Determine what type of transformation is represented.

A. none of these
B. reflection
C. dilation
D. rotation


Answer 1


The answer is "Option D"

Step-by-step explanation:

In a rotation, an item is rotated around with a known location. Clockwise or anticlockwise spinning is possible. Rotation centers are spherical geometry in space where rotation occurs. The direction of inclination is the indicator of the total rotation made. Rotary point refers to that part point of a figure around which it is revolved.

Related Questions

Gant Accounting performs two types of services, Audit and Tax. Gant’s overhead costs consist of computer support, $267000; and legal support, $133500. Information on the two services is:
(See screenshot)




Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Overhead cost :

Computer support = $267000

legal support = $133500

Overheads applied to audit services = (Number of CPU minutes used by Audit services * activity rate per CPU minute)


(number of legal hours used by Audit services * activity rate per legal hour)

The overhead applied to audit is thus :

40,000 * (267,000 / (40,000 + 10,000)) +

200 * (133500 / (200 + 800)

(40000 * 5.34) + (200 * 133.5)

= $240,300

If two bags of popcorn and three drinks cost $14,
and four bags of popcorn and one drink costs
$18, how much does a drink cost?




Step-by-step explanation:

one bag of popcorn is 4 dollars so 4 bags of popcorn is 16 plus 1 drink which is 2 dollars equal 18.

The cost of each popcorn is $4 and the cost of each drink will be $2.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

If two bags of popcorn and three drinks cost $14, and four bags of popcorn and one drink costs $18.

Let the cost of each popcorn be 'x' and the cost of each drink be 'y'. Then the equations are given as,

2x + 3y = 14           ...1

4x + y = 18            ...2

From equations 1 and 2, then we have

2x + 3(18 - 4x) = 14

2x + 54 - 12x = 14

10x = 40

x = $4

Then the value of the variable 'y' is calculated as,

y = 18 - 4(4)

y = 18 - 16

y = $2

The cost of each popcorn is $4 and the cost of each drink will be $2.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.


find the value of the trigonometric ratio. make sure to simplify the fraction if needed.




Step-by-step explanation:

Cos(theta) = Base/Hypotenuse

Cos(X) = 36/39

What is the measure of 7 shown in the diagram below?
O A. 74.5°
B. 32°
O C. 71°
D. 35.5°




Step-by-step explanation:


the correct choice is B

Step-by-step explanation:

Clue is a board game in which you must deduce three details surrounding a murder. In the original game of Clue, the guilty person can be chosen from 66 people, and there are 66 different possible weapons and 99 possible rooms. At one point in the game, you have narrowed the possibilities down to 44 people, 55 weapons, and 77 rooms. What is the probability of making a random guess of the guilty person, murder weapon, and location from your narrowed-down choices, and the guess being correct



The probability of making a correct random guess is 0.00053%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since Clue is a board game in which you must deduce three details surrounding a murder, and in the original game of Clue, the guilty person can be chosen from 66 people, and there are 66 different possible weapons and 99 possible rooms, and at one point in the game, you have narrowed the possibilities down to 44 people, 55 weapons, and 77 rooms, to determine what is the probability of making a random guess of the guilty person, murder weapon, and location from your narrowed-down choices , and the guess being correct, the following calculation must be performed:

(1 / (44x55x77)) x 100 = X

(1 / 186,340) x 100 = X

0.0005366 = X

Therefore, the probability of making a correct random guess is 0.00053%.

It is estimated that t months from now, the population of a certain town will be changing at the rate of 4+ 5t^2/3 people per month. If the current population is 10,000, what will the population be 8 months from now?




Step-by-step explanation:

Represent the exponential equation.

[tex]10000 (5 {t}^{ \frac{2}{3} } + 4) = [/tex]

Replace 8 with t

[tex]10000(5(8) {}^{ \frac{2}{3} } + 4)[/tex]

[tex]10000(5 \times 4 + 4) [/tex]

[tex]10000(24) = 240000[/tex]

The population of the town after 8 month will be 2,40,000.

