describe one example of how sicial structres affected a state's ability to maintain order in settkenents in the periodc. 1450-1750


Answer 1

describe one example of how social structures affected a states ability to maintain order insettlement in the periods c. 1450-1750

Sometimes the term "social structure" is used to refer to the regular and recurring elements of interactions between members of a certain social entity. The idea is exceedingly abstract even at this descriptive level since it only chooses specific components from current social activity. The concept tends to become more abstract the greater the social unit under consideration. Because of this, a small group's social structure is typically more tightly tied to each member's daily activities. The challenge of selection is severe when studying bigger social groupings since so much depends on the elements that are included in the social structure. The issue of identifying the fundamental traits of a social group has a variety of ideas that offer various solutions.

Learn more about social structure here:


Related Questions

Why did the National Organization for Women continue campaigning for
equal rights for women even after the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Civil
Rights Act of 1964?
A. The first woman had not yet been elected to Congress.
B. Women still lacked the right to vote in a majority of states.
C. In practice, these laws were not yet properly observed.
D. Federal laws still excluded women from certain professions.


Even after the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the National Organization for Women continued to push for equal rights for women since federal laws still prohibited women from some professions.

What effect did the Equal Pay Act of 1963 have?

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a United States labor legislation that changes the Fair Labor Standards Act to prevent compensation differences based on gender. On June 10, 1963, John F. Kennedy signed it into law as part of his New Frontier Program. The law says, among other things, "Employers having employees subject to any provisions of this subsection shall discriminate between employees on the basis of sex, within any institution in which such workers are employed, by paying wages to employees in the such institution at a rate less than the rate at which he pays wages to employees of the opposite sex in such institution for equal work on jobs.

To learn more about the Equal Pay Act of 1963, click


The federalists lose popular support and cease to exist as a part after their participation in which event?- Shays' rebellion- The constitutional convention- The war of 1812- 1814 hartford convention


The Federalist Party collapsed, leaving the Democratic-Republican Party as the only political party in the United States until the mid-1820.

Jefferson gradually assumed leadership of the republicans, who sympathized with the revolutionary cause in france. attacking federalist policies, he opposed a strong centralized government and championed the rights of states. as a reluctant candidate for president in 1796, Jefferson came within three votes of election. alexander hamilton became a leading voice of the federalists who believed that the federal government needed to be strong. on the other side, Thomas Jefferson, a republican, argued that too much power in the hands of the federal government would lead to tyranny.

To learn more about power  please click on below link.


what was the first of many new taxes that angreed colonists


The Stamp Act incensed the American colonists, who moved fast to resist it. A direct appeal to Parliament was nearly difficult due to the colonies' extreme distance from London, the heart of British politics.

Why did many American colonists refuse to pay the Stamp Act tax the stamp act?

Prominent figures like Benjamin Franklin and supporters of independence like the Sons of Liberty contended that the British parliament lacked the power to enact an internal tax. The violence that followed an uprising in the public sphere captured everyone's attention.

Threats against tax commissioners caused some of them to resign out of fear, while others were unable to collect any money at all. The "Stamp Act would have to be implemented by force," stated Benjamin Franklin in 1766. On March 18, 1766, Parliament attempted to repeal the Stamp Act but was unsuccessful.

Learn more about the stamp act, here:


3. What would be the reason for becoming a co-sponsor of a bill?


Answer: To show that somebody supports the bill


When was the first gasoline-powered american automobile made?the late 1700sthe mid-1800sthe late 1800sthe mid-1900s.



1886 / late 1800s


What were the key characteristics of an athenian democracy



Athenian democracy, which emerged in the city-state of Athens in ancient Greece, was a direct democracy in which citizens participated directly in the decision-making process. Key characteristics of Athenian democracy included:

All male citizens were eligible to participate in the Assembly, the main decision-making body in Athenian democracy.

The Assembly was open to all citizens and meetings were held regularly to discuss important issues and make decisions.

Decisions were made by majority vote, and all citizens had an equal say in the decision-making process.

