Determine whether the statement below makes sense or does not make sense. Explain clearly. Based on our​ sample, the​ 95% confidence interval for the mean amount of television watched by adults in a nation is 1.9 to 3.5 hours per day.​ Therefore, there is​ 95% chance that the mean for all adults in the nation will fall somewhere in this range and a​ 5% chance that it will not.
A. The statement makes sense. There is​ 95% probability that the confidence interval limits actually contain the true value of the population​ mean, so the probability it does not fall in this range is ​100%−​95% =​5%.
B. The statement makes sense. There is​ 5% probability that the confidence interval limits do not contain the true value of the sample​ mean, so the probability it does not contain the true value of the population mean is also​ 5%.
C.The statement does not make sense. The probability the population mean is greater than the upper limit is​ 5% and the probability it is less than the lower limit is​ 5%, so the probability it does not is ​5%+​5%=​10%.
D. The statement does not make sense. The population mean is a fixed constant that either falls within the confidence interval or it does not. There is no probability associated with this.


Answer 1

The correct option is A because

The statement makes sense. There is​ 95% probability that the confidence interval limits actually contain the true value of the population​ mean, so the probability it does not fall in this range is ​100%−​95% =​5%.

From the question we are told that:

Confidence interval [tex]CI=95\%[/tex]

Mean [tex]\=x =1.9-3.5hours[/tex]

Level of significance (of the alternative hypothesis)





There is​ 95% probability that the confidence interval limits actually contain the true value of the population​ mean.

In conclusion

The  it does not fall in this range is Level of significance (of the alternative hypothesis)

​100%−​95% =​5%.

For more information on this visit

Related Questions

if U>T, R>Q, S>T and T>R, which of the following is TRUE?
1. S>Q
2. U > S
3.U > R​
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. 1 and 2
D. 2 and 3



C. 1 and 2

Step-by-step explantation:

First, i would order them as U>T, T>R, R>Q, S>T

we can rewrite them as


now adding S, we get U>S>T>R>Q,

so U>S

We can also rewrite all of them as inequalities:





Add R-Q and T-R



T>Q, but because S>T we can say S>Q

Find 0.2B
B=[50 10
25 15]


Multiplying a matrix by a scalar results in every entry in a matrix get multiplied by that scalar, as defined,


So in our case, ([tex]0.2=\frac{1}{5}[/tex]


Hope this helps :)

Paul can install a 300-square-foot hardwood floor in 18 hours. Matt can install the same floor in 22 hours. How long would it take Paul and Matt to install the floor working together?
4 hours
9.9 hours
13.2 hours
30 hours



9.9 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula to determine the time together is

1/a+1/b = 1/c  where a and b are the times alone and c is the time together

1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c

The least common multiply of the denominators is 198c

198c(1/18 + 1/22 = 1/c)

11c+ 9c = 198

20c = 198

Divide by 20

20c/20 =198/20

c =9.9


B - 9.9 hrs

Step-by-step explanation:

took the test.

Solve for X and show your work and explain please


Answer: x = 45

Step-by-step explanation:


(2/3)x + 4 = (4/5)x - 2

Add 2 on both sides

(2/3)x + 4 + 2 = (4/5)x - 2 + 2

(2/3)x + 6 = (4/5)x

Subtract (2/3)x on both sides

(2/3)x + 6 - (2/3)x = (4/5)x - (2/3)x

6 = (12/15)x - (10/15)x

6 = (2/15)x

Divide 2/15 on both sides

6 / (2/15) = (2/15)x / (2/15)


Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions


x = 45

Step-by-step explanation:

2/3 x + 4 = 4/5x - 2             Add 2 to both sides

2/3 x + 4 + 2 = 4/5x            Combine

2/3x + 6 = 4/5x                   Subtract 2/3 x from both sides.

6 = 4/5x - 2/3 x                  Multiply both sides by 15

6*15 = 4/5 x * 15 - 2/3x * 15

6*15 = 12x - 10x                   Combine the left and right

90 = 2x                               Divide by 2

x = 45

Let's see if it works.