What is exponential growth?

Exponential growth is a pattern of data that shows greater increases with passing time, creating the curve of an exponential function.

Let P be the population of the town after 8 months

According to the given question

The current population of the town = 10,000.

Also, the population of the town is changing at the rate of [tex]4+5t^{\frac{2}{3} }[/tex].

Therefore, the population of the town after 8 month is given by the exponential function

[tex]P = 10000(4+5t^{\frac{2}{3} } )[/tex]

Substitute t =8 in the above equation

⇒[tex]P = 10000(4 + 5(8)^{\frac{2}{3} } )[/tex]

⇒[tex]P = 10000(4 + 5(2^{3}) ^{\frac{2}{3} } )[/tex]

⇒[tex]P = 10000(4+5(4))[/tex]

⇒[tex]P = 10000(24)[/tex]

⇒[tex]P = 240000[/tex]

Hence, the population of the town after 8 month will be 2,40,000.

Find out more information about exponential growth here:


Mrs. Gomez has two kinds of flowers in her garden. The ratio of lilies to daisies in the garden is 5:2

If there are 20 lilies, what is the total number of flowers in her garden?




Step-by-step explanation:

5 : 2

since this is a simplified ratio, they have a common factor. let's say it is 'x'

so now :

5x : 2x

we know that 5x is lilies, and we also know that she has 20 lilies, so:

5x = 20

x = 4

the daisies would be 2x so 2*4 = 8

total flowers is 20 + 8


If a and b are positive numbers, find the maximum value of f(x) = x^a(2 − x)^b on the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 2.



The maximum value of f(x) occurs at:

[tex]\displaystyle x = \frac{2a}{a+b}[/tex]

And is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle f_{\text{max}}(x) = \left(\frac{2a}{a+b}\right)^a\left(\frac{2b}{a+b}\right)^b[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the function:

[tex]\displaystyle f(x) = x^a (2-x)^b \text{ where } a, b >0[/tex]

And we want to find the maximum value of f(x) on the interval [0, 2].

First, let's evaluate the endpoints of the interval:

[tex]\displaystyle f(0) = (0)^a(2-(0))^b = 0[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle f(2) = (2)^a(2-(2))^b = 0[/tex]

Recall that extrema occurs at a function's critical points. The critical points of a function at the points where its derivative is either zero or undefined. Thus, find the derivative of the function:

[tex]\displaystyle f'(x) = \frac{d}{dx} \left[ x^a\left(2-x\right)^b\right][/tex]

By the Product Rule:

[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} f'(x) &= \frac{d}{dx}\left[x^a\right] (2-x)^b + x^a\frac{d}{dx}\left[(2-x)^b\right]\\ \\ &=\left(ax^{a-1}\right)\left(2-x\right)^b + x^a\left(b(2-x)^{b-1}\cdot -1\right) \\ \\ &= x^a\left(2-x\right)^b \left[\frac{a}{x} - \frac{b}{2-x}\right] \end{aligned}[/tex]

Set the derivative equal to zero and solve for x:

[tex]\displaystyle 0= x^a\left(2-x\right)^b \left[\frac{a}{x} - \frac{b}{2-x}\right][/tex]

By the Zero Product Property:

[tex]\displaystyle x^a (2-x)^b = 0\text{ or } \frac{a}{x} - \frac{b}{2-x} = 0[/tex]

The solutions to the first equation are x = 0 and x = 2.

First, for the second equation, note that it is undefined when x = 0 and x = 2.

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides by the denominators.

[tex]\displaystyle\left( \frac{a}{x} - \frac{b}{2-x} \right)\left((x(2-x)\right) = 0(x(2-x))[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle a(2-x) - b(x) = 0[/tex]

And solve for x:

[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} 2a-ax-bx &= 0 \\ 2a &= ax+bx \\ 2a&= x(a+b) \\ \frac{2a}{a+b} &= x \end{aligned}[/tex]

So, our critical points are:

[tex]\displaystyle x = 0 , 2 , \text{ and } \frac{2a}{a+b}[/tex]

We already know that f(0) = f(2) = 0.