The Council of 500, a smaller group of citizens chosen by lot, was responsible for preparing the agenda for the Assembly and implementing its decisions.

The Athenian government also included a system of courts in which citizens could serve as jurors.

Despite its emphasis on citizen participation, Athenian democracy excluded women, slaves, and non-citizens from participation in the political process.

Which pair of phrases best completes the table?
Ancestral Puebloan Culture
Mississipplan Culture
Developed in western North America Developed in eastern North America
A. (1) Built large farms; (2) Survived by hunting and gathering
OB. (1) Created complex works of art; (2) Considered art unimportant
OC. (1) Traded with other societies; (2) Refused to trade with other
OD. (1) Disappeared by moving and changing their way of life; (2)
Declined but did not disappear


Working with people who identify with American Indian and Alaska Native cultures requires familiarity with the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP), which acts as a guide.

What is the culture of the Ancestral Puebloans?

Earlier Puebloan Culture The Mississippian Culture (2) constructed in western North America East of North America saw development?

Heavy reliance on domesticated foods, the building of pueblos (multi-room, occasionally multi-story, masonry constructions), distinctive pottery, and the creation and use of kivas are all characteristics of the Ancestral Puebloan peoples (subterranean ceremonial chambers)

What did Mississippians and ancestral Puebloans have in common?

Long droughts that prevented crops from being watered and led to crop failure had an influence on both the Mississippians and the Ancestral Puebloans.

To know more about American visit:


Which statement describes an accomplishment of chief justice John Marshall


The statement that describes an accomplishment of Chief Justice John Marshall is D. Chief Justice John Marshall increased the power of the judicial branch to balance it with other branches.

What did John Marshall do ?

Between 1801 to 1835, John Marshall presided as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. His legal precedents have helped lay the groundwork for US constitutional law. He simultaneously defended nationalism and was successful in making the Supreme Court a center of influence that might sway Congress.

At first, Marshall served as the face of the Virginia Federalist Party. From 1799 to 1800, he also lived in the House of Representatives. Marshall then served as Secretary of State under President John Adams from 1800 to 1801.

Find out more on John Marshall at


Options for this question include :

A.He gave the judicial branch more authority than other branches of government.B.He adopted the Alien and Sedition Acts, which increased Federalist power.C.He ruled that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.D.He increased the power of the judicial branch to balance it with other branches.

james is x years old now, and the sum of his age and his brother's age is 10. how old is james's brother


Answer: 5


=can equal anything as long as the sum is 10

The environment can be affected by natural factors, such as . Human factors, including , can also help shape the environment.



Natural factors: climate change, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts.

Human factors: pollution, deforestation, land development, over-fishing, agricultural practices.


Which two of these statements reflect the accomplishments of Oklahoma governor Raymond Gary?

He created the Department of Commerce.
He led the charge in voluntarily ending the practice of segregation.
He argued before the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board.
He founded the Oklahoma chapter of the NAACP.
He established a publicly funded school system for higher education.


The two of these statements reflect the accomplishments of Oklahoma governor Raymond Gary, the creation of the Department of Commerce, and leading the charge in voluntarily ending the practice of segregation.

What is the practice of segregation?

Segregation is the practice of separating different groups of people in a society. This practice has historically been used to create physical and social barriers between groups of people based on race, caste, class, gender, and other factors. Segregation has been used to limit the rights and opportunities of certain individuals and to keep them from participating in social, economic, and political life. Historically, segregation has been used to oppress and marginalize certain groups of people and has a lasting impact on the well-being of these groups. Even today, many communities around the world are still dealing with the effects of segregation.

Richmond Gary was an American politician who served as the 15th Governor of Oklahoma from 1925 to 1929. He was a member of the Democratic Party and was known for his progressive reforms during his tenure as Governor. During his tenure as Governor, Richmond Gary achieved several notable accomplishments. He established a publicly funded school system for higher education, created the Department of Commerce, led the charge in voluntarily ending the practice of segregation, and passed legislation providing for the first state-funded road system in Oklahoma. He also founded the Oklahoma chapter of the NAACP and was an advocate for labor rights.

