Distinguish between discrimination and xenophobia ​


Answer 1

Xenophobia is hatred towards a particular group for the fear of where they are from or what they are known for, while racism is the hatred towards a race.

Racism most times is recognized between people of various race, it has been one of the major problems in the world, where a category of people look down on the other based on where they came from, most especially their skin. The united nations have been seeking ways to sort this out amongst various sections of society and organizations have also put in measures to ensure they limit it both through education and fines.

Xenophobia is the hatred for a particular class of people, because of what they are known for or what they do. An example is when people show hatred for gays, lesbians, this is xenophobic, or when citizens from a particular country are hated as immigrants in a different country.

While racism has to do with race, people hating on each other based on their origin, xenophobia has to do with hatred amongst people for what they are known for

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Answer 2

Xenophobia is the fear or hatred for a specific group of some people. It can be for people who are different from us or they belong to a different country.

It is usually for people who are stranger to us and we do not accept them as they are.

Discrimination is unequal or unjust treatment to someone because of their race, cast, or sex.

Discrimination can be present even if the other person belongs to same nationality. There can be discrimination in job roles offered, or pay rise based on sex.

It is considered that men need more pay because they have family responsibilities while female are happy to work in low pays to they are paid lower than men. This is considered as discrimination based on sex.

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But am In UAE

= 7x 3= 3x + 20, what is the value of x? 4 10 7 5


Answer: 4


Assuming the formula was meant to be:

7x + 3 = 3x + 20

X will be:

7x + 3 = 3x + 20

7x - 3x = 20 - 3

4x = 17

x = 17/4

x = 4.25

x = 4

As we discovered in the Grand Canyon, one of the most easily observable sedimentary structures isbedding or layering. However, not all regions have experienced the spectacular erosion that the Grand Canyon has. In mountainous areas, plate tectonic convergence has exposed various sedimentary layers by tilting, folding, and/or faulting them. Resistant rocks still erode to form cliffs, and less resistant rocks still form low slopes or valleys. Folding and faulting can repeat the same sedimentary layers multiple times, creating a series of repeating ridges and valleys.
Differential Weathering - Lewis Range, MT.
Which of the following is true regarding the resistance to erosion of the layers specified by the Problem 8 placemarks?
A. Problem 8a is less resistant and Problem 8b is more resistant
B. Problem 8a is more resistant and Problem 8b is less resistant
C. Problem 8a and Problem 8b have similar resistances to weathering and erosion



The answer for this is: B.

Answer: The answer is B, "Problem 8a is more resistant and Problem 8b is less resistant."


Argue to the view that Vietnam will face the low birthrate and aging population that Korean society is experiencing.



Vietman will go on to experience this predominant social problem in Korea since people decide not to have a family and instead adopt pets or are asexual (that would depend on the person), therefore the birth rate decreases and the people who still live in that country will continue to age and not will have offspring, and there the comparative.


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just guessing not sure

Which best explain why the sun maintains its size and shape


In other words, its own weight keeps the Sun from growing larger. ... the inward pull of gravity that determines the size of any star.
The Sun maintains its size and shape against the outward pressure of fusion energy by the force of gravity. In other words, its own weight keeps the Sun from growing larger. It is the stable balance of outward gas pressure vs. the inward pull of gravity that determines the size of any star.

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The main environmental changes expected to affect the Caribbean are a rise in sea level, stronger hurricanes, longer dry seasons and shorter wet seasons

What is power?

A- control over the actions of others


Power has several definitions:
1) the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.
2) the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
3) supply (a device) with mechanical or electrical energy.
4) move or travel with great speed or force.



Power has several definitions:

1) the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality.

2) the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events

3) supply (a device) with mechanical or electrical energy.

4) move or travel with great speed or force.

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Fun fact, the earth does not orbit the sun

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Let me say it all so you can copy:

The earth orbits the sun

My life is perfect on social media

Isaac Newton descovered gravity when an apple fell on his head

Pluto is not a planet

Say 3 things that happened to Cinderella that were mean and unfair.


She was treated as a servant, she wasn’t allowed to go to the ball, and her stepsister’s got dresses and treated her as their seamstress.

If a tornado causes considerable damage with wind speeds of 111 to 135 miles per hour, it’s classified as _______ on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. The type of major storm called a/an _______ is driven primarily by the Coriolis effect. The weather pattern that stays over one area for an extended period of time is known as _______.



If a tornado causes considerable damage with wind speeds of 111 to 135 miles per hour, it’s classified as EF2 tornados.

What is tornado ?

Tornado: A ferociously whirling column of air that makes contact with the earth and is typically connected to the base of a thunderstorm. The most dangerous storms in nature are tornadoes.