For the third point, we can see that:

[tex]\displaystyle f\left(\frac{2a}{a+b}\right) = \left(\frac{2a}{a+b}\right)^a\left(2- \frac{2a}{a+b}\right)^b[/tex]

This can be simplified to:

[tex]\displaystyle f\left(\frac{2a}{a+b}\right) = \left(\frac{2a}{a+b}\right)^a\left(\frac{2b}{a+b}\right)^b[/tex]

Since a and b > 0, both factors must be positive. Thus, f(2a / (a + b)) > 0. So, this must be the maximum value.

To confirm that this is indeed a maximum, we can select values to test. Let a = 2 and b = 3. Then:

[tex]\displaystyle f'(x) = x^2(2-x)^3\left(\frac{2}{x} - \frac{3}{2-x}\right)[/tex]

The critical point will be at:

[tex]\displaystyle x= \frac{2(2)}{(2)+(3)} = \frac{4}{5}=0.8[/tex]

Testing x = 0.5 and x = 1 yields that:

[tex]\displaystyle f'(0.5) >0\text{ and } f'(1) <0[/tex]

Since the derivative is positive and then negative, we can conclude that the point is indeed a maximum.

Therefore, the maximum value of f(x) occurs at:

[tex]\displaystyle x = \frac{2a}{a+b}[/tex]

And is given by:

[tex]\displaystyle f_{\text{max}}(x) = \left(\frac{2a}{a+b}\right)^a\left(\frac{2b}{a+b}\right)^b[/tex]

what is an example of a quintic bionomial?



quantic means with the degree of 5 and binomial means two terms.

Scientists have steadily increased the amount of grain that farms can produce each year. The yield for farms in France is given by y=−2.73x2+11000x−11000000 where x is the year and y is the grain yield in kilograms per hectare (kg/ha).

What does the y-intercept of this function represent?


9514 1404 393


  the yield in year 0

Step-by-step explanation:

The y-value is the yield for farms in France in year x. The y-value when x=0 is the yield for farms in France in year 0.


Additional comment

The reasonable domain for this function is approximately 1843 ≤ x ≤ 2186. The function is effectively undefined for values of x outside this domain, so the y-intercept is meaningless by itself.

Write the quadratic equation whose roots are 2 and -4 and whose leading coefficient is 2




Step-by-step explanation:

The quadratic can be written as

f(x) = a(x-z1)(x-z2) where z1 and z2 are the roots

f(x) = a (x-2)(x- -4)

a is the leading coefficient

f(x) = 2(x-2)(x+4)

     = 2(x^2 -2x+4x-8)

     = 2(x^2 +2x-8)

     = 2x^2 +4x-16

could anyone help me solve this? I’ve had several questions like this and I don’t understand how to solve it. I’ll give brainliest:)



-2, - 1, - 2 and - 3

Step-by-step explanation:

As the graph depicts an odd function, it will follow the rule f(-x) = - f(x)

I need to know the answer please


Focusing on the center point of f(x) (0,0), we can see that it has moved to the left 4 units and up 3 units.

g(x) = [tex](\sqrt[3]{x + 4}) + 3[/tex]

Option C

Hope this helps!

Will give brainliest answer


It is A) Tamara’s work is correct

When graphed you can see that the function is even

Help me out!! Anyone




Step-by-step explanation:

if they have to wait for plane B and it arrives every 10 mins then 4:10 is the anser

A triangle has base of 7 1/8 feet and height 6 1/4 feet. Find the area of a triangle as a mixed number.


Answer: The area is 22 17/64.

Step-by-step explanation:

base = 7 1/8 = 57/8

height = 6 1/4 = 25/4

area = 1/2*b*h

= 1/2*57/8*25/4

= 1425/64

= 22 17/64

Is u=−12 a solution of 8u−1=6u?



No, -12 is not a solution.

