Describe the medieval feudal system.


Answer 1


Feudalism was a system of medieval European societies in the 10th-13th centuries, in which a social hierarchy was formed according to local administrative controls and the distribution of land into units (fiefs). Fueng informs with a contract of military protection and law in exchange for a certain payment from the one who received it (luck).

The payment of vassal to the gods usually came in the form of feudal service, which could mean military service or regular payment of production or money. Neither lord nor ascendancy are freeman, and the term feudalism generally does not apply to relationships between unrestricted peasants (serfs or villeins) and persons of higher social rank than they labor.

The problem of definitions

Although the terms 'feudal society' and 'feudal society' are often used in historical texts, But scholars have never agreed exactly what those words mean. This requirement was applied to medieval European societies from the 16th century onwards and later to societies elsewhere. Especially during China's Zhou (1046-256 BCE) and Japan's Edo period (1603-1868), the term feudalism was not used by people living in the Middle Ages. Feudalism cannot, when defined, be applied consistently in different European states due to changes in laws and customs in different geographic areas and in different centuries. As a result, many historians believe that the word feudal was only a limited use in understanding medieval society.


Answer 2


Feudalism was the system in 10th-13th century European medieval societies where a social hierarchy was established based on local administrative control and the distribution of land into units (fiefs). A landowner (lord) gave a fief, along with a promise of military and legal protection, in return for a payment of some kind from the person who received it (vassal).

The payment of the vassal to the lord typically came in the form of feudal service which could mean military service or the regular payment of produce or money. Both lord and vassal were freemen and the term feudalism is not generally applied to the relationship between the unfree peasantry (serfs or villeins) and the person of higher social rank on whose land they laboured.

The Feudal System Social Hierarchy:

The King or the Monarch ruled the whole kingdom and owned all the land in the country. The king had total control over all the assets and he used to decide as how much quantity of land to provide on lease to the barons. The barons had to swear an oath before taking up the granted land on lease, so as to remain faithful to the king at all the times. In case any of the barons exhibited poor performance, the king had the power to withdraw the granted land and give it on lease to any other person belonging to the baron class. All the judicial power was in the hands of the king.The Barons or nobles leased lands from the kings, which was known as a manor. The Barons in the feudal social hierarchy were the second wealthiest class. They were called as the Lord of the Manor. They established their own legal systems, designed their own currency and set their own tax regulation schemes. In return of the land that they have taken on lease from the King, the Barons had to perform the following functions for them: (1) They had to serve the royal council; (2) They had to provide the King with Knights to tackle with any form of war; (3) They had to provide food and lodging facilities to the king, when they traveled to different locations; and (4) They had to pay the applicable rents and taxes.The Knights were provided the leased land by the barons and in return, they provided military service to the king at the time of need. They also had to protect the Baron and his family. They used to keep a part of the land provided to them by the Barons and distribute the rest of the lands to the Villeins. They also used to set their own taxation and rent guidelines for the Villeins. Their main job role was to give protection to the king and therefore they were paid quite well.The Peasants and serfs were granted land by the Knights. They had to provide food and service to their superior classes on demand. They were not allowed to leave the Manor without prior permission. They had no rights and they were also not allowed to marry without the permission of their Lords. They used to be the poorest class in the feudal system social hierarchy.

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Guns, germs and steels!
Hope this helps!!

What does the Code of Hammurabi tell us about the class structure in Babylon? Make specific reference to at least three of the laws listed to back up your response. What can be said about the Babylonians attitudes towards: a ) family ? b)property? 1 c) the value of human life?


The correct answers to these open questions are the following.

> What the Code of Hammurabi tells us about the class structure in Babylon is that the King was the most important political figure in Babylonian times, and has the power to control their subjects.

> However, depending on the different social classes, these had some considerations. Nevertheless, all social classes were liable to punishment under the code.

> The three social classes in Babylonian times were the Nobility (Awilu), the freemen (Mushkenu), and the bottom of the Babylonian social class was the Wardu (slaves and poor).

