Define simple harmonic motion. Write down the expressions for the velocity and aceraletion of such motion st different position along its path


Answer 1


Simple harmonic motion is a special type of periodic motion or oscillation motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement and acts in the direction opposite to that of displacemen

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A 1-cm long wire carrying 15 A is inside a solenoid 4 cm in radius with 800 turns/m carrying a current of 40 mA. The wire segment is oriented perpendicularly to the axis of the solenoid. What is the magnitude of the magnetic force on this wire segment in ???? N?



the magnitude of the magnetic force on the wire segment is 6.03 x 10⁻⁶ N



length of the conductor, L = 1 cm = 0.01 m

current carried by the solenoid, I₁ = 15 A

radius of the solenoid, r = 4 cm

number of turns per length of the solenoid, n = 800 turns/m

current carried by the solenoid, I₂ = 40 mA = 0.04 A

The magnetic field of the solenoid is calculated as;

B = μnI₂


μ is the permeability of free space = 4π x 10⁻⁷ Tm/A

B = ( 4π x 10⁻⁷) x (800) x (0.04)

B = 4.022 x 10⁻⁵ T

The magnitude of the magnetic force on the wire segment is calculated as;

F = BI₁L sinθ


θ is the angle made by the wire segment against the solenoid = 90⁰

F = (4.022 x 10⁻⁵) x (15) x (0.01) x sin(90)

F = 6.03 x 10⁻⁶ N

Therefore, the magnitude of the magnetic force on the wire segment is 6.03 x 10⁻⁶ N

A sound wave made up of large number of unrelated frequencies superposted on each other is


Since the frequencies are unrelated, and there are a large number of them, I'll say this represents an example of noise.

An organ pipe of length 3.0 m has one end closed. The longest and next-longest possible wavelengths for standing waves inside the pipe are



The longest wavelength for closed at one end and open at the other is

y / 4      where y is the wavelength - that is node - antinode

The next possible wavelength is 3 y / 4 -    node - antinode - node -antinode

y / 4 = 3 m     y = 12 meters    the longest wavelength

3 y / 4 = 3 m      y = 4 meters   1 / 3 times as long

what effect does the force of gravity have on a stone thrown vertically upwards​



rock go down


what comes up must come down.

There is more than 1 answer,
The picture is down



test her prototype and collect data about its flight

Your little sister (mass 25 kg) is sitting in her little red wagon (mass
8.5 kg) at rest. You begin pulling her forward, accelerating her with a
constant force for 2.35 s to a speed of 1.8 m/s. Calculate the impulse
you imparted to the wagon and its passenger.



p = 60.6N*s


v_f = v_0+a*t

a = (v_f-v_0)/t

a = (1.8m/s)/2.35s

a = 0.77m/s²

F = m*a

F = (25kg+8.5kg)*0.77m/s²

F = 25.8N

^p = F*t

p = 25.8N*2.35s

p = 60.6N*s

Light takes 1.2 sec to get from the moon to the Earth. Assume you are looking at the moon with noticeable earth shine. If the Sun burned out, you would eventually see the crescent of the moon disappear. The earth shine part of the moon would disappear Answer 2.4 s after the crescent disappeared.



1.2 seconds


Answer to the following question is 1.2 seconds

Because light from the moon takes 1.2 seconds to reach Earth, the light released from the crescent immediately before it vanishes will also take 1.2 seconds to reach Earth. As a result, the earth-shine portion of the moon will vanish 1.2 seconds after the crescent has vanished.

A car is traveling at 118 km/h when the driver sees an accident 85 m ahead and slams on the brakes. What minimum constant deceleration is required to stop the car in time to avoid a pileup



The constant minimum deceleration required to stop the car in time to avoid pileup is 6.32 m/s²


From the question, the car is traveling at 118 km/h, that is the initial velocity, u = 118km/h

The distance between the car and the accident at the moment when the driver sees the accident is 85 m, that is s = 85 ,

Since the driver slams on the brakes and the car will come to a stop, then the final velocity, v = 0 km/h = 0 m/s