LHS = 2/3 * 45 + 4

LHS = 2*15 + 4

LHS = 30 + 4

LHS = 34


Right hand side = 4/5 * 45 - 2

RHS = 36 - 2

RHS = 34 which is the same as the LHS

Use the graph to complete the statement. O is the origin. Ry−axis ο Ry=x: (-1,2)
A. (2, -1)
B. (-2, -1)
C. (-1, -2)
D. (1, -2)



[tex](x,y) = (1,2)[/tex] -------- [tex]R_{y-axis}[/tex]

[tex](x,y)=(2,-1)[/tex] --------- [tex]R_{y=x}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex](x,y) = (-1,2)[/tex]




[tex]R_{y-axis}[/tex] implies that:

[tex](x,y) = (-x,y)[/tex]

So, we have: (-1,2) becomes

[tex](x,y) = (1,2)[/tex]

[tex]R_{y=x}[/tex] implies that

[tex](x,y) = (y,x)[/tex]

So, we have: (-1,2) becomes


please help brainliest to correct answer



Question to number 6 is-3

Question to number 7 is 3

Question to number 8 is 2 to the second power

Step-by-step explanation:

please correct me if I’m wrong and for number 8 I am correct it’s just I didn’t know how to put the little 2 on top of the big one

Step-by-step explanation:

question 6 is - 3

question 7 is 3

question 8 is 4

8.9 x 10^3 in standard notation



that is n standard notation mah frand

8.9 × 10^3 being scientific notation of " 8900 "

[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{8.9}\times\large\textsf{10}^\mathsf{3}\\\\\mathsf{10^3}\\\mathsf{= 10\times10\times10}\\\mathsf{= 100\times10}\\\mathsf{= \bf 1,000}\\\\\large\textsf{8.9}\times\large\textsf{1,000}\\\\\large\textsf{= \bf 8,900}\\\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Answer: \boxed{\underline{\underline{\bf 8,900}}}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


find the missing side of the triangle



x = 34

Step-by-step explanation:


x[tex]30^{2} + 16^{2} = x^2\\x = \sqrt{30^2 + 16^2} \\x = 34[/tex]

0.108 ÷ 0.09

Please help in less then 3 mins


just use the calculator

State the counting number in the periodic table of elements of the element considered to be the heaviest gas. (the answer should consist of numbers only)


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Oganesson is the heaviest element ever created. It is a "super-heavy" noble gas with a half-life less than 1 millisecond. Its atomic number is 118.

Why is the value of -9 is not-3



Because it's a negative.

Step-by-step explanation:

The value of a positive number is still a positive number.

Find an equation of the plane orthogonal to the line

which passes through the point (9, 6, 0).

Give your answer in the form ax+by+cz=d (with a=7).


The given line is orthogonal to the plane you want to find, so the tangent vector of this line can be used as the normal vector for the plane.

The tangent vector for the line is

d/dt (⟨0, 9, 6⟩ + ⟨7, -7, -6⟩t ) = ⟨7, -7, -6⟩

Then the plane that passes through the origin with this as its normal vector has equation

x, y, z⟩ • ⟨7, -7, -6⟩ = 0

We want the plane to pass through the point (9, 6, 0), so we just translate every vector pointing to the plane itself by adding ⟨9, 6, 0⟩,

(⟨x, y, z⟩ - ⟨9, 6, 0⟩) • ⟨7, -7, -6⟩ = 0

Simplifying this expression and writing it standard form gives

x - 9, y - 6, z⟩ • ⟨7, -7, -6⟩ = 0

7 (x - 9) - 7 (y - 6) - 6z = 0

7x - 63 - 7y + 42 - 6z = 0

7x - 7y - 6z = 21

so that

a = 7, b = -7, c = -6, and d = 21

An equation of the plane orthogonal to the line 7x - 7y - 6z = 21.

The given line is orthogonal to the plane you want to find,

So the tangent vector of this line can be used as

The normal vector for the plane.

The tangent vector for the line is,

What is the tangent vector?

