Dipper Donuts licenses its brand name to foreign firms as long as they agree to run their restaurants on exactly the same lines as Dipper Donuts restaurants elsewhere in the world. In return, the foreign firms have to pay Dipper Donuts a percentage of their profits. This is an example of


Answer 1




Considering the scenario described above, this is an example of a FRANCHISE.

This is because a Franchise is an arrangement involving a Franchisor and a Franchisee, whereby the franchisee conducts a business by utilizing the brand name and trademark of a franchisor.

In this type of business system, the franchisee typically pays a form of royalty and in some arrangement an initial payment for the right to conduct its business under the franchisor's name and system.

Related Questions

A CPA sole practitioner purchased stock in a client corporation and placed it in a trust as an educational fund for the CPA's minor child. The trust securities were not material to the CPA but were material to the child's personal net worth. Would the independence of the CPA be considered to be impaired with respect to the client? Group of answer choices No, because the CPA does not have a material indirect financial interest in the client. Yes, because the stock is a direct financial interest. No, because the CPA does not have a direct financial interest in the client. Yes, because the stock is an indirect financial interest that is material to the CPA's child.



Yes, because the stock is a direct financial interest.


The principals of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct contains the responsibilities which are to exercise sensitive professional and moral judgment, in terms of the Public Interest to always honor the public trust and perform responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity.

The 3 Parts of the AICPA code of conduct. This includes:

(1) Members in public practice

(2) Members in business

(3) Other members

In accounting, code of conduct is important as it makes individuals to accept a high degree of responsibility toward the public.

Thd independence of a covered member is impaired when:

A. The covered member has a direct financial interest in a client

B. The covered member has a material indirect financial interest in the client

Direct Financial Interest

This is simply known as the ownership interests that is directly held in a client. An example is stock ownership, even if owned in a blind trust etc.

When Deer Valley Resort Co. (DVRC) was developing its ski resort in the Wasatch Mountains near Park City, Utah, it sold parcels of land in the resort village to third parties. Each sales contract reserved the right of approval over the conduct of certain businesses on the property, including ski rentals. For fifteen years, DVRC permitted Christy Sports, LLC, to rent skis in competition with DVRC’s ski rental outlet. When DVRC opened a new midmountain ski rental outlet, it revoked Christy’s permission to rent skis. This meant that most skiers who flew into Salt Lake City and shuttled to Deer Valley had few choices: they could carry their ski equipment with them on their flights, take a shuttle into Park City and look for cheaper ski rentals there, or rent from DVRC. Christy filed a suit in a federal district court against DVRC. Was DVRC’s action an attempt to monopolize in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act? Why or why not? [Christy Sports, LLC v. Deer Valley Resort Co., 555 F.3d 1188 (10th Cir. 2009)] (See Monopolization.)



Yes, In this case DRVC acted alone so Sherman Act may apply.


Sherman acts states that every person who shall monopolize or attempts to monopolize or conspire with other person to monopolize any part of trade among the several states with foreign nations shall be deemed guilty of a felony. This act can be violated by one or more persons.

The Texas Department of Education has offices throughout the state covering more than 268,000 square miles. State
documents are stored on a large server in a central location, so that employees can access the data they need
regardless of their physical location. The type of network used by the organization is most likely a



Wide area network (WAN)


A local area network (LAN) refers to a group of personal computers (PCs) or terminals that are located within the same general area and connected by a common network cable (communication circuit), so that they can exchange information from one node of the network to another. A local area network (LAN) is typically used in small or limited areas such as a set of rooms, a single building, school, hospital, or a set of well-connected buildings. Some of the network devices or equipments used in a local area network (LAN) includes an access point, personal computers, a switch, a router, printer, etc.

On the other hand, a metropolitan area network (MAN) is formed by an aggregation of multiple local area network (LAN) that are interconnected using backbone provided by an internet service provider (ISP). A metropolitan area network (MAN) spans for about 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in size.

Basically, a metropolitan area network (MAN) spans across a geographic area such as a city and it's larger than a local area network (LAN) but significantly smaller than a wide area network (WAN).

Wide area network (WAN) can be defined as a telecommunication network that covers a wide range of geographical locations such as countries or regions across the world for the purpose of communication and sharing information and data between different users.

Hence, a network that has locations in different countries is considered a wide area network (WAN).

Generally, wide area network (WAN) makes it possible for various organizations to interconnect with their branch offices, headquarters and other multiple locations across the globe. Wide area network (WAN) usually span over a distance of 50 kilometers.

Hence, the type of network used by the organization is most likely a Wide area network (WAN).