First, convert 118 km/h to m/s

118 km/h = (118 × 1000) /3600 = 32.7778 m/s

∴ u = 32.7778 m/s

Now, to determine the deceleration, a, required to stop,

From one of the equations of motion for linear motion,

v² = u² + 2as


0² = (32.7778)² + 2×a×85

0 = 1074.3841 + 170a

∴ 170a = - 1074.3841

a = - 1074.3841 / 170

a = - 6.3199

a ≅ - 6.32 m/s²

Hence, the constant minimum deceleration required to stop the car in time to avoid pileup is 6.32 m/s²

A diffraction grating has 6000 lines per centimeter ruled on it. What is the angular separation (in degrees) between the second and the third orders on the same side of the central bright fringe when the grating is illuminated with a beam of light of wavelength 500 nm



Hope it Will help he hsuejwoamxgehanwpalasmbwfwfqoqlmdbehendalmZbgevzuxwllw. yeh we pabdvddxhspapalw. X

The angular separation (in degrees) between the second and the third orders on the same side of the central bright fringe if the wavelength is 500 nm and A diffraction grating has 6000 lines per centimeter ruled on it, is  27.29°.

What is diffraction?

Waves spreading outward around obstructions are known as diffraction. Sound, electromagnetic radiation like light, X-rays, and gamma rays, as well as very small moving particles like atoms, neutrons, and electrons that exhibit wavelike qualities all exhibit diffraction.


The number of lines = 6000 per cm,

The Wavelength, λ = 500 nm = 500 × 10 ⁻⁹ m

Calculate the diffraction grating,

[tex]d = 1 / no\ of\ lines[/tex]

d = 10⁻² / 6000 m,

Calculate the second-order maxima angle and third-order maxima angle by the formula given below,

[tex]dsin\theta_1 = n_1 \lambda[/tex]

[tex]sin\theta_1 = n_1\lambda / d[/tex]

[tex]\theta _1 = sin^{-1}[2\times 500\times 10 ^{-9}/10^{-2}\times 6000][/tex]

θ₁ = sin⁻¹(0.6)

θ₁ = 36.87°

Similarly, for θ₂,

θ₂ = sin⁻¹(3 × 500 × 10 ⁻⁹ / 10⁻² × 6000)

θ₂ = sin⁻¹(0.9)

θ₂ = 64.16°

Calculate the separation as follows,

θ₂ - θ₁ = 64.16° - 36.87°

θ₂ - θ₁ =  27.29°

Therefore, the angular separation (in degrees) between the second and the third orders on the same side of the central bright fringe if the wavelength is 500 nm and A diffraction grating has 6000 lines per centimeter ruled on it, is  27.29°.

To know more about diffraction:


an alternating voltage of 100V, 50HZ Is Applied across an impedance of (20-j30) calculate the resistance, the capacitance, current, the phase angle between current and voltage


The resistance R = 20 Ω

The capacitance C = 106.1 μF

The current, I is 2.773 A at 56.31°.

The phase angle of the between the current and the voltage is 56.31° leading.

Since the impedance Z = 20 - j30 Ω, the resistance, R is the real part of the impedance. So R = ReZ = 20 Ω

So, the resistance R = 20 Ω

To find the capacitance, we need first to find the reactance of the capacitor X. Since the impedance Z = 20 - j30, the reactance of the capacitor X. is the imaginary part of the impedance. So X = ImZ = 30 Ω.

Now the reactance of the capacitor X = 1/ωC where ω = angular frequency of the circuit = 2πf where f = frequency of the circuit = 50 Hz and C = capacitance  

So, C = 1/ωX = 1/2πfX

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

C = 1/2πfX

C = 1/(2π × 50 Hz × 30 Ω)

C = 1/3000π

C = 1/9424.778

C = 1.061 × 10⁻⁴ F

C = 106.1 × 10⁻⁶ F

C = 106.1 μF

So, the capacitance is 106.1 μF

The current I = V/Z where V = voltage = 100 V at 0° and Z = impedance.

The magnitude of Z = √(20² + (-30)²)

= √(400 + 900)

= √1300

= 36.06 Ω

and its angle Φ = tan⁻¹(ImZ/ReZ)

= tan⁻¹(-30/20)

= tan⁻¹(-1.5) = -56.31°

So, V = 100 ∠ 0° and Z = 36.06 ∠ -56.31°

So, the current, I = V/Z =  (100 ∠ 0°)/36.06 ∠ -56.31°

= 100/36.06 ∠(0° - (-56.31° ))

= 2.773 ∠ 56.31° A

So, the current is 2.773 A at 56.31°.