A tangent vector is a vector that is tangent to a curve or surface at a given point.

d/dt (⟨0, 9, 6⟩ + ⟨7, -7, -6⟩t ) = ⟨7, -7, -6⟩

Then the plane that passes through the origin with this as its normal vector has the equation

⟨x, y, z⟩ • ⟨7, -7, -6⟩ = 0

We want the plane to pass through the point (9, 6, 0), so we just

translate every vector pointing to the plane itself by adding ⟨9, 6, 0⟩,

(⟨x, y, z⟩ - ⟨9, 6, 0⟩) • ⟨7, -7, -6⟩ = 0

Simplifying this expression and writing it in standard form gives

⟨x - 9, y - 6, z⟩ • ⟨7, -7, -6⟩ = 0

7 (x - 9) - 7 (y - 6) - 6z = 0

7x - 63 - 7y + 42 - 6z = 0

7x - 7y - 6z = 21

So that, a = 7, b = -7, c = -6, and d = 21.

To learn more about the equation of plane visit:

How many edges are there?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The front face is an 8-sided star, so has 8 edges. We presume the back face is the same, so it also has 8 edges. Each of the front vertices is connected by an edge to each of the corresponding back vertices, so there are 8 more edges connecting front and back.

The total number of edges is 8 + 8 + 8 = 24.

A 40-foot ladder is leaning against a building and forms a 29.32° angle with the ground. How far away from the building is the base of the ladder? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

45.88 feet
34.88 feet
22.47 feet
19.59 feet




Step-by-step explanation:

I took the test

The distance between the building and the ladder is 34.88 foot, the correct option is B.

What is a Right Triangle?

A triangle in which one of the angle measure is equal to 90 degree is called a right triangle.

The ladder forms a right triangle with the building and the ground,

The length of the triangle is 40 foot

The angle made by the ladder is 29.32 degree

By using Trigonometric Ratios

cos 29.32 = Base /  Hypotenuse

cos 29.32 = Base / 40

Base is the distance between the building and the ladder.

Base = 34.88 foot

To know more about Right Triangle


State if the scenario involves a permutation or a combination. Then find the number of possibilities.

A team of 15 basketball players needs to choose two players to refill the water cooler.





Permutation ; 210 ways

Step-by-step explanation:

Permutation and combination methods refers to mathematical solution to finding the number of ways of making selection for a group of objects.

Usually, selection process whereby the order of selection does not matter are being treated using permutation, while those which takes the order of selection into cognizance are calculated using combination.

Here, selecting 2 players from 15 ; since order does not matter, we use permutation ;

Recall :

nPr = n! ÷ (n - r)!


15P2 = 15! ÷ (15 - 2)!

15P2 = 15! ÷ 13!

15P2 = (15 * 14) = 210 ways

If path has 56 marbles and he gave Sandra 34 how many marbles will he have left?​




Step-by-step explanation:

You just subtract them


= 22

56-34= 22
Therefore your answer is 22

which of the following illustrates commutative property of addition? 17+4=4+17​


9514 1404 393


  17 +4 = 4 +17

Step-by-step explanation:

The only expression shown here illustrates that property.

Reason Can you subtract a positive integer from a positive integer
and get a negive result? Explain your answer.




Step-by-step explanation:

No matter the situation, when you multiply a negative by a negativeyou get a positive and a positive by a positive you get a positive. but if its two different like a negative and a positive then its NEGITIVE.

let's say you have 23 and you're multiplying by 2.

It's always increasing so it doesnt ever reach the negitive numbers.

What value of b will cause the system to have an
infinite number of solutions?
y = 6x - b
-3х+ 1/2y=-3



Does the answer help you?

compare the following rational number
[tex] \frac{4}{5} and \frac{7}{5} [/tex]



7/5 is greater than 4/5


[tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]  <  [tex]\frac{7}{5}[/tex]

Find the length of the arc.

A. 539π/12 km
B. 9π/3 km
C. 9π/2 km
D. 18π km



b because it is I found out cus I took test

The length of the arc 9π/2 km.

The answer is option C.9π/2 km.

What is the arc of the circle?

The arc period of a circle can be calculated with the radius and relevant perspective using the arc period method.

  ⇒angle= arc/radius

     ⇒  135°=arc/6km

     ⇒ arc =135°*6km

     ⇒arc=135°*π/180° * 6km

    ⇒arc = 9π/2 km

Learn more about circle here:-


The diameter of a circle has endpoints P(-12, -4) and Q(6, 12).
Write an equation for the circle. Be sure to show and explain all work.