"The big white house on the hill clearly" was different from any of the other homes in the subdivision. It had more rooms, a double lot, and a large oversized garage and the house was bigger than the smaller homes on either side of it. The homeowner decided to sell the home and was very surprised when the appraiser did not give him the value that he had expected. In this case, the appraiser used the principle of:


Answer: Functional Obsolescence


Functional Obsolescence could be described as when a product is undervalued than what is expected due it's composed of outdated features.

Most very old homes are usually outdated. Innovation spring forth every day, especially in the area g homes, homes that are commercially rented are portable and have recent designs, but for homes that are not they may not be valued for what they should or what the seller expects. This is the scenario with homeowner.




a house that is built differently than the houses in the area actually may have a decrease in value.  

Your expenses that stay the same every month, like a car payment are called _______ expenses.
A. Tracked
B. Steady
C. Fixed
D. Variable





like a car payment are called fixed expences

Sam and Alice are married and together they own a house that has a market value of $250,000. The loan balance on the house is $175,000. Sam also owns a care valued at $15,000 and has no debt on it. Alice owns a SUV valued at $20,000 and it has a loan balance of $12,000. Sam has a IRA retirement account for $2,000 and Alice has jewelry worth $5,000. Finally, they have a joint bank account with a balance of $7,500. What is the net worth of Sam and Alice



The net worth of her is $486,500


I added all values listed.

Net worth of Sam and Alice 's net worth is $ 112,500.

What is net worth ?

Wealth is measured by net worth. A person's or a company's net worth is the total of all of their assets, less any liabilities or commitments. A person or institution's net worth is determined by deducting the value of all of its outstanding liabilities from the total value of all of its financial and non-financial assets.

Net worth can alternatively be succinctly represented as non-financial assets plus net financial assets because financial assets minus outstanding obligations equal net financial assets. It can be used by businesses, people, governments, entire nations, or even certain economic sectors like the financial industry.

Computation of Net worth

Assets and Liabilities of Sam and Alice are as listed below


House = $250,000

Sam's car = $15,000

Alice's SUV = $20,000

IRA retirement account = $2,000

Alice's Jewellery = $5,000

Joint Bank Account balance = $7,500

Total value of assets = $250,000 + $15,000 + $20,000 + $2,000 + $5,000 + $7,500 = $299,500


House Loan Balance = $175,000

Alice's SUV loan = $12,000

Total value of liabilities = $175,000 + $12,000 = $187,000

Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities = $299,500 - $187,000 = $112,500

Learn More about Net worth  here


# SPJ 2

Francis worked for GM for 39.9 years, but died 1 month short of retirement. Since he did not retire, his family normally receives nothing from the retirement funds. His widow petitions Mark, his manager, to make an exception and allow the retirement benefits. Mark wants to say no because if this were a regular policy, it would hurt stockholders and draw down retirement funds for the true retirees. But he is sympathetic to the family. What principles is Mark struggling between



Utilitarian principles.


Considering the case described in question where Mark wants to say no because if this were a regular policy, it would hurt stockholders and draw down retirement funds for the true retirees. But he is sympathetic to the family. Hence, Mark is struggling between UTILITARIAN PRINCIPLES which is specifically between "The greater good for all employees and the harm to this one family".

The Utilitarian principles are based on the tenets that considered action to be morally right if it causes satisfaction to people and opposes suffering to the people.

However, where the decision or action is between two groups, the utilitarian principle favors the activities that support the prosperity of a larger number of people in a society or a group. In this case the right answer is UTILITRIAN PRINCIPLES - The greater good for all employees and the harm to this one family.

As of the end of its accounting period, December 31, Year 1, Great Plains Company has assets of $910,000 and liabilities of $300,000. During Year 2, stockholders invested an additional $60,000 and received $35,000 in dividends from the business. What is the amount of net income during Year 2, assuming that as of December 31, Year 2, assets were $995,000 and liabilities were $290,000





From the accounting equation, stockholders' equity is asset minus liabilities, as a result, we would determine stockholders' equity at the end of years 1 and 2 as shown thus:

Year 1 stokcholders' equity=$910,000-$300,000=$610,000

Year 2 stockholders' equity=$995,000-$290,000=$705,000

The closing stockholders' equity is the beginning stockholders' equity plus net income and additional invested capital minus dividends

$705,000=$610,000+net income+$60,000-$35,000

net income=$705,000-$610,000-$60,000+$35000

net income=$70,000

Assume that the custodian of a $450 petty cash fund has $62 in coins and currency plus $383 in receipts at the end of the month. The entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include: A. A debit to Cash for $378. B. A debit to Cash Over and Short for $5. C. A debit to Petty Cash for $383. D. A credit to Cash for $383. E. A credit to Cash Over and Short for $5.



