Discuss why databases are important in accounting information systems. Describe primary and foreign keys, normalization and database cardinalities. Why are each important to the database design


Answer 1


ensure integrity. primary key is unique key..foreign key is to connect 2 table.normalization to ensure you keep track on what you should do to create db..

Related Questions

Which of the following restricts the ability for individuals to reveal information present in some part of the database?

a. Access Control
b. Inference Control
c. Flow Control
d. Encyption



it would have to be flow control which would be C.


Flow Control is restricts the ability for individuals to reveal information present in some part of the database. Hence, option C is correct.

What is Flow Control?

The management of data flow between computers, devices, or network nodes is known as flow control. This allows the data to be processed at an effective rate. Data overflow, which occurs when a device receives too much data before it can handle it, results in data loss or retransmission.

A design concern at the data link layer is flow control. It is a method that typically monitors the correct data flow from sender to recipient. It is very important because it allows the transmitter to convey data or information at a very quick rate, which allows the receiver to receive it and process it.

The amount of data transmitted to the receiver side without any acknowledgement is dealt with by flow control.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about Flow Control, click here:



Write a class Example() such that it has a method that gives the difference between the size of strings when the '-' (subtraction) symbol is used between the two objects of the class. Additionally, implement a method that returns True if object 1 is greater than object 2 and False otherwise when the (>) (greater than) symbol is used. For example: obj1



Here the code is given as follows,


class Example:

   def _init_(self, val):

       self.val = val

   def _gt_(self, other):

       return self.val > other.val

   def _sub_(self,other):

       return abs(len(self.val) - len(other.val))

def main():

   obj1 = Example('this is a string')

   obj2 = Example('this is another one')

   print(obj1 > obj2)

   print(obj1 - obj2)



Ms. Lawson, a primary school teacher, told her students that a photograph of the president is in the public domain. What does she mean by this?



He belongs to the nation

Using the concepts of public and private domains, it means that the photograph of the president can be used by anyone without asking for permission.


Public and private domains:

If an image is of private domain, there is the need to ask the owner for the right to use the image.If it is of public domain, there is no need, as is the case for the president photo in this question.

A similar question is given at https://brainly.com/question/12202794

A recursive method may call other methods, including calling itself. A recursive method has:
1. a base case -- a case that returns a value or exits from a method without performing a recursive call.
2. a recursive case -- calling the method again with a smaller case..
Study the recursive method given below.
For example, this call recursiveMethod (5); returns 15:
public static int recursiveMethod (int num) (
if (num == 0)
return 1;
else {
if (numX2!=0)
return num * recursiveMethod (num -1);
return recursiveMethod (num-1);
1 What is the base case?
2. What does the following statement check?
3. What does the method do?



Hence the answer is given as follows,


Base Case:-  

If (num == 0) //This is the base case for the given recursive method  

return 1;  

If(num % 2!=0) checks whether num is odd.  

The above condition is true for all odd numbers and false for even numbers.  

if the remainder is not equal to zero when we divide the number with 2 then it is odd.  

The method:-  

The above recursive method calculates the product of odd numbers up to the given range(that is num)  

For num=5   => 15(5*3*1).  

For num=7   => 105(7*5*3*1).  

For num=10 => 945(9*7*5*3*1).

Write an application that finds the smallest of several integers. Assume that the first value read specifies the number of values to input from the user. C



Following are the code to the given question:

#include<stdio.h>//include header file  

int main() //defining a main method


   int a[100],k,x,s; //defining integer variable and an array  

   printf("Input the number of element want to insert array: ");  //print message

   scanf("%d",&x);  //input value

   printf("Enter array value: \n"); //print message  

   for(k = 0; k<x; k++)  //defining a loop that inputs values


       scanf("%d",&a[k]);  //use array to input value


   s = a[0]; //holding first array value in array

   for(k=0;k<x;k++)  //use for loop


       if(a[k]<s)  //use if block to check the smallest array value


         s=a[k];//holding smallest array value



   printf("smallest number= %d",s);//print smallest value



Please find the attached file.


In this code an array and another integer variable "a[100], i,n, and s" is is declared, in which the array and n for input the value from the user-end.