Warm, humid air rises inside thunderclouds as chilly air, accompanied with rain or hail, descends. These circumstances may result in whirling air currents within the cloud.

Although the whirling currents begin horizontally, they have the ability to become vertical, drop from the cloud, and eventually form a tornado.

The responses are-

The type of major storm called a/an hurricane is driven primarily by the Coriolis effect.

The weather pattern that stays over one area for an extended period of time is known as climate.

To learn more about tornado



Analyze the diagrams. Which quadrilateral is a trapezoid? Quadrilateral M N O L is shown. Sides M L and N O are parallel and sides M N and L O are parallel. Quadrilateral M N P O is shown. Quadrilateral A B C D is shown. Sides A D and B C are parallel.



The correct answer is - Quadrilateral A B C D is a trapezoid.


Quadrilateral A B C D is a trapezoid as it has exactly one pair of opposite sides that is parallel. The rest two diagrams have either more than one pair of opposite parallel lines, Quadrilateral M N O L with sides M N and L O are parallel, or none of them have a parallel line, Quadrilateral M N P O.Trapezoids are the quadrilaterals with one pair of opposite sides that is parallel.

Thus, the correct answer is - Quadrilateral A B C D is a trapezoid.

Quadrilateral A B C D is shown. Sides AD and BC are parallel is the trapezoid.

Two of the sides of a trapezoid's quadrilateral are parallel, whereas the other two are not. A trapezium is another name for it. A trapezium is a four-sided closed shape or figure that has its own perimeter and can cover a certain space. It is a 2D figurine, not a 3D one.

Every four-sided shape is a quadrilateral. Having opposite sides that are both parallel and equal in length, a parallelogram is a four-sided shape. The base multiplied by the height gives the area of a parallelogram.

Learn more about Quadrilaterals here:



Stations below sea level would report a sea level pressure that is greater than the station pressure. Group of answer choices True False





Stations present below sea level would have sea level pressure that is not greater than the station pressure because the station has also the pressure of the sea on it that make the pressure higher than sea level while on the other hand, the sea level has the pressure of the gases that is present in the atmosphere which put pressure on the sea so that's why we can see that station pressure is higher than sea level.




A station below sea level would report a sea level pressure that is lower that the station pressure. This is due to the station being below the sea level and vise versa.

How many states are there in the United States Of America?​




There are fifty (50) states and Washington D.C.

Hope it helps :)

1. Define income in your own words. (3-4 sentences)
2.explain how "Income" will improve wellbeing
3. explain how it will impair/reduce wellbeing



1.income is the amount of money received by a person, group or company during certain period

2.if the income is high than a child can study in good school .there will not be shortage of food .

we can check our health time to time . we can visit where we want.

3.if the income is not sufficient then a Person can be stressed . family members willnot get proper food ,clothing , shelter etc.childerns can't study in time or we can say can't study in good and faciliable school.

How manufacturing is important to economi development of Ethiopia


Answer & Explanation:

The Ethiopian manufacturing sector is still far from being an engine of growth and economic transformation. It plays a marginal role in employment creation, exports, and output, and is short of stimulating domestic linkages. The sector's export orientation has been low and stagnant.

hope it helps! :)

The side of the San Gabriel Mountains that faces Los Angeles is the south-facing part. It looks drier and less green that the side that faces north. Why would the north-facing side of the San Gabriel Mountain slopes be greener and more heavily grown with plants



North facing side has gentler slopes


San Gabriel mountain ranges are located in los angles country. These mountains are transverse ranges that lie between the desert and basins areas. The ranges have rolling peaks and consist of a large number of canyons. The northern side of the mountain has a lower elevation as compared to the south-facing side.

Why does globalization contribute to the rise of international terrorism?


Why does globalization contribute to the rise of international terrorism? Globalization often results in economic and cultural distress among people in poor countries. Which of these is most directly responsible for job loss in the United States? Cheap imported gods.

Globalization makes commute easier, and terrorist organizations are able to set up their bases in different countries.

What is globalization?

The route which enables the promotion of trade and business activities between two or more countries is referred to as globalization. In recent years, globalization has led to terrorism.

This is because, the terrorist organizations are able to establish multiple bases across different countries, creating an international network with cross-border operations.

Hence, the international terrorism has been promoted by globalization policies in recent years.

Learn more about globalization here:



what country fought a war in Afghanistan prior to 2001? A. India B. the Soviet union C. China. D. the United States and its i allies​



B. the Soviet union


The country that fought a war in Afghanistan before 2001 was the Soviet Union who invaded the country under the guise of upholding the Soviet-Afghan Friendship Treaty of 1978 but were really there to consolidate their power base.