B. A debit to Cash Over and Short for $5.


Preparation to determine what The entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include:

Dr Expenses $383

Dr Cash Over and Short $5


Cr Cash $388


(To replenish petty cash fund)

Cash shortage=$450 - $62 - $383

Cash shortage= $5.00

Reimbursement and credit to cash=$383+$5.00 Reimbursement and credit to cash= $388

Therefore The entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include: A debit to Cash Over and Short for $5

Second National Bank is considering adding 5 new ATM machines. Each machine costs $25,000 and installation costs are $15,000 per machine. Second National Bank expects the new machines to save $0.33 per transaction on 250,000 transactions per year on the new machines. It also expects the new machines to last for 15 years. If the bank needs to earn 14 percent return on this investment, what is the net present value of this investment?
a. $506,729
b. $306,729
c. $272,269
d. $381,729
e. $424,228

Can you provide a step-by-step process and the functions for a financial calculator



The answer is "Option b".


When the typo-It should be the last for 15 years:

[tex]NPV=-5\times (25000+15000)+0.33\times \frac{250000}{14\%} \times (1-\frac{1}{1.14^{15}})[/tex]

After solving the equation we get

[tex]=306728.85878 \\\\=\$ 306729\\\\[/tex]

When it was the last 25 years

[tex]NPV=-5\times(25000+15000)+0.33\times \frac{250000}{14\%}\times(1-\frac{1}{1.14^{25}})=367016.51358[/tex]

Saving is:a) the difference between real GDP and disposable income while savings is the difference between disposable income and consumption spending.b) the amount one does not consume in a given period of time while savings is the accumulation of past periods of saving.c) the difference between disposable income and spending on goods and services while savings is the difference between real GDP and disposable income.d) the accumulation of past periods of savings while savings is the amount of disposable income that is not consumed in a given period of time.





Saving is the difference between disposable income and consumption

Saving = disposable income - consumption

for example, if disposable income is $1000 and consumption is $600. Saving is $400

the higher consumption is, the lower saving would be. the lower consumption is, the higher saving would be

Savings is the total amount of money saved over a period of time

Deanna, the human resource manager of a firm, is planning how to support a strategy of empowering employees. Currently, jobs are grouped based on different functions, such as customer service, manufacturing, and packaging. Deanna is considering a redesign in which members of various functions work in divisions responsible for a particular customer group. In what way could this redesign support the goals for employee empowerment


Answer: Employees' responsibilities will be more broadly defined and focused on higher-level goals.


Every organization have their method of working amongst themselves, some work as a team, e.g Engineers, Accountant's e.t.c While others work in a similar way but some little twerk to the style.

Deanna is considering a redesign in which members of various functions work in divisions responsible for a particular customer group, this would make employees' responsibilities more broadly defined and focused on higher-level goals.

Despite this is good, it has its demerit, the employees may grow well in their specialized field due to they work on a broad scope.

Lily would like to gather more information about investing in stock. What resources can she use to find out more information



The correct answer is C


C or the third answer gives the most comprehensive answer.

A full-service stock broker can give profesional, tailor-made advise, but this person could also have less depth than a book, which would be the most comprehesive information source.

Financial articles and financial advisers can also serve this purpose, by providing brief information in more specific topics.

Stockmaster Corporation has provided the following contribution format income statement. Assume that the following information is within the relevant range. Sales (8,000 units) $ 320,000 Variable expenses 192,000 Contribution margin 128,000 Fixed expenses 121,600 Net operating income $ 6,400 The margin of safety in dollars is closest to: Multiple Choice $121,600 $128,000 $6,400 $16,000





Calculation to determine what The margin of safety in dollars is closest to

First step is to calculate the Contribution margin ratio using this formula

Contribution margin ratio=Contribution margin/Sales

Let plug in the formula

Contribution margin ratio=(128,000/320,000)

Contribution margin ratio=0.4

Second step is calculate the breakeven sales using this formula

Breakeven sales=(Fixed cost/Contribution margin ratio)

Let plug in the formula

Breakeven sales=121600/0.4

Breakeven sales=$304,000

Now let determine the Margin of safety using this formula

Margin of safety=Total sales-Breakeven sales

Let plug in the formula

Margin of safety=320,000-304,000

Margin of safety=$16,000

Therefore The margin of safety in dollars is closest to: $16,000

In the summer of 2002, Kelly Flatley and Brendan Synnott joined forces to launch a homemade granola business out of Flatley's parents' home. They had no advertising budget, so they had to find other ways to let consumers know about Bear Naked Granola. The entrepreneurs went door-to-door to small specialty and natural food stores. They also set up tables and tents at community events and 5K charity runs where they gave away samples of their granola. From this information, you can infer that Flatley and Synnott used the _____ method for promoting their product.