In the next step, an "s" variable is declared that inputs the first array element value in s and use a loop to check the smallest array element and prints its value.

Which symbol is used to identify edge-triggered flip-flops



A triangle on the Clock input.

what its the difference between Arduinos and Assembler?



The Arduino boards can be programmed in assembly. All you need is an ICSP Cable (In Circuit Serial Programmer) and the AVR toolchain (free from ATMEL) to write to the board. You then get the advantage of on board debugging.

As you suggested, you can just slap an ATMEL chip on a breadboard and go to town.

Explanation: cause i said so

Problem 1
Function floor may be used to round a number to a specific decimal place. The statement
y = floor( x * 10 + .5 ) / 10;
rounds x to the tenths position (the first position to the right of the decimal point). The
y = floor( x * 100 + .5 ) / 100;
rounds x to the hundredths position (the second position to the right of the decimal
Write a program that defines four functions to round a number x in various ways
a. roundToInteger( number )
b. roundToTenths( number )
c. roundToHundreths( number )
d. roundToThousandths( number )
For each value read, your program should print the original value, the number rounded to
the nearest integer, the number rounded to the nearest tenth, the number rounded to
the nearest hundredth, and the number rounded to the nearest thousandth.
Input Format
Input line contain a float number.
Output Format
Print the original value, the number rounded to the nearest integer, the number rounded
to the nearest tenth, the number rounded to the nearest hundredth, and the number
rounded to the nearest thousandth
Example 1
Input 1
Output 1
24567.8 24568 24570 24600


Definitely C I am going to be home in a few wewwww

you are installing two new hard drives into your network attached storage device your director asks that they be put into a raid solution that offers redundndancy over performance which would you use


Question options:

a. RAID 0

b. RAID 1

c. RAID 5

d. RAID 6

e. RAID 10


d. RAID 6


RAID is Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks. RAID combines low cost physical hard disk drives in one hard disk drive. RAID is used to achieve data redundancy(data backup but with synchronization) or improved performance or both.

To get what the director requires he would need to use RAID 6. RAID 6 is RAID level optimized to achieve data redundancy but with slow performance.

Complete the calcAverage() method that has an integer array parameter and returns the average value of the elements in the array as a double.(Java program)

Ex: If the input array is:

1 2 3 4 5
then the returned average will be:





The following Java program has the method calcAverage(). It creates a sum variable which holds the sum of all the values in the array and the count variable which holds the number of elements in the array. Then it uses a For Each loop to loop through the array and go adding each element to the sum variable. Finally it calculates the average by dividing the sum by the variable count and returns the average to the user. A test case has been created in the main method using the example in the question. The output can be seen in the image attached below.

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int[] myArr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};




   public static double calcAverage(int[] myArr) {

       double sum = 0;

       double count = myArr.length;

       for (int x: myArr) {

           sum += x;


       double average = sum / count;

       return average;



Using Python suppose an array sorted in ascending order is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand. (i.e., [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] might become [4,5,6,7,0,1,2]).
You are given a target value to search. If found in the array return its index, otherwise return “The input is not on this list”
You may assume no duplicate exists in the array.
Hint: Use a function. Use the built in method .index( ) and/or for loops.




class Solution {

   public int search(int[] nums, int target) {

       int n = nums.length;

       int low = 0 , high = n - 1;

       While(low < high){//Set virtual node

           int mid = (low + high) / 2;

           if(nums[mid] > nums[high]){

               low = mid + 1;


               high = mid;



       int rot = low;

       low = 0;

       high = n - 1;

       while(low <= high){

           int mid = (low + high) / 2;

                        Int real = (mid + rot) % n;//The virtual node is mapped to the real node.

           if(nums[real] == target){

               return real;

           }else if(nums[real] < target){

               low = mid + 1;


               high = mid - 1;



       return -1;



A small company with 100 computers has hired you to install a local area network. All of the users perform functions like email, browsing and Office software. In addition, 25 of them also do a large number of client/server requests into a database system. Which local area network operating system would you recommend?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Windows 7 for 100 users and Windows 8.1 for 25 users are the best options since they both enable networking and active directory, and Windows 8.1 also offers Windows server capabilities.

