Describe What You See in the Placard
Which cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?
Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s?

Describe What You See In The PlacardWhich Cause/s Of New Imperialism Does The Placard Represent?Explain


Answer 1


The shortage of tea in Britain.


The placard shows a Lipton tea advertisment, which says that tea is from Ceylon (present day: Sri Lanka) in which at the time is a British colony.

Related Questions

How many classes were in Rome after 750 B.C.?




there around about 2 classes in Rome


let me know if you have any questions

The classes were four I believe- if not then perdón

The Federalists agreed to add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution in order to ?



To ensure ratification by all states.

Supporters of the Constitution (Federalists) agreed to add a group of amendments that would serve as the Bill of Rights. Many against the Constitution ( Anti-Federalists ) refused to ratify unless such individual rights were protected.

Which of the following statements about the 2011 earthquake off the coast of Honshu, Japan, is false?
A. More than 120,000 people were killed.
B. The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale.
C. Whole cities and towns were washed away.
D. The earthquake triggered the F - uk - us - hi - ma accident. (that word i spread out would not let me post this question so i spread it out)



A.More than 120000 people were killed.


A.More than 120000 people were killed.

Based on the map witch civilization controlled the city Uruk in 2300 BCE
A. Sumeria

B. Mesopotamia
C. Akkadia
D. Egypt





Which of the following was NOT an issue of decolonization following World War II?

1. The superpowers vied for military control over weaker Nations.

2. Newly independent nations fall over territorial disputes.

3. Few of the decolonized countries could enter the United Nations.

4. The superpower vied for economic control over weaker Nations. ​



3. Few of the decolonized countries could enter the United Nations.

A plebeian and a patrician are both observed committing the same crime.
How would they end up being treated by Roman law.




The plebeian is judged guilty, while the patrician is judged innocent.

Why did the United States become more involved in the world economy during the early 20th
Please help!!!!


Answer: One reason is because America had become more industrialized and became like number one in being industrialized this gave the US a advantage in how much goods they could make and sell to the world  not only that in the early 20th century many wars broke out that left Europe in ruins this also gave the US another advantage since must industry in Europe was destroyed by the war this left the US last man standing in industry since none of the war reached the US


What was the location of the first pyramid built



on the west bank of the Nile River


Answer: It is located on the west bank of the Nile River. This is at Sakkara.

What are some keywords and phrases that you included in your answer?

Colonists came to America.

Colonists faced challenges.

Colonists had strict religious beliefs.

Slaves were forced to come to America.

Slaves were treated brutally.


“Colonists faced challenges” I think

¿Crees que si la mayor parte de los humanos, cambiamos nuestros malos hábitos con el medio ambiente, las grandes corporaciones se verán afectadas y tendrán que realizar cambios a los productos que venden?





porque ya no tendrian excusa

Ida B. Wells was mainly concerned about the education of



African Americans.


Ida Wells was an American civil rights activist who campaigned primarily to make lynchings of blacks a thing of the past, particularly in the southern United States.

In 1884, she refused to leave a segregated train compartment in Memphis. After the train company had her forcibly removed from the compartment, she sued the company. She won, but in 1887 the Tennessee Supreme Court overturned the verdict.

From 1889 she was an editor of an anti-segregation magazine in Memphis. Her book on lynching, A Red Record, was published in 1895. In 1909, Wells was present when the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was formed in New York. She was one of the first black women to run for the Illinois legislature in 1930.

Can you think of a historical film/movie that you've seen and enjoyed? Please provide the name of the movie and what/who the movie was about. (be descriptive, at least


not sure what kind of genre you’re looking for but I rlly enjoyed the movie ‘Just Mercy’. Its a movie about inmates of colour who were wrongly sentenced on death row and a lawyer who tries his best to defend their cases and set them free

What led to the Shah's removal from power in Iran?
B. his liberal views of the Islamic faith
A. his modern western attitudes
D. none of the above
C. A & B


I would put A to be honest. When I look up the timeline it said he led a modernization program and people were protesting against it. I couldn’t find anything about his liberal views on faith.

The development of nation-states began


LEamxplanatioàm đi bro


In the late 1800's, this
group was mainly hired for
office work due to the fact
they had small fingers
which were perfect for
A. men
B. women
C. children
D. elderly


the answer is woman


women's participation in the economy continued to rise with the gainss primarly owning to an increase in work among married women


B. women


Consider that President Roosevelt delivered the "Four Freedoms" speech on January 6, 1941. What is the historical
context of this speech in relation to World War II?



Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Proclaimed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his first inaugural address in 1933, it sought improved diplomatic relations between the United States and its Latin American neighbors.

trận đấu quyết định thắng lời của cuộc kháng chiến chống quân xiêm là



Trận Rạch Gầm - Xoài Mút vào 19-20/01/1785. Quân Tây Sơn do Nguyễn Huệ chỉ huy đánh tan quân Xiêm xâm lược (do Nguyễn Ánh cầu viện) trên sông Tiền


>> Look at the pictures. Under each write what it represents



I think it is image of egypt pyramid


If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

Escriba un ensayo de 500 palabras argumentando lógicamente el por qué la producción y consumo responsable construyen sociedades sostenibles.


Producción y consumo responsable.

Desde el inicio de la revolución industrial hasta nuestros días, materias como la ciencia y la tecnología han mejorado exponencialmente, a tal punto que muchas cosas que anteriormente se consideraban ficción como volar, internet, televisión, la comunicación instantánea entre otras, actualmente son parte de la cotidianidad de la mayoría de las personas, sin embargo, éste aumento progresivo en estos ámbitos ha llevado a una alta degradación del ambiente, debido a la extracción acelerada de los recursos naturales.

Nuestro planeta Tierra es un espacio finito, por lo cual, no se puede esperar que brinde recursos infinitos para sostener una economía cuya visualización es el crecimiento infinito, tanto las personas que crean la demanda, como las empresas que elaboran y construyen la oferta, deben ser conscientes que un pensamiento de consumo acelerado no es posible para nosotros.

Para ser sostenible, según el informe de Brundtland, se debe garantizar la cantidad y calidad de los recursos actuales a las futuras generaciones, por lo tanto, con el fin de alcanzar dicha definición, se debe hacer un uso eficaz y eficiente de los servicios derivados de dichos recursos que existen en la actualidad.

Cada vez que una persona consume un producto o se beneficia de un servicio, debe ser consciente que ello fue elaborado por algunas materias primas, que en su etapa de extracción o transformación produjeron emisiones, vertimientos y residuos cuyo destino final puede ser el océano y/o la capa de ozono, los cuales son esenciales para la subsistencia de la vida sobre nuestro planeta.

Hace pocos días, la ONU informó sobre algunos hechos lamentables, entre los cuales se encuentra el aumento de temperatura a finales de siglo, lo cual conllevará al aumento de hasta dos metros en el nivel del mar, inundando así muchas de las ciudades que se encuentran a esa altura, además de eliminar en gran medida el hábitat de algunas especies animales en los polos.

Debemos recordar que dicho aumento en la temperatura se debe a la emisión de gases como el C02 y el metano, así como este último se suele asociar a la industria y producción cárnica.

Convertirnos en una sociedad sostenible no quiere decir que nos convirtamos todos al veganismo, o que dejemos de utilizar diferentes productos o servicios que hacen parte de la vida contemporánea, sino que hagamos un uso racional de estos.

Considero que ninguna persona necesita con urgencia cambiar su teléfono celular o su televisor cada seis meses o cada año, por lo tanto, hacer un uso adecuado de la tecnología y los aparatos eléctricos y/o electrónicos, utilizándolos responsablemente con el fin de que su vida útil sea lo más larga posible.

Por otra parte, hacer un uso eficiente de los servicios básicos que tenemos en nuestros hogares, en especial el agua y la energía eléctrica, puesto que su consumo conlleva a la generación de emisiones y vertimientos, por lo cual el método más eficaz para reducirlos es hacer un uso adecuado de los mismos.

La teoría económica suele mencionar que la oferta se encuentra ampliamente influenciada por la demanda, en tal caso, si los consumidores realizamos una demanda responsable de productos y servicios, la oferta igualmente será responsable y esto permitirá que la sociedad alcance esa cúspide llamada sostenibilidad.

Si quieres saber un poco más sobre el desarrollo sostenible, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace:






Based on the wintertime La Niña weather map, what do you think Florida's temperature and precipitation would be like during a winter El Niño event?