They were resisted by the Mujahidin who saw the incursion by the Soviets as an insult to Islam.

which of the following statements accurately describes the influence of religion on the government of India A. india is officially a hindu state with a large Islamic minority within its population B. although it has a large population of Hindu followers, India is now officially and Islamic State C. india has always been a secular country D. none of the above​



A. India is officially a hindu state with a large Islamic minority within its population


The statement that accurately describes the influence of religion on the government of India is option A which states that India, though officially a Hindu state, has a large Islamic minority within its population.

This is true because India has majority of Hindus while Islam is in the minority.

diferencias entre los grupos oprimidos y aquéllos que gozan de poder e influencia​



Hay reyes y reinas que son el pueblo con poder, por ejemplo, y el pueblo oprimido tiene que escuchar a los reyes y reinas.


Why can't an average annual temperature and average annual precipitation tell you about climate?

Because a single average does not show you a pattern over the course of years,

Because climate only concerns precipitation and not temperature

Because climate only concerns temperatures and not precipitation.

Because it doesn't reveal the actual location on the surface.



Because a single average does not show you a pattern over the course of years


An average annual temperature and average annual precipitation cannot accurately tell you about climate because a single average does not show you a pattern over the course of years.

list 5 characteristics features of youthful valley



5 characteristics features of youthful valley are


Valley, elongate depression of the Earth's surface. Valleys are most commonly drained by rivers and may occur in a relatively flat plain or between ranges of hills or mountains. Those valleys produced by tectonic action are called rift valleys. Very narrow, deep valleys of similar appearance are called gorges.

qual foi o objetivo da implantação da zona franca de manaus ?​



La zona económica franca de Manaus está ubicada en el estado de Amazonas, en la parte norte de Brasil. Fue fundada el 28 de febrero de 1967, convirtiéndose en la primera zona económica establecida en Brasil, con el objetivo de impulsar el desarrollo económico y social de la región norte, históricamente relegada respecto del resto del país. Habiendo recibido importantes ventajas económicas (beneficios fiscales y comerciales, exención de todos los bienes y componentes importados de los derechos de importación), la zona económica franca se ha convertido en el principal fabricante de computadoras y teléfonos móviles del país.

Match the items with each other.

a. I reset the fuses and the light still doesn't come on.
b. A fuse must have blown
c. The tight butt may be dead,
d. The electricity may be out The light did not come on

1. Observation
2. Interence



a. I reset the fuses and the light still doesn't come on.  --  Observation

b. A fuse must have blown  --  Interence  

c. The tight butt may be dead,   --  Observation

d. The electricity may be out The light did not come on  --  Interence


The observation is the act of observing something or someone carefully to gain information.  Interence is the process of interfering between two or more things.

what is the full form of xpyt​



Switches are classified as XPYT, meaning X number of poles (wires) and Y number of throws (positions).

Switches are classified as XPYT, meaning X number of poles (wires) and Y number of throws (positions).

explain geological work of glaciers​



The geological action of glaciers comprises erosion, transportation and deposition which together constitute what is known as glaciation. The geological action of glacier is mainly due to its flow.

The geological work of glacier involves;

eroding of underlying rock by abrasion and pluckingThey transport materials and also sculpt and carve away the land beneath them.

The glacier melt water can find its way into the underlying rock, then pushes some pieces of rock outward which would be carried away by flowing ice of the moving glacier.

Therefore,glacier can reshape the landscape with some period of time.

Learn more about glacier at;


Analyze the image below and answer the question that follows.

Two tectonic plates push toward each other labeled with arrows.

Image courtesy of USGS

At the type of plate boundary shown in the image above, two plates are colliding. Which type of plate boundary is shown in this image?









Please select the best answer from the choices provided







These are convergent boundaries because they push towards each other.

Answer: C) Convergent


Hope this helps!

Mark me brainliest!

Pls and Ty!

EXERCISE 6.1 Looking at Weathering Products During chemical weathering, water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide combine with minerals in previously existing rocks to destroy some minerals and create new ones. (a) How does the mineral assemblage in chemically weathered sediment change with the amount of chemical weathering



The mineral assemblage decreases as the weathering increases.


Mineral assemblage is the term that refers to the amount of minerals that are within a rock. When this rock undergoes weathering, these minerals are removed from the rock because of the sediments that come off of it. There are several types of weathering, among which, we can mention the chemical weathering that occurs through chemical transformations that rocks present due to the influence of temperature and pressure differences in the environment in which the rock is located.

In this case, we can see that chemical weathering creates sediments, which are fragments of rock that have come loose due to chemical transformations. These sediments decrease the amount of minerals inside the rock. In this case, the greater the chemical weathering, the greater the creation of sediments and the smaller the mineral assemblage.

not likely to be very developed the ocean floor at an active continental margin ?

Deep sea trench

Continental slope

Continental rise


Deep sea trench
1st one
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