Since the current is 2.773 A at 56.31°, the phase angle of the between the current and the voltage is 56.31° leading.

So, the phase angle of the between the current and the voltage is 56.31° leading.

Learn more about alternating voltage here:

A wheel is rotating freely at angular speed 530 rev/min on a shaft whose rotational inertia is negligible. A second wheel, initially at rest and with 9 times the rotational inertia of the first, is suddenly coupled to the same shaft. (a) What is the angular speed of the resultant combination of the shaft and two wheels


Answer: [tex]53\ rev/min[/tex]



angular speed of wheel is [tex]\omega_1 =530\ rev/min[/tex]

Another wheel of 9 times the rotational inertia is coupled with initial wheel

Suppose the initial wheel has moment of inertia as I

Coupled disc has [tex]9I[/tex] as rotational inertia

Conserving angular momentum,

[tex]\Rightarrow I\omega_1=(I+9I)\omega_2\\\\\Rightarrow \omega_2=\dfrac{I}{10I}\times 530\\\\\Rightarrow \omega_2=53\ rev/min[/tex]

The temperature of a body falls from 30°C to 20°C in 5 minutes. The air
temperature is 13°C. Find the temperature after a further 5 minutes.




is the correct answer

A mass is tired to spring and begins vibration periodically the distance between it's lowest position is 48cm what is the Amplitude of the vibration



The amplitude of vibration of the spring is "24 cm"

The periodic vibrating body's motion follows a sinusoidal path. This sinusoidal path is illustrated in the attached picture.

From the picture, it can be clearly seen that the amplitude of the periodic vibration motion is the distance from its mean position to the highest point.

Since the distance of both the highest and the lowest points from the mean position is the same. Therefore, the distance between the lowest and the highest point must be equal to two times the amplitude of the wave.

Amplitude = 24 cm

If a conducting loop of radius 10 cm is onboard an instrument on Jupiter at 45 degree latitude, and is rotating with a frequency 2 rev/s; What is the maximum emf induced in this loop? If its resistance is 0.00336 ohms, how much current is induced in this loop? And what is the maximum power dissipated in the loop due to its rotation in Jupiter's magnetic field?



a)  fem = - 2.1514 10⁻⁴ V,  b) I = - 64.0 10⁻³ A, c)    P = 1.38  10⁻⁶ W


This exercise is about Faraday's law

         fem = [tex]- \frac{ d \Phi_B}{dt}[/tex]

where the magnetic flux is

        Ф = B x A

the bold are vectors

        A = π r²

we assume that the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the area is zero

         fem = - B π 2r dr/dt = - 2π B r v

linear and angular velocity are related

        v = w r

        w = 2π f

        v = 2π f r

we substitute

        fem = - 2π B r (2π f r)

        fem = -4π² B f r²

For the magnetic field of Jupiter we use the equatorial field B = 428 10⁻⁶T

we reduce the magnitudes to the SI system

       f = 2 rev / s (2π rad / 1 rev) = 4π Hz

we calculate

       fem = - 4π² 428 10⁻⁶ 4π 0.10²

       fem = - 16π³ 428 10⁻⁶ 0.010

       fem = - 2.1514 10⁻⁴ V

for the current let's use Ohm's law

        V = I R

        I = V / R

         I = -2.1514 10⁻⁴ / 0.00336

         I = - 64.0 10⁻³ A

Electric power is

        P = V I

        P = 2.1514 10⁻⁴ 64.0 10⁻³

        P = 1.38  10⁻⁶ W

Determine the magnitude as well as direction of the electric field at point A, shown in the above figure. Given the value of k = 8.99 × 1012N/C.



Electric field at A = 9.28 x 10¹² N/C



K = 8.99 x 10¹² N/C

Missing information:

Length = 11 cm = 11 x 10⁻² m

q = 12.5 C


Electric field at A


Electric field = Kq / r²

Electric field at A = [(8.99 x 10¹²)(12.5)] / [11 x 10⁻²]²

Electric field at A = 9.28 x 10¹² N/C

The voltage in an EBW operation is 45 kV. The beam current is 50 milliamp. The electron beam is focused on a circular area that is 0.50 mm in diameter. The heat transfer factor is 0.87. Calculate the average power density in the area in watt/mm2.





