Dan is 5 years old, and progressing through Freud's phallic stage of development. When he uses proper manners, such as saying please and thank you, he notices that his parents are happy, so he uses proper manners more often. When he leaves his toys out after playing with them, he notices that his parents are not happy, so he avoids doing this in order to avoid loss of love. What did Freud call this process


Answer 1




Psychological Defense Mechanisms This are simply put up by individuals to help the one's ego adapt with anxiety, frustration, and unacceptable impulses.It help an individual to relieve tension and the demands of the external world. It includes denial, projection. Sublimation , undoing, introjection etc.

Introjection as a Developmental Function

This involves an individual taking in objects usually psychologically and physically. It is an immature Defense Mechanism.

Introjection as a Defensive Function

1. introjection of loved ones

This is simply known as an individual internalizing the qualities of objects with goal of establishing closeness to and constant presence of the object. anxiety due to separation or the tension from ambivalence is reduced, internalize parents, friends, etc.

2. introjection of feared objects

This is simply known as when an individual tries in every possible way to avoid anxiety by internalizing aggressive characteristics of an object and thereby putting aggression under one's control. It is an immature defense mechanism

Related Questions

how do human activities such as shelter and food affect the environment​



Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.


they affect


like food affect the environment by leaving the leftover of the food and it is prohibited ba the environmental management law 2004

Dr. Perez is discussing a research study that he had conducted when he was an undergraduate. Unfortunately, while he was collecting data, he did not notice that the light in the room was flickering while some of his participants were trying to concentrate on a memory task. His advisor told him later that the light flickering likely was a(n) _____ variable, because it had unintentionally influenced the outcome of his study.





A variable may be classed an being extraneous if during an experiment, a certain variable which isn't considered as part of the experimental process poses the potential of having an effect on the experimental process and as such could have an impact on the outcome or out of the experiment. In the scenario described above, a flickering light could have a higher effect on an experiment which is aimed at concentrating in a memory task. However x since the flickering light was not supposed to be part of the variable designed for the experiment, then it is called an extraneous variable.

i need help with civics..



what's the question tell it

What is the question? Maybe I could help.

why are our social and cultural customs important ?
answer this ​



Traditions represent a critical piece of our culture. They help form the structure and foundation of our families and our society. They remind us that we are part of a history that defines our past, shapes who we are today and who we are likely to become. Once we ignore the meaning of our traditions, we’re in danger of damaging the underpinning of our identity.

The same for custom.


Pls mark brainliest.

Have a wonderful day :D

Answer: They are important because they make a civilization different from the other .


I think having different social and cultural tradtitions not only make a civilization stand out differently, but it also makes it having its own unique identity.

o When did men stopwandering Pron place 70 place ana s7 art live in a prace permanently?​





What are the two reasons of growing demand of water?​



Here are a few of the reasons for the increasing demand for water:

Rising Food Requirements. ...

Increased Energy Requirements. ...

More Frequent Droughts. ...

Unsustainable Groundwater Pumping. ...

Inadequate Water Infrastructure.

two consecutive even integers have a sum of 67. Find the integers.

anyone please have a ch.at​



2x = 67 2x + 1 = 67 2x + 2 = 67 x2 + 1= 67.


What they said ^^^^^^^^^^^^

The act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals who are suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability is called mercy killing, or





Euthanasia is also another word for mercy killing. It is a death that is easy or death that is without pain. Euthanasia describes the act of putting an end to a person's life. This could be done at the request of the person who might be suffering from an incurable ailments or one who is in Great pains. It can be carried out through the use of lethal injections which would shut down the heart and brain in a few minutes.

there is unity In diversity in Nepal explain.



The concept of unity in diversity was accepted by the state after the unification of Nepal by the late King Prithvi Narayan Shah. ... Nepal is a multi-religious country in the world so different ethnic groups live with their own way of religious practice, lifestyle, language, culture, tradition and spirit.

poverty and lack of education are the main causes of social problems and . justify the statement​



In my opinion, I feel like your experiences changes you, for example, the way you act around people, because of the way they treat you. If, for example you suffer anxiety or depression, there's a reason for that. Bullying also adds to this, because it can sometimes damage you, or lower your self confidence.