Winxp would therefore work for $100, but it is unsupported and has no updates.

If you wish to go with open source, you can choose Ubuntu 16 or 18 or Linux.

Write a partial class that shows a class constant and an instance method. Write an instance method that converts feet to inches using a class constant representing the number of inches in one foot. The value passed to the method represents the distance in feet.



Please the code snippet below, the code was writen in Kotlin Language


const val inches:Int= 12 .   //This is the const value

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

 //this will ask the user for input

   print("Enter a number")            

  //this will do the conversion

var valueInFeet= Integer.valueOf(readLine())*inches

   print("The value in feet is $valueInFeet feet(s)")  


what is a mirror site?


Mirror sites or mirrors are replicas of other websites or any network node. The concept of mirroring applies to network services accessible through any protocol, such as HTTP or FTP. Such sites have different URLs than the original site, but host identical or near-identical content.
ANSWER: Mirror sites, often known as mirrors, are exact copies of other websites or network nodes.

Write a RainFall class that stores the total rainfall for each of 12 months into an array of doubles. The program should have methods that return the following:
the total rainfall for the year
the average monthly rainfall
the month with the most rain
the month with the least rain
Demonstrate the class in a complete program.
Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for monthly rainfall figures.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Rainfall
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
private int month = 12;
private double total = 0;
private double average;
private double standard_deviation;
private double largest;
private double smallest;
private double months[];
public Rainfall()
months = new double[12];
public void setMonths()
for(int n=1; n <= month; n++)
System.out.println("Enter the rainfall (in inches) for month #" + n + ":" );
months[n-1] = in.nextInt();
public double getTotal()
total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
total = total + months[i];
System.out.println("The total rainfall for the year is" + total);
return total;
public double getAverage()
average = total/12;
System.out.println("The average monthly rainfall is" + average);
return average;
public double getLargest()
double largest = 0;
int largeind = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
if (months[i] > largest)
largest = months[i];
largeind = i;
System.out.println("The largest amout of rainfall was" + largest +
"inches in month" + (largeind + 1));
return largest;
public double getSmallest()
double smallest = Double.MAX_VALUE;
int smallind = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < month; n++)
if (months[n] < smallest)
smallest = months[n];
smallind = n;
System.out.println("The smallest amout of rainfall was" + smallest +
"inches in month " + (smallind + 1));
return smallest;
public static void main(String[] args)
Rainfall r = new Rainfall();
System.out.println("Total" + r.getTotal());
System.out.println("Smallest" + r.getSmallest());
System.out.println("Largest" + r.getLargest());
System.out.println("Average" + r.getAverage());




The code provided worked for the most part, it had some gramatical errors in when printing out the information as well as repeated values. I fixed and reorganized the printed information so that it is well formatted. The only thing that was missing from the code was the input validation to make sure that no negative values were passed. I added this within the getMonths() method so that it repeats the question until the user inputs a valid value. The program was tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

class Rainfall


   Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

   private int month = 12;

   private double total = 0;

   private double average;

   private double standard_deviation;

   private double largest;

   private double smallest;

   private double months[];

   public Rainfall()


       months = new double[12];


   public void setMonths()


       for(int n=1; n <= month; n++)


           int answer = 0;

           while (true) {

               System.out.println("Enter the rainfall (in inches) for month #" + n + ":" );

               answer = in.nextInt();

               if (answer > 0) {

                   months[n-1] = answer;






   public void getTotal()


       total = 0;

       for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


           total = total + months[i];


       System.out.println("The total rainfall for the year is " + total);


   public void getAverage()


       average = total/12;

       System.out.println("The average monthly rainfall is " + average);


   public void getLargest()


       double largest = 0;

       int largeind = 0;

       for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)


           if (months[i] > largest)


               largest = months[i];

               largeind = i;



       System.out.println("The largest amount of rainfall was " + largest +

               " inches in month " + (largeind + 1));


   public void getSmallest()


       double smallest = Double.MAX_VALUE;

       int smallind = 0;

       for(int n = 0; n < month; n++)


           if (months[n] < smallest)


               smallest = months[n];

               smallind = n;



       System.out.println("The smallest amount of rainfall was " + smallest +

               " inches in month " + (smallind + 1));


   public static void main(String[] args)


       Rainfall r = new Rainfall();








Gray London is a retired race car driver who helped Dale Earnhardt, Jr. get his start. He is writing a book and making a video about the early days or Dale Earnhardt. He is trying to decide whether to market these items directly over the Internet or to use intermediaries. To make this decision, he needs to know the pros and cons of each route. Provide that information and make a recommendation to him.