From the question we are told that:

Voltage [tex]V=45kV[/tex]

Current [tex]I=50mAmp[/tex]

Diameter  [tex]d=0.50mm[/tex]

Heat transfer factor [tex]\mu= 0.87.[/tex]

Generally the equation for  Power developed is mathematically given by




Power in area



Power Density




a bullet is dropped from the same height when another bullet is fired horizontally. they will hit the ground



it will drop simultaneously

A skateboarder travels on a horizontal surface with an initial velocity of 3.6 m/s toward the south and a constant acceleration of 1.8 m/s^2 toward the east. Let the x direction be eastward and the y direction be northward, and let the skateboarder be at the origin at t=0.

a. What is her x position at t=0.60s?
b. What is her y position at t=0.60s?
c. What is her x velocity component at t=0.60s?
d. What is her y velocity component at t=0.60s?



a) The x-position of the skateboarder is 0.324 meters.

b) The y-position of the skateboarder is -2.16 meters.

c) The x-velocity of the skateboard is 1.08 meters per second.

d) The y-velocity of the skateboard is -3.6 meters per second.


a) The x-position of the skateboarder is determined by the following expression:

[tex]x(t) = x_{o} + v_{o,x}\cdot t + \frac{1}{2}\cdot a_{x} \cdot t^{2}[/tex] (1)


[tex]x_{o}[/tex] - Initial x-position, in meters.

[tex]v_{o,x}[/tex] - Initial x-velocity, in meters per second.

[tex]t[/tex] - Time, in seconds.

[tex]a_{x}[/tex] - x-acceleration, in meters per second.

If we know that [tex]x_{o} = 0\,m[/tex], [tex]v_{o,x} = 0\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]t = 0.60\,s[/tex] and [tex]a_{x} = 1.8\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], then the x-position of the skateboarder is:

[tex]x(t) = 0\,m + \left(0\,\frac{m}{s} \right)\cdot (0.60\,s) + \frac{1}{2}\cdot \left(1.8\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} \right) \cdot (0.60\,s)^{2}[/tex]

[tex]x(t) = 0.324\,m[/tex]

The x-position of the skateboarder is 0.324 meters.

b) The y-position of the skateboarder is determined by the following expression:

[tex]y(t) = y_{o} + v_{o,y}\cdot t + \frac{1}{2}\cdot a_{y} \cdot t^{2}[/tex] (2)


[tex]y_{o}[/tex] - Initial y-position, in meters.

[tex]v_{o,y}[/tex] - Initial y-velocity, in meters per second.

[tex]t[/tex] - Time, in seconds.

[tex]a_{y}[/tex] - y-acceleration, in meters per second.

If we know that [tex]y_{o} = 0\,m[/tex], [tex]v_{o,y} = -3.6\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]t = 0.60\,s[/tex] and [tex]a_{y} = 0\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], then the x-position of the skateboarder is:

[tex]y(t) = 0\,m + \left(-3.6\,\frac{m}{s} \right)\cdot (0.60\,s) + \frac{1}{2}\cdot \left(0\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}\right)\cdot (0.60\,s)^{2}[/tex]

[tex]y(t) = -2.16\,m[/tex]

The y-position of the skateboarder is -2.16 meters.

c) The x-velocity of the skateboarder ([tex]v_{x}[/tex]), in meters per second, is calculated by this kinematic formula:

[tex]v_{x}(t) = v_{o,x} + a_{x}\cdot t[/tex] (3)

If we know that [tex]v_{o,x} = 0\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]t = 0.60\,s[/tex] and [tex]a_{x} = 1.8\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], then the x-velocity of the skateboarder is:

[tex]v_{x}(t) = \left(0\,\frac{m}{s} \right) + \left(1.8\,\frac{m}{s} \right)\cdot (0.60\,s)[/tex]

[tex]v_{x}(t) = 1.08\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex]

The x-velocity of the skateboard is 1.08 meters per second.

d) As the skateboarder has a constant y-velocity, then we have the following answer:

[tex]v_{y} = -3.6\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex]

The y-velocity of the skateboard is -3.6 meters per second.