It can be concluded that the two of these statements reflect the accomplishments of Oklahoma governor Raymond Gary, the creation of the Department of Commerce, and leading the charge in voluntarily ending the practice of segregation.

To know more about, the practice of segregation, check this link:



 A &


ta &

what motivated europeans to find a route to the asian trading markets? why did they need to find an alternate route and what was it?


Europeans want the money and power that would emerge from regulating commerce. This motivated europeans to find a route to the asian trading markets.

The city of Constantinople served as the hub for trade and commerce between Asia and Europe. The city of Constantinople was taken over by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. As a result, Turks gained control over all the trade routes that connected the city of Constantinople. The Turks began imposing excessive fees on the products travelling along these routes.

Trade consequently stopped becoming profitable. Portugal and Spain were working to end the monopoly of Italian commerce in the meantime. They began enticing adventurous sailors to discover a new sea route to India. This endeavour received additional boosts from the development of the compass, astrolabes, and gunpowder.

To know more about Europeans visit:


Much of the Ghana Empire was located on a savannah, a semi-arid region with trees and other vegetation. What natural disasters did the residents of Ghana probably face?
A. Drought
B. Flooding
C. Storms
D. Forest fires


Answer: The answer is forest fires.

Explanation:  ghana is located in a semi-arid region that has some trees and some vegetation. the vegetation in arid areas is said to be dry and in case of a forest fire, the fire is likely to spread through the entire region.

is mother teresa a biased person? or an unbiased person? please explain your answer.


Answer: She was biased.

Explanation: Many of her works and projects were a point of controversy for many organizations and people.

Mother Teresa exhibited bias. Many organizations and individuals found her works and projects to be contentious.

Who was Mother Teresa?

The Missionaries of Charity were established in 1950 by Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu, better known as Mother Teresa, an Indian-Albanian Catholic nun. In Skopje, then a part of the Ottoman Empire, Anjez Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was born.  She spent the majority of her life in India after leaving England after eighteen years. The fourth of September 2016 saw Saint Teresa of Calcutta's canonization. She has a feast day on the day of her death anniversary.

Mother Teresa started her religious order, which by the year 2012 had more than 4,500 nuns and was active in 133 nations.

 The church oversees homes for those with leprosy, TB, and HIV/AIDS who are near death.

Learn more about Mother Teresa, from:


4. How did the Middle Kingdom begin? How did it end? Be specific please. Please use text evidence as well.


The Middle Kingdom begin Around 2000 BC, a powerful leader named Mentuhotep II.  Middle Kingdom collapsed and the Second Intermediate Period began.

What was Middle Kingdom?

Southern Egypt's first monarch, Mentuhotep II, rose to prominence around 2000 BC. He launched an offensive towards the north, uniting Egypt under his dominion in the end. With this, the Middle Kingdom era officially began.

The Middle Kingdom is credited with having been founded by Mentuhotep II. Dynasty XI (11), which governed Upper Egypt from Thebes, included Mentuhotep II. He restored Egypt's unity by overthrowing the final member of Dynasty X, who governed Lower Egypt.

Learn more about  Kingdom at:


Which of the following answers seems the most odd to us, but was HIGHLY prized by Samurai?

Group of answer choices

Desire for honor

Reincarnate as a Samurai

Seek out Beauty



Seak out is the correct response

Explain the historical circumstances that led to development depicted in the map. [1]


The historical circumstances that led to the development depicted on the map was the expansion of the British Empire .

What was the British Empire ?

The British Empire was the biggest formal empire ever to exist . As a result, its strength and impact spread over the entire world , influencing it in a variety of ways .

Beginning in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, England established commercial and abroad possessions. It was the largest empire in history at its height, and for more than a century, it dominated the world .

For numerous reasons, Britain desired an empire. Economically, the country made a lot of money from the import and sale of goods thanks to the abundant natural resources found in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Politically, it strengthened Britain and facilitated the expansion of their influence over the globe.