Marketing your product directly over the internet can lead to much greater profits and there are many options that you can choose from in order to target the correct audience. Unfortunately, doing so does require marketing knowledge and is basically like growing a business. If you were to use intermediaries they already have the knowledge necessary to market your product but will take a percentage of the profits, which will ultimately limit your gains. Since Gray London is a race car driver, I am assumming that he does not have any prior technological expertise or marketing expertise, therefore I would recommend using intermediaries.

SQLite is a database that comes with Android. Which statements is/are correct?
The content of an SQLite database is stored in XML formatted files because XML is the only file format supported by Android OS.
A SQLite database is just another name for a Content Provider. There is no difference as the SQLite implementation implements the Content Provider interface.
If an app creates an SQLite database and stores data in it, then all of the data in that particular database will be stored in one, single file.
A database query to an SQLite database usually returns a set of answers
To access individual entries, SQLite provides a so-called Cursor to enumerate all entries in the set.
This is yet another example of the Iterator pattern.



1. Wrong as per my knowledge, SQLite may be an electronic database software that stores data in relations(tables).

2. Wrong. Content provider interface controls the flow of knowledge from your android application to an external data storage location. Data storage is often in any database or maybe it'll be possible to store the info in an SQLite database also.

3.Right. SQLite uses one file to store data. It also creates a rollback file to backup the stored data/logs the transactions.

4. Wrong. The queries are almost like a traditional electronic database system, the queries are going to be answered as per the conditions given and should return a group of answers or one answer depending upon the info and sort of query used.

5. Right. A cursor helps to point to one entry within the database table. this may be very helpful in manipulating the present row of the query easily.

how to Write a simple Java socket programming that a client sends a text and server receives and print.



Java Socket programming is used for communication between the applications running on different JRE.

Java Socket programming can be connection-oriented or connection-less.

Socket and ServerSocket classes are used for connection-oriented socket programming and DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket classes are used for connection-less socket programming.

The client in socket programming must know two information:

IP Address of Server, and

Port number.

Here, we are going to make one-way client and server communication. In this application, client sends a message to the server, server reads the message and prints it. Here, two classes are being used: Socket and ServerSocket. The Socket class is used to communicate client and server. Through this class, we can read and write message. The ServerSocket class is used at server-side. The accept() method of ServerSocket class blocks the console until the client is connected. After the successful connection of client, it returns the instance of Socket at server-side.


Creating Client:

import java.io.*;

import java.net.*;

public class MyServer {

public static void main(String[] args){


ServerSocket ss=new ServerSocket(6666);

Socket s=ss.accept();//establishes connection.

DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());

Select the correct statement(s) regarding decentralized (distributed) access control on a LAN. a. no centralized access process exists, and therefore each connected station has the responsibility for controlling its access b. data collisions are possible, therefore mechanisms such as CDMA/CD are required c. when a data collision occurs, the nearest station detecting the collision transmits a jamming signal d. all of the above are correct


Answer: D. all of the above are correct


The correct statements regarding the decentralized (distributed) access control on a LAN include:

• no centralized access process exists, and therefore each connected station has the responsibility for controlling its access

• data collisions are possible, therefore mechanisms such as CDMA/CD are required

• when a data collision occurs, the nearest station detecting the collision transmits a jamming signal.

Therefore, the correct option is all of the above.

How can COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, COUNT, COUNTA, and COUNTBLANK functions aide a company to support its mission or goals



Following are the responses to these questions:


It employs keywords to autonomously do work tasks. Users can type numbers directly into the formulas or use the following formulae, so any data the cells referenced provide would be used in the form.