Step-by-step explanation:





Untrue, to it’s not a solution

Solve the following formula for a.



B is correct .trust me

Step-by-step explanation:

Triangle DEF has sides of length x, x+3, and x−1. What are all the possible types of DEF?


Triangle DEF is scalene

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

The triangle DEF will be a scalene triangle as all the sides of the triangle are unequal.

What is a scalene triangle?

A scalene triangle is a type of triangle which have all the sides to be unequal and similarly, all the angles will also be unequal to each other.

Given that:-

Triangle DEF has sides of length x, x+3, and x−1

it is given that all the sides of the triangle are x, x+3, and x−1 we can clearly see that for any value of x all the three sides will have different values. we can conclude from this that the triangle DEF is a scalene triangle.

Therefore triangle DEF will be a scalene triangle as all the sides of the triangle are unequal.

To know more about the scalene triangle follow


find the maximum number of children to whom 30 sweaters and 45 trousers can be equally divided. also how many sweaters and trousers will each get?​



five kids .each 6 sweaters and 9 trousers

Step-by-step explanation:


Hãy tìm hàm gốc f(t) có hàm ảnh Laplace như dưới đây:
F(p)=6/p(2p^2+4p +10)


It looks like we're given the Laplace transform of f(t),

[tex]F(p) = L_p\left\{f(t)\right\} = \dfrac6{p(2p^2+4p+10)} = \dfrac3{p(p^2+2p+5)}[/tex]

Start by splitting up F(p) into partial fractions:

[tex]\dfrac3{p(p^2+2p+5)} = \dfrac ap + \dfrac{bp+c}{p^2+2p+5} \\\\ 3 = a(p^2+2p+5) + (bp+c)p \\\\ 3 = (a+b)p^2 + (2a+c)p + 5a \\\\ \implies \begin{cases}a+b=0 \\ 2a+c=0 \\ 5a=3\end{cases} \implies a=\dfrac35,b=-\dfrac35, c=-\dfrac65[/tex]

[tex]F(p) = \dfrac3{5p} - \dfrac{3p+6}{5(p^2+2p+5)}[/tex]

Complete the square in the denominator,

[tex]p^2+2p+5 = p^2+2p+1+4 = (p+1)^2+4[/tex]

and rewrite the numerator in terms of p + 1,

[tex]3p+6 = 3(p+1) + 3[/tex]

Then splitting up the second term gives

[tex]F(p) = \dfrac3{5p} - \dfrac{3(p+1)}{5((p+1)^2+4)} - \dfrac3{5((p+1)^2+4)}[/tex]

Now take the inverse transform:

[tex]L^{-1}_t\left\{F(p)\right\} = \dfrac35 L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac1p\right\} - \dfrac35 L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac{p+1}{(p+1)^2+2^2}\right\} - \dfrac3{5\times2} L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac2{(p+1)^2+2^2}\right\} \\\\ L^{-1}_t\left\{F(p)\right\} = \dfrac35 - \dfrac35 e^{-t} L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac p{p^2+2^2}\right\} - \dfrac3{10} e^{-t} L^{-1}_t\left\{\dfrac2{p^2+2^2}\right\} \\\\ \implies \boxed{f(t) = \dfrac35 - \dfrac35 e^{-t} \cos(2t) - \dfrac3{10} e^{-t} \sin(2t)}[/tex]

What is the measure of m?




Step-by-step explanation:

altitude on hypotenuse theorem:




Given FE=23.5, find BD.




Step-by-step explanation:

The required triangle is attached below :

The triangle AFE has it's by the mid segment as BD ;as B is the mid-point of line EA ; and D is the mid-point of line FA ;

HENCE, The Length of the midsegment BD = 1/2FE

Hence, BD =. 1/2 * 23.5

BD = 23.5 / 2 = 11.75

4. Lynn can walk two miles intenta
24 minutes. At this rate, how long will
it take her to walk 6 miles?


Lynn will take 1 hour and 12 minutes to walk
6 miles.