The three references of the laws listed were these:

> Laws 215 and 218. Both laws refer to surgeons. If they saved a person's life, they had to receive 10 shekels of silver. But if the person died, their hands should be cut off. A little drastic, but that was Hammurabis's idea.

> The other law could be law 129. If a man caught his wife with another man, both cheaters were thrown into the water with their hands tied. However, the husband could pardon his wife.

> What can be said about the Babylonian's attitudes towards family is that Babylonian society was traditionalistic and the concept of family was cherished and respected.

> Regarding property, it was very valued. Property was the result of the work and dedication of men, so they valued property and defended it at all costs. That is why the code severely punished thieves.

> Finally, the value of human life. Babylonians had the utmost respect for human life and always fostered people to take care of life and the body. Doctors were important figures in Babylonian society.

We can conclude that the impact of the Code of Hammurabi in ancient Babylonian and later cultures was that it created a written record of laws and punishments.

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what one thing you have learnt form the downfall of the Mughal Empire?
sensible answer needed



According to the authors, the causes of the decline of the Mughal Empire can be grouped under the following heads: a) deterioration of land relations; b) emergence of regional powers as successor states; c) selfish struggle of nobles at the court; d) lack of initiative in modern weapons; e) lack of control over the

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Expansion of economic and political power
A desire to convert the American Indians to Christianity
Motivation to gain personal fortune
b. Contrast your choice against ONE of the other options, demonstrating why that option is not as good as your choice.


A desire to convert the American Indians to Christianity is the best that represents the European desire to explore and colonize the New World.

Look at the map.
A map of the United notes titled Major Settlement Locations, 1960 to Present. Latino immigrants tended to settle in the southwest, Florida, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey. Asian immigrants tended to settle in Washington state, California, Nevada, Texas, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey.

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The southwest because if you do read the paragraph and check it it would be south west also I know this because I read about it  

Puritans derived their name from the fact that they a. Believed that the highest ideal was the purity of Christ b. Believed they had greater moral purity than other Christians c. Insisted that people guilty of gross sin should not be allowed in the Church d. Wanted to purify the Church of England of all features of Catholicism


Puritans derived their name from the fact that they  d. Wanted to purify the Church of England of all features of Catholicism.

Who are the Puritans ?

The Church of England's Puritanism, a movement for religious reform that emerged in the latter half of the 16th century, was led by the Puritans. They thought the Church of England should stop participating in rituals and customs that had no biblical foundation because they were too similar to those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Puritans believed that carrying out these reforms was a direct commitment they had made with God. In the 1620s and 1630s, under pressure from the Church and the Crown, some Puritan groups immigrated to Northern English colonies in the New World, establishing the theological, intellectual, and social structure of New England. Since then, elements of puritanism have permeated every aspect of American life.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about Puritans at:


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Massive profit opportunities, increased access to raw goods, more political power and colonization outside Europe, and the rise of the Industrial Revolution.


the expansion of Europe led to the conversion of indigenous populations in South and Central America


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the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution
uniting women in groups such as the National Organization for Women
passage of legislation requiring equal pay for men and women in the workplace



men and women in the workplace

Which has had the most significant effect on the rise of globalization?

A. the fall of communism
B. command economies
C. computer technology
D. isolationism


Computer Technology because these days people are using technology so much and the population are growing so fast so it has to be C

Hope this helps :)))

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On what basis has the federal bureaucracy been established? The federal bureaucracy is established under all of the agencies, people, and procedures through which the Federal Government operates.

May be it helps you

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Most black soldiers were scattered throughout the Continental Army in integrated infantry regiments, where they were often assigned to support roles as wagoners, cooks, waiters or artisans. African Americans also served as gunners, sailors on privateers and in the Continental Navy during the Revolution.

African-Americans fought for both sides, providing manpower to both the British and the revolutionaries.

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Players who make it to the top of their sport are very well compensated these days. For some, they have more money than they know what to do with. Many give back, and one of the first places they think of is their old community.

There is an "early years" story for every athlete. They were once just another kid playing youth sports. They relied on others contributing to the league, supporting young athletes during their formative years.