You place a 55.0 kg box on a track that makes an angle of 28.0 degrees with the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the inclined plane is 0.680. a) Determine the static frictional force which holds the box in place. b) You slowly raise one end of the track, slowly increasing the incline of the angle. Determine the maximum angle that the incline can make with the horizontal so that the box just remains at rest. Ms 680 u Fgsin 281 Ffg Mgm r 680 55 4 8



[tex]\theta=34 \textdegree[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Mass [tex]m=55kg[/tex]

Angle [tex]\theta =28.0[/tex]

Coefficient of static friction [tex]\alpha =0.680[/tex]

Generally, the equation for Newtons second Law is mathematically given by



[tex]N=mgcos \theta[/tex]





[tex]F_{s}=\alpha*N\\\\F_{s}=\alpha*m*gcos \theta[/tex]

[tex]F_{s}=0.68*55*9.8*cos 28[/tex]



[tex]\alpha mgcos \theta=mg sin \theta[/tex]


[tex]\theta=34 \textdegree[/tex]

(a) The static frictional force which holds the box in place is 323.62 N.

(b) The maximum angle that the incline can make with the horizontal is 34.2⁰.

Net force

The net force applied to keep the box at rest must be zero in order for the box to remain in equilibrium position. Apply Newton's second law of motion to determine the net force.

∑F = 0

Static frictional force

The static frictional force is calculated as follows;

Fs = μFncosθ

Fs = 0.68 x (55 x 9.8) x cos28

Fs = 323.62 N

Maximum angle the incline can make

Fn(sinθ) - μFn(cosθ) = 0

mg(sinθ) - μmg(cosθ) = 0

μmg(cosθ) = mg(sinθ)

μ(cosθ) = (sinθ)

μ = sinθ/cosθ

μ = tanθ

θ = tan⁻¹(μ)

θ = tan⁻¹(0.68)

θ = 34.2⁰

Learn more about net force of inclined here:

A river is 87. meters wide and its current flows northward at 6 meters per second. A boat is launched with a velocity of 1.0 meters per second eastward from the west bank of the river. Determine the magnitude and direction of the boat’s resultant velocity as it crosses the river.





If a person rows a boat across a rapidly flowing river and tries to head directly for the other shore, the boat instead moves diagonally relative to the shore, as in Figure 1. The boat does not move in the direction in which it is pointed. The reason, of course, is that the river carries the boat downstream. Similarly, if a small airplane flies overhead in a strong crosswind, you can sometimes see that the plane is not moving in the direction in which it is pointed, as illustrated in Figure 2. The plane is moving straight ahead relative to the air, but the movement of the air mass relative to the ground carries it sideways.

A boat is trying to cross a river. Due to the velocity of river the path traveled by boat is diagonal. The velocity of boat v boat is in positive y direction. The velocity of river v river is in positive x direction. The resultant diagonal velocity v total which makes an angle of theta with the horizontal x axis is towards north east direction.

Figure 1. A boat trying to head straight across a river will actually move diagonally relative to the shore as shown. Its total velocity (solid arrow) relative to the shore is the sum of its velocity relative to the river plus the velocity of the river relative to the shore.

An airplane is trying to fly straight north with velocity v sub p. Due to wind velocity v sub w in south west direction making an angle theta with the horizontal axis, the plane’s total velocity is thirty eight point 0 meters per seconds oriented twenty degrees west of north.

Figure 2. An airplane heading straight north is instead carried to the west and slowed down by wind. The plane does not move relative to the ground in the direction it points; rather, it moves in the direction of its total velocity (solid arrow).

In each of these situations, an object has a velocity relative to a medium (such as a river) and that medium has a velocity relative to an observer on solid ground. The velocity of the object relative to the observer is the sum of these velocity vectors, as indicated in Figure 1 and Figure 2. These situations are only two of many in which it is useful to add velocities. In this module, we first re-examine how to add velocities and then consider certain aspects of what relative velocity means.

