Determine a scalar c so that the angle between a = i + cj and b = i + j is 45°.​


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

ATQ a.b=|a||b|sin(45)




2c=0, c=0

Answer 2

The required simplified value of c is zero for which the angle between a and b is 45°.

What is a vector?

Vector is defined as the quantities that have both magnitude and direction are called a vector quantity and the nature of the quantity is called a vector.  

scaler product is given as,
a . b = |a|.|b|cos45
(i + cj). (i + j) = √[1² + c²] . √[1²+1²] × 1/√2
1 + c = √1 + c²

Squaring both sides
(1 + c)² = 1 + c²
1 + c² + 2c =1 + c²
2c = 0
c = 0

Thus, the required simplified value of c is zero for which the angle between a and b is 45°.

Learn more about vectors here,

Related Questions




It is (x - 3)³ - 9x(3 - x)

Step-by-step explanation:

Express 27 in terms of cubes, 27 = 3³:

[tex] = {x}^{3} - {3}^{3} [/tex]

From trinomial expansion:

[tex] {(x - y)}^{3} = (x - y)(x - y)(x - y) \\ [/tex]

open first two brackets to get a quadratic equation:

[tex] {(x - y)}^{3} = ( {x}^{2} - 2xy + {y}^{2} )(x - y)[/tex]

expand further:

[tex] {(x - y)}^{3} = {x}^{3} - y {x}^{2} - 2y {x}^{2} + 2x {y}^{2} + x {y}^{2} - {y}^{3} \\ {(x - y)}^{3} = {x}^{3} - {y}^{3} + 3x {y}^{2} - 3y {x}^{2} \\ {(x - y)}^{3} = {x}^{3} - {y}^{3} + 3xy(y - x) \\ \\ { \boxed{( {x}^{3} - {y}^{3} ) = {(x - y)}^{3} - 3xy(y - x)}}[/tex]

take y to be 3, then substitute:

[tex]( {x}^{3} - 3^3) = {(x - 3)}^{3} - 9x(3 - x)[/tex]

The circle graph above shows the distribution of utility expenses for the Hierra family last year. If the family’s total utility expenses last year were $3,600, what were their expensive go water and sewer.
Water and sewer=X%
Heating and gas=50%



The correct answer is - $720 or 20%.

Step-by-step explanation:


Total expense = 3600


Heating and gas=50%

Water and sewer=X%


For electric: 3600*30/100 = 1080

for heating and gas: 3600*50/100 = 1800

Left money for expense of water and shower = total - (electric and heating)

= 3600-1880

= 720

Percentage of water and shower = 720*100/3600

= 20%



Step-by-step explanation:

Thank you this is correct :) I took the test

thank you for the help every one



1. 1.66in

2. 6.66in

3. 3.33in

4. 1inch

Step-by-step explanation:

the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the length times width or the two sides.

5 x 1/3 is about 1.66 inches

5 x 4/3 is about 6.66 inches

5/2 x 4/3 is about 3.33 inches

and 7/6 x 6/7 is 1 inch

What is the sum of the geometric sequence 1, 3, 9, ... if there are 10 terms? (5 points)



[tex]S_n = \frac{1 (1 - 3^{10})}{1 - 3} = 29524[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

There's a handy formula we can use to find the sum of a geometric sequence, and here it is

[tex]S_n = \frac{a_1 (1 - r^n)}{1 - r}[/tex]

The value n represents the amount of terms you want to sum in the sequence. The variable r is known as the common ratio, and a is just some constant. Let's find those values.

First lets visualize this sequence

[tex]n_1 = 1\\n_2 = 1 + 3\\n_3 = 1 + 3 + 3^2\\n_4=1+3+3^2+3^3\\...[/tex]

Okay so there's clearly a pattern here, let's write it a bit more concisely. For each n, starting at 1, we raise 3 to the (n-1) power, add it to what we had for the previous term.