Examples of social problems include OCD, depression, anxiety. I don't know if stress is a social problem?

-Realizar un escrito reflexivo minimo de 5 renglones respondiendo las siguientes preguntas ¿Qué es ser afrocolombiano? y teniendo en cuenta que en el articulo 7 de la Constitución que dice "El estado reconoce y protege la diversidad étnica y cultural de la nación colombiana" por lo tanto ¿Qué faltaria para mejorar las condiciones de vida de esta población que ha sido victima de racismo y de exclusión social?​



Los colombianos con ascendencia africana constituyen el 21% de la población actual, de los cuales el 14% son mulatos, el 4% negros y el 2% zambos. La mayoría de ellos se concentran en las regiones costeras del país. El término afrocolombiano es problemático porque en América Latina, afro solo se usa en relación con la cultura (por ejemplo, la religión afrobrasileña), no en relación con las personas.

Los primeros africanos llegaron a la actual Colombia con los conquistadores españoles. Uno de ellos fue Ñuflo de Olano, que llegó al Pacífico con Vasco Núñez de Balboa. En 1534 la corona española otorgó al conquistador Francisco de Lugo el derecho de traer esclavos negros a la provincia de Santa Marta.

En los siguientes tres siglos, varios cientos de miles de esclavos africanos llegaron a Nueva Granada a través de Cartagena o alguna otra ruta, donde permaneció aproximadamente la mitad de ellos. Algunos trabajaban como esclavos domésticos en el campo o en los hogares urbanos de la clase alta. Sin los esclavos negros, el desarrollo de las haciendas de la costa atlántica y del Caucatal, así como los ingenios azucareros de Colombia, Boyacá y Cundinamarca, no hubiera sido posible. Además, los trabajadores africanos debieron trabajar en las minas de oro de Antioquia y Chocó.

Con el paso del tiempo, los esclavos lograron huir una y otra vez. La infranqueable topografía colombiana facilitó la formación de los llamados palenques. Estos eran asentamientos negros de difícil acceso. También sirvieron como centros de entrenamiento para las primeras tropas guerrilleras en Colombia. Muchos Palenques permanecieron relativamente inestables debido al ambiente hostil, pero algunos de ellos pudieron resistir hasta el final de la era colonial. Aún hoy, a 70 km de Cartagena, existe un pueblo con descendientes de esclavos fugitivos, San Basilio de Palenque. Gran parte de la población habla palenquero, el único criollo de origen español en América Latina.

How does financial resource affect the development of a country?



) Development of economy - Financial resources lead to development of economy of the country, leading to generation of employment opportunities, reduction in poverty and overall nation's development. ... They also lead to development of education, medical and employment infrastructure of the country.

what will happen if people exercise their rights and ignore their duties​



then the development will get slower


Rights and duties are 2 sides of a single coin. A nation will not develop if we only enjoy our rights only. People wouldn't fulfil their duty if there isn't any rights for them. And if we only enjoy our right then it may disturb others. So, to create peace as well as to develop a nation we should fulfil our duty and enjoy our rights.

hope it helps

federalism is the foundation of development of a country.write your logic in four points​



Federalism prevent the possible abuse of the authority represented through the political power distributed to the states. Federalism makes sure there is a series of authority between state and central government, thus discouraging and preventing any abuse of power i hope it will help you

what are the spectrums of sustainable development as defined by UNESCO ? Discuss them in brief?​


here it may help you

Heidi comes from an upper-middle-class family, and after high school she went through a period of exploration. She spent some time traveling around Asia, worked at Disneyland for a few summers, and then waited tables in a ski town while learning to snowboard. Now she is attending college and has made a clear commitment to go into business. According to Marcia, Heidi's current identity status would be described as



Identity Achievement


Who is the current prime minister of Nepal:
1)Kp sharma oli
2)Sher Bhahadur Deub​



ko Sharma oli is our current prime minister


Sher Bahadur Deuba

Hope this helped you! Please follow my account & rate my answer 5⭐, thanks!