El Nino would probably warm up Florida's temperatures. It's already a bit warm in Florida during the winter so it would sort of feel like summer.

Examine the diagram of the cell cycle.
Which label identifies the step labeled W?



I don't see the diagram so what you have to do is add an picture to this post


Mmmmmm......yeahhhh :-P

Fill in the table below comparing the two major German Expressionist movements:



                                                        Die Brucke

Associated Artists:

Erich Heckel

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Max Pechstein

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff

Developed Where:

Dresden, Germany in 1995


The meaning of "Die Brucke" is the bridge. The name Die Brücke was chosen to indicate the group's desire to "bridge" the past and present.


German Expressionism


Young Girl, 1913 by Erich Heckel

Vaudeville Theatre, 1909/1926 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Woman with a Fan 1913 by Kees van Dongen

                                                   Der Blaue Reiter

Associated Artists:

Wassily Kandinsky

Alexej von Jawlensky

Franz Marc

Paul Klee

Developed Where:

Munich, Germany in 1911


Der Blaue Reiter means The Blue Rider. The name "Der Blaue Reiter" referred to Kandinsky and Marc's belief that blue was the most spiritual color and that the rider symbolized the ability to move beyond.


German Expressism


The Yellow Cow, 1911 by Franz Marc

Composition VII, 1913 by Wassily Kandinsky

In the Style of Kairouan, 1914 by Paul Klee

why did the US choose to enter World War 1



because Germany embarked on a deadly gamble



Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917.Was the reason due to which USA joined world war 1

Why the city of Jerusalem might become a centre of conflict



don't know mam


ok ksieheneidi9


mark me as brainliest


In December 1917 — 100 years ago this month — the British general Edmund Allenby seized control of Jerusalem from its Ottoman Turkish defenders. Dismounting his horse, he entered the Old City on foot, through Jaffa Gate, out of respect for its holy status.

In the century since, Jerusalem has been fought over in varying ways, not only by Jews, Christians and Muslims but also by external powers and, of course, modern-day Israelis and Palestinians.

It is perhaps fitting that President Trump appears to have chosen this week to announce that the United States will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, despite concerns from leaders of Arab countries, Turkey and even close allies like France.

Conflicts over Jerusalem go back thousands of years — including biblical times, the Roman Empire and the Crusades — but the current one is a distinctly 20th-century story, with roots in colonialism, nationalism and anti-Semitism. The New York Times asked several experts to walk readers through pivotal moments of the past century.

which of these things or people helped cause the american revolution?



your answer would be D all of the above hope that helps


How did railroads influence modern business practices?
A- by forming corporate boards(not right)
B- by issuing stocks and bonds
C- by resisting standardization
D- by creating reasonable scheduling expectations



I believe the answer is B: By issuing stocks and bonds.


Feel free to let me know if I was correct. I found that answer the most logical.


b would be a great answer


easy transportation of heavy loads, this answer became more obvious for me

just keep in tag on what the answer is

With reference to temperature and rainfall identify and explain the differences in the climatic zones of Pakistan. pls quick!!!


The most important elements of climate are temperature, pressure, winds, rainfall and humidity etc. Pakistan is situated in the north of tropic of cancer. Pakistan is a sub-tropical country. ... Some of the areas in the north of Pakistan is warm and mist, whereas the mountainous area have highland type climate.

How is machines an example of the concept of globalization



This globalization and free trade machine is constantly exploiting, depleting, and abusing people of the developing world as well as their resources yet it provides absolutely no benefits to the greater working of the planet. The diagram of the machine is missing one key by-product or output per say, which is injustice. You see the natural resources are taken from already impoverished countries, who do not have the means to fight for the conservation of their environment. From these resources, the capitalistic world that we live in emphasizes and encourages materialism which drives production of consumer junk that is not necessary or needed and ends up as waste and pollution back into the natural environment. The labor force needed to provide for the huge demand of junk from the western world is made up of people from poor communities who will work ten-hour days in inhumane conditions making barely enough money to feed themselves. These people will also be unequally affected by the effects of the inevitable pollution and emissions, which come out of the globalization machine and create further problems for the planet and its inhabitants. This can include environmental degradation, negative human health impacts, global warming, infertile land, and ozone layer depletion. Once put into perspective this machine is destroying the well-being of the earth and all of its citizens including fauna and flora. The world is in need of a new machine driving a different world system. In reality, the world should not be based on one machine but on many different ones, which take into account the history, culture, and background of all countries and peoples to ensure all processes within the machine are fair and equal to all.