[tex]S_n = \sum{3^{n-1}} = 3^{1 - 1} + 3^{2 - 1} + 3^{3-1} ...[/tex]

Our coefficients of r, and a, are already here! As you can see below, r is just 3, and a is just 1.

[tex]S_n = \sum{a*r^{n-1}}[/tex]

To finish up lets plug these coefficients in and get our sum after 10 terms.

[tex]S_n = \frac{1 (1 - 3^{10})}{1 - 3} = 29524[/tex]

What is the discriminat of 2x+5x^=1



don't know...........

It's 24 hope that's helps u out

Write an explicit formula for the sequence.


Step-by-step explanation:

Sequence is
































If it is Arithmetic sequence,















& so on

In the given sum,




























Since the difference between the successive terms is same and


common difference




Solve -9 < 4x + 3 5 19.



C  -3 < x ≤ 4

Step-by-step explanation:

-9 < 4x + 3 ≤ 19.

Subtract 3 from all sides

-9-3 < 4x + 3-3 ≤ 19-3

-12 < 4x  ≤ 16

Divide by 4

-12/4 < 4x/4 ≤ 16/4

-3 < x ≤ 4

Give the domain and range of G={(6.0),(-9,-3),(1,-3)}



Step-by-step explanation:

D={ 6  , -9  , 1 }

R={  0  ,-3 }

i need help figuring it out


There are no attachments!

The range is the set of________

A) First Coordinates
B) Ordered Pairs
C) Second coordinates



The range is the set of first coordinates

From the figure, the cylinder glass has a height of 6 inches and a radius of the mouth of the glass 1.25 inches. Find the length of SK in inches.



D. 6.5

Step-by-step explanation:

The diameter of the cylinder is 1.25 x 2 = 2.5

SK = √1.25² + 6² = √42.25 = 6.5

Simplify as much as possible


the answer is 3,125.
take 5 to the third power (125) and multiply by 25 afterwards to get your answer

The distribution of widgets from a production line is known to be approximately normal with mean 2.7 inches and standard deviation 0.25 inches. About 95% of the distribution lies between what two values?
A. 2.45 inches and 3.2 inches
B. 2.45 inches and 2.95 inches
C. 2.2 inches and 3.2 inches
D. 1.95 inches and 3.45 inches


Option D is correct. 95% of the distribution lies between 1.9975inches and 3.4025inches.

To get the required range of values, we will have to first get the z-score for the two-tailed probability at a 95% confidence interval. According to the normal table, the required range is between -2.81 and 2.81

The formula for calculating the z-score is expressed as;

[tex]z=\frac{x-\overline x}{s}[/tex] where:

[tex]\overline x[/tex] is the mean

s is the standard deviation

z is the z-scores

Given the following

[tex]\overline x[/tex]=2.7 in

s = 0.25

if z = -2.81




Hence the 95% of the distribution lies between 1.9975inches and 3.4025inches.

Learn more on normal distribution here:

Please help me determine the general equation for the graph above as well as solve for a. Thank you.


Observe that the x coords of the roots of a polynomial are,


Which can be put into form,


with data


Now if I take any root point and insert it into the equation I won't be able to solve for y because they will always multiply to zero (ie. when I pick [tex]x=-3[/tex] the right hand side will multiply to zero,


and a will be "lost" in the process.

If we observed a non-root point that we could substitute with x and y and result in a non-loss process then you could find a. But since there is no such point (I don't think you can read it of the graph) there is no other viable way to find a.