Find out more on the British empire at


Which statement most accurately reflects the colonists Reactions to British policies


Which statement most accurately reflects the colonists' reactions to British policies? Colonists could influence decisions made by Parliament through protests. Colonists remained loyal to Britain because they were unable to protect themselves.

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How did the railroad influence European colonial powers in the 19 century


Answer:  The idea of nineteenth-century railway imperialism seems simple enough—use railways and the industry and money behind them to gain and maintain control of other people's countries and resources for the primary benefit and security of the imperial country.

The era of the modern railway started with the introduction of the steam locomotive at the beginning of the 18th century. The first steam locomotive railway was built in Great Britain by Richard Trevithick. Afterward, large networks of railways began to develop in France, Germany, and Russia besides Great Britain.

The use of the train dramatically improved the transit of people throughout the continent, as well as increased trade. This second effect improved the economy of various locations throughout Europe. As they served as stations for the trains.

The railroad had a positive impact on European colonial powers in the sense that they could increasingly exploit the amount that was produced in their colonies. This, however, also wasn't really positive for the colonies because the local populace was increasingly being exploited for the production of goods.

It encouraged them to sell technology to colonies rather than to directly rule them. It allowed them to move people and goods rapidly from place to place.

How does economic factors limit industrialization in the south?


The way that the economic factors limit industrialization in the south is that:

Lack of capital: Industrialization often requires significant investments in infrastructure, technology, and other resources, which can be difficult to obtain in the south, where economic development may be limited and access to credit may be constrained.

Limited access to markets: Industrialization often requires access to markets where goods can be sold. In the south, there may be limited access to domestic or international markets, which can make it difficult for businesses to sell their products and realize a profit.

In what way did the economic factors limit industrialization in the south?

There are several economic factors that can limit industrialization in the south, including:

Insufficient infrastructure: Industrialization often requires a well-developed transportation network and other infrastructure, such as power grids and communication systems. In the south, these may be underdeveloped or nonexistent, which can make it difficult for businesses to operate.

Limited availability of skilled labor: Industrialization often requires a skilled labor force, which may be limited in the south due to a lack of educational opportunities or other factors.

In all, these economic factors can create challenges for industrialization in the south and may require efforts to address them in order to support economic development and growth.

Learn more about industrialization from

pls help due asap!!!!!!!!!


Answer: The answer is A. I am pretty sure about it.


Hope that helps

which group saw an expansion of their voting rights in the early twentieth century by the 19th amendment?


Early in the 20th century, a group of women saw the 19th Amendment expand their ability to vote.

The 19th Amendment essentially gave women the right to vote by making it unlawful to deny any person the right to vote based on their sex. It was initially presented to Congress in 1878, and it wasn't certified until 1920, 42 years later.

A citizen's right to vote cannot be restricted or denied by the United States or any State due to their sexual orientation. Congress shall have the power to carry into effect this Article without the necessity of any statute.

Together with Susan B. Anthony and other campaigners, Stanton and Mott campaigned for the government to give women the right to vote by raising public awareness of the issue.

To learn more about the 19th Amendment


According to the scenario, what decision do you need to make? O whether children should be in school or working in industries whether children should be paid less than adults as industrial workers whether child labor should be legal in the United States whether children should have benefits as workers


According to the scenario whether Child labour or not ought to be criminal withinside the United States.

The required details about Child labour is mentioned in below paragraph.

Child labour refers to the exploitation of kids via any shape of labor that deprives kids in their childhood, interferes with their capacity to wait normal school, and is mentally, physically, socially and morally harmful.Such exploitation is illegal via way of means of legislation worldwide,despite the fact that those legal guidelines do now no longer don't forget all paintings via way of means of kids as baby labour; exceptions encompass paintings via way of means of baby artists, own circle of relatives duties, supervised training, and a few varieties of paintings undertaken via way of means of Amish kids, as properly as via way of means of indigenous kids withinside the Americas.

Child labour has existed to various extents throughout history. During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many kids elderly 5–14 from poorer households labored in Western nations and their colonies alike. These kids especially labored in agriculture, home-primarily based totally meeting operations, factories, mining, and offerings such as information boys – a few labored night time shifts lasting 12 hours. With the upward push of family income, availability of faculties and passage of baby labour legal guidelines, the occurrence prices of baby labour fell.