For instance, this leadership involves accounting, and Excel is concerned with organizing and organizing numerical data. In this Equation, I can discover all its information in the data. This idea is simple me count the number many cells containing a number, and also the number of integers. It counts integers in any sorted number as well. As both financial analysts, it is helpful for the analysis of the data if we want to maintain the same number of neurons.

Definition of digital



There are two definitions from


1.) (of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.

2.) (of a clock or watch) showing the time by means of displayed digits rather than hands or a pointer.

I'm not sure if you meant "Digit". But if you did it would mean numbers or the places where numbers would go.

Hope this helps! (If not so sorry)




(of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization.

relating to, using, or storing data or information in the form of digital signals.

"digital TV"

involving or relating to the use of computer technology.

"the digital revolution"

A cashier distributes change using the maximum number of five-dollar bills, followed by one-dollar bills. Write a single statement that assigns num_ones with the number of distributed one-dollar bills given amount_to_change. Hint: Use %.
Sample output with input: 19
Change for $ 19
3 five dollar bill(s) and 4 one dollar bill(s)
1 amount_to_change = int(input())
3 num_fives amount_to_change // 5
5 Your solution goes here
6 I
7 print('Change for $, amount_to_change)
8 print(num_fives, 'five dollar bill(s) and', num_ones, 'one dollar bill (s)')




The code that was provided in the question contained a couple of bugs. These bugs were fixed and the new code can be seen below as well as with the solution for the number of one-dollar bills included. The program was tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below highlighted in red.

amount_to_change = int(input())

num_fives = amount_to_change // 5

#Your solution goes here

num_ones = amount_to_change % 5

print('Change for $' + str(amount_to_change))

print(num_fives, 'five dollar bill(s) and', num_ones, 'one dollar bill (s)')

Write a method swapArrayEnds() that swaps the first and last elements of its array parameter. Ex: sortArray


I understand you want a function that swaps the first and last element of an array so that the first element takes the last one's value and vice versa.

Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript programming language:

function swapArrayEnds(sortArray){

var newArray= sortArray.values();

var firstElement=newArray[0];



return newArray;


var exampleArray=[2, 5, 6, 8];


In the function above we defined the swapArray function by passing an array parameter that is sorted by swapping its first and last element. We first get the elements of the arrayvusing the array values method. We then store the value of the first element in the variable firstElement so that we are able to retain the value and then switch the values of the first element before using the firstElement to switch value of the last element. We then return newArray and call the function.

(a) Define a goal for software product quality and an associated metric for that attribute. (b) Explain how you could show that the goal is validatable. (c) Explain how you could show that the goal is verifiable. 2. (a) Create a list of software product attributes and a list for software project attributes. (b) Rank these in the order of how difficult you consider them to be measured. (c) Discuss the reasons for your choices


C discuss the reasons for your choices

3. When using the ohmmeter function of a digital multimeter, the leads are placed in what position relative to the component being tested?

A. Series

B. Parallel

C. Control

D. Line



B. Parallel


When using the ohmmeter function of a digital multimeter, the leads are placed parallel to the component being tested. The digital multimeter is placed parallel to the component because, current has to flow into the component so as to be able to measure its resistance. Without the flow of current in the component, the resistance could not be measured.

If the component were placed in series, there would be no way to close the circuit because, we need a closed circuit so as to measure the resistance and use the ohmmeter function of the digital multimeter.

Only a parallel connection would close the circuit.

So, B is the answer.

A(n) _____ is a network connection device that can build tables that identify addresses on each network.



Dynamic Router


A dynamic router is a network connection device that can build tables that identify addresses on each network.

What is Dynamic network?

Dynamic networks are networks that vary over time; their vertices are often not binary and instead represent a probability for having a link between two nodes.

Statistical approaches or computer simulations are often necessary to explore how such networks evolve, adapt or respond to external intervention.

DNA statistical tools are generally optimized for large-scale networks and admit the analysis of multiple networks simultaneously in which, there are multiple types of nodes (multi-node) and multiple types of links (multi-plex).