How do we add velocities? Velocity is a vector (it has both magnitude and direction); the rules of vector addition discussed in Chapter 3.2 Vector Addition and Subtraction: Graphical Methods and Chapter 3.3 Vector Addition and Subtraction: Analytical Methods apply to the addition of velocities, just as they do for any other vectors. In one-dimensional motion, the addition of velocities is simple—they add like ordinary numbers. For example, if a field hockey player is moving at  5  m/s

straight toward the goal and drives the ball in the same direction with a velocity of  30 m/s

relative to her body, then the velocity of the ball is  35  m/s

relative to the stationary, profusely sweating goalkeeper standing in front of the goal.

In two-dimensional motion, either graphical or analytical techniques can be used to add velocities. We will concentrate on analytical techniques. The following equations give the relationships between the magnitude and direction of velocity (


The figure shows components of velocity v in horizontal  vx and in vertical y axis v y. The angle between the velocity vector v and the horizontal axis is theta.

Figure 3. The velocity, v, of an object traveling at an angle θ to the horizontal axis is the sum of component vectors  and  

These equations are valid for any vectors and are adapted specifically for velocity. The first two equations are used to find the components of a velocity when its magnitude and direction are known. The last two are used to find the magnitude and direction of velocity when its components are known.

Vector a has a magnitude of 8 and makes an angle of 45 with positive x axis vector B has also the same magnitude of 8 units and direction along the



prove that Sin^6 ϴ-cos^6ϴ=(2Sin^2ϴ-1)(cos^2ϴ+sin^4ϴ)

please sove step by step with language it is opt maths question

The answer is:

A + B = 6,123 units at angle 112,5 degrees.
A - B = 14,782 units at angle 22,5 degrees.

One of the asteroids, Ida, looks like an elongated potato. Surprisingly it has a tiny (compared to Ida) spherical moon! This moon called Dactyl has a mass of 4.20 × 10^16 kg, and a radius of 1.57 × 10^4 meters, according to Wikipedia. Ida has a radius of 3.14 x 10^4 meters.
Find the acceleration of gravity on the surface of this little moon.



g = 0.0114 m/s²


The value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon can be given by the following formula:

[tex]g = \frac{Gm}{r^2}[/tex]


g = acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon = ?

G = Universal Gravitational Constant = 6.67 x 10⁻¹¹ N.m²/kg²

m = mass of moon = 4.2 x 10¹⁶ kg

r = radius of moon = 1.57 x 10⁴ m


[tex]g= \frac{(6.67\ x\ 10^{-11}\ N.m^2/kg^2)(4.2\ x\ 10^{16}\ kg)}{(1.57\ x\ 10^4\ m)^2}[/tex]

g = 0.0114 m/s²

A refrigerator has a coefficient of performance equal to 4.00. The refrigerator takes in 110 J of energy from a cold reservoir in each cycle. (a) Find the work required in each cycle. J (b) Find the energy expelled to the hot reservoir. J



The correct answer is:

(a) 27.5 Joules

(b) 141.5 Joules




[tex]Q_c = 110 \ J[/tex]

Coefficient of performance refrigerator,



As we know,

⇒ [tex]Cop(refrig) = \frac{Q_c}{Work}[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Work=\frac{Q_c}{Cop(refrig)}[/tex]


              [tex]=27.5 \ Joules[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Heat \ expelled = Heat \ removed +Work \ done[/tex]


⇒ [tex]Q_h = Q_c+Work[/tex]


         [tex]=141.5 \ Joules[/tex]

6) The mass of a motorcycle is 250 kg. What is?
A) Its weight on Earth in Newtons?
B) Its weight on the moon (in Newtons)?
C) The mass of your motorcycle on the moon?




Weight is actually a force. A force can change depending on its location. A mass remains constant no matter where it is.


F = m * a

m = 250 kg

a = 9.81 m/s^2

F = 250 * 9.81 = 2452.5 N


The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is roughly 1/6 what it is on earth. You can check its value in your notes.

a = 9.81 + (1/6) = 1.635

m = 250

F = 250 * 1.635

F = 408.75


The mass is the same anywhere in the universe.