Hope this helps :)

64x^12 + 27y^3



answer is (4x^4+3y)(16x^8-12x^4y+9y^2)

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 6 of 10
Which situation shows a constant rate of change?
A. The number of tickets sold compared with the number of minutes
before a football game
B. The height of a bird over time
C. The cost of a bunch of grapes compared with its weight
D. The outside temperature compared with the time of day


I’d personally say either A or C, and here’s why: with B and D, you don’t know what will change it, or make it go from a linear rate of change to exponential for B, and for D it’s more of a quadratic than a linear. It’s for that same reasoning that I’d hesitate to say A over C: there are other factors other than strictly the number of tickets sold and the number of minutes pre-football game. C, with the grapes, on the other hand, is a linear one that will always changeable depending on weight of the grapes.

a) the cost of a bunch of grapes compared with its weight


solve for x please help (show ur work)



x = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

12 -4x-5x = 39

Combine like terms

12 - 9x = 39

Subtract 12 from each side

12-9x-12 = 39-12

-9x = 27

Divide by -9

-9x/-9 = 27/-9

x = -3


x = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

12 - 4x - 5x = 39

Combine like terms

12 - 9x = 39

Subtract 12 from both sides

12 - 12 - 9x = 39 - 12

-9x = 27

Divide both sides by -9

-9x/-9 = 27/-9

x = -3

I need help ASAP please please please




Step-by-step explanation:



-5n= -15-24


n= 39/5

Please help me with 9 I really need it



605 boys.

Step-by-step explanation:

5:7 means 5 parts consists of boys and 7 parts consist of girls.

Since 7 parts = 847, 1 part = 121 and 5 parts = 605

Hence there are 605 boys.

Hope you have a nice day :)

1. (02.01)
Solve -4(x + 10) - 6 = -3(x - 2). (1 point)




Step-by-step explanation:

-4(x + 10) - 6 = -3(x - 2)

Distribute the left side to get:

(-4x + -40) - 6

Now distribute the right side to get:

-3x + 6

Arrange the equation as the following:

-4x - 40 - 6 = -3x + 6

Add the like terms on each side:

-4x - 46 = -3x + 6

Do the inverse operation of each term:

-x = 52

Now we need to get x to become a positive, so we just divide -x by -1 to get x.

And 52/-1 to get our final answer of -52.

Answer: -52

Step-by-step explanation:

-4(x + 10) - 6 = -3(x - 2)

Distribute the left side to get:

(-4x + -40) - 6

Now distribute the right side to get:

-3x + 6

Arrange the equation as the following:

-4x - 40 - 6 = -3x + 6

Add the like terms on each side:

-4x - 46 = -3x + 6

Do the inverse operation of each term:

-x = 52

Now we need to get x to become a positive, so we just divide -x by -1 to get x.

And 52/-1 to get our final answer of -52.

Suppose you choose a marble from a bag containing 4 red marbles, 2 white marbles, and 3 blue marbles. You return the first marble to the bag and then choose again. Find P(red then blue).




Step-by-step explanation:

total number of marbles=9

probability of red=4/9

since you returned the first marble, the total number of marbles remains the same


P(red then blue)=(4/9)*(1/3)


Suppose that a local TV station conducts a survey of a random sample of 120 registered voters in order to predict the winner of a local election. The Democrat candidate was favored by 62 of the respondents.

a. Construct and interpret a 99% CI for the true proportion of voters who prefer the Republican candidate.
b. If a candidate needs a simple majority of the votes to win the election, can the Republican candidate be confident of victory? Justify your response with an appropriate statistical argument.



a) The 99% CI for the true proportion of voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001). This means that we are 99% sure that the true population proportion of all voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001).

b) The upper bound of the confidence interval is above 0.5 = 50%, which meas that the candidate can be confidence of victory.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

Sample of 120 registered voters in order to predict the winner of a local election. The Democrat candidate was favored by 62 of the respondents.

So 120 - 62 = 58 favored the Republican candidate, so:

[tex]n = 120, \pi = \frac{58}{120} = 0.4833[/tex]

99% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.01[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.01}{2} = 0.995[/tex], so [tex]Z = 2.575[/tex].  