Steve, a high school student, is attending a biology class. When the teacher asks each student in the class to recall the function of the sympathetic nervous system, all the students who were asked the question before him incorrectly recall the function. Despite knowing the correct answer, Steve repeats the answer given by other students because of group pressure. This scenario exemplifies the concept of __________. Group of answer choices





Conformity can be described as a social behaviour where a person may change what they believe in or how they behave just because they want to fit into a social group. From this explanation, we can see that Steve is trying to be in conformity with his classmates, he probably does not want to be seen as a know-it-all. So in order for him to be accepted, he deliberately trying to feel like the rest.

Research Report : Effects of the Corona-virus pandemic on students.


"Traditional schools are better than online schools."
Do you agree or disagree to this statement ?

Support your claim.
( Give at least 3 reasons for your preference )



Traditional schools are better because you are going to be with the teacher to ask as many questions as you like, to understand the lesson, and because it is fun. I agree that traditional schools are better.


An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representation. encourage the breakup of international military and economic alliances. deploy scarce resources efficiently. govern compact states more effectively. accommodate right wing political parties and their demands for increased representation in national elections.



primarily to grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representation.  


The federal form of the government is defined as that government where the powers of the government is divided between the center and the states and the local government.

In the Federal system of government, each of the level have some powers in their own hand while sharing the others with that of the state or the local government.

In the US, tha main purpose of the federalism structure of government is for the transformation of the powers from the center to the states and also provide effective representations to the different nationalities and the ethnic groups.

Nos permiten representar regiones de interés a diferentes escalas




translate this now

What characteristic of the Middle colonies helped with trading?

Construction of dirt roads
Long and wide rivers
Pacific Ocean


long and wide rivers

like the Hudson river for New York city

Middle colonies are like new York city &


what does 'enjoy diversity.'Explain. ​



diversity is an important factor int his world . The idea of diversity involve respect and acceptance. It also means accepting and understanding that every person is unique and identifying our individual distinction.


All about exploring the difference in safe and positive environment. Enjoying diversity relates to one right thing we all have in common.


In his world, diversity is a major factor. Respect and acceptance include the idea of variety. It also indicates that everyone is unique and identifies our own distinction. It signifies embrace and comprehends.


Everything about the difference in a safe and positive setting. Discovering variety is the right thing for all of us.

In the quest to maintain their legitimacy, political officials may use athletes, teams, and particular sports to _____. Multiple choice question. boost their acceptance in the minds of citizens reaffirm an identity that further disconnects people within a nation emphasize that competition is clearly the most unconventional way to achieve personal success provide people with a vocabulary and real-life examples that conflict with dominant political ideologies




I dont know

Clean water is a basic necessity, yet obtaining clean water is a daily struggle for millions of people worldwide. Identify why the poor of Mumbai, India, have difficulty getting access to water.
A. They do not voice their concerns to the city.
B. They do not have citizenship.
C. They do not have jobs.
D. They do not have a permanent residence.



A=they do not voice their concerns to the city

Critics of the traditional psychological definition of achievement have argued that... A. people can view personal and interpersonal events in achievement terms. B. the traditional definition taps only direct, competitive achievement. C. some people may try to satisfy their achievement needs vicariously through the successes of others. D. all of the above.



A. people can view personal and interpersonal events in achievement terms.


Traditional psychological definition of achievement views achievement as an internally motivated goal by an individual to reach a set goal. This internal motivation is usually one of personal nature rather than external pressure, like Maslow's hierarchy of needs or Henry Murray's N-Ach which was subsequently popularised by the psychologist David McClelland.

How do people construct an identity on social media? Provide examples. Is selective self-presentation occurring?​



Social media enables identity expression, exploration, and experimentation; something natural for the human experience. It is the agencies in real life, which provide a source of names for different sectors.

una historia con los 10 valores principales que se deben vivir en la familia







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what is role playing in social​



Role-playing is the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.

Role playing is being another person and trying to be that person

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