Describe the relationship between Ms. Rosalie and Starr's


Answer 1


Uncle Carlos is Starr's mother's older brother. The relationship between Starr and Uncle Carlos is important because Uncle Carlos help raised Starr from age three to six when Mav was serving time in prison and he was Star's father figure. What do we find out about Khalil's mom, Ms.

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County attorney and yet for all their worries what would we do without the ladies



And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies? (The women do not unbend.) ... it characterizes the County Attorney as someone desirous of showing respect to women, even if he does not mean it. Read the excerpt from part one of Trifles. HALE.

Choose the word/phrase that best fits this blank below:

You ________ touch anything electrical with wet hands.

Select one:

don't have to




b. must not touch mustn’t is must not

Science plz help me​


The underlined ones are the answers


organisms cellstimulus homeostasis photosynthesis water

the matching part



I think you .......... ..a mistake when you asked the boss that.
A. made
B. had
C. did
D. got



A - made


I think you made a mistake when you asked the boss that

I think you made a mistake when you asked the boss that. Thus the correct answer is A.

What are tenses?

Tenses are the elements of English Grammar that help to know the time of the events that took place. There are three types of tense which include past, present, and future tenses. The tenses notify us of the moment of an event taking place. Tenses are used to define when an action is performed.

The verb "made" is the past form of the verb "make" which is used to claim anything.  In this sentence, it is claiming that a mistake has been done, so the use of the verb made is more appropriate than the other three options.

It is often defined as something that is created, in this sentence, it is shown that a mistake is created which signifies the better use of the verb "made".

Therefore, option A made is appropriate.

Learn more about verbs, here:


What Fallacies do we say in every day life? And give two examples of them.



Fallacies are mistaken beliefs based on unsound arguments. They derive from reasoning that is logically incorrect, thus undermining an argument's validity. Explore the different types of fallacies you can find through examples.

Examples of Fallacious Reasoning

There are many different types of fallacies, and their variations are almost endless. Given their extensive nature, we've curated a list of common fallacies so you'll be able to develop sound conclusions yourself, and quickly identify fallacies in others' writings and speeches. Explore several common fallacies and examples.

Read through the questions that you should ask yourself throughout the writing process. Determine where the question for each part of the writing process belongs.



Where are the questions


C. Fill in the blanks by choosing among the words given below.

account, poverty, resigned, client, executive, withdraw, debts, unionizing, collaboration, lend, strikes, imports, budget, organize, bargaining, textile, cultivation

1. Prior to 1981, labour _______________ by black workers in South Africa were illegal.

2. Canadian manufacturers are complaining about cheap _______________ that are being brought into the country.

3. Her husband is a senior bank _______________ with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.

4. I forgot my grammar book at home. Could you _______________ me yours for a couple of hours?

5. The _______________ of corn was first introduced by native people in Colombia.

6. Who wants to _______________ the office Christmas party this year?

7. Some people think American president Bill Clinton should have _______________ because of his sex scandal.

8. After I lost my bank card, someone apparently tried to _______________ some money from my account.

9. America's inner cities are being destroyed by _______________ and violence.

10. She has been a valued _______________ of our company for years.

11. The _______________ industry in this country is being challenged by the introduction of low-priced imports.

12. I like going to the market and _______________ with the shopkeepers there.

13. By the time he graduated from university, he had _______________ of over $30,000 to pay off.

14. The musical _______________ of John Lennon and Paul McCartney produced some of the most popular songs of our era.

15. Outside workers at the college are thinking of _______________ because management refuses to improve their working conditions.

16. We have to be careful how many cheques we write because our _______________ balance is getting low.

17. The school's _______________ for computer equipment is being increased by 25%.​



bro I can sove your question if send it again with 50 points

How are novels and short stories different?



The main difference is in length. Short stories generally range anywhere from 1,500 to 30,000 words whereas novels start from about 50,000 words.  

