society (ACS), originally known as the The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America, was founded in 1816 by Robert Finley to encourage and support the migration of free African Americans to the continent of Africa. There were several factors that led to the establishment of the American Colonization Society. The number of free people of color grew steadily following the American Revolutionary War, from 60,000 in 1790 to 300,000 by 1830. Consequently, slaveowners grew increasingly concerned that free blacks might encourage or help their slaves to escape or rebel. In addition, most white Americans saw African Americans as "racially" inferior and felt that "amalgamation," or integration, of African Americans with white American culture was impossible and undesirable. This reinforced the notion that African Americans should be relocated to somewhere they could live free of prejudice, where they could be citizens. The African-American community and abolitionist movement overwhelmingly opposed the project. In most cases, African Americans' families had lived in the United States for generations, and their prevailing sentiment was that they were no more African than white Americans were European. Contrary to stated claims that emigration was voluntary, many African Americans, both free and enslaved, were pressured into emigrating. Indeed, enslavers sometimes manumitted their slaves on condition that the freedmen leave the country immediately. According to historian Marc Leepson, "Colonization proved to be a giant failure, doing nothing to stem the forces that brought the nation to Civil War." Between 1821 and 1847, only a few thousand African Americans, out of the then millions in the US, emigrated to what would become Liberia. Close to half of them died from tropical diseases. In addition, the transportation of the emigrants to the African continent, including the provisioning of requisite tools and supplies, proved very expensive.


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