Answer: all available funds


From the information given in the question, it can be infer that Flatley and Synnott used the all available funds method for promoting their product.

This all available funds method is the allocation of all the available profits for advertising purposes. It is an aggressive method as it can invoice moving door to door or doing at other means in order to promote a product. It is useful when a new company wants to increase the consumer awareness with regards to its products or services.

Throughout human history we know that Group of answer choices all countries will eventually return to very low levels of real GDP per capita. None of the above. most countries were only able to establish a few decades of high levels of real GDP per capita. not until the early 19th century were a few countries able to establish sustained long-run economic growth. all countries were able to establish periods of high levels of real GDP per capita.



not until the early 19th century were a few countries able to establish sustained long-run economic growth.


Industrial revolution (industrialization) can be defined as a period of significant change in economic and social manufacturing process characterized by the use of handicrafts and agrarian methods to the use of power-driven equipments and machines. Basically, the industrial revolution began in Great Britain (England) between 1760 to 1840 and eventually spread across other countries of the world.

Prior to industrialization, humans and animals were largely used as a means to generate power, execute tasks or do certain things during the production and distribution process.

However, in the advent of industrialization and technological advancement, machines were invented to replace human and animal power.

Some examples of such inanimate sources are Steam plants, Nuclear plants, Wind etc.

In human history, we know that not until the early 19th century were a few countries able to establish sustained long-run economic growth.

A borrower attends a seminar on how to get rich by investing in real estate with no money down. A third party encourages the borrower to invest in three real estate properties. Under the third party's guidance the borrower completes the applications and provides the specific documentation required. The borrower is unaware that the third party owned numerous properties in the name of an LLC and submitted applications on not just the three properties known to the borrower but on a total of 15 properties, this is an example of:







This is simply known as the ways at which information is stored through the combination of small pieces of information into larger pieces.

Chunking in business is simply known also as the sale of properties at artificially inflated prices, pitched as investment opportunities to unknowly real estate investors who are promised improbably high returns and loan risks. The third-party therefore helps the investor and may use the investor's information to apply for loans at multiple institutions and then retain the proceeds leaving the borrower with multiple loans that cannot be repaid

There are a lot of fraud scheme usually includes a "get rich quick" real estate seminar. It occurs when a third party convinces an uninformed borrower to invest in a property (or properties), with no money down and with the third party acting as the borrower's agent. The third party is also the owner of the property or part of a larger group organizing the scheme.

A merchant sued a company for breach of contract, alleging that the products she purchased failed to conform to contract specifications. Shortly before the trial was to begin, the merchant suffered a stroke that left her paralyzed and virtually unable to communicate. Her guardian was properly substituted as the plaintiff in the lawsuit. At trial, following presentation of the plaintiff's case, the company calls as a witness a priest to question him about a conversation he had with the merchant at a church fundraiser. In this conversation, the merchant told the priest in confidence that the products she received were actually quite functional, but that she had become aware of a lower price being offered by another vendor, and thus wanted to get out of her contract with the company. The plaintiff's attorney immediately objects on the basis of clergy-penitent privilege. How should the court rule on the objection



Overruled, because the circumstances under which the merchant made the statement take it outside the scope of the privilege.


A clergy-penitent privilege is one that protects information that is divulged between a person and his priest. The matters discussed with the priest should be in his capacity as a spiritual adviser.

However in the given scenario they were in a social setting during casual conversation so it was not not in his role as spiritual adviser.

A clergy-penitent privilege will have applied if the conversation took place during confession or a counselling session.

The court should overrule the objection as the conversation is outside the scope of clergy-penitent privilege.

in Chapter 7 bankruptcy a debtor

A) Is required to draw up a petition listing all assets and liabilities

B) dose not have to pay a filing fee

C) is absolved of alimony and child support payments

D) dose not have to repay educational loans​


Answer: A. is required to draw up a petition listing all assets and liabilities.


Bankruptcy simply refers to the legal whereby an economic entity is unable to repay their outstanding debts. In this case, the individual or business will need to sell its remaining assets in order to pay the liabilities.

Due to the above reason, then the debtor will be required by the government to list all of their assets and the liabilities that it owns and this will be used in determining whether the obligation has been fulfilled or not.

explain hotel manager​



Hotel managers are responsible for managing employees and for planning, marketing , coordinating and administering hotel services such as catering and accommodation facilities.


hotel manager is the one who oversees all respects of running hotel housekeeping general maintain to the budget

Indicate the effect of each transaction on the accounting equation by choosing the appropriate letter from the following list: Increase in an asset, decrease in another asset. Increase in an asset, increase in a liability. Increase in an asset, increase in owner's equity. Decrease in an asset, decrease in a liability. Decrease in an asset, decrease in owner's equity.