A short story has one main character and the story is told from that character's point of view, mainly first person. A novel has a cast of characters and the story can be told from any of those characters' viewpoints.

he has to stop (doing/to do) his work at late night.(choose the best one)​



he has to stop doing his work at late night

you have faced / witness an act of bullying in your school write a letter to the principal of your school reporting the incident​




Which is an appeal to logos?

telling a personal anecdote about how you overcame personal and financial hardship to fulfill your dream and open your business

printing a picture of the flag of the United States on your store's sign

showing statistics that "prove" that your reading program improves the reading level of a person by an average of 1.2 grade levels
within 6 months

having a business motto such as the following: "50 Years of Being the Best in the Business!"



I think it's the third answer


Logos is a logical argument towards your point providing evidence to back up your statement. The third answer is the only one that could prove the definition of logos true.


showing statistics that "prove" that your reading program improves the reading level of a person by an average of 1.2 grade levels

within 6 months.


What is something you use to make an inference?



When you are reading, you can make inferences based on information the author provides in the text

Utilizing these strategies will produce remarkable changes in their reading comprehension.
Build Knowledge. Build your students' inferential thinking by developing prior knowledge. ...
Study Genre. ...
Model Your Thinking. ...
Teach Specific Inferences. ...
Set Important Purposes for Reading. ...
Plan A Heavy Diet of Inferential Questions.

Help me please……………….


4,2,1,3 is what i think but that’s the order i would but it in

The way a non-fiction work organizes the information is known as what?
A. Rhetoric
B. Structure
C. Tone
D. Word choice



It's B. Structure

That is the best book that I ........ on that subject.
A. had read B. read C. have read D. am reading


That is the best book that I ( have read )on that subject.

reason = because that event has already happend in past but its impact is still on present so it is past perfect..........



Please help!!! Due tomorrow!



Excercize 2

1) False

2) True

3) False

4) False

5) True

6) False

7) True

8) True

9) True

10) False

Excersize 3

1) Cognates

2) Philologist

3) Inflection

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow
on the floor:
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the
Shall be lifted-nevermore!


His eyes it means he’s very intense and the lamp light that throws his shadow and his soul that lies out that shadow is floating

Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. John said, ‘I am very busy now.’
2. He said, ‘The horse has been fed.’
3. ‘I know her name and address,’ said John.
4. ‘German is easy to learn,’ she said.
5. He said, ‘I am writing letters.’
6. ‘It is too late to go out,’ Alice said.
7. He said to me, ‘I don’t believe you.’
8. He says, ‘I am glad to be here this evening.’
9. He said to me, ‘What are you doing?’
10. ‘Where is the post office?’ asked the stranger.
11. He said, ‘Will you listen to me?’
12. John said to Peter, ‘Go away.’
13. She said to me, ‘Please wait here till I return.’
14. ‘Call the witness,’ said the judge.
15. The speaker said, ‘Be quiet and listen to my words.’​


1.    John said that he was very busy then.

2.    He said that the horse had been fed.

3.    John said that he knew/knows her name and address. (Note that the tenses may not change if the statement is still relevant or if it is a universal truth.)

4.    She said that German is/was easy to learn.

5.    He said that he was writing letters.

6.    Alice said that it was too late to go out.

7.    He told me that he didn’t believe me. OR He said he didn’t believe me.

8.    He says that he is glad to be here this evening. (When the reporting verb is in the present tense, adverbs of time and place do not normally change in indirect speech.)

9.    He asked me what I was doing.

10.    The stranger asked where the post office is/was.

11.    He asked me if I would listen to him.

12.    John ordered Peter to go away.

13.    She asked me to wait there till she returned.

14.    The judge commanded them to call the first witness.

15.    He urged them to be quiet and listen to them.

Which is a difference between the speech and the poster?

The poster focuses on the effort of sending food abroad, but the speech does not.
The speech focuses on both making contributions at home and sending food abroad, but the poster does not.
The poster directly reminds civilians how they can contribute to the war effort, but the speech does not.
The speech directly reminds civilians how they can contribute to the war effort, but the poster does not.