Therefore, A dynamic router is a network connection device that can build tables that identify addresses on each network.

To learn more about dynamic router, refer to the link:



Because GIS is largely a computer/information science that involves working with software in the privacy of one's own workspace, users of GIS rarely must be concerned with ethics or the ethical implications of their work.
b. False



Hmm, I think it is true


What Are the Benefits of Using Leads Automation Tool?



Here are the top benefits of using the latest leads automation tool for your personal pursuit, professional service, and other types of businesses.

Frees Up A Lot of Time & ResourcesCompound Connection Growth StrategyViewing ProfilesSending Connection RequestsEndorses Skills of Your First Level ContactsBuild your network

Importance of Leads Automation Tool For LinkedIn

Unlike a traditional and non-automation approach, the best LinkedIn leads automation tool 2020 makes the process far more easier and efficient. It helps to win a good number of connections which would eventually make it easier for businesses to pitch their products and turn newly gained connections into potential customers.  

Moreover, businesses will also get more views and new messages in your LinkedIn inbox. The best leads automation tool free are especially useful when you have multiple LinkedIn accounts as you will get rid of time-consuming hectic tasks.

Write a function that takes six arguments of floating type (four input arguments and two output arguments). This function will calculate sum and average of the input arguments and storethem in output arguments respectively. Take input arguments from the user in the main function.



Answer:Functions in C+

The integer variable n is the input to the function and it is also called the parameter of the function. If a function is defined after the main() .....

You know different types of networks. If two computing station high speed network link for proper operation which of the following network type should be considered as a first priority?





All of these



All of these.


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Question 2 (5 points) SavedDetermine the value of x.363V33V2 An inflatable balloon with the volume of 0.75 L at 303 K was placed inside the freezer where the temperature is 263 K. Find out what will happen to the volume of the balloon if the pressure remains constant. One of the interesting conclusions that Professor Olsen makes in Chapter One "The First Americans" is that: A.) the Ethnocentrism of Europeans did not guarantee conflict. B.) the tensions between Europeans and Native Americans is overemphasized. C.) the presence of White Europeans never resulted in Native American acculturation. D.) on the eve of colonization there were very few Native Americans living in what is now called the United States. g Calculate the number of grams of aluminum that is produced in 1.00 h by the electrolysis of molten AlCl3 if the electrical current is 10.0A. A democracy is where the people have NO POWER in government.TrueFalseHurry! What is a Logos example? Can it be said that: "Every act that causes damage to the legitimate interests of individuals and organizations in society is a violation of the law"? For example. can some one help me :< its music Find the measures of angles x,y and z in the figure. Show your work!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!! Quadrilateral ABCD has vertices A(-3, 4), B(1, 3), C(3, 6), and D(1, 6). Match each set of vertices of quadrilateral EFGH with the transformation that shows it is congruent to ABCD. Please answer of question num 20 and 21 only please Find the intercepts of the function f(x)=4x+8 12. Which of these is more dense?A. 10kg of a block of woodB. 1kg of a block of styrofoamC. 1kg of feathersD. 10kg of feathersE. 10kg of stryfoamF. 1 kg of wood Which function has least rate of change?O y = 4x + 5O 3x - y = 9O x + y = 80 4x + 2y = 8 Express 600g as a ratio of 1kgplease show working. Consider the quadratic function:f(x) = x2 8x 9Vertex: (StartFraction negative b Over 2 a EndFraction, f (StartFraction negative b Over 2 a)) of34.Which of the following were the three pillars of absolutism in tsarist Russia?orthodoxy, autocracy, nationalismautocracy, orthodoxy, isolationismautocracy, industry, serfdom0orthodoxy, industry, nationalism Proportional relationships between x and y help anyone Find the lateral surface area of thiscylinder. Round to the nearest tenth.r = 5 cm5 cmLSA = [ ? ] cm2Enter How do you think genomics and genetic engineering will contribute to the development of more productive food crops and what ecological implications should be considered? Be sure to include examples of existing and future GMOs that are contributing to the debate. What are the main criticisms of the Green revolution, and how can we mitigate some of the negative aspects? Cite your work