Dentro de los distintos motivos que se pueden considerar como causas de la muerte masiva de la población indígena del “Nuevo Mundo”, según denominación europea, se puede afirmar que el principal de todos es:
1-La población del “Nuevo Mundo” se redujo drásticamente por motivos del genocidio y los malos tratos, ya que se calcula que el 95 por ciento de los pobladores indígenas de América perecieron en los primeros cien años de la llegada de Cristóbal Colón, reduciéndose de unos cien millones a sólo tres, por obra de las matanzas, primero, y, luego, de los malos tratos, como las inhumanas condiciones de trabajo impuestas por los nuevos amos
2-Según la “Leyenda Negra”, difundida en primer lugar por los ingleses y los franceses celosos del poderío español, pero iniciada por la indignación cristiana de un sacerdote dominico que tenía por nombre Bartolomé de Las Casas, el cual llevó a cabo todo un plan de exterminio contra la población “indígena” con su política llamada “Leyenda Negra”.
3-Debido a mortíferas epidemias de enfermedades nuevas y desconocidas, venidas del Viejo Mundo –Europa-, entre el choque de pueblos que llevaban separados trescientos siglos (desde la Edad de Piedra), como la viruela y la sífilis, el sarampión, el tifo, o ante el simple catarro traído de ultramar.


Answer 1


creo que es el #3


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The Ottoman governmental structure a.required that all slaves in the empire come from the Muslim population. b.included non-Muslims at the top levels. c.was a blend of old tribal traditions and a more recent, sedentary environment. d.moved from Constantinople to Ankara. e.made conspicuous use of the Sublime Porte, a docking area for elite pleasure craft.


The correct answer is C) was a blend of old tribal traditions and a more recent, sedentary environment.

The Ottoman governmental structure was a blend of old tribal traditions and a more recent, sedentary environment.

The Ottoman Empire was impressive. It conquered and ruled many lands in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Their rulers were despotic people, being the Sultan the great leader of the Ottomans.

The governmental structure of the Ottomans was a blend of past and different administrations but was based on a powerful central government led by the military elite. This allowed the military to effectively control their many provinces and people.

In the Ottoman Caliphate, Islam was the official religion. Muslims of any background had the same rights under the Muslim court.

How did industrialization help Europe colonize the rest of the world



The industrial revolution was the force behind this New Imperialism, as it created not only the need for Europe to expand, but the power to successfully take and profitably maintain so many colonies overseas. The industrial revolution created the need for Europe to take over colonies around the world.

Hope it helps you

have a nice day

Ada Orang Indonesiaaaa ????
gw Wibu bro :v​



yahahah ketemu anjay :v


tidak (∩ ^ 7 ^)⊃━☆ , * + * , ' - * , + ' - . *




Which of the following pairs of countries became colonial allies during the American Revolution?
O France and Spain
O France and Great Britain
O Russia and Spain
O Spain and Great Britain
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France and Spain supported the American Colonists during the American Revolution


pls give me brainliest

Which of the following is true about the Chinese Civil War?

Select one:
a. Chiang Kai-shek received support from the Soviet Union
b. Japan helped the Chinese Nationalists win the civil war
c. Mao Zedong wanted to bring back China's emperor
d. Mao Zedong and the Communists won the civil war


your answer is A.) Chiang Kai-shek received support from the soviet union

How many Africans were killed or enslaved by 1810?



look at picture


Can someone give me the right answer please!
Who can purpose an amendment to the constitution?​





Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses. Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states).

Congress is the answer

Historians today recognize all of the following as contributing to the outbreak of World War I, EXCEPT: a. Austria-Hungary wanted to punish Serbia for encouraging terrorism. c. Russia believed that the Austria-Hungary ultimatum to Serbia was an attempt to dominate the Serbian people. b. Britain feared Germany's growing industrial and military power. d. France wanted to reclaim the Alsace-Lorraine territory from Germany.



c. Russia believed that the Austria-Hungary ultimatum to Serbia was an attempt to dominate the Serbian people.


what is the name of the world most amazing mountain​


Hi! I think the mountain to your question is Mount Everest. I hope this helps, Goodluck :)

What was the main reason that foreign nations intervened in Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990?



The main reason that foreign nations intervened in Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 was to protect interests in Kuwait's oil fields.

Which of the following describes the author's likely purpose in paragraph 5?
to highlight how much new land the Europeans were able to discover in North
to suggest that the Europeans didn't realize the American Indians were offering
them friendship
to show that the Europeans responded violently to American Indians, even
when offered friendship
to show that the Europeans and American Indians were able to share the land ir
America successfully


The authors purpose in the paragraph 5 clearly depicts the Europeans and Indians relationship.

He tries to explain the cultural and religious differences between the two different nations.

These lines in paragraph 5 tries to explain that Europeans and American Indians were able to share the land together.

The correct option is D among the given options.

Learn more at

Who were the settlers?


Answer: The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States.

Explanation: The Spanish were among the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is now the United States. By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.

What military role does the British DMoD have



to protect and advance the UK and its interests by reinforcing the transatlantic defence and security relationship.


I hope this can help you let me know if its correct or incorrect

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the post–World War II baby boom and American economic trends in the 1950s?

A.The baby boom led to an increased demand for consumer goods, which fueled rapid growth in American industries.

B.The baby boom led more young women to become mothers, which resulted in a steep drop in women's employment.

C.The baby boom greatly increased the U.S. population, forcing the government to end expensive social programs.

D.The baby boom affected minorities more than white Americans, creating demand for more diverse products.