To learn about Child labour visit here.


The berlin airlift (1948) was president harry truman’s response to the:


The Berlin Airlift was President Harry S. Truman's response to the Soviet Union's blockade of the city of Berlin in 1948.

What is Berlin Airlift?

Generally,  The blockade was an attempt by the Soviet Union to exert control over the Western-occupied sectors of Berlin, which were located within the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany. In response, the United States and its allies launched the Berlin Airlift, a massive operation that delivered supplies and food to the people of Berlin by air.

The airlift was a major success and helped to break the blockade, which ended in May 1949. The Berlin Airlift was a key moment in the early Cold War and demonstrated the United States' commitment to defending its interests and supporting its allies in Europe.

Read more about Berlin Airlift


in the years leading up to the civil war, what purpose did african american naming patterns try to serve


In the years leading up to the civil war, The purpose served by  African American naming patterns is- To bolster kinship ties.

All noncombat support duties necessary to maintain an army were carried out by black men while they served in the infantry and artillery. The war effort also benefited from the work of black carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, workers, nurses, scouts, spies, steamboat pilots, doctors, and teamsters.

Many former slaves changed their names and last names after being freed. They either did this to adopt a surname for the first time or to change a name or surname that had previously been bestowed upon them by a previous master.

To know more about civil war, click here:


how did federal government respond to the georgia assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


Federal government respond to the Georgia assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction. The Amendment of thirteenth banned slavery in the country.The Amendment of fourteenth said that blacks people in the country were treated as a citizens.

The effects of reconstruction on the state of Georgia were the destruction of farms and plantations, to inability to maintain the  labor forces and it will also effected on agricultural production & the regional economy.

The period of Reconstruction was  redefined for the U.S. citizenship and expanded the franchise for the  change and build the relationship between the federal government and the governments of the states and their differences between political and economic democracy.

Learn more about Reconstruction of Georgia click the link here:


which statement accurately summarizes the reasons president truman decided to use the atomic bomb against japan?


the factors that led President Truman to choose to attack Japan with an atomic bomb He believed that in order to end the war, the bomb had to be dropped.

The cause of Truman's fame

During his brief time as vice president, Harry Truman had minimal interactions with President Franklin Roosevelt and received no updates on the creation of the atomic bomb or the escalating hostilities with Soviet Russia.

These and a number of other wartime concerns abruptly came under Truman's jurisdiction when he was chosen as the 33rd President of the United States on April 12, 1945.

find out more about Truman



The Bill of Rights ensures that all U.S. citizens:
A. can travel between states at any time.
O B. can freely criticize the federal government.
O C. can vote regardless of their race or gender.
O D. can avoid paying taxes they believe are unfair.



can vote regardless of their race or gender.


civil rights protect people of color and protect them from many other things like slavery and forced working but it also allows them the right to vote

the poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the ku klux klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of which action taken by the federal government?



The poll tax, the literacy test, and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of voting rights granted to African Americans by the federal government.


The invention of the -- Choose the correct answer - transformed communication in Texas by enabling message to be sent quickly over long distances.

A post mail
B wagon
C free press
D telegraph


The invention of the telegraph transformed communication in Texas by enabling message to be sent quickly over long distances.

Option D is correct.

What was the telegraph's main purpose?

The telegraph, a device that used electrical pulses to send encrypted messages over wires, eventually revolutionized long-distance communication, reaching its peak popularity in the 1920s and his 1930s.

What impact did the telegraph have on society?

As the primary means of long-distance communication, the telegraph transformed American society. The telegraph expanded business opportunities and accelerated the work of many different professions, including bankers, brokers, lawyers, and hotel owners.

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the telegraph?

Telegraphs are an efficient way of conveying information quickly, but they lack a personal touch. The telegraph focuses on important information. Because its transmission speed depends on its size. However, in modern communication, the sender is free to express himself as he pleases.

Learn more about telegraph:


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