9514 1404 393


  (x +3)² +(y -4)² = 145

Step-by-step explanation:

The center of the circle is the midpoint of the given segment PQ. If we call that point A, then ...

  A = (P +Q)/2

  A = ((-12, -4) +(6, 12))/2 = (-12+6, -4+12)/2 = (-6, 8)/2

  A = (-3, 4)

The equation of the circle for some radius r is ...

  (x -(-3))² +(y -4)² = r² . . . . . . where (-3, 4) is the center of the circle

The value of r² can be found by substituting either of the points on the circle. If we use Q, then we have ...

  (6 +3)² +(12 -4)² = r² = 9² +8²

  r² = 81 +64 = 145

Then the equation of the circle is ...

  (x +3)² +(y -4)² = 145





Find the slope of the line that goes through the
(2,6) and (-1, -6)


We can use the formula y2-y1/x2-x1 to get our slope. y2 and x2 are our second y and x coordinates, meanwhile y1 and x1 are our first y and x coordinates. -6-6/-1 -2 is -12/-3. -12/-3 is 4, the slope is 4.
the slope is 1/4 because you use the slope intercept formula

i need the answer to this help PLEASE


the answer would be 360



Step-by-step explanation:

At 5 hours the distance traveled is 200 miles. 9 hours is less than double 5 hours so it is 360 miles.

4. A solution of 60% fertilizer is to be mixed with a solution of 21% fertilizer to form 234 liters of a 43% solution. How many liters of the 60% solution must be used?



A solution of 60% fertilizer is to be mixed with a solution of 21% fertilizer to form 234 liters of a 43% solution.

To find:

The quantity of the 60% solution in the mixture.


Let x be the quantity of the 60% solution and y be the quantity of the 21% solution.

Quantity of mixture is 234. So,


[tex]x=234-y[/tex]                  ...(i)

The mixture has 43% fertilizer. So,

[tex]\dfrac{60}{100}x+\dfrac{21}{100}y=\dfrac{43}{100}\times 234[/tex]

Multiply both sides by 100.

[tex]60x+21y=10062[/tex]            ...(ii)

Using (i) and (ii), we get





Divide both sides by -39.



Putting this value in (i), we get



Therefore, 132 liters of the 60% solution must be used.

Write the standard form of the equation of the circle with center (8,−1) that passes through the point (6,7)



(x - 8)^2 + (y + 1)^2 = 68

Step-by-step explanation:

The standard form of the equation of the circle with center (8,−1) is :

(x - 8)^2 + (y + 1)^2 = R^2

If the circle passes through the point (6,7) that means that the point (6,7) is a solution of the equation and we can replace (x,y) with (6,7) to find R.

If the mean of a given dataset is
42 and the standard deviation is
4, where will a majority of the
data lie?



A majority of the data will lie between 38 and 46.

Step-by-step explanation:

It can be said that a majority of the data of a distribution lies within 1 standard deviation of the mean.

In this question:

Mean of 42, standard deviation of 4.

42 - 4 = 38

42 + 4 = 46

A majority of the data will lie between 38 and 46.

The product of the roots of the equation x2 + x=2 is:




Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 + x=2

Subtract 2 from each side

x^2 + x-2=2-2

x^2 + x-2=0


What 2 numbers multiply to -2 and add to 1

2*-1 = -2

2+-1 =1


Using the zero product property

x-1 = 0  x+2 = 0

x=1        x = -2

Product of the roots

1*-2 = -2

please solve the question ​



[tex]g(-1) = -1[/tex]

[tex]g(0.75) = 0[/tex]

[tex]g(1)= 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


See attachment

Solving (a): g(-1)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = -1[/tex]

Because: [tex]-1 \le x < 0[/tex] is true for x =-1


[tex]g(-1) = -1[/tex]

Solving (b): g(0.75)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = 0[/tex]

Because: [tex]0 \le x < 1[/tex] is true for x =0.75


[tex]g(0.75) = 0[/tex]

Solving (b): g(1)

We make use of:

[tex]g(x) = 1[/tex]

Because: [tex]1 \le x < 2[/tex] is true for x =1


[tex]g(1)= 1[/tex]

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