250 kg

An oscillating particle has the equation x = 10cos(8πt +π ) (x in cm, t in s). The number of times the object passes through the equilibrium position in one second is



x = A sin (wt + theta)        where w = angular frequency - basic SHM equation

w = 8 pi = 2 pi f

f = 4         basic frequency

N = 8     number of times thru origin

Each cycle the particle will pass thru the origin +x and -x    twice

What are the multiple of meter ?
What are the sub multiple of meter?



To cover a larger distance we use km(kilometre) , hm (hectometre) , and dac(decametre). These are called the multiples of Metre. For the distance is smaller , we use Dm (decimetre , cm(centimetre) and mm (millimetre) . These are called the submultiples of

A stationary horn emits a sound with a frequency of 228 Hz. A car is moving toward the horn on a straight road with constant speed. If the driver of the car hears the horn at a frequency of 246 Hz, then what is the speed of the car? Use 340 m/s for the speed of the sound


Answer: 26.84 m/s



Original frequency of the horn [tex]f_o=228\ Hz[/tex]

Apparent frequency [tex]f'=246\ Hz[/tex]

Speed of sound is [tex]V=340\ m/s[/tex]

Doppler frequency is

[tex]\Rightarrow f'=f_o\left(\dfrac{v+v_o}{v-v_s}\right)[/tex]


[tex]v_o=\text{Velocity of the observer}\\v_s=\text{Velocity of the source}[/tex]

Insert values

[tex]\Rightarrow 246=228\left[\dfrac{340+v_o}{340-0}\right]\\\\\Rightarrow 366.84=340+v_o\\\Rightarrow v_o=26.8\ m/s[/tex]

Thus, the speed of the car is [tex]26.84\ m/s[/tex]

What do scientists use to determine the temperature of a star?



Measure the brightness of a star through two filters and compare the ratio of red to blue light. Compare to the spectra of computer models of stellar spectra of different temperature and develop an accurate color-temperature relation.

herical piece of candy is suspended in flowing water. The candy has a density of 1950 kg/m3 and has a 1.0 cm diameter. The water velocity is 1.0 m/s, the water density is assumed to be 1000.0 kg/m3, and the water viscosity is 1.010-3 kg/m/s. The diffusion coefficient of the candy solute in water is 2.010-9 m2/s, and the solubility of the candy solute in water is 2.0 kg/m3. Calculate the mass tran


Answer: Below is the complete question

A spherical piece of candy is suspended in flowing water. The candy has a density of 1950 kg/m3 and has a 1.0 cm diameter. The water velocity is 1.0 m/s, the water density is assumed to be 1000.0 kg/m3, and the water viscosity is 1.0x10-3 kg/m/s. The diffusion coefficient of the candy solute in water is 2.0x10-9 m2/s, and the solubility of the candy solute in water is 2.0 kg/m3. Calculate the mass transfer coefficient (m/s)


mass transfer coefficient = 9.56 * 10^-5 m/s


Candy density = 1950 kg/m^3

Candy diameter = 1 cm

Velocity of water = 1 m/s

water density = 1000 kg/m^3

Viscosity of water = 1 * 10^-3 kg/m/s

diffusion coefficient of candy in water = 2 * 10^-9 m^2/s

solubility of candy = 2 kg/m^3

Determine the mass transfer coefficient ( m/s )

( Sh) mass transfer coefficient ( flow across sphere ) = 2 + 0.6Re^1/2 * SC^1/3

where : Re = vdp / μ ,   Sh = KLd / Deff

attached below is the remaining solution .

mass transfer coefficient =  9.56 * 10^-5 m/s

A person runs up the stairs elevating his 102 kg body a vertical distance of 2.29 meters in a time of 1.32 seconds at a constant speed.
Determine the work done by the person climbing the stair case.



Work done = 2289.084 Joules


Given the following data;

Mass = 102 Kg

Height = 2.29

Time = 1.32 seconds

We know that acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m/s²

a. To find the work done by the person;

Here, work would be done in the form of gravitational potential energy.

Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its position above the earth.

Mathematically, gravitational potential energy is given by the formula;

G.P.E = mgh


G.P.E represents potential energy measured in Joules.

m represents the mass of an object.

g represents acceleration due to gravity measured in meters per seconds square.

h represents the height measured in meters.

Substituting into the formula, we have;

Work done = 102 * 2.29 * 9.8

Work done = 2289.084 Joules

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