The difference is that the poster directly reminds civilians how they can

contribute to the war effort, but the speech does not.

There was a large publicity during the World war II , in which the then prime

minister of United Kingdom Winston Churchill , gave a speech to inform the

people of the days that lie ahead. There were also posters made during this

period for adequate sensitization.

The poster tells the civilians that though they might not be involved in

the battlefield, they can contribute to the war by providing the soldiers with

food supplies and other forms of support which was absent in the speech.

Read more about World war II on


c.The poster directly reminds civilians how they can contribute to the war effort, but the speech does not.


6. A taxi driver picked up a fare at the Hyatt Regency Hotel who wanted to go to the airport. The traffic was heavy, and the taxicab’s average speed for the entire trip was just forty miles per hour. The total time of the trip was eighty minutes, and the customer was charged accordingly. At the airport, the taxi driver picked up another customer who wanted to be taken to the same Hyatt Regency Hotel. The taxi driver returned to the hotel along the same route that he had used just before, and traveled with the same average speed. But this time the trip took an hour and twenty minutes. Can you explain why?



they couldve had a lot of stops



i need help, a dairy entry with 40 i felt before i went shopping with my friend​



pls mark brainliest.....

hope it helped u

1. what does being born free mean to a student, filipino citizen, and a daughter.

2. When we say a person is free, does it give him or her the right to do anything? Explain

3. How can you experience total freedom

4. Have you experienced inner freedom? How did u feel about it?

5. Absolute freedom mocks justice. Absolute justice denies freedom. reflect on this quote by albert camus



Absolute freedom absolute justice

journey home from school ​



is paradise


i feel like i am going to the right place where i deserve to be.

i always wish home-schoooing is an option

What are the two comparisons?
moral sense vs. immoral sense
men vs. machines
judgments vs. earthly materials
making judgments vs. blind obedience



functional, and family resemblance definitions of religion.

Describe the four dimensions of religion: Belief, ritual, experience, and community.

Understand classifications of religion, like animism, polytheism, monotheism, and atheism.

Differentiate between the five world religions.

Explain the differences between various types of religious organizations: Churches, ecclesia, se


Moral sense vs. immoral sense

It’s high time that Nepali government _________ more in health sectors.​



It’s high time that Nepali government invested more in health sectors.​

It’s high time that Nepali government spent more in health sectors.​


The question is incomplete, as there are no options to select from.

I will however give a general explanation.

When a sentence contains the phrase "It’s high time", the verb that follows it must be in past tense.

e.g. left, sent, ate, etc.

Since there is no options, I will think of a verb (in past tense) that can fill then blank.

To complete the blank, I will make use of spent or invested

First, read a draft of an essay, "Two Critiques of Imperialism." This essay was written in response to an assignment asking the writer to examine how Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels use the strengths of their respective genres to critique imperialism.
Revise the essay to make it clearer and more persuasive. Try to make the use of rhetorical devices more effective, the tone more consistent, and the transitions more organized.
Your assignment should include the following elements:
A clear introduction with a persuasive thesis statement
Clear, concise supporting reasons that convincingly defend the thesis
Well-written commentary to defend your reasons and evidence
Appropriate transitions between and within paragraphs
A concluding paragraph that recaps main points and makes the essay feel finished
At least one trope and one scheme


The essay that the question requires depends on your personal interpretation of how "Two Critiques of Imperialism" was written and whether that writing matches the aims of the text. In that case, I can't write the essay for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First it is necessary that you read the entire essay and reread it until you understand it well and recognize the rhetorical resources and strategy that the author used.

Regarding rhetorical resources, you can identify them as follows:

Ethos: It is used when the author reinforces ethical concepts within the text. This can be done when the author encourages the correct way to act in certain situations, reinforces moral concepts and even presents political and social concepts.

Pathos: It is used when the author stimulates emotional concepts, trying to persuade the reader through sentimentality and emotions.

Logos: It is used when the author presents logical, rational and exact concepts.