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.4833 - 2.575\sqrt{\frac{0.4833*0.5167}{120}} = 0.3658[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.4833 + 2.575\sqrt{\frac{0.4833*0.5167}{120}} = 0.6001[/tex]

The 99% CI for the true proportion of voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001). This means that we are 99% sure that the true population proportion of all voters who prefer the Republican candidate is (0.3658, 0.6001).

b. If a candidate needs a simple majority of the votes to win the election, can the Republican candidate be confident of victory? Justify your response with an appropriate statistical argument.

The upper bound of the confidence interval is above 0.5 = 50%, which meas that the candidate can be confidence of victory.

with this question plz



Step-by-step explanation:

(x-2)(x+4)=x^2+4x-2x-8=0=> x =2, x=0



Step-by-step explanation:

A solid is formed by rotating the region bounded by y = x − x^2 and y = 0 about the line x = 2 . Use the shell method to find the volume of the solid.



The volume of the resulting solid is π/2 cubic units.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please refer to the diagram below.

The shell method is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle V = 2\pi \int _a ^b r(x) h(x)\, dx[/tex]

Where the representative rectangle is parallel to the axis of revolution, r(x) is the distance from the axis of revolution to the center of the rectangle, and h(x) is the height of the rectangle.

From the diagram, we can see that r(x) = (2 - x) and that h(x) is simply y. The limits of integration are from a = 0 to b = 1. Therefore:

[tex]\displaystyle V = 2\pi \int_0^1\underbrace{\left(2-x\right)}_{r(x)}\underbrace{\left(x - x^2\right)}_{h(x)}\, dx[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} V&= 2\pi \int_0 ^1 \left(2x-2x^2-x^2+x^3\right) \, dx\\ \\ &= 2\pi\int _0^1 x^3 -3x^2 + 2x \, dx \\ \\ &= 2\pi\left(\frac{x^4}{4} - x^3 + x^2 \Bigg|_0^1\right) \\ \\ &= 2\pi \left(\frac{1}{4} - 1 + 1 \right) \\ \\ &= \frac{\pi}{2}\end{aligned}[/tex]

The volume of the resulting solid is π/2 cubic units.



Step-by-step explanation:

I always like to draw an illustration for these problems.

For shells method think volume of cylinder=2pi×r×h

Integrate(2pi(2-x)(x-x^2) ,x=0...1)


Integrate(2pi(2x-2x^2-x^2+x^3 ,x=0...1)

Combine like terms

Integrate(2pi(2x-3x^2+x^3) ,x=0...1)

Begin to evaluate

2pi(2x^2/2-3x^3/3+x^4/4) ,x=0...1

2pi(x^2-x^3+x^4/4), x=0...1




If a $6 per unit tax is introduced in this market, then the new equilibrium quantity will be



soory i dont know just report me if you angry

Silicone implant augmentation rhinoplasty is used to correct congenital nose deformities. The success of the procedure depends on various biomechanical properties of the human nasal periosteum and fascia. An article reported that for a sample of 10 (newly deceased) adults, the mean failure strain (%) was 24.0, and the standard deviation was 3.2.

a. Assuming a normal distribution for failure strain, estimate true average strain in a way that converys information about precision and reliability.
b. Predict the strain for a single adult in a way that conveys information about precision and reliability. How does the prediction compare to the estimate calculated in part (a)?


Solution :

Given information :

A sample of n = 10 adults

The mean failure was 24 and the standard deviation was 3.2

a). The formula to calculate the 95% confidence interval is given by :

[tex]$\overline x \pm t_{\alpha/2,-1} \times \frac{s}{\sqrt n}$[/tex]

Here, [tex]$t_{\alpha/2,n-1} = t_{0.05/2,10-1}$[/tex]

                       = 2.145

Substitute the values

[tex]$24 \pm 2.145 \times \frac{3.2}{\sqrt {10}}$[/tex]

(26.17, 21.83)