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May 5, 1821


I went to school

In ancient Egypt, the word ___ was used to describe a series of rulers who shared a common family.

A. kingdom

B. dynasty

C. pharaoh

D. monarch



its letter b dynasty


I hope this help


B. Dynasty


A Dynasty is a long family line, therefore, it's B  hope I help, and God bless!

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Question 15 options:

South America

Western Europe

The Middle East

Southeast Asia



middle east


Middle Eastern country could request American economic assistance or aid from U.S. military forces if it was being threatened by armed aggression



middle east


i took the test and got it right

hope this helps ya :)

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Answer is A. China opened up trade with the U.S.



The Chinese economy opening trade with the United States

One way that Americans escaped their concerns during the 1930s was to



One way that Americans escaped their concerns during the 1930s was to

Go to movie theaters

Black Americans were hard hit by the gloom times of the depression years of the mid 1870s because

a. many had put their money in the Freedman's Savings and Trust, only to see it vanish due to bad investments.
b. companies tended to fire them first and hold on to white workers.
c. mobs of unemployed workers took out their frustrations through violence against blacks.
d. they lost what little land they owned to speculation schemes.
e. None of these


It’s A. “Many had put their money in the freedmans savings and trust, only to see it vanish due to bad investments”

“ Dom Pedro primeiro deixa o governo ”



Os desdobramentos do exercício do Poder Moderador por D. Pedro, a rixa entre políticos conservadores e liberais, bem como a rivalidade entre brasileiros e portugueses que estavam radicalizados no Brasil, culminaram na abdicação do imperador, formalizada no dia 07 de abril de 1831.

quién fue el primer presidente de la República Dominicana ​



Pedro Santana



pedro santan


10. Phyllis Schlafly argued for a
role for women in America.
A. traditional
B. feminist
C. careerist
D. liberated


The answer is A - traditional

Phyllis Schlafly argued for a “traditional” role for women in America.



Explanation:About women's rights

"Cries of 'women's liberation' resounded from the 'lifestyle' sections of newspapers and football magazines, from loudspeakers and television screens. Quit from the life sample and period of the past, ........

How long did the era of Reconstruction last? What were some problems facing the
newly reformed Union during the era of Reconstruction?


The era of Reconstruction lasts between the years 1865 to 1877 which is approximately 12 years.

some problems facing the  newly reformed Union during the era of Reconstruction are the following:

transformation of southern societyenactment of progressive legislation favoring the rights of freed slaves.job opportunities for newly freed slavesissues of racial qualifications for voting.

Learn more here:

How did opponents of civil rights try to prevent major laws from passing?
A. They defeated the laws with a majority
B. They forced a presidential veto.
C. They filibustered to delay voting,
O D. They abstained from voting.


The answer is C.

They filibustered to delay voting.




very common tactic used

What was the punishment for the Rosenbergs, convicted of providing bomb secrets to the Russians?

They were sent back to Russia.

They were sent to Guantanamo Bay.

They were executed by electric chair.

They were sent to federal prison in Kansas for life.


The answer is .....


They were executed by electric chair.

I hope it will help you !

The landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplished all of the following except a creation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. b prohibiting discrimination based on gender. c banning sexual as well as racial discrimination. d banning racial discrimination in most private facilities open to the public. e requiring affirmative action against discrimination.



b prohibiting discrimination based on gender.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted by the 88th US Congress and signed into law on the 2nd of July, 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

It is a civil rights and labor law in the United States of America that prohibits discrimination, segregation in schools, and enforces the constitutional voting rights of the citizens.

Hence, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of national origin, color, sex, race, or religion.

However, the Act didn't prohibited discrimination based on gender i.e either male or female.

How do you reach enlightenment in Buddhism?
A. Through reincarnation
B. Through war
C. Through trade
D. Through meditation



Through meditation .......

Answer: ans is D


How would you describe the narrator, Junior Polatkin?
(Choose all answers that apply)






Round and dynamic because throughout him narrating there are drastic changes and up’s and downs
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