A.The baby boom led to an increased demand for consumer goods, which fueled rapid growth in American industries.


The baby boom affected minorities more than white Americans, creating demand for more diverse products of the following best describes the relationship between the post–World War II baby boom and American economic trends in the 1950s. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is World War II?

With more than 30 countries involved, World War II was the largest and deadliest conflict in history. After the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939, the war stretched on for six horrific years until the Allies finally overcame Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945.

During the period of the 1950s, was the economic trends as the depicted the World War II. Americans, creating demand for more diverse products. It was they hardly impacted the baby boom in the affected minorities.

As a result, the significance of the World War II baby boom and American economic trends in the 1950s are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on World War II, here:





north america is 0,000 yrs ago

30,000  south america

100,000 in europe

and 200,000 in southwest asia


At the start, Europe dominated the slave market and continued to export slaves to European countries.
O True
O False



Probably true.


Without a time frame, this is hard to ascertain. Europeans did not dominate slavery when Egypt was at its peak of power, and similarly the Middle East had power in the slave markets at some points in history. if we're discussing American (Northern and Southern) history, then this question is true. Otherwise, a quick review of the players at work would help to determine if this is true.

The Atlantic slave trade was the result of, among other things, labour shortage, itself in turn created by the desire of European colonists to exploit New World land and resources for capital profits.

Read the background on energy policy and President Trump's speech on the Paris Agreement. How should government balance consumer demand for energy and environmental protection? What sacrifices are you willing to make to protect the environment? How much do you think people would give up to limit energy consumption and waste?


Energy production is essential in the country, but this production causes a great environmental impact, which harms life on the planet. For this reason, it is necessary to create projects that maintain energy production, but preserve nature.

Based on this, you can answer the above questions as follows:

A. The demand for energy is very high in any society, for this reason the government must balance energy production with environmental preservation. This can be done as follows:

Encouraging the use of renewable energies (mainly for public buildings), promoting equipment that promote greater efficiency in energy production, establishing government programs that promote the reduction of fossil fuel burning,managing and evaluating energy data to achieve mitigation over-exploitation.

B. To help the environment, we can save on our energy use by allowing the demand for it to decrease. We can do this by:

taking quicker hot showers, unplugging electronic devices when they're not in use; reducing the use of cars and vehicles that need to burn gasoline, creating community programs that promote energy savings.

C. People would make sacrifices to decrease energy use if they were taught that our survival directly depends on it. Also, it would be important for these people to be educated about how energy savings would be rewarding for them.

You can find out more about this at the link below:

The British expedition in 1497 led to the discovery of what is known today as ______________.

A) Newfoundland

B) Quebec

C) Montreal

D) St. Augustine


A Newfoundland that is my answer


bro the option is wrong and the answer is Cabot

National rights definition


Rights that people supposedly have under natural law. The Declaration of Independence of the United States lists life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as natural rights.

According to Wilson, what was the United States’s goal for the peace treaty?



In his War Message to Congress, Wilson declared that the United States' objective was “to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world.” In several speeches earlier in the year, Wilson sketched out his vision of an end to the war that would bring a “just and secure peace,” not merely

Which words are the modern English equivalents of the middle English words??



nothing is impossulehhggdddddffgff

Answer:not sure .................

Question 9 of 50
2 Points
What group of people might The Very Young Man represent in The Time Machine?
A. Politicians
B. Doctors
C. Teenagers
OD. Lawyers
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Answer: whats the background of this question


Ivan III was also called Ivan the Great because a. he helped to centralize the government by moving the capital to Moscow. c. he renewed trade with the west and opened Siberia for settlement. b. he built domed churches which inspired and awed the people. d. he was the first ruler of the independent state of Russia.



ouu yes OK then I will fix it

*Prepare a Mind Map on Birth of the Weimar Republic



emperor of Germany abdicated

national assembly created federal structure and democratic constitution for Germany

people of Germany elected deputies from german parliament(reich stag)

In 1883 who was responsible for creating the first system of time zones in the United States?




The rail road industry

People began to have a more personal and emotional religious experience, as well as questioning the authority of the church during the _______________


New Amsterdam

Great awakening

Bacon’s Bebellion


Answer: I believe it would be the Great Awakening

Explanation: The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale. The result was a renewed dedication toward religion.

What is the head start theorem and why might it not work as well as Kenneth Arrow believed?



In its strongest and simplest form, Arrow's impossibility theorem states that whenever the set A of possible alternatives has more than 2 elements, then the following three conditions become incompatible: Unanimity, or weak Pareto efficiency. ... (Unanimity implies non-imposition.) Non-dictatorship.


may this answer is helpful for you

What was the primary focus of the no child left behind act



to close student achievement gaps by providing all children with a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education.


hope this helps

summary for the wanderings of ulysses


Ulysses' journey home back from Troy takes ten years, and he faces many dangers on the way. He is rescued partly by the help of goddess Athena, but largely by his own confinement. For example, when he is captured by the Cyclops Polyphemus, he tells him that his name is "Nobody". He then succeeds in blinding Polyphemus; and when he calls for help the other Cyclops come to see what is happening, when they ask Polyphemus who is worried, he answers "Nobody". Polyphemus is the son of the sea god Poseidon, who becomes the enemy of Ulysses.

He spends seven years as a prisoner of the nymph Calypso, until Athena persuades her to release him. By the time he arrives home to Ithaca, he has been away for twenty years in total, and his house is full of men who wish to marry his wife, Penelope, believing she is now a widow. Ulysses kills them all and retakes his kingdom.

Learn more about Ulysses and his trip in

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