Increase in an asset, increase in owner's equity.


Accounting equation is assets + liabilities = owners stockholders equity. The investment of owners in the company will increase the assets as when the company borrows money from the banks the company assets also raise equity.

The CEO of Skyco, a publicly-traded company that has been earning below-average returns, has been publicly criticized by shareholders for persuading the board of directors to give her interest-free loans, for having the company purchase and furnish a lavish apartment in Paris for her personal use on her twice-yearly trips there, and for excessive stock options. The CEO's behavior may be indication of
A) reasonably compensating a CEO.
B) a weak board of directors.
C) the laxity of institutional investors.
D) the difference in risk propensity between owners and managers.



B) a weak board of directors


The board of directors of a company are elected group of people that represents the interest of shareholders of a company.

They provide oversight by meeting at intervals to set policies that will govern the company.

In the given scenario the CEO got interest-free loans, for having the company purchase and furnish a lavish apartment in Paris for her personal use on her twice-yearly trips there, and for excessive stock options.

This is with the consent of the board of directors and despite the company earning below-average returns.

It is a sign that the board of directors is weak and are not adequately representating the wishes of the shareholders.

It is well-known that retaining an existing customer is far less expensive than acquiring a new one, so you suggest that the owners begin by calculating share of customer to identify opportunities to sell more products to existing customers. Before you can calculate Camp Plus's share of customer, you need to determine what type of data you need to gather. What data sources will you need to utilize to calculate share of customer



internal and external data


Big Data analysis can be regarded as one that contains massive amounts of data as well as complex analysis.

Internal data can be regarded as information that is been generated from within the business these could contains some areas like operations as well as maintenanc and personnel.

External data on other hands are attributed to the market, as well as from customers and from the firms competitors, it could be gotten from survey. All for increasing profitability.

required Journal entry
received rs 18000 from debtors and discount allowed him Rs 2000
it's urgent
please help me(mark as BRAINLIEST)​


Mwlqlqmqnqn im not sure...



Feelings can be hurt by mutually respecting coworkers. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F





A team can be defined as a group of people or set of individuals with various skill set, knowledge and experience coming together to work on a project or task in order to successfully achieve a set goal and objective.

This ultimately implies that, a team comprises of individuals, workers or employees having complementary skills, knowledge and experience needed to execute a project or task successfully. Therefore, workers working as a team usually interact with the other team members and as a result, this enhances performance and strengthen the level of relationship they share.

Basically, when coworkers or employees working in an organization have mutual respect for one another, it would help to tighten or strengthen the bond that exists in the workplace and as such improving their feelings for each other.

This ultimately implies that, feelings cannot be hurt by mutually respecting coworkers.

identify five business functions that are applicable to the scenario above.Motivate your answer by quoting from the scenario ​




list the two things the government does that fall under fiscal policy. (A.p.e.x.)



These two policies are combined in numerous ways to influence a country's economic situation.

Fiscal policy, together with monetary policy handled by central banks, is the primary means through which governments influence a country's economy. The two primary elements of fiscal policy are income taxes and government expenditures.

During the taking of its physical inventory on December 31,2008, Genesis company incorrectly counted its inventory as $126,000 instead of the correct amount of $135,000.




Wrong inventory needed = $126,000

Right inventory need to recorded = $135,000

Correct amount need to record = 135,000 - 126,000

Correct amount need to record = $9,000

Journal entry

Purchase A/c dr    9,000

To Credit or cash  A/c   9,0000

Expenditures capitalized as long-lived assets generally include those expenditures that:

a. Are made for normal repairs to maintain the usefulness of the asset over a number of years.

b. Are for items that have a physical life of more than a year, regardless of their cost.

c. Are material in amount and that have an economic benefit to the entity only in the curret year.

d. Are material in amount and that have an economic benefit to the entity that extends beyond the current year.





The CEO of CLEO, Inc., in all her communications to employees consistently refers to her dream of CLEO becoming the company of choice for employee assistance programs. She keeps this theme uppermost and it is reflected in the firm's motto, the title of its Web newsletter, and even on the company T-shirts and mugs. This is an example of the firm's: Group of answer choices strategy. envisioned future. organizational culture. core ideology.


Selected Answer: A layoff will increase the slack at Clarita Cosmetics and allow the firm to absorb the increased number of errors employees may make until they learn their new tasks
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