When the [tex]\text{sampling of the same size}[/tex] is repeated from the [tex]\text{population}[/tex] [tex]n[/tex] infinite number of [tex]\text{times}[/tex], and the [tex]\text{confidence intervals}[/tex] are constructed, then [tex]95\%[/tex] of them contains the [tex]\text{true value of the population mean}[/tex], μ in between [tex](26.17, 21.83)[/tex]

b). The formula to calculate 95% prediction interval is given by :

    [tex]$\overline x \pm t_{\alpha/2,-1} \times s \sqrt{1+\frac{1}{n}}$[/tex]

   [tex]$24 \pm 2.145 \times 3.2 \sqrt{1+\frac{1}{10}}$[/tex]

   (31.13, 16.87)

II. Round to the nearest hundred.
11. 582
12. 1,234
13. 640
14. 770
15. 1,104 can you please tell what the answer?








Susan randomly selected a sample of plants to determine the average height of the total 35 plants in her garden. She measured the heights (in inches) of 12 randomly selected plants and recorded the data:

1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.3, 6.0
What is the sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden?



3.5 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Sample mean basically means that we need to find the average of the samples.

So the formula for finding average is

Number of observations/ Number of Occurrences

So when we add the values together we get


So there are 12 numbers

So, 42/12 =

3.5 inches

The sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden is

3.5 inches.


Susan randomly selected a sample of plants to determine the average height of the total 35 plants in her garden.

She measured the heights (in inches) of 12 randomly selected plants and recorded the data:

1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.3, 6.0

We have to find the sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden.

What is Average?

Average value in a set of given numbers is the middle value, calculate as dividing the total of all values by the number of values.


The recorded data is;

1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.3, 6.0

To find the sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden we have to find the average of the recorded data.

Formula for average = [tex]\frac{sum of number of observation}{ number of occurrence}[/tex]

Hence, Average = [tex]\frac{1.0+ 1.4+1.8+2.0+ 2.5+3.5+4.2+4.5+ 4.8+ 5.0+ 5.3+ 6.0}{12} = \frac{42}{12} = 3.5[/tex]

Therefore, The sample mean of the heights of the plants in Susan's garden is 3.5 inches.

Learn more about the average visit:


The expression y + y + 2y is equivalent to ??
because ??




They would have the same value if a number was substituted for y

Step-by-step explanation:

y+y+2y =

Combine like terms


These are all like terms

They would have the same value if a number was substituted for y

Let y = 5

5+5+2(5) = 5+5+10 = 20

4(5) =20

Find the value of y.


9514 1404 393


  (d) 6√3

Step-by-step explanation:

There are several ways to work multiple-choice problems. One of the simplest is to choose the only answer that makes any sense. Here, that is 6√3.

y is the hypotenuse of the medium-sized right triangle, so will be longer than that triangle's longest leg. y > 9

The only answer choice that meets this requirement is ...

  y = 6√3


In this geometry, all of the right triangles are similar. This means corresponding sides have the same ratio. For y, we're interested in the ratio of long leg to hypotenuse.

  long leg/hypotenuse = y/(9+3) = 9/y

  y² = 9(9+3) = 9·4·3

  y = 3·2·√3 . . . . . . take the square root

  y = 6√3


Additional comments

You may notice that y is the root of the product of the longer hypotenuse segment (9) and the whole hypotenuse (9+3 = 12). We can say that y is the "geometric mean" of these segment lengths. Similarly (pun only partially intended), x will be the root of the product of the short segment (3) and the whole hypotenuse (12)

  x = √(3·12) = 6

This is another "geometric mean" relation.

Further, the altitude will be the geometric mean of the two segments of the hypotenuse:

  h = √(9·3) = 3√3

A way to summarize all of these relations is to say that the legs of the right triangle that are not the hypotenuse are equal to the geometric mean of the segments of the hypotenuse that the leg intercepts.

  x = √(3·12)

  y = √(9·12)

  h = √(3·9)

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