President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev: Group of answer choices engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba decided which non-aligned nations would ally with the US and which would ally with the Soviets together planned and carried out the Bay of Pigs invasion became good friends after their Vienna summit meeting



Engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba


President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev were both engage in negotiating a peaceful outcome to the crisis related to the missiles.

Relationships between the U.S and the Soviet Union was a complex that led frequent hostile power rivalry over the years. The political differences of these two countries often prevented them from leading a mutual arrangement on issues like the Cuban crisis that brought them close to the war. Both nations have advance technology and military progress with the missile race and nuclear weapon.

Both agreed after meeting to remove missiles from respective places. Kennedy removes the missiles in Turkey and Italy where Khrushchev remove the missiles in Cuba.

Other Questions
Describe China's geography and give examples as to how the Chinese adapted to it?LEARNINGTARDETS Question 26 of 58Mr. Nguyen recorded the numbers of students in his homeroom class whoparticipated in spirit week.The table shows the number of students who dressed up each day.DayMon Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. TotalNumber of students 2255620Find the mean and the median of the data set.Determine which of these values is greater.O A. The mean, 5, is greater than the median, 4.OB. The mean, 5, is greater than the median, 2.O c. The median, 6, is greater than the mean, 2.O D. The median, 5, is greater than the mean, 4. Dialogue between two friends about importance of education . Name any four religion followed in Nepal? Sweatshirts at the school store cost $30. They currently sell about 4 shirts per month. They have decided to decrease the price of the shirts. They found the for each each $1.50 decrease, they will sell 2 more shirts per month. How many decreases in prices will give the max value?A. 30B. 9C. 363D. 16.50 Read the quotation from "To My Dear Loving Husband.""I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,Or all the riches that the East doth hold." 16. The valency of sodium is +1 and that of chlorine is -1, why? Complete Juans vacation blog by choosing the more logical verb in each case and writing it in the correct form of the preterite.Mientras tanto (Meanwhile) yo (afeitarse / quedarse) enter answer en Antigua por nos das y (disfrutar / pasar) enter answer mucho de mi estancia (stay) en esta bella ciudad. Un da, (visitar / planchar) enter answer el ChocoMuseo, un museo dedicado al chocolate! Otro da, compr recuerdos en el Mercado de Artesanas (Handicrafts).Bueno, amigos, ahora les toca a Uds. (its your turn). (Preparar / Visitar) enter answer Uds. Guatemala alguna vez (ever)? Quiero leer sus comentarios. Nota cultural Tikal, located in the jungles of northern Guatemala, is a major Classic Mayan site with magnificent temples. From 250 to 900 AC, Tikal was the largest city in the Americas. Today, the National Park covers an area of over 200 square miles, with thousands of structures, many of them still being excavated. Why remittance is important in rural development? In long answers. help me with this math question pls!! Find the value of x Quan im cho rng:"n mt thi gian no con ngi c kh nng pht huy ht nng lc nhn thc c tnh v tn ,tuyt i c vnh vin ca th gii".quan im trn ng hay sai?ti sao That house (belong) ... to Mr. Green good morning how ya'll doing today In this 3x3 square, you can use only numbers from 1-9, to make all the rows and columns equal to 15. Good luck to the person solving this and just know that I and lots more people thank you for solving this! find the area of triangle i. b=6cm ,h=4cm ii. b=5cm ,h=7cm iii. b=8.4 cm ,h=5cmanswer [tex]i.12cm {}^{2} [/tex][tex]ii.17.5cm {}^{2} [/tex][tex]iii.21cm {}^{2} [/tex] Create an acrostic poem for the words "CONTEMPORARY" A rectangular field is to be fenced off, and then divided in two by a fence running parallel to one of the sides. If 996 meters of fencing can be used, find the dimensions of the field that will maximize the total area, and then find the maximum area. List the smaller dimension first. If a school camp has enough food for 150 students over 5 days How long would the food last for is only 100 students are there reflect the x axis A B C D If the mean age of the managers in company is 52 years with a standard deviation of 2.5 years, what is the probability that a randomly chosen manager will be between 54.5 and 57 years old