It is important that you recognize the tone of the text. This tone refers to the feeling the author wants the reader to feel while reading. This tone can be serious, happy, sad, imposing, eager, among others. You will be able to recognize this through the words and the type of language the author uses.

Finally, you must decide what your opinion, your position in relation to everything that was presented in the text.

Now, you can write your essay as follows:

Introduction: Present the text, authors and subject covered in these texts. Then present your opinion and how you interpret and position yourself in relation to the subject covered in the text. This is your thesis statement and it should be objective, direct and persuasive.

Body: Write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, present the rhetorical resources presented in the text, the tone, the author's objectives and how you recognized it all. In the second paragraph, show your arguments in relation to this text, showing what you think was effective and what should be modified to make the text more important and efficient.

Conclusion: Finish the essay by showing what the text symbolizes, what impact it has on today's world, and restate your thesis statement based on that.

You can get more information on writing an essay at the link below:


can you at least give the answer bc I hateee essays man

how has our Constitution managed to maintain propertional representation on all areas of the sate?explane


Laws mainly also political workers and law enforcement etc

The Saint Louis-original dessert Gooey Butter cake has a curious origin story. It's made with you guessed it-butterl The unique
cake uses more butter than most cake recipes, which creates a gooey, dense cake with a consistency that is more like a brownie.
They are sold as entire cakes or as individual squares in many bakeries throughout Saint Louis. Next time you visit the Missouri
City, make sure you try its original sweet treat!
Which detail would provide the best support for the main idea in the paragraph?
(1 point)
The recipe can be simplified by using ingredients such as cake mix and cream cheese
The cake was created by accident, when a local baker mixed up the amount of butter to use in a coffee cake recipe.
The recipe is actually for a sweet bread dough that is topped with a gooey layer.
The cake was a huge success, becoming something the city is known for



The cake was created by accident, when a local baker mixed up the amount of butter to use in a coffee cake recipe.

no explanation

The detail that would provide the best support for the main idea in the paragraph is that the cake was created by accident, when a local baker mixed up the amount of butter to use in a coffee cake recipe.

Since the passage contains a information that the cake makes use of more butter than most cake recipes use, then it should be noted that in this case, then the cake was made by accident.

Other options are incorrect as they didn't support the main idea in the passage.

In conclusion, the correct option will be B.

Read related link on:

It says 5.60€ on the label. You've ... me 6.50€.
a. taken
b. deducted
c. reduced
d. charged



it should go with the sentence pronunciation

Write a memoir of 250 to 300 words on the following topic :
Any historical incident that impacted your life



A memoir is an account of your experiences related to events from your personal life or history that you witnessed.

A memoir is sometimes also called an autobiography, as the two terms share the same meaning to some extent.

But here’s the deal:

There is a slight difference between writing a memoir and writing an autobiography, and it is important to truly understand it in order to benefit most from reading an example of memoir.


Memoir Tips

choose an intriguing title (something like The Other Side of Me or A Day to Remember); it can help you a lot to interest the audience;

express your personal opinions and impressions (use for instance: to my mind, in my opinion, it seems, it turned out that, etc.);

add a lot of sensory details (for example, instead of simply stating that a girl had an angry look on her face, you can specify that her face reddened and her teeth were clenched – these are valuable observations, which can make your description more vivid);

write about memories that are important for you – it’s impossible to write a good memoir without feeling a deep connection between yourself and the situation which you describe;

be yourself when writing a memoir – you can hide your point of view in many academic writings, but this type of work requires you to be honest and show your personal traits;

choose a proper tone and try to maintain it throughout your memoir essay – it’s an excellent exercise to develop your writing style;

do research, even if you remember the situation, try to collect as much information as you could, including your friends’ commentaries, photos, blog posts – everything that can reveal more details;

take care about your memoir idea – whether your writing is funny, well-structured, or creative and unusual, it means nothing if you don’t put a message in it.

The most famous memoir books are based on the principles listed above. Keeping to them, you can create a masterpiece or, at least, get an A at your college.

But that isn’t all we can offer you:

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