Please answer this and show the work/explain
2/7m - 1/7 = 3/14


(2/7)m - (1/7) = 3/14

2m/7 =(3/14) + (1/7)

2m/7 = (3/14) + 2(1/7)

here we are multiplying 2 with 1/7 to make the denominator same for addition.

2m/7 = (3/14) +(2/14)

2m/7 = (3 + 2)/14

2m/7 = 5/14

2m = (5 *7)/14

2m = 35/14

2m = 5/2

m = 5/4

m = 1.25

So the value of "m" is 1.25

What is the image of -8 ,8 after a dilation by a scale factor of one fourth centered at the origin?



(-2, 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

If you have a point (x, y) and you do a dilation by a scale factor K centered at the origin, the new point will just be (k*x, k*y)

So, if the original point is (-8, 8)

And we do a dilation by a scale factor k = 1/4

Then the image of the point will be:

(-8*(1/4), 8*(1/4))

(-8/4, 8/4)

(-2, 2)

find the value of the trigonometric ratio. make sure to simplify the fraction if needed



Sin A = o/h

= 9/41

Step-by-step explanation:

since Sin is equal to opposite over hypotenuse, from the question, the opposite angle of A is 9 and hypotenuse angle of A is 41. Thus the answer for Sin A= 9/41

Help please!??!!?!?


9514 1404 393


  a) CP = SP/1.1

  b) CP = $59.50

  c) GST = $5.95

Step-by-step explanation:

a) Divide by the coefficient of CP.

  SP = 1.1×CP

  CP = SP/1.1


b) Use the formula with the given value.

  CP = $65.45/1.1 = $59.50


c) You can do this two ways: subtract CP from SP, or multiply CP by 0.1.

  GST = SP -CP = $65.45 -59.50 = $5.95

  GST = CP×0.10 = $59.50 × 0.10 = $5.95

What are the x-intercepts for the function ƒ(x) = -x(x − 4)?
A 0
B -1, 4
C 4
D 0, 4

What are the solutions to the quadratic equation 4x2 − x − 3 = 0?




Step-by-step explanation:





x=0, x=4





x=1, x=-3/4

A 10-ft ladder, whose base is sitting on level ground, is leaning at an angle against a vertical wall when its base starts to slide away from the vertical wall. When the base of the ladder is 6 ft away from the bottom of the vertical wall, the base is sliding away at a rate of 4 ft/sec. At what rate is the vertical distance from the top of the ladder to the ground changing at this moment?



2.5/ft per sec

Step-by-step explanation:

its vertica.

The height of the ladder is decreasing at a rate of 24 ft/sec.

What is the Pythagorean theorem?

Pythagorean theorem states that for a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

We can apply this theorem only in a right triangle.


The hypotenuse side of a triangle with the two sides as 4 cm and 3 cm.

Hypotenuse side = √(4² + 3²) = √(16 + 9) = √25 = 5 cm

We have,

Let's denote the distance between the base of the ladder and the wall by x.

The length of the ladder = L.


L = 10 ft

dx/dt = 4 ft/sec

x = 6 ft.

The rate of change of the height of the ladder with respect to time.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we have:

L² = x² + y²

Differentiating both sides with respect to time t, we get:

2L (dL/dt) = 2x(dx/dt) + 2y(dy/dt)

Substituting L = 10 ft, x = 6 ft, and dx/dt = 4 ft/sec.

20(dL/dt) = 12(4) + 2y(dy/dt)

Simplifying and solving for dy/dt.

dy/dt = (20/2y)(dL/dt) - 24


The height of the ladder.

Using the Pythagorean theorem again, we have:

y² = L² - x²

   = 100 - 36

   = 64

y = 8


Substituting y = 8 ft, dL/dt = 0

(since the length of the ladder is constant), and dx/dt = 4 ft/sec.


= (20/2(8))(0) - 24

= -24 ft/sec


The height of the ladder is decreasing at a rate of 24 ft/sec.

Learn more about the Pythagorean theorem here:


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